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Karyn and Creature's Hunger

Karyn comes to investigate a ravenous creature terrorizing a small town.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, FF, Beast, Non-Consensual, Mind Control, Magic, Exhibition

This story takes place before the events of 'The Restless Gods'.

Loosely inspired by the story of Beowulf.

The Great Hall of Bowe

Night had fallen upon the town of Grand Dane, leaving the streets dark and quiet.  However, things could not have been more alive in the town's largest building, for a great celebration was taking place.  Ornate candles lit the room as if it were daylight, and almost everyone in town was there talking, drinking, laughing and dancing to their heart's content.  The leader of the town, Lord Bowe, mingled with everyone from his closest aids to complete strangers who were invited simply because they lived in his district.  Bowe, a bearded young man drank and laughed heartily with his friends, while his eyes periodically wandered to his beautiful wife, Chrissa, a maiden whose golden locks shimmered like pure sunshine and whose smile glowed like the moon.  She danced in the center of the immense ballroom, smiling politely as she exchanged partners every few moments, flashing her perfect smile at every young man who counted their blessings to dance with Lord Bowe's wife.

The laughter was suddenly replaced with screams as the hall's entrance burst open and two guards were thrown to the floor like dolls.  A massive creature roared into the hall, it's cry echoing throughout.  Guards rushed with their swords and spears drawn, but the monster lashed out with long arms and massive fists, knocking the guards against the walls and sending them sliding across the floor.  

"We must get you to safety Lord Bowe!"

"I will not leave without my wife!" Bowe vehemently insisted.

"We will bring her, but please move and you will reunite outside!"

The creature quickly made it's way deeper into the great hall, the guards and party guests were nothing more than distractions to it, rather than any real resistance.  It ran into the two guards that were sent to retrieve Bowe's wife. They shouted at Chrissa to flee but they were quickly struck down by the creature.  Frozen with terror in the center of the dance floor, Chrissa stared at the creature with her green eyes widened. The creature swept the back of its hand against her, knocked her to the floor.

Outside, Lord Bowe yelled at his guard, "Where is Chrissa?!"

Tears flowed down Chrissa's cheeks as her cheek was pressed against a pillar and her body stripped violently of dress. She was too frightened to even look over her shoulder at the creature and hugged the pillar, clamping her eyes shut. The creature tore off her last scraps of fabric and grinned.  A cock bobbed between its legs and the creature drew it's long tongue across Chrissa's naked back.

"Chrissa!" Bowe screamed as his guards pulled him away.

His wife's screams echoing in the empty hall.

Five nights later

Lord Bowe sat despondently at his desk, oblivious to the pile of papers that awaited his attention.  The sun shone brightly through the large window behind him, but his mood was a complete contrast.  His wife's screams still echoed in his mind, and the sight of her nude body clutching the pillar while the creature touched her, haunted his nightmares.  He found no solace in his work as he had hoped, the papers may as well have been written in a foreign tongue, for he could not concentrate on them with his mind so distracted.

"Sir?" a voice asked.  The sudden sound startled Bowe and it took him a moment to recognize the voice as his assistant.

"Yes?" he replied.

"There is someone to see you sir, she says it is about the creature that attacked Chrissa," the assistant explained carefully, knowing Bowe's emotional state.

Bowe paused, contemplating if he was prepared to even think about the night's events again.  His instincts however, goaded him into at least seeing the visitor. "Let her in then," he finally agreed.

The door to his office opened and an attractive woman in a dark blue cloak entered.  Her auburn locks framed her face gracefully and her icy blue eyes shimmered in the bright light. Bowe was taken aback by the woman's presence, but the gentleman inside of him stopped him from gawking at her beauty.

"Good day Lord Bowe, my name is Karyn."

"Karyn... the warrior?  I have heard of some of your exploits. Some people have declared you a goddess," said Bowe.

"I am no goddess," insisted Karyn, "I am just a mortal, but I am committed to enforcing righteousness.  I understand that your village was recently attacked by a creature known as Grendel," said Karyn.

"Yes, and it baffles me immensely," replied Bowe.  "Grendel was supposed to be a fiction, from an ancient poem, not a real creature."

"Myths are almost always based in some part on reality," said Karyn.  "Perhaps the poem is not a story, but a historical record."

"How did you even know of the situation?  What brought you to journey to our village?" asked Bowe.

