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Farewell to Flesh

A baroness enjoys a night of revelry with her body-servant.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FF, FM, Djinn, Voyeur, Futanari, Female Domination

A baroness enjoys a night of revelry with her body-servant.

© 2009 Elise Olisbos. The author has given permission for this story to be posted on Naked Blades. Find more stories from this author in the Naked Blades Archive, or at their HF site You can contact the author at eliseolisbos[e] or post comments to the story at the bottom of the page, or contact Elise in the Tavern of the Broken Axe.

Farewell to Flesh

Maena had been ignoring the polite knocking on her door for quite some time now, burrowing into the silken sheets like a sulky little bug; the knocking ceased, someone said, "Oh for Kosho's sake, Devish," and an unholy pounding began.

"Get up! Open this door, Mae!" her cousin Marchos yelled from the other side. "Get up, the night is almost upon us!"

"Go away!" Maena grabbed a pillow and hurled it at the door; it struck the intricate decorations and slid to the floor with a forlorn rustle of its tassels. The gleaming golden doorknob turned and jiggled impatiently, and Maena glared at it. "Leave me alone!"

"Devish, I command you to open this door," Marchos said.

"Devish! I command you not listen to his commands!" Mae kept up her glare. "Do you hear me?"

Marchos laughed. "Devish, your mistress sounds as if she's in distress, wouldn't you say? I'm sure there's some rule about that."

There was a slight pause, then Devish answered in her low, lovely voice, "A jinn should not allow their master or mistress to remain in unsolicited and extended distress, Master Marchos."

"I am not in distress!" Maena yelled.

"I think she's in distress," Marchos went on, completely ignoring Mae's ire. "I could be wrong, you see, but it's best to be wrong in such a situation than right, wouldn't you say?"

"I would say so, Master Marchos," Devish said and Mae gritted her teeth at the amusement in the servant's tone.

"Then please open this door for me, Dev darling."

"As you wish."

Maena flung up her hands as the locking-spell on the door was cancelled by the same being who had placed it there in the first place. Marchos marched in, his eyes flashing in amusement. He was dressed for the upcoming festivities, twirling his feathered mask around one finger. With his long hair cascading over his shoulders in ink-black curls, his broad shoulders and leanly muscled frame, Marchos was the darling of Koshimar society. He had debuted two years ago, when he was the requisite sixteen years of age, but he had been jumping from bed to bed ages before that. Maena had even heard that he'd pleasured the Queen herself, but she suspected that it was just a that Marchos probably cultivated himself, the fiend.

Maena looked more like him than her four brothers, who were all soldiers in the army: big brawny brutes who treated her their youngest sibling and only sister with a measure of remote indulgence. They weren't bad brothers, really, but since she was a half-sibling they had a tendency to keep her at arms'-length. Marchos was her cousin on her mother's side, and they had the same looks: the smooth, chocolate-dark skin which contrasted well with pale-grey eyes. When they both went walking arm in arm, they always drew appreciative stares. A few days ago, Mae had gained a kiss from both the Princess and the Prince, after being beckoned underneath the royal tent which had been placed in the middle of the promenade's lawn. Well, Marchos did too, but Maena had debuted a few weeks ago, and it was a well-deserved honour.

Marchos stood beside her bed, and folded his arms across his chest. "You're not going to stay in bed today of all days. You dare not."

Maena copied him, folding her own arms over her bare breasts. She tossed her messy hair out of her face. "I dare." She leaned her head and glared at Devish, who was hiding behind him; the servant's own head was bent so that the cowl of the robe's hood kept her face in shadow.

"Devish," Maena said, trying to sound threatening, but it came out as petulant to her own ears.

"Mistress Maena," Devish replied, sounding very calm. However, Maena could see the pale-blue curve of her cheek, and it seemed as if she was actually smiling.

"I thought I told you to never listen to Marchos! Ever!"

