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Hilda and Kana: The Heart of Dominion

When a contract payment falls through the warrior women Hilda and Kana are left with no choice but to risk their lives to acquire a valuable magical artifact. (December 2014 Story Contest Entry)

Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction

Tags: FF, FM, Giant, Beast, Ghost, Female Domination, Mind Control, Non-Consensual, Voyeur, Dungeons & Dragons, Story Contest Entry

This story was submitted as an entry in the Naked Blades December 2014 Writing Contest.

To find out more about Naked Blades Writing Contests, visit the Writer's Salon in the Tavern of the Broken Axe.

A night of whoring leaves the warrior women Hilda and Kana low on coin. When an anticipated contract payment falls through their situation turns even direr, and they are left with no choice but to risk their lives to acquire a powerful magical artefact: one of the mythical Hearts of Dominion.

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Hilda and Kana: The Heart of Dominion

So, yeah, I slapped the whore around a bit, because, well, if you're going to blow most of your coin on this kind of service you might as well make the most of it. He looked up at me with his wide blue eyes and red glowing cheeks, and it was all I could do not to orgasm right then. As it was I pushed my cunt onto his talented tongue and gripped his sandy curly hair in my fists.

"Yes," I moaned as I forced his tongue deeper, "right there you little whore."

Okay, perhaps whore was a little unfair. He was an initiate of the Unbridled Lady and a sacred prostitute at her temple. He didn't get to see any of the coin I was paying.

"Please, no!"

I turned to the other bed where my partner, Kana, was shoving her fist into her prostitute's cunt. Kana's a giant of a woman from one of those la-di-da city-states up near the Neck of Salt. That means she's black as midnight, of course, but it also means she's more than a little crazy. At the drop of a hat she'll lecture you on civic governance, banking and trade fucking whatevers - all that shit they care about up that way. She's better than most of her kind, otherwise she wouldn't be hanging about with me, but she's got too much city on the brain.

Anyway, I watched with a large smile as she worked her fist into the slut's cunt. The cunt-flesh stretched and turned white around the intruder, but Kana just kept on pushing, and the slut just kept on screaming, drumming her fits and kicking her legs.

My whore bucked under me too. Ha! As if he could save her. We'd paid extra for a matching set - brother and sister, twins in fact - so I suppose it's reasonable he would try. I lifted my cunt and dragged his head up a few inches.

"Don't even try it," I growled and gave him a stinging slap across the cheek. Tears gattered around his eyes, but that wasn't the worst of his problems. His makeup was a complete mess by this point - the red lipstick ruined, his once delicate eye shadow blurred, the blush on his cheeks smeared just about everywhere and of course my cunt-cream giving him an all-over glisten. He'd been such a pretty whore too.

He blubbered something, perhaps a plea for his sister, perhaps a promise for good behaviour. Honestly, I didn't care.

"Back to work, unless you want to be next." And don't you know it, he did so with gusto. He ate my cunt with energy I hardly thought possible. Just goes to show, a little fear will do wonders for a whore.


I turned and laughed. Kana had succeeded in sinking her entire fist into its tight new home. The slut was screaming of course, because, come on, Kana's a big girl and the slut's a flop of a thing, but that only made it funnier.

Kana grinned, showing wide perfect teeth. "Look, no hands."

I laughed again despite it not being at all funny. Perhaps it made better sense in Kana's native language? She began punching her hand in and out, and the slut didn't like that at all!

"Please," she begged. "Please. Just."

The muscles on Kana's arm rippled, and anything else the slut had to say disappeared into a gargling screech.

My neck was getting a kink from twisting around, so I shifted position to better watch the action - still sitting on my whore's tongue but now facing his feet. Fuck this place is awesome. They even rouged up his nips. I gripped and twisted. That got a reaction... A scream right into my cunt! Ha. Licking's great and all, but a girl's got to have a little variety you know?

