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Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 2

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 2 - The Werewolf

For some days after my arrival at the barracks with my new Master, the Captain of Orcs, I began to think I was getting a feel for my new life. There were few demands on me. My Master would enjoy me rigorously every morning and every night, which was no hardship, quite the opposite. I entertained the assembly after eating each evening, by singing and playing the lyre, but also by being ravished by goblins or being intimate with Marla. Being ravished by orcs was thankfully not to be a common occurrence. In return I was largely treated like the queen of the barracks, and all did as I wished.

I improved the cleanliness of the mess hall where we dined, and made the goblins and girls clean it. I also made all the girls wash themselves better, use oils on their skin, and use scent. Marla smelled of cabbages and the kitchen the first time, but now she was clean, smelled of lavender, and her lips and skin were softer. I enjoyed playing with her large bouncy breasts just to hear her moan, and lick her until she screamed for her lowland god.

It is very difficult with orcs, but I was very sure that Sergeant Arack, the Captain’s second in command, liked me quite a lot.

One time after I had Marla screaming he said to me “You are good at giving pleasure.”

“Thank you, Sergeant. I have been trained to be so. You are a genius with that whip, what made you so good?”

As I said, orcs rarely show emotions, but I could see that he was rather proud at my words. “Practice.” He said.

“Sergeant, I am very happy to be whipped and fucked by you whenever my Master allows it.”

That made him very proud indeed.

Even Gratia, the girl that fought me, at least respected me.

All of the girls were of Siadan stock, big and busty with wide hips, sandy hair, and blue eyes. These were the people of the plain, where the capital stood, for once it was their land. I am a Kaltan from the mountain forests, and the plateau to the north. We are not tall, but are warriors and masters of the horse, for the plateau was a steppe-land. Some of the city's upper hierarchy were my people, but they were also found as slaves. The Captain would probably be Tachan, a barbaric people from the forests north of the plateau. Most of the leaders of the empire, including the emperor, were of the Haladdan people, from the western plane. They had built an empire by combining Kaltan cavalry, and foot comprised of orcs from the Western Steppes.

Although life within the barracks already seemed to be settling down, I was soon introduced to the other ways my Master planned to use me, when he entertained a Senator. I was the perfect obedient slave, kneeling beside my Master, while the Senator stared hungrily at me, like a wolf looking at a defenceless lamb. When they stood for the Senator to leave, I stood and looked down, in a position of submission. The Senator lifted my chin to look into my eyes. He was tall and slender, as the Haladdan often were, with a dominant gaze.

“She is beautiful, Captain. Perhaps you would allow me to borrow her one evening?”

“I am sure that can be arranged, Senator.”

One of the Senator’s fingers stroked my breast, and then he pinched my nipple, hard. I inhaled sharply but did not break from his gaze.

“Yes, I am sure I can make the arrangements you wish, Captain. I shall contact you about the slave.”

After the Senator left, my Master was pleased.

“I need to get you to Maladan right away,” he said.

This was not the name of the Senator.

“Maladan, Master?”

“He is a sorcerer and a friend of mine. In fact he advised me that you would be available, and contributed gold for your purchase. Apparently he knew your mother.”


“Yes. He is powerful in the occult arts, and will be sending you on missions. But you will need to be prepared first. I’m afraid the Senator will mark you, but Maladan will be able to restore you to your present state, even after death.”

“Will these missions be dangerous, Master?”

“Yes, some of them. If you can handle what I gave you on your first night, you will be able to handle anything!”

Early the next morning a litter took me to a large house in the Old City, on a hill by the river. It was an ancient building, with many styles of architecture in it.

Maladan was expecting me. He was a man that once had dark hair, now mostly grey, with a beard and a commanding yet amicable air.

“Ah! Come in my dear! You do look very much like your mother. Turn around, let me have a look at you.”

I had not worn clothing since I had been sold, and it was feeling natural for me, although my Master had given me some jewellery.

“You are perfect, that is good. Except this scar on your thigh. Whip is it?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Any other uncomfortable issues. Got a shafting by orcs last night or anything?”

“Not for some days, Sir. I am now completely recovered, thank you.”

“Oh it is not just concern for your well-being, my dear. It’s just that you will find it rather tedious to have something that will stay with you in the future. Ah, you will not understand that. Needless to say, that scar has to go.”

