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Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 1

Genres: High Fantasy

Bellisima the Slave by MasterB2018

Chapter 1

I was born a slave in a House that made its money from breeding slaves. The Master, Matheus, was very wealthy because he bred the best. I was bred from a beautiful woman, and as I was female I was trained in the ways of entertaining and pleasing a future owner, and how to keep my body as lovely as possible. They exercised us, but we never worked hard. They made us obedient, but never broke our spirit. Master Matheus would always say that a broken vessel was good for nothing, and so was a slave. Instead, he instilled a certain pride in serving others.

Before I came of age, I was a Huntress in the arena. Our Master trained all the slaves in martial arts, some becoming assassins and guards, and the young girls hunted condemned men in the arena to honour the goddess they called the Huntress. This was a great honour and although I took no pleasure in finishing the prey, it was gratifying to embody the goddess for her worshippers.

When I turned eighteen, I knew it was time to take me to the market and I would leave my old life behind, perhaps to never even return to see my mother again. All of the slaves sold in the city went through the same market, but in the centre was the covered part where the pleasure slaves were sold. The Master of the House came to the sale to deal with the auctioneers, and to take his money home.

Finally it was my turn to be sold. I was very nervous and looked towards the Master of my House, but his confident smile calmed me. I could see that he had pride in me, his merchandise, and I wanted him to be pleased with me. The auctioneer removed my tunic, revealing my naked body, and I stood proudly to show the woman I had become, so that I could get a good price for my Master. There were some mutterings of appreciation from the crowd.

“Now on the block, a female personal pleasure slave,” the auctioneer shouted. “A beautiful slender maiden of the class of pleasure slave expected from the House of Matheus, fit and capable of much pleasure.” As required, I walked up and down the stage so that buyers could see that I was well-formed. “She can dance, play the lyre, and sing, and as usual for this House she has had some martial training for the defence of her new owners. Indeed, I believe before her Blooming she was a Huntress. However, further training would be required if this was a primary function. And, of course. She has been trained in the ways of pleasure by the mistresses of House Matheus. No man has known her, not even Master Matheus himself. And see how lovely she is! A petite beauty with her long dark curling hair and green eyes! What am I bid?”

Numbers were shouted, going higher and higher. I could see Master Matheus smiling. After a while I looked to see who was still doing the bidding. One was an older merchant, a fat man obviously of great wealth, by him was a teenage son who looked very excited. But the other bidder made my heart race. He was a large burly man, a warrior, his powerful voice booming his bid across the market. Behind him stood an orc soldier. I knew this man must be a Captain of Orcs. The orc soldiers that were the core of the Empire’s army always had human captains. These men were exceptional in their strength and martial power, and also in their personal authority. They had to be masterful men that could lead the powerful orc soldiers. And for this they were well paid, and presumably could afford a pleasure slave of my quality.

I stopped in my tracks when I caught his eye. He had a look of confident authority, and looked at me with the absolute surety of a man that intended to own me. He smiled, and my heart pounded. I knew that he wanted me, and he would have me. I cast down my eyes in submission.

In the end the fat wealthy merchant and the excited boy were disappointed, and with a confident swagger the Captain of Orcs walked through the crowd towards Master Matheus, followed by his orc. The captain placed out the gold onto the counting table, and Master Matheus swept it all into a large purse.

“You have made a good choice, Captain. None of my girls have failed to please, although I suppose you will not need her martial training to protect you.”

The captain laughed. “You will never know. Perhaps an assassin may come through the window one night!”

They both laughed again while I stood meekly by and the huge orc just stood and stared at them. Human humour tended to be lost on orcs.

“Well she is yours now, Captain, Enjoy her!”

“I shall! Sergeant Arack, collar and cuff her and take her back to the barracks and prepare her as we discussed.”

“A collar, sir? I am a pleasure slave!”

The Captain turned to look at me, and he smiled.

It was a slightly cruel smile, and I looked down.