"Master Marchos always presents a reasonably sound argument, Mistress," Devish replied. She raised her head and a beam of late afternoon light from the window fell across her face. Devish had the blue skin and full-black eyes of a jinn, eyes which were surrounded by those long, dark lashes. When Maena had been about five and had been given Devish as her body-servant, she had hidden in her trunk and cried at the strange appearance of the creature. It had taken a few weeks of Devish's gentle deference to put the frightened little baroness at ease. Like all jinn body-servants, Devish wore a beaded scarf over the lower half of her face, and the cowl kept her hair hidden.

"Just don't listen to him," Maena said. Devish nodded (most likely, she would disregard that directive again when Marchos wanted to invade Maena's suite), and wandered over to Maena's bathing and dressing room.

Marchos chose this moment to flop onto her bed, rolling around obnoxiously so that the sheets were yanked away, revealing Maena's naked form. She was proud of her body: she already had hints of the enviable curvy form that graced the statues of the goddess Kosho, wide hips and big soft breasts. Marchos reached over and squeezed the closest one companionably, and Maena slapped his hand away.

He laughed and then snuggled one of the gold-and-pink pillows, blinking at her with deceptive innocence. "Are you going to really spend the first night of Koshnalia cooped in your bed?"

Maena looked down at the sheets, picking at a tassel. She felt Marchos place a finger underneath her chin, tilting her face back up so that their gazes could meet.

"You know he's not worth your time, right?" Marchos's tone was sympathetic. "Whoever he is."

"There's no one," Maena mumbled, making sure to look him right in the eye and not glance in the direction of the boudoir, where she could hear Devish conjuring warm water for her bath. Marchos was handsome and most people assumed that he depended on his looks to get by. He let them think so, but he was a clever man. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Marchos gripped her chin and gave her face a gentle shake. "Come, now. You've been moping about the place since your debut last month. I know you've got your eye on someone, someone you haven't told me about...but you didn't come all the way from your little country cabin just to stay locked up in Koshimar, haven't you?"

"I'll have you know, it's not a cabin." Maena grabbed a pillow and attempted to stifle her infuriating cousin with it. His laughter from underneath its fluffy girth indicated that her efforts were futile. "It has sixteen rooms. And three pools. Right, Dev?"

"One especially kept heated during the cold months, Mistress," Dev called from inside the other room.

"Exactly!" Maena removed the pillow and glowered down at Marchos, who was pretending to be dead, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "So I'll thank you not to insult my mother's home like that."

Marchos kept up his pretense, only giving it up when Maena pommelled him with the pillow. Laughing, he rolled away, scrambling to the edge of the bed. He got to his feet and adjusted his clothing, and then inspected his mask to make sure Maena hadn't damaged it during her attack.

"Dev?" he said, turning slightly so his voice could carry towards the servant.

"Yes, Master Marchos?"

"You will make sure that your mistress is properly prepared for the opening night of Koshnalia, won't you? Bathed and oiled, all orifices slick for the taking!"

"Of course, Master Marchos. I've already laid out the costume you've bought for her."

"How crude." Maena wrinkled her nose, but her expression of distaste was spoiled by the twitching of her lips. Marchos just wanted to make sure she was seen during the most spectacular evens of the year; she had a good status, but it was always favourable to be seen. Possibly, she would catch the eye of an eligible earl...or even a prince.

Marchos winked at his cousin. "Let your Dev take care of you," he said, and nodded slowly before he stepped out and closed her door. Maena bit her lip, staring at the patterns in the door. Her eldest brother Eldereth had commissioned an artisan to carve it; there was a lovely little scene of her mother's house, some flowers and birds, and a protective image of the goddess. Maena stared at the beautifully passive face of Kosho, wondering just how much Marchos had managed to figure out.


Maena looked up at her servant's expectant expression as Devish waited by the door to the bathing room.

"Are you ready for your bath?"

