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Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 5

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 5 - The Dark Vampires

The sorcerer Maladan had another mission for me. This one apparently might take several days to complete, although would not require leaving the city, at least not by mundane means. Again, a litter carried me through the great Capitol City to the Old City, built on a hill by the river.

This time, however, the orc sergeant Arack, and Dorin, one of the smaller and more presentable goblins, was sent to accompany me.

The sorcerer dressed all of us. It seems that I was to be a temple dancer, which meant hardly any clothing at all, but a great deal of jangly jewellery draped about my body, and a headdress with little bells on it. I made a lot of noise as I walked about the room.

“I assume this is not to be a stealth mission, Sir?” I asked.

It seemed it would not. Arack was to be my bodyguard, and was given a warrior’s harness that was more attractive and better made than the standard military issue. Dorin the goblin was dressed in absurd multi-coloured breeches with a red waistcoat, and was to be my servant. Our mission was to walk around the city, mostly the Old City and the Temple District. We would be staying in a house Maladan had acquired near the Temple District.

“It is important that you sleep alone,” said Maladan. You may not amuse yourself, or reward the orc or the goblin, with your charms!”

Arack released a groan of obvious disappointment, and Dorin laughed at him, which might have led to ill if goblins were not more nimble than orcs.

“So our mission is to just walk around the city and sleep, Sir?”

“Your mission will come to you if my plan works. And I’m afraid you may not survive the night if that happens.”

The hackles rose on my neck and Arack growled deeply. Even Dorin seemed unhappy.

“IF, that happens, you will simply wake up in the Pool of Souls. You have nothing to truly fear. Even your memories will be retained, because all parts of your soul are always connected. Regarding your mission... Women have gone missing from their own beds, and we do not know where they have gone, or how they have gone. I fear the worst, for I suspect a dark magic is behind this. Such individuals who practice it will not be inviting young ladies for a holiday on the Tarannian Coast! Also, here are some of the gems that help me find where you are. Make sure you have swallowed one each day, as you might pass a previous one. This is very important if I am to find you, or…”

“Find my body?”

“Well, yes.”

My entourage and I departed to walk the streets and spend the nights at the sorcerer's appointed house.

I attracted a LOT of attention, initially due to the jangling, but also because I am an attractive sight myself, or so I have been told. We walked through the spice market and the cloth market, with Dorin doing the bargaining and carrying the goods we bought. Then we promenaded around the Temple District, and returned to the house.

Dorin made us some food, and we kept to ourselves for the evening. Searching the house in boredom, I found some wine in a cabinet. The sorcerer Maladan had said nothing about food or wine, and my loyal servants both needed cheering up after their initial hopes for the mission.

Later that night, I lay naked and alone in bed, trying to sleep, expecting I knew not what to happen at any moment. But then, as I neared sleep, a dark shadow appeared in the air above me. Strong red arms reached out, and pulled me into the shadow. This must be what happened to the disappeared women.

It was cold and damp where I found myself, and the strong hands of the creature held me fast, holding my arms at my side, my feet dangling beneath me. He was tall and powerful, hairless and naked with a mottled red skin. But what most struck me, were the eyes that burned like coals, and the teeth like long narrow daggers when he smiled at me. 

Others of his sort were there also, clustered around. Some smaller, and some appeared to be female, for the first one was very obviously a male, his phallus now standing like a pole.

I tried to struggle, but I was incapacitated not just by the creature’s strength, but by my weakness, for all my strength seemed to have left me and I hung there in his grip like a rag doll.

Another of the creatures stepped behind me. This one reached around and fondled and squeezed my breasts, and then pushed my head to one side to expose my throat. I could feel his breath on me, licking along my neck, then his fangs sunk into me. The teeth were so sharp they barely hurt, but I could feel them sink deep into my flesh. Weakly I writhed as it sucked at my wound and then retreated. But it was not yet time to finish me.