He put his hand on the scar on my thigh and muttered something in a language I did not know, and my skin glowed painfully red-hot. He took his hand away, and the scar was gone! I was actually somewhat disappointed, it was the mark of ownership of my Master and I think I liked it.

“Thank you, Sir,” I said hesitantly.

I then followed him into his house, and through a side door. Then we went down a very long flight of stairs, deep into the outcrop upon which the Old City was built. Suddenly the stairwell opened into a large natural cave. Lamps had already been placed out so I could clearly see the vastness of the cave, and the large pool of water in the middle. There was also a strange arched doorway of stone to one side, but it stood completely on it's own, and not in a wall.

“This is the Well of Souls, my dear. Come, go into it. Can you swim?”

“Yes, sir.” I did as he instructed and swam out into the frigid pool. I trod water in the center and turned to him. “What now?”

“Sink down, stay below the water for as long as you can. You will feel a tingling feeling deep inside, but stay under water. Understood?”

I dove down to the bottom of the cold pool and waited. I felt a strange sensation. It was not the growing numbness from the cold, but a sensation deep within me, so deep it felt that it was under my material body as though something was happening to my very soul. And then I remembered the name of the pool.

It was then that I thought I saw lights in the depth of the pool. Or were they people, swimming and swirling around in the pool? I stayed underwater as long as possible, and then broke the surface, gasping for air. I swam to the side of the pool and looked back into the water as my body shivered. Yes, I could certainly see ghostly figures swimming through the water. One of them paused to look at me. It was me.

“I’m in the pool?” I asked weakly.

“Yes, my dear. A fragment of your soul is now in the pool. She is not only a fragment of your soul, but she remembers precisely what your bodily condition right now. This is why I did not want any scars or lesions on you, because you will get them back if I have to heal you or resurrect you in the pool.”


“Yes. If you are injured, the pool will heal you. And if you die, I will summon you back, through the pool. Even if it happens twenty or a hundred years from now, you will return as you are now.”


“Yes! I am actually very much older than I look myself, and I look pretty old as it is!”

“Why would you do this for me, Sir?”

“Because I am going to ask you to undertake some very dangerous, and certainly uncomfortable missions. And I want you to know that whatever happens, it will all turn out for the best.”

“Oh? What kind of missions?”

“Well, I actually thought we could do one today. Is that acceptable? The Captain knows all about it of course.”

“Whatever you like, Sir.”

“Very good, come this way.”

He led me to the strange stone archway. He had obviously planned this, and had some clothes for me in a neat pile by the archway.

“This is the Door to Everywhere. Although at the moment it looks like a door to nowhere! You will be a thief, breaking into a house, actually quite far way. But you will not be stealing anything. The house is owned by a lord that has turned werewolf. He will inevitably find you, and attack you. You must fight back, because I want some of his blood. Just a little will do, even if it is only some blood under your nails. I do not expect him to kill you, as he is typically very aroused and will want to mate with you. Try not to lose all of his ejaculant, I want some of that too. Are you ready, my dear?”

“These are shoes for a thief, Sir?” The footwear was the kind with long heels that the ladies of the court wore to make themselves look taller, and make their legs and bottoms appear more shapely.

“Oh yes! You are a very bad thief, remember?” He smiled benignly.

I nodded, somewhat anxious, and dressed in the clothes he had provided. When I was ready, he waved a hand towards the door and muttered in a strange language again. The stone archway glowed, with peculiar shining white runes all over it.

“Try to remember where you arrive, but if you have trouble, just look for these symbols. Only you will be able to see them. Ready? Go on through the door then.”

I walked through the archway.

I found myself in a darkened room. It was still and quiet. I could see the outside world through a window, but strangely it was dark, and I could see stars in the distance. It was the full moon that provided me light through the window.. It must be night-time here. How that would be possible I did not know, but I went ahead with my mission.

I crept around the house like a thief looking for something to steal. I was just thinking that perhaps I should drop something, or cough, or clomp louder with the silly shoes in order to attract attention, but then I heard a growling from the darkness.

With a leap, a monstrous wolf-man lunged at me. He was huge and fierce, with long clawed hands and long teeth. I hit him hard in the snout, which enraged him even more. With a back swing he knocked me to the floor, and immediately he was on top of me. He was so strong and fierce he could have easily killed me, but as the sorcerer had surmised, he had other interests.