Maena tried not to blush at the softly pitched query. She rose from her bed, pulling one of the sheets to wrap around her body. Devish turned away without a word, and Maena felt a lump in her throat. Raising her chin (she was a baroness after all), she followed Devish.

Maena was a few months shy of twelve when she saw her servant being fucked for the first time. She had been in a bad mood, because Marchos had just left her mother's house to return to Koshimar and she would be lonely again in this big, quiet estate. At least she had Devish...who was currently nowhere to be found.

She had searched high and low, becoming progressively more incensed at her missing servant. She had needed her hair to be washed and combed; it was too long and thick for her to manage by herself. She was going to be very loud at Devish once she found her.

Maena was irritably picking her way past the stables, the grass tickling her sandal-covered feet, when a low groan filtered through the wooden slats beside her. Maena froze and then carefully bent down to peek between two of the worn boards. There, her robes pulled up as she lay on her back in a pile of hay, Devish arched under one of the stable-grooms.

Maena had no time to feel anger at the fact that her servant, her property, was being touched and taken by a lowly groom. She kept her eye fixed on the join of their bodies, the man's prick sliding in between the lips of Devish's hairy pussy. Maena had always heard that the jinn were built differently than humans, that the female jinn possessed male parts as well.

It was true. Devish had a large penis above her cunt-lips, and it arched back against her stomach, twitching as the man above her rammed in and out repeatedly. A pearly drop eased out of the slit and dripped down to her robes, creating a thin, unbroken thread.

The man above Devish grunted as his pace increased, and became erratic. He tried to pull away Devish's veil, but she grasped his wrist and held it away. The man winced, a jinn was strong, but that didn't stop him from throwing his head back and howling his release, buried balls-deep inside the trembling body of Maena's servant.

Maena had crept away; she'd felt odd, a faint tremor in her lower stomach. The nipples of her yet-small breasts were erect, brushing almost painfully against the soft weave of her gown as she hurried back to the main building. Coming face to face with Devish's sexuality was mind-breaking in a way. Devish was always there, a calm presence in Maena's life. She was about ten years older than her mistress and in the years she had served, Maena had never seen her naked before, had not even seen her hair bared to the sky. In the space of a few minutes, she'd seen Devish's long, shapely legs, her thick cock and the slit of her cunt. She'd seen sweat gleaming on that odd blue skin, and even that made her feel dizzy, because she had never seen Devish sweat before.

And if her pubic hair was the same shade as that on her head, then Maena had discovered that Devish had dark-red hair.

That evening, she had refused to respond to Devish's questions, choosing to mope in her private rooms because she didn't know how else to react.

As she'd gotten older, her interest in Devish increased in intensity. It was forbidden, of course; the master or mistress of a jinn was not to force their servant to sexual intercourse. A jinn was bound by powerful magic and a complicated blood-ritual. Sex changed that bond somehow...maybe freeing the jinn from service. A free jinn was said to be a powerfully dangerous thing; according to legend, the patron goddess of the city, Kosho, had bound a creature of fire and air to a human king as punishment for its malicious destruction of an entire town. Kosho had declared that all its kin would be subjected to the same treatment for all time.

Those historical precedents hadn't stopped Maena from kissing her servant on the mouth the night before her debut in Koshimar.

Devish had been tucking in the baroness, smoothing her hair away from her brow and Maeda couldn't help herself; she had leaned up on her elbows and pressed her lips to the mouth hidden behind the veil. Devish flinched back, her eyes dark and large in the gloom.

"Devish," Maena murmured and reached for her once more. Devish stood up from the bed, and stepped away.

"Good night, Mistress," was all she said and then left the room very swiftly.

At her debut, surrounded by flirtatious suitors and watched over by her cousin, Maena had been painfully aware of her servant's quiet presence by her side.