“I had heard that your slaves were not passive, Matheus. Obedient but not passive. It will be a pleasure to teach her.”

“That’s the idea, that it be your pleasure. And of course, you really only want her to be completely submissive to you, not to anybody else. And girl, this is your Master now, address him so.”

“Yes, Master,” I said.

The orc put the collar around my neck. It was at least a good quality leather, not the harness of a fieldworker. He pulled my arms behind me, gently but firmly, and cuffed my arms behind my back. They attached wrist to elbow, so my arms were above my waist, exposing my bottom. The orc then put a leash on the collar, keeping a firm grip on his end. Then with a little tug, he walked away. I was not give a tunic, or sandals, but was made to walk through the streets of the city naked, led on a leash by this huge orc.

Many people watched us as we walked through the city, many jeered, and all the men looked at me as though I was a tasty piece of meat on a plate. I had never felt so humiliated, and it was dawning on me that being owned by the Captain of Orcs was going to be a very different life from being the slave of Master Matheus.

The orc named Arack, led me into the barracks, where there were many orcs, plus a few goblins and human females. They all knew that the Captain had gone to fetch a new pleasure slave and were curious about me. This was one of four barracks, one at each corner of the city, each containing a hundred orcs and their captain, together with any retainers. The goblins, of various sizes, some as tall as me, would be responsible for maintaining the equipment and buildings. The women, fleshy and of peasant stock, would be the pleasure slaves for the orcs.

The assembled garrison and retainers followed as I was walked across the parade grounds to a large building. There were many mutterings of appreciation from the orcs, but a couple of unkind words from some of the women, but I looked and they mostly seemed to appear benevolent.

Entering the building I could see it contained the mess hall of the barracks, which surprised me. There was a slightly raised dais for the Captain, senior orc officers, and any guests, below it the tables for the many orc warriors. For some reason the high table on the dais was taken away and the chairs were pushed back, like it was a stage.

Arack led me onto the dais, with my back to the garrison, and gently, but very firmly, pushed me onto my knees. Then he pushed my head down, and pulled the leash of the collar down between my legs, to tie it around my ankles. As a result I was face down with my bottom in the air, my labia feeling the breeze, but also feeling the hot stares of all the garrison. Arack lifted my head up gently, and slipped a pillow under it.

“Thank you, sergeant,” I said for indeed I was very grateful for any kindness.

“Capn said not to mark you,” he said gruffly. “He be here soon.”

So I waited. Completely unable to move now, my body exposed for the amusement of the garrison, waiting for my Master to come and enjoy me.

I lay face down on the dais of the mess hall, tied so that my bottom was raised high in the air for the pleasure of all to see, and there were many there to observe. There was an expectant murmur from the crowd, and I could hear heavy footfalls come towards me on the dais.

“Now there is a pretty sight,” said the Captain, standing right behind me. There were sniggers from the crowd. “I am now going to flog your ass until it is a bright red!”

“Oh, Master, have I done something wrong?” I had not been disciplined since I was a child.

“No, I just thought it would be a good foundation for our relationship.”

“Yes, Master.”

I was his slave, his property to do with as he wished, I could have no complaints. He must have bent over because I could feel his hand on my bottom.

“A thing of beauty,” he said, stroking my soft silky skin. “But don’t get too relaxed, I plan to spend the entire evening introducing you to my people."

His hand went away, and then I felt the flogger strike.


I writhed and the crowd cheered.

Whack! Went the flogger and the crowd continued to laugh as WHACK! He struck again, and again, and again. He worked over both buttocks and I writhed against my bonds.

My bottom was aflame now, over every square inch of it. I groaned with the sensation and he laughed. He flicked the flogger at my labia and I cried out, much to the amusement of the assembly. My body was thrashing in my bonds, the stimulation crushing me into submission.

But then he stopped. My breathing was hard, but then I inhaled very sharply as I felt his fingers part my labia and enter me.

