A simple mission goes wrong. Elayne, Lori, and Ezri are thrown into alternative Irrenia that is overrun by demonic creatures.
Genres: High Fantasy
High fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy fiction set in a fictional world that is not Earth. This fantasy world is internally consistent, but its rules differ from those of Earth and can include alternative magic, religion, science.
A simple mission goes wrong. Elayne, Lori, and Ezri are thrown into alternative Irrenia that is overrun by demonic creatures.
Genres: High Fantasy
Xena falls under a spell cast by a powerful enemy.
Chapters or Parts: 2
Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction
While trying to get rid of the guards, Ezri bumps into demonic creatures that live under the city.
Genres: High Fantasy
A D&D fantasy story based on the computer game "Seduki".
Chapters or Parts: 2
Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction
Thunderstorm forces Elayne to seek shelter from an old abandoned house for the night, and she'll find out soon enough that she's not alone there.
Genres: High Fantasy
A group of table-top gamers roleplaying turns seriously sexy. Grab your dice and watch our heroes get the treasure.
Genres: Fan Fiction, High Fantasy
The third story of Micah the Wanderer as he trains to begin his journeys.
Chapters or Parts: 3
Genres: High Fantasy
Karyn comes to investigate a ravenous creature terrorizing a small town.
Genres: High Fantasy
Elayne discovers an old tavern near an abandoned village. She decides to stay there for the night.
Genres: High Fantasy
Sloan and Brenna. One was a Lady's Champion the other a shadow that stalked the Knight.
Genres: High Fantasy