Warm water poured over Maena's head as she sat in the deep bathing-tub. It wasn't a very large fixture, not like the pool in the corner of the tiled room. It was a tub that Maena had been bathed in since she was a child, and had been carried from the country-house. It was still big enough for her to sit in it with her knees drawn up to her chest, her chin resting atop them as the petal-filled water lapped at her shoulders. Devish carefully poured perfumed soap into her hair and scrubbed.

"What do jinn think about the legends of Kosho and the First Bound Creature?" Maena asked suddenly. Since her debut to Koshimar society, she had been reading old scrolls, suddenly wanting to know more of her servant's people. Devish's fingers paused in the massaging of her scalp, then continued at a slower pace.

"We think they are...humorous."

Maena hugged her legs tighter. "Humorous? Why do you say so?" At the silence from Devish, Maena turned and gazed up at her. "Because they're not true?"

Devish laughed. "No, they're quite true. That first bound jinn was a powerful, monstrous being. If we are humoured now, it is with bitterness. We were once...a great race." She began to rinse Maena's hair, and the baroness thought on her words.

"I see." Maena rubbed her chin against her knees, contemplatively. "Is it true that if a human has sex with their jinn, the jinn is freed from bondage?"

"That part isn't quite true. The bond changes, Mistress," Devish said, her tone oddly curt. "However, the jinn remains bound to the master. Most jinn do not need nor want that kind of transition."

"Oh." Maena swallowed against the lump in her throat. "I see."

The rest of the bath continued in a stilted silence, and Maena wanted to just crawl into her bed and cover her head with the pillows, but as soon as Devish dried her hair, her festival gown was pulled over her head: it was cut ridiculously low, a coquettish fringe of lace the only material between her nipples and the air. The dress was the height of Koshimar fashion, Marchos had claimed. It was also unusually short; most of Maena's clothing were still pre-debut, and were hemmed at her ankles. The black material of this Koshnalia costume belled out and ended mid-thigh. Maena hoped she wouldn't have to bend down for anything; she could practically feel a cool breeze licking at her naked, shorn vulva. As Devish pulled up the stockings which topped out at the knee, Maena wanted that her touch lingered, but Devish was as brisk as always.

After Devish braided her hair and wrapped the shiny length of it around Maeda's head, she handed her mistress the jewel-encrusted mask and the bouquet of long, curving feathers. Marchos spared no expense when giving gifts to his cousin.

"Well." Maena's smile felt wavery on her face. "Thank you, Devish."

Devish's eyes widened, and then she blinked rapidly. Maena could commiserate with her servant's surprise; she hardly thanked Devish. She promised herself that she would do that more. Devish was wonderful to her; faithful and honest and...and kind, when Maena didn't deserve it.

"Let's be off." Maena turned on her heel and marched to the door. She could hear the drumming and shouting in the streets outside, and hopefully the parties would drive thoughts of her servant from her mind.

Maena reached for the handle of the door; Kosho's face smiled enigmatically at her. She pulled it open, but before it had moved a few increments, a blue hand stretched out over her shoulder and pushed it shut again. Maena found herself being spun around and pressed back against the door.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Devish pulled down her veil and leaned in to kiss her mistress.

Maena dropped the feathers and the mask instantly, and wrapped her arms around Devish's neck. She felt Devish's hands roam over her body, fingers stroking over her nipples through the lace. She felt Devish's tongue slip into her mouth; she trembled and pressed up against her servant, trying to get as much contact as she possibly could. Devish slipped one leg between hers and Maena rubbed against the cloth-covered limb, making soft, eager noises in the back of her throat.

Too many thoughts cascaded through her mind as the kisses descended into rough territory, more demanding, bruising her lips. On one hand, Maena felt as if she didn't get Devish into her bed right away, she would probably explode. However, she managed to gather enough control to put her hands on Devish's shoulders and wrench her face away, gasping for air. Devish took the opportunity to nibble on the exposed skin of her neck, and Maena felt her pussy dampen and clench in anticipation...needing that heavy, thick cock, pushing inside of her. She could barely restrain herself from thrusting her hips forward.