“As I suspected, she likes it! Nice and wet,” he said loudly, and the audience shouted their laughter.

After a pause I could feel him kneel behind me, he put both hands on my red glowing bottom, and then I felt a pressure on my labia, the pressure built up until my body parted, and he entered me. The mistresses of the slave house had used toys on me to prepare my body, but he was huge in comparison.

“Mmm, that’s nice!” he said.

He was fucking me in front of his men, which even I, raised to be a pleasure slave, found odd. I thought that perhaps it is a way to show his authority? It was my last thought for a while as he retracted, then thrust again, and again. My mind was full of the sensation of him thrusting his massive shaft into my body, hard and repeatedly. I moaned loudly and bit my lip. I may have heard the audience murmur in approval but I was really not caring at this stage.

His rhythm was perfect, pounding into me time and time again. But after a while, his thrusting become harder, more frenzied. I moaned again and he growled with violent thrusts that pounded into my body. Then a final explosive lunge as he filled me with his cum. He remained thrust deeply into me as his phallus throbbed his seed into my body.

Roughly he swung me around, so that my face was against his dripping member. He thrust it into my mouth. It was so big, I could hardly breathe as he pulled my head onto him. I did my best to suck and lick it, but he mostly seemed intent on choking me with it. Again he growled with a climax, filling my mouth with cum, and like a good slave I swallowed it all. Hungrily I licked his member clean, happy to now have a clear airway.

It felt that he was displaying my submission to the crowd.

The Captain stood up, and presumably at a sign from him a goblin released my bonds. The collar remained however. I rose up to kneel in submission to my Master, my head still spinning from the arousal.

“Gratia, did I hear you call my new slave a skinny Kaltan bitch. Do you want to fight her?”

Immediately my head cleared.

“Yes, Capn!” a coarse woman’s voice shouted out in reply. I looked to see one of the women that had jeered me at my arrival. Like all of the women slaves she was of lowland Siadan stock, big and fleshy with dirty blonde hair.

“You may, but do not mark her face. Understood?”

“Yes, Capn,” said the woman.

I rose to face her, seemingly still unsteady on my feet. We faced, and she lunged at me. I deftly sidestepped, and tripped her so she ran directly at the floor instead of me.

“You fucking bitch!” she said as she got back to her feet, blood seeping from her nose.

This time she did not charge but approached warily, hands out stretched, ready to wrestle. I waited, then stepped forward and punched her in the nose. Blood spurted immediately and she fell to the floor as the entire room cheered. I returned to kneel before my Master.

“You should all know that the House of Matheus breeds more than pleasure slaves. He breeds some of the best tactical warriors in the empire and all of his slaves are trained to some degree, even those meant for pleasure. This one was a Huntress in the arena. Slave,” he looked down at me.

“Yes Master.”

“If anyone starts a fight with you, you have my permission to kill them, understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

The orcs in particular seemed to approve of this command.

“But you will also please whoever I choose. Marla? I saw you cheer the new slave, come and pleasure each other for my amusement.”

One of the younger women, also large and fleshy, came to me with a meek smile. I stood and put one arm around her waist to pull her close, my other hand went to her copious breast. My soft lips came to hers, and our tongues writhed together. I squeezed her large round breast, pulling at the hard nipple, and her mouth opened. She obviously had no skill, but was just a fuck toy for the orcs. It is possible that she had never been pleasured before.

I pulled her to the ground so that I could use both hands, one now reaching for her pulsing clitoris. I stroked it gently but firmly, as I had been trained, and she moaned aloud. The audience approved heartily. I kept at it until the poor woman was like a big lump of clay, groaning and moaning in ecstasy. Then eventually she climaxed, calling loudly for her lowland god.

I helped her to her feet, and another woman aided her return to the audience as I went to kneel before my master again.

“Gorock? Your turn,” said the Captain.

I stayed kneeling until I was suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled away.

