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Beyond Reach

Genres: Paranormal

Tags: FM, Ghost, Non-Consensual

Beyond Reach

She sat on the edge of the bed, fully dressed once again, her long hair somewhat dishevelled.  Her eyes were fixed on the closed door, the only exit from the room in which she had spent the last few hours, though it seemed like days.

With a deep breath she rose from the bed and forced herself to walk.   Six or seven steps would be all it would take to get her there.  She had already tried many times and as yet had never succeeded in reaching it.

She counted her footsteps, trying to focus entirely on the looming door and nothing else.  At the sixth step her resolve began to waver.  Was it really going to end this easily?

Her momentum carried her forward to that final step but she never made it.  A large strong arm encircled her waist from behind, pulling her short.  She looked down instinctively, knowing there was nothing to see.

"Please let me go," she whispered, only half wanting what she asked for.

She sensed a moment where she might have pulled free but then it passed.

The arm pulled her back against the solid firmness of an unseen body.  A warm breath bathed her neck and shoulders.  A hardness ground against her from behind, the feel of it sending a rising heat to her face and making her forget the door and her failed attempt to leave.

Hands slid up to cup her breasts through the thin fabric of her dress.  She leaned back, accepting the touch, her arms held passively by her sides.  No longer did she care to resist.

The hot ghostly breath grew heavier and more urgent as the hands explored her further.  They seemed enraptured with her, moving vigorously over her close fitting dress, her bare shoulders, her arms...  A tinge of fear added spice to her yearning.

She tried yet again to make sense of it all, to understand what was happening.  She was definitely not dreaming and could not believe she was losing her mind but the only alternative was more unimaginable.

Her thoughts turned to who he might be - or perhaps who he was.  She felt a large body, lean and strong, much taller than herself.  She dared not try to touch the stranger but she had felt enough of this body against hers to know these things and more.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the feel of a hand sliding down to her thigh, then moving under her dress.  She felt the intense heat of the caress moving up the inside of her leg to the bare skin above her stockings.  Her breath caught in her throat as a fingertip traced a slow teasing circle across the thin lace of her underwear.  Her knees grew weak, forcing the grip around her waist to tighten for support.

She wondered briefly if he was actually able to see into her mind.  He seemed to be able to sense her mood and judge her responses with a flawless accuracy that was frightening.

As if to confirm her suspicions, she felt a change come over him.  The previous times he had slowly undressed her before indulging in the warmth of her body.  This time he was not so gentle.  In a single fluid movement that caught her completely off guard, he hooked a finger beneath the small lace garment and pulled it aside just as his hardness forced its way into her.  The strong hand gripped her firmly between the legs, pulling her back to meet the next powerful thrust.  Her short dress did nothing to impede his progress and in one brief instant he was completely inside her.

She climaxed almost immediately, shuddering helplessly as her feet were lifted from the floor.  He held her tight and took her with great controlled thrusts, sending her from one gasping peak to another until she lost all sense of herself.

When finally her limp, weary form slid gently to the floor, she was barely able to recall an existence outside this room.  She was too tired to open her eyes, even as she felt herself being lifted onto the bed.  Sleep came almost immediately.

The End

Beyond Reachby Julian Renard

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