"I have heard of your plight. Stories of tragedy move great distances," explained Karyn.  "I am trained to fight such monsters as Grendel."

"I did not ask you to kill Grendel," insisted Lord Bowe.

"You need not ask, I will do it because it is right," countered Karyn.

"I do not doubt the honor of your motives, but I question if you really are qualified to do so," explained Lord Bowe.

"My master has trained me for much of my life to fight monsters, and I have defeated many in the past," reiterated Karyn.

"It is just that..." Lord Bowe paused, it was clear he was nervous about continuing.

"You presume that because I am a woman, that I am incapable of combating the creature?" Karyn suggested with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"It is not that, I mean nothing but the deepest respect for you Karyn, it is just that this creature... Well, let us just say that your gender may be a disadvantage against such a beast. He seems to enjoy capturing women."

Choosing not to question him further after sensing the strain in his voice, Karyn shifted the topic slightly.  "This was the first time he had ever come to your village?"

"Yes, we had heard reports of a something killing livestock and destroying some houses in the countryside, but we foolishly paid them little attention. They were always just ramblings of a frightened sheepherd or farmer and no one had laid eyes on the creature. Until now," admitted Bowe.

"And, I have heard that your wife..." Karyn began carefully.\

"Was ravaged by Grendel, yes," Bowe interrupted with a blurt, as if hoping to get the words quickly out of his mouth.

Karyn paused before continuing.  "May I see her?"

"I do not think that would be appropriate," replied Bowe, his voice cracking with emotion.  "Chrissa is in a very fragile state right now."

"You seem hesitant to speak of this creature, I think it would be best if I learned all I could about it before confronting it," explained Karyn.

"Then I will tell you what little I can," said Chrissa, who appeared suddenly in the doorway.

"No Chrissa! You must rest!" insisted Bowe, who ran to his wife's side.

"Bowe, I love you so much, but I cannot be hidden away despite what happened," said Chrissa, her voice stern yet still soft.

"It is not as though I wish to isolate you my love, but rather I want you to make a full recovery from your ordeal," said Bowe.

"I appreciate that and admit that I have needed much time to recover. But at this moment I would like to hear if this warrior can hunt down the creature and if I have any clues to provide," said Chrissa.

"Thank you my lady," said Karyn, "I have heard of what happened to you and I wish to end this abomination's campaign of terror."

"You mean, you wish to kill the creature?" Chrissa clarified.

"Yes," replied Karyn, and noticed Chrissa seemed less confident and visibly shaken now.

"It is just... the creature... he is so strong, and I do not know if any man or woman could stand against it," explained Chrissa.

"Every creature has a weak point," said Karyn, "it is only a matter finding it."

The Great Hall of Bowe - a few nights later

The great hall appeared little more than a ghost of its former self. Tables were still knocked over and weapons from fallen soldiers still remained.  Only the bodies of fallen comrades were missing. Nobody wanted to remain in the hall any longer than necessary.  Karyn waited patiently, kneeling on the floor with her eyes closed in a meditative pose. Only four braziers were lit, casting light from the corners of the hall. She had told Lord Bowe to try and spread the word of another grand gathering at the hall in the hopes of luring Grendel to show itself again.  Night had fallen and the air had grown cold, everyone in town was ordered to remain locked in their houses, even Bowe's soldiers were ordered to keep away from the hall. Despite Bowe's reservations and doubtr, Karyn was persistent in her demands.

Suddenly the doors of the great hall flung open, the hinges straining but remained intact with the might force applied.  Karyn opened her eyes and focused upon the creature that lumbered into the hall. It's large yellow eyes piercing the dim light to gaze upon the warrior in the middle of the room.

"Grendel," Karyn whispered, as she studied her opponent.

Grendel's stature was immense, almost filling the door frame as it had to duck its head to enter.  His arms were out of proportion and long, with fists that hung below his knees. His mouth was filled with large mishapen teeth and his mouth hung open like a panting wolf, drool glistening on his chin and long tongue licked at his lips. His rough, leathery skin was a mottled shade of green-grey, and in the dim light of the hall it was evident that he was completely naked, and his cock hung semi-erect from his crotch.

Karyn drew her sword and stood, her icy blue eyes narrowing at Grendel as his lips curled into what looked like a twisted smile. Growling, he lumbered forward, rushing at Karyn, his body possessed incredible speed for a creature his size.

