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Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 3

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 3 - The Mountain Orcs

Once again a litter took me to the House of the sorcerer Maladan in the Old City of the Imperial capitol. He was pleased to see me, but as usual he moved directly downstairs to the cave. It was always slightly strange that he never looked at me with desire. He was possibly the only male of any intelligent species that did not start to drool at my naked body, as I rarely dressed except for his missions.

“Sir,” I asked him. “You say that you knew my mother.”

“Yes! For some years.”

“Sir, you aren’t my father are you?”

He stopped in his tracks, then turned and smiled. “Is it because I never touch you, my child?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I loved your mother my dear, but I lost her. When I see you I see her, and I cannot... it would be too painful. No, another man is your father. We are, however of the same people, the Kaltan. Our ancient home is in the mountain forests and the steppe plateau to the north. That is another reason I wanted to train you. There is a strong tradition of studying the arcane. It is gift most often found amongst our people or amongst their allies, the forest elves. Your mother had it, and I sense you have it. You will need it on this mission.”

He continued to lead me down to the cave, and to the door that led to nowhere, and everywhere.

“Here, put these on.”

He handed me a peasant dress.

“In the eastern mountains, there are group of mountain orcs led by a troll who have been making life difficult for the people there. In particular they seem to be capturing young women. It has proven impossible to find their lair, and patrols have found nothing. However, a young woman like you might find them, or more likely be found by them. They will take you to their hideaway, where I suspect they will be very unpleasant to you. I will not know where you are, and you will not be able to escape. You will need to reach out to me.”

He raised one hand and touched my temple. There was a strange sensation, as though a very narrow stiletto dagger was slowly piercing my head.

“I am sorry, it is quite painful the first time,” he said.

But his lips did not move. I heard his words in my head.

“Now, I have opened a conduit between us. If I am right, and typically I am, you can focus really hard on me and think very clearly the words 'I am here' and I should be able to receive the message.”

I closed my eyes, and thought of the old sorcerer, and in my mind thought the words “I am here”. Doing so made it feel as though my head would explode. My face must have grimaced in pain.

“Marvelous! Perfect! Yes, I’m sorry. That hurt, didn’t it? Now swallow this gem.”

He gave me a small clear crystal, which I swallowed.

“Take this basket and go through the door my dear!”

I took the basket offered, and passed through the archway.

I appeared in a wooded glade, high in the mountains. I walked out onto the hillside, covered with grass and flowers. I walked for some distance, occasionally picking flowers. I did not know what I was supposed to do, but I assumed it was supposed to look like gathering something or other. I walked nearer the woods, wondering how long it would take.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind. I struggled, but then remembered that the point was to be captured.

They were Mountain Orcs, slimmer, shorter and faster than the Plains Orcs that were in the Imperial Army.

Quickly they tied my hands behind me and bound my legs together. Then they tore all of my clothing off, using some of it to gag me. I struggled, although I knew it would be pointless, to make sure they thought I was a reluctant captive. They laughed and mocked me, probing every orifice with their fingers, and slapping my bottom.

One of them then threw me over his shoulder, and walked into the woods. One strong arm kept me immobile as I bumped along on his shoulder. His other hand fondled my soft pussy, and slapped my bottom. I wriggled hard when he thrust a finger into my anus, but he was too strong to resist, and my wriggling just made him probe even deeper.

As they walked, the woods became more dense, until we came to a great outcrop of rock. Here there was the entrance to a cave. I was carried into the darkness, and they proceeded to walk deep into the mountain.

Eventually we came to larger interior spaces, where orcs were living. I could see that more and more followed us as we moved through the caves. We continued walking. My soft flesh rubbed against the orc's bristly skin, his slapping and probing was relentless and humiliating.

Finally we came to the largest chamber of all, lit by many torches. Here in a great chair, sat an enormous troll, like a king amongst the orcs. I was stood on my feet in front of their troll-king. They unbound me, and the gag was taken from my mouth. I stood naked before the leering troll, who slathered and drooled as he looked up and down my body, like a dog looking at a piece of hot meat.

