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Faygludin - Chapter 3

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, Elf, Fae, Magic

Chapter 3

Nimbian awoke at night. The stench of burnt flesh still surrounded him, but underneath of it all somehow it smelled cleaner. He looked around and saw Alsa's smiling face looking down at him.


Alsa smiled. "The forest thanks you, Nimbian, you have saved us all."

Nimbian smiled back, then closed his eyes and rested again.

When next the ranger awoke he was laying in a glade not so different from the one where he had made love to Alsa at. He smiled at the memory and slowly sat up. His arms and back ached a little from the exertion of swinging his sword so much, and he felt a residual tightness in his chest from the smoke he had inhaled. All in all though, he felt surprisingly good.

He glanced down at himself and gasped. He was nude, laying on a grassy hill in the clearing. He looked around and saw his equipment lying nearby, or at least his weapons and gear. His clothing was nowhere to be found.

He stood up slowly, stretching as he did so. He luxuriated in the movement and found himself smiling. The air was sweet, fragrant with growth and pollen, and the sounds of the Faygludin were those of life and happiness. He quickly forgot about his nudity and wondered about some lunch.

"You slept many cycles, friend Nimbian."

Nimbian turned, smiling as Alsa walked up to him from where she had emerged from the forest. He could not help but feel his body responding to her as she approached, but rather than be embarrassed he simply let it be.

"Hello Alsa, how is the forest?"

She smiled and cocked her head to look at him. "Can you not tell?"

Nimbian grinned. "It seems well, but you know it better than I. Besides, I knew better than to ask how you are."

"I am well, Nimbian," she admitted, surprising him. She smiled at his consideration as well, something that should have surprised her.

"You destroyed the source of the evil within the Faygludin, the forest heals and recovers. My sisters and I retrieved you from the darkened area, your flesh was weak and does not well serve your spirit."

Nimbian blushed, glancing down at himself. Seeing his erection he chuckled and was reminded of just how much a man he forever be. "You mean this?" Nimbian asked, gesturing at it. "Think nothing of it, Alsa. It simply means that I find you beautiful and I desire to mate with you again."

Alsa looked at him in surprise. "Is the desire to reproduce so strong in your kind? Only those that live short lives usually have such drives."

"No, no, well, yes, I suppose we do like to reproduce," Nimbian admitted. He chuckled and added, "but I must confess that elves, and other races like humans, halflings, and even dwarves, mate for pleasure as well."

Alsa nodded. "I remember well, I see how it could be so for you."

Nimbian had hoped for more, but he understood that they were so different that he might be hoping for the impossible. He smiled at her and glanced about again. "My clothes?"

"Why do you wear such things? You need no protection here," Alsa asked him, though she seemed to be troubled by something.

"In truth, I am not bothered to not have them," he admitted. "But I must, sooner or later, return to my people and when I do, they will expect me to be attired thusly. My people have no taboos against nudity, yet as a matter of social acceptance such things are expected."

Alsa blinked, not entirely understanding him. "They were burned badly by the fires, they have been reclaimed by the forest."

Nimbian's eyes widened. "Oh!" He said, surprised. He shrugged and smiled. "Alright, well I guess I had better make some more then. My equipment is fine, so I'll have to see about getting some hide to work with."

Alsa stepped up closer to him, holding out her hand. "The forest is grateful to you, Nimbian, it will provide for you."

Nimbian smiled at her. "There is no need. I am grateful to the Forest for what it has given me. The time spent with you and how I feel now."

"I would spend time with you again, if you wish it," Alsa said softly, surprising both of them.

"I thought you did not need to mate again so soon?" Nimbian asked, surprised, confused, and excited all at the same time.

"I do not," she said. "I... I wish to learn this pleasure from you that you speak of."

The grin on Nimbian's face nearly split his head in two. He stepped up to her and took her in his arms. "Then let me show you how haste can be a good thing," he said.

They kissed, Alsa's flesh feeling more familiar to him this time. She learned quickly from him as well, going from a novice with closed lips to someone able to properly return his open mouthed embrace. Her hands, following his lead, traced across his body feeling the contours and shape of it. Then Nimbian left her standing as he lowered his head to her breasts again, taking them in his hands and then tracing his tongue around them and circling to her nipples one at a time.

Alsa's breathing grew faster as she let herself experience the new sensations. She had been open their first time together, but mating with him had brought some of his essence into her, changing her. Now she felt different, more excited. More needy. More prone to be hasty. She cradled his head in her hands as he licked and nibbled at her breasts, tasting her earthy nature and sending exciting new sensations through her.

Nimbian dropped to his knees soon, his erection raging with need. He ignored it as best he could, wanting instead to focus entirely on giving Alsa the pleasure only he could. He urged her legs apart and pressed his face between them, inhaling her natural aroma that reminded him of the forest after a spring rain. His nose pressed against her mound, which was untouched by the growth of hair of mortal races. His tongue reached out, parting her lips, and found them moist and reminiscent of the honey made from clover.