Karyn's first swing connected, but also dictated the flow of the battle, as her sword merely bounced off Grendel's tough skin, only chipping the thick leathery hide. Undeterred, Karyn ducked and wove around Grendel's fists as they swung past her. She slashed several more times at his seemingly impervious hide.  Each slash did little more than her first strike. Tthe frustration inside Karyn grew and she became preoccupied with devising a new strategy.  During this lapse, Grendel's forward momentum caused her to shift the direction of her attack, throwing Karyn slightly off balance.  Although she regained her footing, the distraction was enough for Grendel to connect with another sweep os his arm, sending Karyn to the hardwood floor and her sword clattering a few feet away.

With his opponent down, Grendel hovered over Karyn and punched her midsection. Karyn wheezed and could barely breathe. She attempted to roll out of the way but Grendel's feet blocked her escape on either side and he continued to punch at her arms and legs as she tried to kick her way free. A punch to the side of her head knocked her out and her limbs fell to her sides like a rag doll. Grendel paused and growled with satisfaction, before his eyes fixated lustfully on Karyn.

Her body lay limp as Grendel began removing her clothes, starting with her leather bustier.  With one swift tug of his fingers, the strings that held the garment together snapped, and her constrained breasts swung free of the loose leather. Grendel licked his lips with satisfaction and hunger upon the sight of Karyn's naked breasts. The creature ripped off Karyn's pants and boots, tossing the torn garments aside, leaving her body naked. His panting increased and he licked his thick lips. Warm saliva dribbled from his tongue and peppered Karyn's breasts with wet droplets. His cock twitched and noticeably grew.

Grendel grasped Karyn's calves and spread her legs apart as he knelt between her thighs and used one hand to guide his leathery cock to her crotch. The creature huffed a monstrous moan of pleasure that echoed throughout the massive hall. The noise stirred Karyn back to consciousness as his large cockhead parted the wrinkled, tender lips of her womanhood.  A moan escaped Karyn's mouth as Grendel began pushing with his hips, and his cock stretched her labia, then his shaft slid within the warm confines of her pussy. Karyn distanced herself mentally from the pain as she had been trained to do, but despite Grendel's monstrous appearance, his touch was deft and arousing and made his attentions difficult to ignore. His rough hands were planted alongside her waist as he bent and slathered his long tongue over her breasts. With beastial enthusiasm he humped against Karyn's crotch, causing her breasts to shake back and forth underneath his tongue. 

Karyn found herself involuntarily reacting to his human-like lovemaking. Her legs wrapped around his bony hips, locking his pelvis against hers, forcing his cock deeper inside her belly. Grendel began humping faster, Karyn began panting faster, breasts swaying with her body's gyrations. Grendel's long tongue hung limply between her breasts, drooling as the creature's back hunched and he concentrated on the sensations inside her. His large yellow eyes stared at Karyn's face as she squeezed her eyes closed and opened her mouth with a blissful moan. Her hands grasped Grendel's thick forearms that stood like poles at her sides, gripping tightly as she surrendered to lust.

Soon, Karyn was enthusiastically coupling with the massive beast as if her was a lover. His thrusts were met in with thrusts of her own. Moans of pain and resistance turned to moans of pleasure and insistence. When she experienced this climax with Grendel, her scream came out as a release of ecstasy. Her breathless moans coincided with her body shuddering as her inner muscles squeezed around the cock within her. Grendel's humping suddenly stopped and he howled. His cock twitched and he began to pump his warm seed into her womb. After several pulses, Grendel's grunting turned to whimpering amd he pulled himself out. Karyn felt almost as if her insides collapsed and a great void was left inside of her.

She stared longingly at Grendel's dripping cock as the creature pushed against the floor with his hands and straightened his back. His torso towered over her even as he knelt between her legs. He was moving slowly and seemed to be in a blissful stupor. Karyn's lust was still in complete control as she quickly sat up. Her legs were spread wide around his knees as she reached forward and grasped his bobbing cock in both hands. She lifted his cock to her mouth as the tip was still bubbling and weeping with cum, and closed her lips around the large wet head. She sucked firmly and swallowed his hot cum. Karyn moaned with satisfaction as she could also taste and smell her own vaginal honey smeared on his cock.