Kana pumped in and out for a few minutes, and despite the repetition I enjoyed myself. The whore kept licking, and I got a nice buzz going in my clit. A few minutes more of this and I'd really cream the whore's face.

To forestall my cum and make the whore suffer a little (or a lot, ha) more, I shifted forward.

"You've had the pink; now have the stink!"

Kana laughed out loud and did something inside her slut. Said slut started screaming again, half in panic, half in pain. Perhaps Kana was crushing her ovaries? She certainly had enough of her arm in there. Served the slut right.

My whore started licking, toying around the edges of my asshole. Fuck, it felt nice. Not as good as a skilled cunt lapping, of course, but you needed diversity.

My new position gave me a good view of the whore's junk, and boy did I make the right choice. He was clearly one of nature's lickers because his cock was nothing to cry about. It was small, thin and certainly no woman pleaser - not even one of those cocks you think is going to feel great but end up sucking something awful. I mean, I'm sure some pretty noble princess visiting the Unbridled Lady with her heart all a flutter would enjoy it, but I'm an experienced woman.


I took it in my hand and gave it a few pumps. It was hard enough all right which just went to show, the whore deserved everything I gave him.

"You going to cum for me?" I said and gave my ass a grind. "Cum while you lick my ass?"

He bucked his hips, which I took to mean, "Yes please sexually torture me while I lick your ass." Hey, it was a very expressive movement.

Pleasure is fun to give, but pain and pleasure together... That's something else. I started pumping with one hand and used the nails of the other to scratch the head. It was a fat little mushroom and so red I had to wonder if they'd coloured it too. My nails left white trails which quickly turned brooding purple.


I looked up. Kana had removed her hand from the slut's now gaping cunt and changed her focus. She now sat astride the slut's waist, her focus on the tits offered up like overripe fruit. The slut clearly wasn't enjoying the experience given the new set of tears ruining her makeup and the large, red handprint spreading across her milky white left breast.

"Say it," said Kana, her teeth showing.

"Please," wailed the slut, and, well, you can guess what happened next. Kana has less tolerance for nonsense than most. Probably a stuck up city thing.

"Ahh!" screamed the slut as red spread across her other breast. "I'll say it. I'll say it!"

She lay there panting for long seconds. Finally, Kana had enough and raised her hand again.

That got things moving! "Thank you," the slut babbled. "Thank you for ruining my useless cunt! Thank you for shoving your fist up my cunt."

"See," said Kana, "was that so hard?" Of course the slut didn't get off that easy. Just as she began to look hopeful, Kana started up a good solid tit beating. No more games now, just smack, smack, smack. Before long the slut's tits were more red than white!

I turned back to my whore just as he erupted in my hand, cum going everywhere. Yuck. I shook my hand, sending droplets flying, and grabbed his balls. "Don't ever do that again," I said, squeezing.

He made the strangest yipping sound into my ass. I decided to be magnanimous and take that as the required promise. The game was getting boring anyway.

I shifted back around and sunk my cunt onto his face. His panicked eyes looked up at me, and I smiled. "No more games. I want to cum."

Fuck, the Unbridled Lady trained her whores well. He started munching on my fat cunt-lips and diddling my clit with his talented tongue. It sent a shiver through my body like electric rain, and my orgasm started to build again.

Kana clearly felt the same way because she'd shoved her slut off the bed and was busy finger-fucking her snatch for all she was worth. Why not use the readily available tongue? Don't ask me. It's some part of that weird mixed up city logic of hers. It's fine to torture a whore but be pleasured by them? No, no, just not done. City-shit through and through.

Luckily I had no such inhibitions.

"That's it whore," I said as I pulled him deep, my fingers locked into his curly hair. "Eat up. I'm getting close. Almost there." I started to roll my hips back and forth across his face. It couldn't have been pleasant for him, but, fuck, what did I care?

And then I exploded.