Alsa sighed happily, the sound of a gentle breeze the branches of a tree. Her hands again cradled Nimbian's head against her, and she found herself leaning into him as his tongue danced wonderful circles within her. It was the sensation of intimacy, of closeness, and of sharing two things that could not be the same yet struggled to be. She ached for it and wanted to share it in return with him, for they could never have the closeness she shared with the rest of the forest.

Nimbian was guiding her to the grassy floor of the forest then, helping her lay down and then returning to her willfully parted legs. He licked and sucked at her gently, laboring to bring her pleasure such that she had never known before. He could hear her moans and sighs and knew that she was somehow different than she had been when he had first made love to her. What had changed he did not know, but he relished it regardless.

"Nimbian," she whispered, her eyes open and staring at him across the expanse of her flesh. "I would give you this pleasure as well. I want to share it with you, to let you feel what I do."

Nimbian smiled, joy bursting through him. "I feel it, Alsa. I feel it deep inside and to know you feel that way makes it even better."

"Turn about so that I may do it to you, nature is about a circle of growth and passage, let us create this circle here," she said, not entirely understanding him.

Nimbian was not certain what she meant at first, but when she reached down for him it suddenly became clear. He frowned, wondering if he could last, and decided he should try. After all, she was quickly becoming one of the most important things in his life. Even more so as she seemed to be taking on an identity separate from the forest.

In short order Nimbian was above her, his mouth working on her sex while his erection was placed between her lips. She worked it with no sense of familiarity, sucking on it and moving her tongue across it. Nimbian slowly worked it in and out of her lips, letting her understand the need for friction as well.

Alsa thought back to the mating habits of animals and, indeed, even their own mating several days ago. She remembered the frantic pace at which he had bucked inside of her and she understood what it was he needed. She tightened her lips around his shaft and let her mouth slide up and down his length, taking him awkwardly at first, but then with growing ease into her throat on each thrust.

Nimbian growled into Alsa's slit, feeling the suddenly powerful feeling she had evoked in him. Going from beginner to skilled veteran at oral sex with such speed left him speechless. Fortunately, speech was not required in his condition. Instead he worked his tongue around her more fiercely, struggling to bring her to his level of enjoyment.

Every drop of Nimbian's pre-cum that leaked out of his engorged cock and into her mouth was a thousand words of understanding, sensation, and fulfillment to Alsa. She could tell how close he was and understand him better every step of the way. She also felt his need and knew that he would soon erupt in her mouth. It excited her to know this, something that would have further surprised her only a few weeks past. She also could tell what he really liked, and on his next plunge into the depths of her throat she held him there, twisting her mouth and neck to surprise and stimulate him further. She swallowed repeatedly, making him groan into her, which sent wonderful feelings through out her body.

Nimbian knew he was there and he knew he could not stop it. He also knew, with someone such as Alsa, that recovery and speed was not a problem. She would wait forever for him to be ready again, if need be. He captured her clit within his lips and let his tongue vibrate against it as his seed rose within him and then exploded through him.

Alsa withdrew her mouth, feeling him stiffen and swell, and let Nimbian's seed rush into her mouth. She tasted him, enjoying the richness of him and was grateful that, unlike her root bound brethren, she could enjoy such a treat directly. With his cum also came greater understanding. Not only of Nimbian, but what it meant to be mortal. She felt herself opening more to him and aching to be one with him.

Nimbian crested down slowly from his release, still trying diligently to help her find her own. Alsa continue to nurse from his manhood, making him tremble with the increased sensitivity in it. She licked him clean and sucked a few more drops from him before he finally felt he could handle no more. He pulled away from her slowly, then turned around to continue working on her.

"Nimbian, please... I... I need to be with you," Alsa said, not understanding what she was saying but knowing the words were right. "I would try to be one with you, as we were before but this time to share with each other."

Nimbian had no idea what she meant, but he did feel up to the task, he was glad to notice. He positioned himself at her entrance and was barely able to thrust into her before she was burying him inside of herself with her own frantic thrusts.

"Kind of hasty, aren't you?" Nimbian asked, a friendly smile on his face.

"Yes... hasty," she responded, clearly lost in the sensations.

Nimbian realized she was hard at work and decided it was a damn good idea. He let himself go to the feelings of their coupling and rutted away at her. He was again amazed at how incredible she felt, both velveteen and smooth as well as firm and perfectly fitted. Somehow, in spite of only recently climaxing, he felt himself ramping up for another one within her.

"Yesssss, give me your seed!" Alsa moaned, able to know how close he was as well with her special talents. She was reaching new levels of excitement herself, changed again as she was by the infusion of Nimbian's spirit with her own.

Nimbian grunted and came in her, trying his best to drive his cock so deep inside of her that she would never be without it again. She shuddered and ground herself back at him, pushed over the edge that she had never known existed by his climax. Nimbian kept bucking at her, trying to empty every last bit of fluid in his body into her until he succeeded at the one thing remaining to accomplish; he passed out.

Near the northern reaches of the Faygludin the plant that had grown from the nut Alsathoolia had planted bulged from a large bulb that had grown out of its stalk. Something pulsed within it, distending the fibrous skin of the plant. Something lived within it, something that wanted out.

The End

Faygludin - Chapter 3by Phineas

Previous Story:Faygludin - Chapter 2

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