Grendel's long arms reached down and he stroked Karyn's sweaty thighs that were clamped around his. Karyn worked her tongue around Grendel's cock, tracing veins along its length while her cheeks grew taut with her sucking. Grendel enjoyed the sound of her mouth working to pleasure him, his hands left her thighs to grasp her auburn locks, bunching her hair between his fingers as he slowly rocked her head against his crotch. The creature knew something of tenderness and eased his hands, khowing how far Karyn could swallow before choking.

Suddenly, Grendel threw his head back and let out another orgasmic howl. His cry echoed throughout the massive hall as his cock burst its warm load into Karyn's mouth.  Karyn swallowed as much as she could, insatiably wanting every drop. She began to choke on the volume of cum and coughed with his cock still in her mouth. Cum poured from the sides of her mouth and soon her chin and breasts were wet with white cream. Grendel's second orgasm proved to be as large as the first, which was still dribbling from between Karyn's thighs. He pushed her head away and withdrew his cum-streaked cock, leaving a trail of saliva and cum that hung from her chin.

"I need you inside me again," begged Karyn as she licked her lips clean of Grendel's semen and stared up at his large yellow eyes. One of her hands was between her thighs, pushing three fingers inside her hungry hole.

Maybe Grendel was a former human cursed to his present form, as he clearly understood her words. Slowly he sat back and then laid back on his elbows. His wet cock stood up from his crotch like a fence post. Karyn crawled over his legs and squatted in front of his cock. She reached down and positioned his cock against her fleshy lips that she held open with her other hand. Her pink womanhood glistened, still lubricated from their first orgasm.  Karyn felt Grendel's strong hands cover her shoulders and she let herself slide down over him. She moaned as she felt his cock fill her again, her needy hole stretched and her inner lips kissed every inch of him that entered. After filling herself completely, Karyn began to bounce her hips, sliding up and down his cock. She arched her back as the pleasure spread up her spine.  Her hands cupped her sweat and cum covered breasts as she tossed her long auburn locks back and humped atop her beastial lover.

Karyn fell forward and placed her hands on Grendel's shoulders. Her blind lust driving her to pleasure her lover's mouth. She stared at Grendel's thick lips and the long tongue that licked and slathered them. She bent and kissed his large lower lip, and then pressed her tongue against his despite their size difference. Grendel responded by probing her lips with his tongue. Karyn opened her mouth and let Grendel's tongue slide inside. She sucked on his tongue that filled her mouth, comparing it with his cock that filled her pussy. She lifted her mouth from his tongue, and it slid out, trailing a strand of saliva. They both moaned as their orgasms approached with a carnal release blooming from their union. Karyn grunted weakly as she climaxed, her hips shuddered, and she tossed her head back. Her sweat soaked hair slapped her sweaty shoulderblades as her inner muscles clenched tightly around Grendel's cock. Grendel released a familiar orgasmic howl as his cock throbbed and popped, spewing a new load of hot cum inside Karyn. She writhed on top of Grendel, ecstasy overwhelming her senses as his warm seed trickled from her entrance, and matting their crotches with their combined wet juices.

Karyn collapsed onto Grendel, exhausted from her powerful orgasm.  She rested on Grendel's heaving, wide chest, panting desperately for air as the fever inside of her cooled. Grendel shifted beneath her and forced her off to the side, once again pulling himself out of Karyn to leave a vacancy in her womanhood.  Lying on her side, in a puddle of sweat and cum, Karyn was too weak to do more than moan with protest as her pussy throbbed and accepted the emptiness. Grendel had felt so good inside of her. 

Grendel stood, hunched over and licked Karyn from the swell of her sweaty hip up her arm and over her shoulder. Then he turned and bounding slowly down the great hall and disappeared into the night.

A few moments of silence passed, where Karyn's only movements were her exhausted, laboured breaths.  Even though she had just been raped by the creature, she realized that by the end, she was raping him. She wondered if she was a better monster hunter or a monster fucker.

"Karyn?!" a concerned voice echoed in the empty hall, interrupting her thoughts.  

Karyn slowly stood up, modestly covered her breasts and crotch with her arms and did her best to wipe the excess semen from her lips and thighs, hoping the darkness would also work as a concealment.

"I am here," she responded, her voice weakened from exhaustion.

"Karyn, I can't even begin to apologize for what happened," said Lord Bowe as he stood meekly in the doorway of his most prestigious, guest room which he had insisted on giving Karyn despite her reluctance to accept it.