My cunt spasmed around his tongue, and I humped his face all the harder. My vision whited out, and I let out a deep rumpling groan that lasted for five long seconds.

Down below the whore was choking and spluttering on my juices. The nerve. I gush when I cum, so fucking what. Some people take it as a compliment. If I wasn't time limited, I'd have shown him exactly why he should have been more respectful of my gift. As it was I just rolled to one side and kicked him off the bed. He landed on the ground next to his still sobbing slut of a sister. They clutched at each other, both snivelling, both trying to comfort each other. That emotional incest shit makes me sick.

I looked over to find Kana coming down from her own orgasm, her black body glistening with sweat and muscles twitching at random under her skin. She cums weird. Probably another city thing.

We spent a few minutes more basking in our respective afterglows, but our time really was limited. The temples of the Unbridled Lady promised any desires fulfilled, but only ever for a hefty price and limited time. Kana gave one last contemptuous look at the whore and the slut and left the room. I followed after.

We crashed at the local inn, sharing a single bed to save coin. I'm not one for penny pinching, but even I knew we didn't have much cash. Our visit to the temple of the Unbridled Lady had wiped out most of our ready supply, but that shouldn't be a problem. We were due a large payday come the morning.

The sun woke me the following morning, sneaking in through the window like a back alley rapist. I rolled over and began the process of disentangling myself from the sheets and Kana's sprawled limbs. That woke her up, which thankfully stopped her snoring. She snores something fierce but always denies it.

We both stank of sex so I found a maid and growled at her until she produced hot water. It shook in her hands, and she shot worried looks between Kana and I. She had nothing to worry about - fat, ugly and nothing worth stealing meant she was worthless to me

I set to scrubbing down with a rag. It felt good to work some of the grime from my skin. It's amazing the places it gets after a week on the road and a dead monster or two.

"Look at this," I said, holding a huge stone I'd found between my toes. Okay, perhaps it was fairly small, but it felt bigger. Like a cock in the ass.

Kana looked up from working a rag through her hairless crotch and snorted.

After I was clean, I set to dressing. None of that stupid-ass gown shit for me. I have one mode of dress and don't change for anyone.

First came a set of loose cotton trousers, then the breasts straps and my cotton shift. On top of that I strapped my leathers, making sure the buckles were fast. Finally I secured the armour onto the leathers. It weighed a fair bit, but I'm a strong woman and only stupid whores wear less. Once ready I hefted my two handed great sword and rested it against the padded patch on my shoulder, in the carry position.

Kana dressed in her own armour – a long shirt of silver scale, held in place by a thick belt, and an armoured skirt. She had her own weapons too, a circular shield in her right hand and a light sabre in her left. Less direct than mine but that's city-shit for you.

We left the room without trashing the place for once and headed out to the town.

Korre's a small town, hugging an old stone bridge like a horrible pulsating parasite. You know, one of those but-ugly leaches they have in the Zembi swamps. I found a giant one sucking on my crotch once. Took forever to pry loose. Buildings lined both sides of the river but were most numerous around the bridge. They were made from brick, mud, stone, wood and everything in between. I hate cities. Give me hot water, hot food and a hot squealing whore and I'm happy. Anything more is useless.

We stalked along the main road, gathering looks from the slack jawed inbred idiots who lived in the town. The women pointed and whispered. The men stared. None of either seemed worth a fuck.

Kana, who's better at city-shit than me, led us straight to the town hall. It was a large building, built from white stone opposite the bridge. You know the type, compensatory columns and stupid-ass arches and shit. We went inside, and she dealt with the clerks, officials and other idiots.

Soon we reached the mayor's office. She mouldered behind her desk, a wrinkled up prune of a crone, with three inch long lacquered fingernails and hair forced into a tight bun.

"Greetings your ladyship," said Kana. "I am Kana of Malat, and this is my companion Hilda of the Beterci tribes."

Kana gave a half bow, and I scowled.