All around, the orcs were staring and jeering. The troll moved aside some cloth from his loins, to display his massive member. He stroked it while he ogled me.

“Come along my beauty, come and sit on my cock.”

I considered my options, but I did what a normal kidnapped villager would do, and shook my head in refusal.

He laughed. “I was thinking you’d say that. Bring her here, boys.”

The troll stood up from his throne and took a step forward. The orcs on each side of me grabbed my arms and dragged me to the troll. The held me and pushed me against his grimy, sweaty body.

He leered down at me with a huge mouth, his tongue licking his fat lips as he fondled my breast. His enormous phallus throbbed, hard and hot against my stomach.

“One!” he said.

Immediately my buttocks were aflame, a strap or a whip had lashed across my skin.

“Look at me! I want to look into your eyes.”

I tried to disobey, but a strong hand grabbed the hair at the back of my head and made sure it was pointing towards the troll. I closed my eyes, but he pinched my nipple hard between his large coarse fingers, I cried out and looked into his eyes obediently.

“That’s right, my sweet young thing. I want you to look into my eyes as they beat you. You are going to submit to me completely and be my willing eager fuck-toy. Two!”

The pain lashed across my buttocks again while I looked into his cruel dominating glance. The troll’s large hands continued to squeeze my breasts and pinch my nipples.


I cried out with the pain as the disgusting creature leered at me and licked his foul lips.

“You will be my property, to do with as I wish. You will learn to be grateful for the chance to please me, or you will get this. Four!”

He twisted both nipples hard as he called for the strike.

“Please, Sir!” I cried, as my body writhed, held fast by the strong arms of the orcs on each side of me.

They all laughed at me.

“Haha! The human is starting to regret her decision, eh? Five!”

The pain seared through my body, my buttocks felt like an iron fresh from the coals.


“Aaaah! Please Sir, I’ll do anything. Please!”

Again there was unsympathetic laughter from the assembly.

The troll reached down and rubbed a finger against my pussy. “Mmm. Hairless eh? This is nice and soft, and... yielding.”

I cried out as he thrust his finger between my labia with the last word.

“Ahh! She’s wet, boys! Give her another one! Seven!”

“Aaaah!! Please, Sir!”

The troll went back to his throne, and the orcs released me. I rubbed my aching bottom and felt the harsh wheals there.

“Come along then, human.”

He was seated now and pulled his loin cloth to the side, again revealing his enormous phallus. Delicately I walked towards him and began climbing to stand on the chair.

“No, human! I’m going up your ass! Turn around and face them!”

Every time he called me 'human' felt like a slap across my bottom, a slap of ownership, like a Master slapping the ass of his slave. The orcs all cheered as I gingerly turned around, straddling his legs. He put his hands around my waist and began to pull me back. I grabbed his forearms to prevent falling and felt his throbbing cock between my buttocks.

"Accept me, or it will hurt more!" 

I reached down with one hand and my fingers found the hot, soft head of his phallus. I moved him until he was against my anus and felt some relief as his pre-cum smeared my rear entrance. I writhed as I slowly sunk down, trying to work the head into my anus.

“That’s right human, dance for me!”

He caressed my naked back as I gyrated on him, slowly forcing him into my body.

“That’s enough dancing!”

He abruptly pulled me down on him. He was so powerful, the phallus drove inside me and I cried out at the pain. Every discomfort he inflicted on me raised a cheer from the orcs. He pulled me down and down until I was completely impaled up on him, such that I could feel his crotch hair against my ass. Then he pulled me back against his chest, exposing our union to the orcs.

“Mmm, that feels good! Your turn boys!”