The first creature continued to hold me up, my arms at my side, my feet dangling beneath me. He then brought me close, his long sharp teeth bared at me, his flaming eyes boring into me. As I was focusing on his breath and comparing it to a combination of wet dirt and dough, I felt him thrust his probing red phallus between my thighs. Other creatures stepped near and lifted my legs, wrapping them around the creature's waist. His member slid against my sex and then I felt it enter me. His shaft was not hot, and in fact was cooler than me. 

I quickly discovered the creature behind me was male, by the bulbous phallus that slowly pressed into my anus. His clammy hands grabbed my waist as he began to thrust up into my ass.  For a while I groaned weakly as these two monsters ravished my body, shaking me with their thrusting rhythm. Helpless in their grasp, I found myself aroused by being impaled by these creatures. I realized then that I really did have a fetish for non-human sex.

The others clustered around me. One clutched my breast like it was a ripe peach, then opened its mouth wide, showing long pointed teeth, before sinking the teeth into my flesh. I cried weakly as the creature began to suck, and I could feel its tongue swirling around my nipple. Then another creature came and took my other breast, and bit it also. Others seem to cluster around my thighs, and I could feel their long sharp fangs sink into my legs, piercing my flesh.

I was surrounded now by these powerful creatures, fucking, biting, and sucking me. I became weaker and unable to even groan. The first creature stopped thrusting and held his clammy cock deep inside me. It bared it's teeth in ecstasy, and I could feel his cum spurting into me.

A hand pushed my lolling head to one side, exposing my neck again. Another creature licked my neck, relishing the blood from the first bite, then opened it's jaw wide, and sank long fangs into my flesh. It bit deep and hard, but I was too weak to moan or cry out. 

The shaft in my ass stopped moving and the creature behind me hissed, “There iss ssomething arcane insside her. I feel it.”

The creature holding me rasped, “Yess, what iss that?”

Then strange symbols were glowing in the air, and three figures stepped through the sorcerer's portal.

Arack charged forward angrily, sword in hand, and swung at the creature behind me. Maladan held his staff aloft, bolts of blinding light blasting at the creatures around me. And the goblin Dorin leapt at the creature in front of me, with his long knives.

The creatures were strong, but my allies were determined.

The creature behind me recoiled from a blow by the orc, and I felt him slide out of my anus as I was falling forward. The creature that held me, collapsed backwards and I landed on his chest. My momentum carried me forward , pulling me off his member and forcing me to scramble up his body until I was kneeling over his face. The long sharp teeth were inches from my sex, but he was unmoving, and his weakness spell on me was broken.

My crew bested the creatures, and the three of them stood over the creature's hacked and blasted bodies.

Even though I had my strength back, I was hurt. I grabbed my neck and felt the dribbling blood there, and looked at the punctures and blood that caked my limbs. I was damaged, but alive. A dip in the sorcerer's pool would restore me.

“It’s a pity,” I said. “They weren’t so bad. If they only took women, enjoyed them, took a little blood, then put them back. It probably would have been fine.”

Maladan smiled, and helped me to stand. “Are you saying that you actually enjoyed that?”

“I enjoy fulfilling the tasks you give me, Sir. For the greater good.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Well … a little. Very well, I loved it. But they were killing people.”

“It just so happens that I know other vampires that are more amenable. I also have some very good blood restoration potions.”

I smiled guiltily.

“You are just like you mother,” he said.

We all went home.

That night I dreamt of strong hands and long teeth…

Continued in Chapter 6

Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 5by Bellisima Madrigale

Previous Story:Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 4

Next Story:Bellisima the Slave - Chapter 6

Bellisima Madrigale

I am a young (18+) she/they aspiring writer. I have been writing for some years, mostly embarrassing stuff in a series of Wattpad accounts (please don't ask), but now I am writing erotica on Medium!

All of my stories have myself as the main character. This may sound like a relentless case of self insertion, which it is, but it also enables me to make it very clear that I consent to everything that happens to me in my stories.

If it helps you to enjoy my stories to know what I look like, you should know that my AI art is based on a model created from images of me. They are rarely spot-on, but if you look at them all you get an idea. As they don't come with a scale you might like to know I am 5'2" or 158cm.

Find more creations at Medium and DeviantArt.

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