"Wait." Her voice was a throaty gasp. Devish grasped her by the chin, licked the side of her mouth; Maena's fledging resolve began to fail almost immediately. There seemed to be a heat pouring off Devish, and Maena wanted to get closer to it. She struggled with the voluminous fabric of Devish's robes, pulling them up so she could stick her hand underneath and grasp the erect shaft. Devish hissed at her touch, and then thrust shallowly into the ring of Maena's thumb and fingers. She could feel pre-come oozing out, slicking the warm skin.

Some persistent thought niggled at the back of her mind, trying to break through the overpowering haze of lust. Maena reluctantly let go of the cock she held so eagerly, pulled her hand from Devish's clothing and tried to slow down everything again.

She mumbled, "Dev, please wait."

Devish stopped. She drew back, looking into Maena's flushed face with those beetle-black eyes.

"I thought this was what you wanted." Her tone was calm and level. completely at odds with the erection Maena could feel through her clothes. Maena stared at her face, noting the areas which had been previously hidden by her veil. It was a lovely face; a well-loved face.

"I do!" Maena swallowed against the needy ball of misery and desire rising up in her throat. She did, oh so very much, seemed as if she was changing, minute to minute.

"I do. But only if it's something you want."

A strange light flared in Devish's eyes, but her gaze remained heavy on Maena's face. "You are my mistress. If it is your wish--"

"Not if it changes what you can't stand to have changed!" Maena tried to pull away. "I don't want to do that to you, Dev. Never to you."

Devish smiled. It was loving, exasperated and intense, all at once.

"Before, it was not my wish. I was unsure as to your intentions. It is my wish now," she said, simply. Maena almost sagged against the door; she hadn't know how much of herself she was holding in check.

She took Devish's hand, and led her to bed.

Maena wanted to taste that cock first; she managed to withstand Devish's careful removal of her clothes (Devish was nothing if not a thorough individual), before pouncing on Devish and pulling off those robes. Devish was naked beneath them, and she let out a little gasp when Maena pushed her back against the bed and went down on her as if she had been given explicit royal instructions. Devish's legs were tense and trembling as Maena knelt between them, licking up the side of the cock that curved against the flat planes of her stomach. Devish was oddly silent, only breathing rather quickly, and when Maena glanced up at her, mouth full of thick cock, she was looking back down at her mistress, licking her lips as she thrust up into Maena's mouth.

Maena pulled off the cock with a slight pop, wondering if she was doing it right. She had only gone down on one other cock before, one of Marchos's friends at her debut, as they hid behind some tapestry-covered alcove. He had been intoxicated, so Maena wasn't sure about her technique. The small, encouraging smile on Devish's face was a relief to see, but when Maena tried to fold her lips around the bulbous head again, Devish reached down and coaxed Maena up to straddle atop her, knees on either side of Devish's legs.

"Your mouth is too much for me. I can't stand any more," Devish said in a low, husky murmur. She reached between them to part the lips of Maena's ready cunt, long fingers slipping easily on delicate, inner flesh. Maena whimpered at the sensation and when Devish ventured further, she squeezed her muscles around the questing fingers, ducking down to kiss Devish hungrily.

Maena found herself on her back in a flash, her legs being pushed apart as Devish shuffled on her knees between them; her cock grasped in one hand, she rubbed the head of it against the moist folds of the girl's vulva.

"I remember a few years ago," Devish murmured, sliding her prick inside Maena with slow care, "before you started your monthly bleeding, you came crying to me because you found a little blood on the insides of your thighs."

"Because of...that horse Marchos gave me." Maena hitched in a breath as Devish's cock seemed to split her apart, big and hot. "Riding it all the time, all over the fields 'round broke my maidenhead."