The wolf-man tore at my clothing, his claws ripping cloth and scoring my skin. I screamed as he tore the clothing from me, and I gouged my nails into his flesh. He howled at this and stood up. It was then that I saw his monstrous phallus. It was red and shiny, with purple veins, and bigger than my forearm, with a lump towards the base.

I quickly thought that if I could get away I might have enough blood under my fingernails. But then I paused, and remembered that the sorcerer wanted the beast’s semen. My hesitation was enough for the werewolf to drag me back. I cried out when he ripped what was left of my bodice off, and sank his fangs into my breast! His teeth were so sharp! But thankfully it was not because I was meat. It was a bite of passion. He snuffled around my breasts now, nipping and gently biting at them. I struggled against him, and against the growing arousal I felt.

He bent down and probed at my pussy with his snout, snuffling at my sex. The beast's long slathering tongue ran up the inside of my thighs in long hot licks. Greedily he licked at my labia, the smooth tongue lifting the hood of my clitoris and driving me mad with arousal. Then the long tongue entered me, and I groaned with pleasure. He was preparing my body to mate, and I writhed with the arousal. Soon I was ready for him, or as ready as I was going to be for such a monstrous shaft.

He forced my thighs further apart, and I looked down to see pre-cum dripping from the tip of his red phallus as it hovered over my sex. He then pressed the wet tip against my entrance, and rammed it into me. It was narrow at the head, so it started well enough, but his thrust went deeper. I cried out in agony as I was impaled on this creature’s shaft. The monster pushed it deeper. I thought surely I would break in half with his thrusting. He went so deep that even by the bright moonlight I could see my mound and belly bulging. Deeper it went, much further than was probably safe for my body.

Then the pressure stopped as he withdrew. But the relief was short-lived as he plunged into me again, and began humping rapidly. He was so powerful and impassioned, and the thrusting became stronger. I could no longer fight him, but felt like a rag doll as he fucked me senseless. Then I must have relaxed enough, because with each thrust, I could feel the ball at the base of his phallus press against my labia.

His thrusting stopped and he pushed his bulbous root against me. He was pushing harder, and I remembered that dogs must knot before their release. So I relaxed my muscles to allow him entrance. I felt pressure as the large balll spread me open and I cried loudly. I would not have actually survived this were it not that the Pool of Souls was waiting for me

Suddenly the pressure was gone, as his root pushed into me, and my insides felt impossibly stuffed. He was no longer thrusting, and was panting hard. His snout hovered above my face, drooling saliva onto my chin and neck. I knew he must be close to release, and I would claim the sorcerer's prize. So like a good bitch, I summoned what strength I had and contracted my muscles, to grab the swelling on his cock.

With an almighty howl the werewolf climaxed, and it felt like a torrent of fluid began to spray inside me. Unlike a man, or goblin or orc, that spurted cum with throbbing intervals, the werewolf had a singular and prolonged release. It felt like he filled me with a bucket of semen. When the stream stopped flowing, he began to writhe, pushing to get away.

My grip on his swelling relaxed, and his root and red phallus withdrew, making me feel empty. The werewolf fell away, to lay panting beside me. I lay there for a while, trying to catch my breath, and felt a puddle forming beneath my open thighs. I cupped one hand over my seeping sex and weakly got to my feet.

The beast was sated and did not now care now what I did.

I staggered back to where the doorway waited. I could see where the symbols of the doorway were glowing, and I stepped through. I was back at the entrance to the stone archway and fell to the ground.

I woke sometime later in the cold water of the pool. Apparently the sorcerer had managed to get his materials. He would be able to make a remedy to cure the lycanthrope, who had been terrorising the lands beyond the Eastern Mountains.

I had completed my first mission, and my new life had started in earnest.

Continued in Chapter 3

Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 2by Bellisima Madrigale

Previous Story:Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 1

Next Story:Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 3

Bellisima Madrigale

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years, mostly embarrassing stuff in a series of Wattpad accounts (please don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!

All of my stories have myself as the main character. This may sound like a relentless case of self insertion, which it is, but it also enables me to make it very clear that I consent to everything that happens to me in my stories.

If it helps you to enjoy my stories to know what I look like, you should know that my AI art is based on a model created from images of me. They are rarely spot-on, but if you look at them all you get an idea. As they don't come with a scale you might like to know I am 5'2" or 158cm.

Find more creations at Medium and DeviantArt.

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