"We have completed your contract," continued Kana. "The hell-mother south of your town is dead."

The mayor's eyes narrowed. I hated her already - a good stab you in the face hate, possibly with a side order of piss on the corpse.

"And you have proof?" she asked.

Kana placed the mark-stone on the table. It's a small blue thing, for those who've never ripped one from the still beating heart of a horrible monster.

The mayor reached forward and plucked the stone from the table. She held it up to the light and gazed at the internal patterns. At least she wasn't so stupid she didn't know how to tell the real thing from glass.

"This appears in order," she said and drummed her long fingernails on the table. The sound made me want to rip them from the nailbed.

"Our money?" asked Kana.

"I'm afraid," said the mayor after a moment's pause, "that the town is unable to fund your contract in full at this time."

"Mayor," said Kana, "I really must insist. Your town lawfully advertised the contract, and you are now bound to repay."

City-shit, city-shit, city-shit. I knew someone trying to rip us off when I see it. Fuck it, I was going to cut the bat's head off! Maybe I'd find our money in her shrivelled up cunt. I swung my sword but stopped at the last moment when Kana shot me a look. Instead I diverted the swing and almost bisected the desk instead. "Give us our money!" I growled in her face.

"While Hilda may be a little forceful," said Kana with a brilliant white smile, "I must echo the sentiment. Your town was founded by charter of the Temple of the Prudent Father. You have certain obligations under canon law that go beyond your authority. If needed, I can summon a knight-assessor to adjudicate our dispute, and when he rules against you, your town will have far greater difficulties than just paying our coin. He could even dissolve your charter."

Again with the tapping! "There is no money," said the mayor, finally. "There was when we issued the contract, but that was months ago. Our charter also charges us with maintaining the bridge, and we needed to undertake repairs after last month's storm."

"That," said Kana, "is your problem not mine. Issue a special tax. Hold someone upside down and shake them until the coins come out. I really don't care."

"I could offer you information instead," she said, "valuable information."

"We need coin," I said, "and lots of it. I don't kill shit for free, unless that shit really annoys me first." I grinned, showing my teeth, and yanked my sword from the splintered table.

She grimaced. "This information could lead to lots of coin, more than the contract was worth."

"If it's so valuable why don't you exploit it?" asked Kana.

"Because doing so will require a certain skill set, one you ladies seem to possess. How would you like to know the location of a semi-active Heart of Dominion?"

I froze at that because, fuck, a Heart of Dominion isn't just worth serious money, it's worth king's ransom money, and I've stolen more than my fair share of petite kings. They let you master a place, utterly, totally, and more fundamentally than even the most ancient royal lines. You could command monsters, reinforce magic of earth and preservation, rule subjects, and be obeyed. And semi-active meant its protections would be weak, only the least of its powers yet active.

"How do we know your information is accurate?" said Kana.

"Caravan reports at first. I noticed a pattern and sent scouts to investigate. They confirmed what I suspected. You're free to read them if you wish. Do we have an arrangement? This information for payment of the contract?"

We did. We really needed the coin.

Kana and I left that same day, stopping only to spend the last of our coin on supplies. Following the mayor's directions we crossed the river and travelled on the road for four leagues. At the fourth league stone, we branched off north. It was wild ground - broken hills, forest and scrubland. We didn't get far before we broke for the night, but I am well practised at camping in the wild. It was good to leave the city-shit behind.

The following day we resumed our journey. Off road travel is always harder and slower, even if you're skilled in forest and hill craft. By my count we managed only a little over two and a half leagues. Still, I noticed the landmarks I needed and knew we were on the right track.

The third day we made better progress, and on the fourth I spied our target.

"There," I hissed, pointing ahead. We stood crouched on a ridge, at a broken valley of jagged rocks and ragged chasms.