"Hmm." Devish hummed as she sank even more into Maena, her eyes half-lidded. "I could have proven to you even at that time that you were still a virgin, my precious little mistress."

"Oh," Maena breathed. "That...would have been nice, I think."

Devish smiled down at her. "You're so very tight." She pushed her way in slowly, so slowly; there was a slight twinge of pain and for a moment, Devish felt too big inside her, dragging on her inner walls. Devish kissed her hard, and then ducked down to suck on her nipples, distracting her from very small discomfort. When she bottomed out, her wiry pubic hair brushing against Maena's shaven cunt, she waited for a few beats, breathing hard, before pulling out slowly again. Maena moaned her encouragement, her body offered up willingly to her servant as Devish thrust in again.

Maena felt hot, sweat beading on both their skin and trailing in long lines off their bodies. She could heard the loud festivities of Koshnalia on the streets outside, the loud drum-beats, whistling and cheers, but all of her focus was narrowed down to the way Devish clutched her as they moved together, their lips meeting in random, sloppy kisses. Her legs were raised high, wrapped around Devish's waist; her ankles pressed in the small of Devish's back, urging her in faster and deeper with insistent little presses. Devish was only happy to comply with these demands, driving into the girl faster and faster. At one point, Devish placed Maena's legs on her shoulders, but the penetration became uncomfortably deep, the head of Devish's cock striking somewhere overly sensitive deep inside Maena. She stopped when Maena complained of the pain, letting down her legs and placing an apologetic kiss on her mistress's parted lips.

"Yes," Devish said now as Maena writhed against her. Devish's cock was practically throbbing inside of her, ready to spill its creamy load into her depths. "So hot and right...oh, goddess." With this, her thrusts became more erratic, driving ruthlessly into the younger girl as Maena clawed at her back and sobbed out her name. Maena felt the hot rush of Devish's release, sputtering along her insides and filling her, a little of it leaking out between the tight seam of their joined flesh. Devish slumped atop her, panting loudly in Maena's ear. Maena felt their breasts pressed together, moving with Devish's deep breathing. It was oddly comfortable, to be pressed into the bed like that. Devish was built in a more angular fashion, but Maena felt as if they fit together perfectly.

Devish's softening penis slipped out of her, and Maena let out a low moan at its loss. With some effort, Devish slid down her body until she was face-to-cunt with the girl's used hole. She placed her thumbs on either side of the slit, in order to part her puffy labia more. Maena went up on her elbows, gasping as her servant buried her face into her still-quivering and soaking snatch, greedily slurping up the mixed fluids of their previous fucking. Maena twitched up her hips in rapid jerks, riding Devish's tongue as she reached for her own release. She arched and thrust, whimpering; when one of Devish's fingers penetrated her beside that flickering tongue, Maena clutched at the other woman's hair, crying out as she came.

"Oh, my goddess." Maena was a boneless heap for long moments afterwards, and Devish had to gather her close, their limbs tangled in lax contentment. Maena felt safe and happy in Devish's arms, her muscles comfortably sore. She might have a bit more discomfort tomorrow, but Devish would take care of her.

She always did.


"Yes, Mistress."

"Is...has the bond changed between us?" Maena asked, fighting back the sleep which threatened to overtake her. There was a long silence before Devish's low voice broke through her drowse.

"I am not sure, Mistress. But if it has...I think it is for the better."

Maena smiled, snuggling closer. The first night of Koshnalia was over, and dawn's soft light filtered through the open windows.

"I think so too," she said, and let the sleep pull her in.


Farewell to Fleshby Elise Olisbos

Elise Olisbos

Things I like to write: mostly futanari/dickgirls; fantasy & sci-fi themes as well. I tend to write stuff that has more plot than porn. Please like my work if you enjoyed reading them!
- Hentai Foundry: eliseolisbos
- eliseolisbos
- Literotica: elisebos or eliseolisbos.
- FutanariPalace: eliseolisbos


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