It was the goblins, and everyone laughed and cheered to see them man-handle me, or goblin-handle me, which involves a lot more pinching, to a table at the centre of the room. There were several goblins, and they did not give me time to count them. All of them clustered around, groping and pinching and putting their fingers where they do not belong. The smaller ones in particular were getting their fingers between my thighs quite invasively, and even into my anus.

The one behind me thrust his fingers into my anus with increasing enthusiasm, and then pulled me onto him. Goblin cocks are larger proportionally than their size, so I inhaled sharply when his phallus thrust into my rectum. He laid back onto the table, and then other goblins clambered on top. The largest entered me from the front very easily as he was smaller than the very large Captain. Even so, some of the other goblins squeezed their fingers between us to caress my clitoris. Two other goblins were enjoying my breasts, squeezing and sucking them and pinching my nipples. One other had his cock in my mouth, and I could thankfully take the whole thing without choking. I could not pleasure him proficiently however, as the expert and knowledgeable hands of the other goblins were driving me into raptures of delight.

This delight continued for some time, until all the goblins were spent and I was covered with cum. I staggered back to the dais to kneel, panting before my master, as the audience cheered. I heard some activity behind me, and I looked up into the Captain’s face. He was looking at whatever was happening behind me, a cruel smile on his face. My mind raced to think what was being prepared, and it occurred to me that there was one group left with which he might want to 'introduce' me to.

I felt a powerful but gentle hand lift my long hair up, and clip the leash to my collar. At the tug, I stood and turned. Orcs stood ready, in anticipation. One carried a long single-tail whip. My heart started to race. Orcs are brutal and clumsy, but very strong. Surely a whipping by an orc would leave scars that would ruin my Master’s property?

It was Sergeant Arack with the leash, and he led me to the centre of the room where two ropes had been hung from rings in the rafters. He attached the cuffs to my wrists again, and linked a rope to one and then the other. Other orcs pulled the ends of the ropes and my arms stretched upwards. Goblins tied my ankles to other ropes that were attached to the ground. I was pulled up until I was spread-eagled, suspended in the air.

I was facing towards the dais, and looked towards my Master, in the hope he would laugh and say to take me down. But he just smiled cruelly.

It was Arack that took the whip from the other orc, and unrolled it along the floor in front of me. He shook the whip out, and it moved like a venomous snake across the floor. I had seen a slave whipped before. It was a horrible bloody affair. The orc lifted the whip, and struck at the air.


All the audience cheered. I looked with frightened and appealing eyes to my Master, but he just smiled. I was his, and if this is what he wished, it was to be so.

Arack raised the whip again, but was facing me. I closed my eyes and CRACK! The whip streaked across my breasts. I cried out in pain as the whip seared across my skin. Then CRACK! It fell across my stomach. CRACK! It wrapped around my waist.

I was weeping now with the pain and fear that the body I had kept so perfect would be scarred for life. CRACK! The whip coiled around my thighs. I pulled vainly against my bonds, but there was no escape. CRACK! The whip fell across my buttocks, and I moaned.

But it was then that I noticed something: it actually did not feel that bad. SMACK! The whip fell across my nipples and I cried out. But I cried out in pleasure! I looked down at my body, at the marks. The orc was whipping me masterfully, each blow a love-tap. SMACK! The ship streaked up my back. SMACK! Then again, crossing my buttocks. I started to writhe in my bonds. I was enjoying it. SMACK! Actually it was not the crack of a whip, my mind heard that, it was really just a slap.

This monstrous brute of an orc was giving me a playful spanking with a tool that could cut me to shreds. I looked at my Master, and he looked in my face and laughed.

“She’s enjoying it!” He shouted, and they all laughed.

I writhed as the orc toyed with me, and I could see orcs stroking their monstrous cocks as I wriggled and groaned under the lash. Then Arack stopped, paused, and CRACK! This time it was for real, and it felt like a red hot blade had seared across my thigh. I screamed in agony. Then CRACK! Again, to the same thigh, crossing the first wheal.