Two guards stood at the entrance to the valley. Or rather fucked. The man - a large naked tribesman with wiry black hair - had his companion bent over a rock. He thrust in and out of her with bestial grunts. She was a slut, moaning, howling and moving into the thrusts. Her breasts were small and rubbed red from scraping against the rock.

"Taker wasps," whispered Kana.

I looked closer and saw the blood matted at the back of both heads. Taker wasps, they broke a hole in your skull and crawled inside. Nasty things. Once there, they took control of your brain. They should have burnt Bergin's Wart. Taker wasps couldn't stand the smoke.

"The Heart of Dominion is here," I said. "Taker wasps don't set guards like this."

Kana nodded.

Being as silent as I could, I circled around to the entrance of the valley. Stunted trees and shrubs gave some cover but the rocks gave far more. Great slabs stabbed out from the earth, forced upwards as if a god had smashed the ground with his fist. We reached sprint distance to the guards, and I motioned at the man with my head. Kana nodded and indicated she'd take the woman.

This close I could see his erect and bulging cock, the skin rubbed red by friction. He grunted as he slammed into her cunt, which was half hidden by bloody cunt foam. He screeched as he came.

Well, that seemed a good omen. I thundered forward, sword dropping from carry to attack position. I swept it down in an arc and took the man's head off at the neck. He fell, twitching, his cock shooting cum into the air. Kana leapt upon the woman in the same moment, attacking first with a shield bash to the face to knock her off balance and then a sabre slash across the neck.

The taker wasp crawled from the crack in the man's head. It was a huge thing, as long as my longest finger, and covered in yellow and red stripes. I didn't give it a chance to recover. With a grunt I stabbed straight through it, my sword sinking a good foot into the ground. It twitched and lay still. Kana dispatched her wasp with a flick of her sword.

I let out a breath and gave the man a good kick to the ribs. He didn't move. No nasty surprises there.

We crept forward, into the valley proper. The stone slabs grew in number and size, like a petrified forest. Luminous eyes stared down at us from the highest peaks, but if they were guards set against us, there wasn't much we could do.

Rocks shifted behind me, and I spun, sword dropping into guard. A giant serpent leapt. It had burning black eyes and long red feathers growing from its head. I blocked with the flat of my sword just in time, knocking it to the side.

It hit the ground, twitched, hissed and struck again. This time I was ready. I dodged at the last moment and slashed, opening a gash down its side.

It roiled as it flew through the air and struck the ground near Kana. A better blow might have killed it, but it was a powerful creature and I'd only managed a flesh wound. It coiled and jumped, the shock of feathers on its head flashing up and down. I moved to block, but it wasn't aimed at me. Kana saw the threat in time and blocked with her shield. The impact sounded like a donkey punched maid - you know, the fat squealing type you want to hurt more than fuck.

Now normally I'd have moved to help - we fight best as a team - but something else caught my attention. That something approached from deeper in the valley - very large and a very very male. Cum dripped from his gigantic cock which bobbed before him. His muscles bulged like a bull ox stuffed in human skin. He towered over me, easily nine feet tall, and if he'd once been human, there was little enough sign of it any more. His eyes fixed on me and showed only hungry lust.

I screamed and charged, sword ready to strike. He swung a fist like a battering ram, but I ducked under and slashed up with the full force of my charge. My sword ripped a line of flesh from the monster, feet long. Normally that's when an opponent reals back in pain. Normally that's when I take a split second to recover, return my sword to the guard position and get ready to strike again. That's not what happened.

His second meaty hand came down, grabbed me around the shoulders and threw me into a nearby rock. My brain dribbled out my ears. I felt like I'd been helmet-banged - you know, when military camp whores have an oversized helmet placed on their head and the whole squad takes turns ringing the improvised bell with leather straps. Funny as hell if you're on the right side. Less if you're the stupid slut who gets banged. I remember we did it to a turned-up lordling while sieging Yith before gang banging him. Good times.