With that, the orcs crowded forward, one immediately probed my sex, thrusting two fingers inside me. Then he moved between my spread thighs and mounted me. Another orc climbed onto the arm of the throne, and used one hand to turn me to face him as he pushed his cock into my mouth. The remaining orcs clustered around, some groping and pinching me, others closing my hands over their throbbing cocks. I was at the centre of a mob of naked ithyphallic thrusting orcs. Aside from the troll, the Mountain Orcs were not as large as the Imperial Orcs I had become accustomed to.

As a well-trained pleasure slave, it was not my place to question how my master wished to use me, but to take pleasure from serving, and also take what pleasure I can while being used. This melee of sweating, naked orcs was taking me to increasing heights of pleasure. I did what I could to help the orcs who only had my hands, but mostly I just lay back on the troll that impaled me, and gave myself up to their lusts.

After a minute of humping and groping, one orc would cum inside me with a final frenzied thrust, then be dragged away to be replaced by another. Meanwhile the troll just happily sat still, with his phallus impaling my anus. He must have been taking considerable pleasure from my moaning and writhing as the orcs fucked me. Or maybe he enjoyed feeling each orc shaft in me, rubbing against his impaled phallus.

I do not know how many orcs sated themselves with me, it just turned into a blur of naked green skin and throbbing members. I laid back, exhausted in an orgasmic state of semi-consciousness for much of it.  Finally the troll wanted to finish, and dismissed the orcs. He pushed me forward and commanded me to grab his knees while he thrust up into my anus. Thankfully, the copious amount of orc semen that oozed from my pussy had lubricated the troll's shaft.  He thrust into into my ass for how long I do not recall, as I held onto his knees. Eventually I felt the troll's member throbbing and his orgasm filled my bowels with his cum.

The troll stood and lowered me to the ground on my hands and knees before pulling out. I gently collapsed on the floor and lay there, covered in cum, feeling my pussy and anus empty, and my muscles contracting.

At some point, an orc picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me further into the cavern, through side chambers, until we came to a locked door. Another orc opened the door, and I was taken inside and left there.

Slowly I managed to work myself into a more capable state, and became aware of whimpering in the darkness.

“Hello?” I said.

The whimpering became louder, and was joined by others. I fumbled through the darkness, to find the source of the voices. There were six women in all. I sat in the darkness, and reached out to the sorcerer. This took some time as I really did not know what I was doing. But as I thought of him I suddenly had such a blinding pain in my head and thought a nail had been driven through it.

“I am here,” I said, rubbing my temples to drive away the pain.

Then strange glowing symbols appeared in front of me like the stone archway in the sorcerer's cave. The glow of the runes somewhat illuminated the dark room and Maladan stepped through the portal. He could see by the light of the glowing symbols that I had found the six girls.

“Well done, Bellisima! Now take the girls through the door and have a dip in the pool. It won’t help them, but they might find it refreshing anyway.”

“What will you do to the orcs, Sir?”

“I shall just make them sleep. It is a simple incantation, and I shall place protective wards so that they will not be disturbed.”

“So you will not kill them?”

“No. You sound somewhat relieved. But by the look of you, they must have put you through a lot.”

“It wasn’t so bad, Sir.”

“By all the gods. You enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

“Well... They were less brutal than the plains orcs, bigger than goblins, but more like humans.”

“Well. I suppose I shall have to teach you the incantation so you can wake them up whenever you like!”

“Yes please, Sir.”

Then I led the girls through the door, and we swam in the Pool of Souls together.

Continued in Chapter 4

Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 3by Bellisima Madrigale

Previous Story:Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 2

Next Story:Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 4

Bellisima Madrigale

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years, mostly embarrassing stuff in a series of Wattpad accounts (please don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!

All of my stories have myself as the main character. This may sound like a relentless case of self insertion, which it is, but it also enables me to make it very clear that I consent to everything that happens to me in my stories.

If it helps you to enjoy my stories to know what I look like, you should know that my AI art is based on a model created from images of me. They are rarely spot-on, but if you look at them all you get an idea. As they don't come with a scale you might like to know I am 5'2" or 158cm.

Find more creations at Medium and DeviantArt.

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