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Genre: Paranormal

Paranormal is a blend of fantasy, science fiction, and horror genres that include elements beyond scientific explanation. Prevalent themes include vampires, shapeshifters, ghosts, fantastic or otherworldly entities, time travel, multiple domensions, and extra-sensory perception abilities such as telekinesis or telepathy or communion with spirits.

Stories 11 to 20 of 30

Dove's Gift

A young native girl must sacrifice herself to appease the demon spirit of her people.

Genres: Paranormal, Fairy Tale

Tags: FM, Demon, Bondage, Exhibition, Magic

The World of Alderest - IV - A Journey With the Dead

A tale of Solyma, the wayward sorceress, as she embarks on her scariest adventure yet: Teaching!

Chapters or Parts: 6

Genres: High Fantasy, Paranormal

Tags: F-solo, FF, FM, Demon, Beast, Elf, Undead, Vampire, Bondage, Exhibition, Magic, Mind Control, Voyeur, Non-Consensual

Silent Watcher

He moved silently through the dark unfamiliar bedroom with a skill that came from experience.  His eyes could

Genres: Paranormal

Tags: FM, Ghost, Voyeur, Non-Consensual

The Reawakening

It starts with an archeology dig.

Chapters or Parts: 6

Genres: Science Fiction, Paranormal

Tags: FM, Lizardfolk, Demon, Beast, Insectoid, Non-Consensual, Magic, Voyeur, Tentacles

The Brothel on the Sea of Dream

A strange clay token leads to a peculiar mystery and a night of passion in an otherworldly brothel that lies in the heart of Dream. (May 2015 Story Contest Winner)

Chapters or Parts: 2

Genres: Historical Fantasy, Paranormal

Tags: FM, Story Contest Entry, Magic

Beyond Reach

Beyond Reach She sat on the edge of the bed, fully dressed once again, her long hair somewhat

Genres: Paranormal

Tags: FM, Ghost, Non-Consensual

Vixen Torn - Chapter 1

A retired elven assassin and courtesan is just looking for a night of fun, and becomes swept into an adventure.

Genres: Paranormal

Tags: FM, Elf

Tales from Arondell: Sodom

A tale of love, lust and slavery, set in the Crater City, Sodom: one of the worse places to live on Arondell.

Chapters or Parts: 19

Genres: Paranormal

Tags: FF, M-solo, FM, MM, F-solo, FMM, Fae, Demon, Bondage, Bisexual, Exhibition, Voyeur

Goblin Market

Inspired by the Rossetti poem "Goblin Market". How can a girl rescue her beloved sister from the depraved clutches of the goblin men?

Genres: Fairy Tale, Low Fantasy, Paranormal

Tags: F-solo, FMM+, FFM, FFMM, Goblin, Incest, Magic, Orgy

From Gods and Monsters

A young man's anger and pain over his girlfriend's betrayal festers and grows until in leads to a startling and exciting encounter.

Genres: Science Fiction, Paranormal

Tags: FM, FF, Demon, Voyeur, Exhibition, Magic, Mind Control is using cookies to provide a quality browsing experience.

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