Per is a half-ogre living in the magical world of Provost. Raised by his human mother, Per embarks on a series of adventures to establish his place in this unpredictable world.
Genres: High Fantasy
High fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy fiction set in a fictional world that is not Earth. This fantasy world is internally consistent, but its rules differ from those of Earth and can include alternative magic, religion, science.
Per is a half-ogre living in the magical world of Provost. Raised by his human mother, Per embarks on a series of adventures to establish his place in this unpredictable world.
Genres: High Fantasy
Knight Elayne's mission continues as she checks the surrounding forest area.
Genres: High Fantasy
Petra and Delia deliver the Baron’s Solstice gift to a neigboring Lord, but find there is more to their mission.
Genres: High Fantasy
A spoiled princess strikes a dark bargain.
Genres: High Fantasy
Betrayal after betrayal brings enemies together and tear friends apart.
Chapters or Parts: 18
Genres: High Fantasy
Sword & Sorcery, incest, and more.
Chapters or Parts: 2
Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction
Elayne discovers an old tavern near an abandoned village. She decides to stay there for the night.
Genres: High Fantasy
Is Alden biting off more than he can chew when the rakish spy takes on a beautiful but dangerous client?
Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction
The red-haired warrior woman must undertake a dangerous quest through ten 'hells' to rescue her true love.
Chapters or Parts: 12
Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction
Lori's nice quiet night in the library is ruined when one of their own decides to make a deal with demons and agrees to give Lori to them as a payment.
Genres: High Fantasy