I staggered to my feet only to see the monster charging again. Sword, sword, sword, I needed my sword, but it was yards away. I threw myself towards it, and the monster hit the rock with an almighty crack. Stone broke. He didn't.

Moving more on instinct than conscious thought I grabbed up my sword from the ground and ran, away from the monster and deeper into the valley. The monster let loose a horny howl of lust denied. I dodged around the nearest rock and hid, ears straining, heart hammering. The monster's echoing footsteps followed me, as did the slug, slug, slug of his immense penis. My gut said he hunted for someone to fuck, eat and kill, probably in no particular order.

His engorged cock rounded the rock slab, followed a moment later by his gormless face. I slashed down and cut his cock right off. It hit the ground with a meaty thud and flopped like a fish. I've been raped a time or two. Any fucker who's got the stones to make me submit deserves it, and I normally get a few cums out of it. But no fucking way was I letting this monster take me.

He screamed and roared and struck out wildly. Rock shattered, and I backed up, sword held at guard. He saw me through bloodshot, pain wrecked eyes and charged. I watched him with a swordswoman's training and saw his guard drop, forgotten in his blind rage.

I set my body, set my sword and let him run himself through. He died with a gurgling whimper, and I fell to my knees panting.

"I see you killed my goliath," said a wheezing male voice.

I looked up. A spectral figure stood before me and inside his translucent chest hung the Heart of Dominion – the magical artefact we were here to steal. It looked like a cut diamond and around the centre spun a double crown of black, one set of spikes pointing up, the other down. Blue-white sparks shot from the Heart into the spectre, making his flesh seem realer than any other angry ghosts I'd seen.

Hidden words and burning herbs wouldn't drive this reverent away. It would have to be cold steal. Fuck.

I wrenched my sword free and rose to my feet. Fetid blood smeared its length, and it felt heavy in my hands. I pointed it at the spectre all the same.

"Listen you decrepit ghost," I snarled as best I could. "Give me the Heart and I won't shove this so far up your ass you'll die again."

"Temper, temper," he said. "Kneel." His command hit me like an avalanche, and I dropped to my knees, an immense weight on my back.

"I am Caseus of the Wise." He glided forward. "And you are..."

"Hilda," I said from between clenched teeth, the same magic which forced me to kneel forcing me to speak, "of the Beterci tribes."

"My my, a long way from home, little tribeswench. And you're here to steal my Heart? I'm afraid I can't give it to you. As you can see, it's currently keeping me slightly less than totally dead. And I really don't wish to die. Again."

His spectral eyes shone with the ghosts of murdered colours. "You have killed several of my guards, tribeswench. They were keeping me safe while I activated the Heart of Dominion. What am I going to do now? Will you replace them?" He laughed, a sound like leaves in wind. "No, I think I have a better use for you."

He ghosted closer still and ran a hand through my short cropped copper hair. It felt like wind - not quite insubstantial but not entirely there either. "Pretty in a wild way. And it's been so long since I suckled on the flesh of womankind. My apprentice killed me, you know, and it has quite soured me on men." His ghostly robes shifted, and he produced a spectral penis - normal length but thicker than most. "Suck." The command hit me - his ghostly magic combining with the Heart of Dominion to make disobedience impossible.

My mouth opened in an 'o' and I leaned forward. I screamed at myself to stop, fought for every inch, but could do nothing but obey. The cock entered my mouth and ghosted along my tongue. It felt like sucking off a lightning bolt.

Using every inch of my will, I bit down as hard as I could and tried to rip his cock off. Of course, being a ghost it didn't do much apart from make my teeth buzz.

"This isn't working is it?" said Caseus. Lightning flickered through his spectral flesh. "I know, let's put some of your slaughter to good use." He flicked out a hand, and the severed cock of the nine foot tall monster flew to him. He set it over his own spectral penis and worked a secret magic. Energy flowed from the Heart of Dominion, and life returned to the severed organ.