“Aaaaahhhh” I wept. I looked down and could see blood trickling down where the marks crossed.

The orcs gently let me down, and I cowered on the floor.

The Captain came and stood in front of me, and I assumed the pose of submission, kneeling before him, but with straight back and my head held high, although my eyes looked down.

“Those marks will remain, a reminder of what will happen if you ever disobey me.” He spoke loudly, so the whole room could hear.

This entire evening was my introduction to the garrison, but also some sort of power statement by him. It occurred to me that apart from his power he was demonstrating my worthiness.

“Yes, Master.” I said, in submissiveness, but also with strength. The submission of a slave from the House of Matheus.

“Have you been fucked by an orc, slave?” The Captain asked.

“No male has entered my body except in your sight, Master.”

“Oh good. This will be new to you, then.”

I found myself suddenly being lifted from the ground and carried like a toy to a table near the centre of the room. Two other orcs had removed their loin coverings and walked towards me, to stand with Arack. Their cocks were not bigger than that of the Captain, but this seemed to be three of them at the same time.

The one that had grabbed me from behind thrust hard into my anus. There was some resistance, but an orc’s reaction to any resistance was to charge forward even harder. I thanked all the gods that the goblins had prepared me for this, and I tried to relax. I inhaled sharply as the monstrous member rammed into me like a warship. The orc grunted in pleasure, then lay back on the ground.

Arack now came forward and lay across me, crushing my nether lips with his thrust into me. Two orcs now filled me with their pulsing, throbbing cocks. Finally the third orc came to my side and crouched down. He grabbed my head, and drove his mighty phallus into my mouth. I now had three large and powerful orcs with their massive cocks pounding into me.

Hot muscular orc flesh crushed my body, their cocks pounded into me like a smith’s hammer, and I had difficulty breathing as the one fucking my face held my head firmly. I was feeling dizzy as they hammered harder and harder until with brutal force they climaxed, driving their bodies deep into mine.

Cum poured from every orifice as the orcs climbed off of me. The other orcs clustered around my prone body, but with great relief I realised they were pounding their hands, not intending to pound me. They had been doing this during the whipping and the use of my every orifice by their leaders, so they all reached their climax quickly. One after another grunted, and spurted their seed on me, until I was completely covered in orc cum.

I had been too weak to help them, so this gave me a little rest. I rose to my feet, walked back unsteadily to my master, and kneeled before him

The whole room cheered.

Marla and another girl took me to the bath, and washed me. Healing herbs were applied to my wheals and bruises, and the scar on my thigh. Finally I was led to my Master’s bed.

I kneeled in submission before him, and the girls were dismissed.

“Well done,” he said. “I think you realised that I was showing our people your worth. You will speak with my authority in this house when I am not present.”

“Yes, Master.”

“I will tell you, that apart from my own pleasure, I intend to use you to win the backing of certain senators, governors, and other men of power in the empire.”

“As you wish, Master.”

“You would have made a great warrior, Bellisima. You may still yet. You are an ornament and credit to the House of Matheus. Now come to bed.”

“Yes, Master.”

He was a very attentive lover, when we were alone, and I was about to live some of the happiest days of my life.

Continued in Chapter 2

Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 1by Bellisima Madrigale

Next Story:Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 2

Bellisima Madrigale

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years, mostly embarrassing stuff in a series of Wattpad accounts (please don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!

All of my stories have myself as the main character. This may sound like a relentless case of self insertion, which it is, but it also enables me to make it very clear that I consent to everything that happens to me in my stories.

If it helps you to enjoy my stories to know what I look like, you should know that my AI art is based on a model created from images of me. They are rarely spot-on, but if you look at them all you get an idea. As they don't come with a scale you might like to know I am 5'2" or 158cm.

Find more creations at Medium and DeviantArt.

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