The head was fat and the colour of a whore's chest a day after a good tit beating. Thick veins lined the shaft and through them flowed spectral blood. If the cock wasn't quite as big as before, it was still intimidating.

"Let's try this again," said Caseus, "suck and no biting this time."

The command sunk into my brain, and I lunged forward like the most desperate and debased whore. In that moment I was no temple prostitute, undertaking a sacred act before my god. I was a gutter wench. Almost sub-human.

The cock strained my jaw, but I forced it inside. It filled me totally and tasted of rancid sick. Still I sucked, giving my best blowjob. Back and forth. Tongue. Suction. The whole deal. I'd had plenty of practise over the years.

"Ahh, I've missed this," said Caseus, voice swirling about my ears. "You're a good whore aren't you? Sold yourself a few time's I'll bet."

I wanted to kill him; I would kill him. Of course I'd sold my cunt and mouth a time or two. Who hadn't? Still, I could do nothing. Just suck and bob back and forth. And plot Caseus's bloody death.

"You like this," he said and my blood chilled as the command sunk into my brain.

He wasn't mocking me. He was changing me. My cunt churned between my legs, growing hot, and I moaned onto the cock.

"Total whore for cock sucking," he said, and the need settled into me. A hollow tore open inside me like the cruellest rape. It was a terrible need, temporarily sated but still there. I needed cocks. I couldn't go a moment without cocks. Big, small, whore, god, it didn't matter. Cocks, cocks, cocks.

Despite myself I put passion into my blowjob. My cunt heated to boiling point, and my juices drained down my thighs, staining my trousers with shame. My clit buzzed as if licked by the best cunt-sucker money could buy. I swirled my tongue. If I sucked cock better I knew, just knew, my own pleasure would increase.

"I think I'll keep you," he said. "Chain you up in a cave. Whenever I feel the need I'll give you my cock. And you know what, you'll thank me for it. You'll beg me."

I was barely listening by that point. His cock filled my world. It was everything. It was all. Cock, cock, cock.

With a jerk he came. Spectral cum shot across my tongue and down my throat. It tasted of lightning.

That didn't matter. I wanted more.

His cock wilted between my lips, and I sucked it desperately. It must get hard. I needed cock. Whore for cock. Whore for cock.

He laughed, and I didn't care.

Cock, cock, cock. Cock, cock, cock. Cock, cock, cock.

And that's when Kana knocked the Heart of Dominion out of Caseus's chest with a swipe of her sabre.

"Oh," he said, the word a breath of wind. Then he dissolved into mist.

"No," I cried, utter panic filling my world. The wonderful, perfect, world-filling cock fell to the stony ground and shrivelled. I dove for it. The power keeping me kneeling vanished, but the changes he'd worked on my mind remained. If anything, in that moment they seemed stronger.

"What a mess you've got yourself into," said Kana. Blood covered her silver scale, splatters from a dozen battles with as many monsters. She bent and picked up the Heart of Dominion. It sat silent and lifeless in her midnight hand.

"Cock," I moaned and cradled the severed member in my hands. It remained dead, wilted and lifeless. I turned and dived for her armoured skirt, scrabbling for what my burning-need said might be there even if my head knew otherwise.

"Stop that," she said and knocked my hands aside. "Here." She held out a finger, and I leaped on it, sucking it and licking like it was the greatest cock ever. But it wasn't. It blunted my burning need only slightly. "Come on. We have to go. There are still monsters about."

"Cocks," I moaned around the finger.

"Yes, cocks. Cocks are this way." She led me towards the valley mouth using only her finger, and I followed happily.

As we walked she talked. "We'll sell the Heart in Zee. That's not too far away, and with the coin we'll bring in, I'm sure we'll find someone to break this spell. And if we need a little extra coin, I'm sure you'll think of a way."

Cocks. An entire city full of cocks. My cunt started to heat up at just the thought.

The End

Hilda and Kana: The Heart of Dominionby JudasUnchained

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