"Do not concern yourself," explained Karyn as she laid in bed, her body and hair were recently washed by Bowe's servants, and a white sleeping shift adorned her body.  Even as they spoke there were maids brushing Karyn's damp hair and tidying up the room, ensuring it was fit for a queen.

"I can not help but concern myself, the horror of being ravaged by such a creature, and we did nothing to assist you in your time of need..."

"There was no time of need," interrupted Karyn, "I told you to stay away from the great hall, the beast was mine to fight.  And I admit I did not succeed, but I will not wallow in defeat."

"Karyn, I admire your bravery and determination, but you need time to recover from such a horrible ordeal."

"Yes, a horrible ordeal," repeated Karyn, as the maid brushing her hair finished and politely left the room.

Soon the other maids left and even Bowe gave his goodnight to the auburn warrior.

The last candle had been extinguished by the maid and the doors were shut, leaving only the moonlight from nearby windows to illuminate the room.  Karyn stared blankly at the large windows rather than sleep. Her mind seemed focused on them. Then she found her attention focused beyond the windows, to the outside. Karyn slowly pulled herself out of bed and walked to the window, opening it to let the cool night air inside.  The scent of rain wafted in, as did something else. A strange sensation Karyn could not describe overcame her. It did not feel pleasurable nor painful, but it tugged at her, as if she remembered that she really needed to go somewhere. Her hands opened the window all the way and she blinked and found herself straddling the sill. She thought that was strange and then realized that she was standing on the ground below the window. She thought it was a fine evening to take a stroll, and wandered into the forest.

As Karyn entered the woods, thunder cracked a few miles away and rain began pouring. The raindrops found their way through the trees, but Karyn ignored the chill drops and continued to walk through the woods. The rain eventually soaked her hair and her shift, until the wet garment clung transparently to her every curve.  Her breasts bounced as she started dashing between the trees. Something was guiding her to a destination in the woods. Karyn did not know where she was going, but knew she was headed in the right direction. And she knew the destination would satisfy a deep hunger she felt inside.

Guided by this mysterious force, Karyn eventually found herself standing before a large slope of rock. The rain ran down the rockface in sheets and dripped over an uneven doorway carved into the bottom. There were wide chisel marks from large tools that no man could weild. Despite the darkness beyond the entrance, Karyn found herself already inside, walking deeper into a cave. As Karyn went further inside and the moonlight ceased to illuminate her surroundings, her eyes adjusted to a soft orange glow ahead.  Karyn soon found the source of the light were crude torches shoved into cracks in the walls. The light also revealed discarded human bones strewn about. The quantity of bones increased as she continued.  Yet she felt no concern or hesitance to continue.

Sounds were coming from deeper in the cave, but they were distorted and faint.  Karyn shuffled faster towards them, driven by curiosity and a growing feeling of desire. Soon she could discern the noises was someone groaning. The groaning became louder and more audible, but is was not clear who was there. Karyn turned a corner and gasped at the sight that met her. The monstrous Grendel was kneeling and hunched over Chrissa, Lord Bowe's beautiful wife.

Grendel was the source of the groaning, his hips thrusting against Chrissa. Lord Bowe's wife was naked on her elbows and knees before the creature. She too was moaning as she rocked back against Grendel's hips. Her moans seemed almost as gutteral and beastly as Grendel's, as well as sounding like the desperate moans of a deprived lover, instead of a victim. A nearby fire lit the room with a flickering orange hue, causing the lover's feverish bodies to shimmer as they rocked back and forth together.

Grendel held Chrissa's waist tightly, groaning as he buried himself deep inside her wet slit. His humping  became faster as he hunched over Chrissa's back like a rutting animal. He suddenly stopped and released a familiar howl as his cock erupted, soaking Chrissa's clenching pussy. Karyn could see rivulets of white cum seeping from Chrissa's stretched labia and then it dribbled steadily from her swollen clitoris. It was easy to tell that Chrissa was grinning as she rested her face against her hands folded together on the dirt floor beneath. Her ass remained upraised, as Grendel slowly pulled his cock from Chrissa's wet pussy.

Grendel's turned suddenly and his large yellow eyes caught Karyn. The auburn warrior gasped as she stared into Grendel's eyes. She was panting now and her breasts began heaving beneath the shift as the wide neckline slipped down to reveal a bare shoulder. Grendel's thick lips on his large mouth turned up in a smile, revealing his mishapen teeth. He seemed to be expecting Karyn to find him. Yet there was a smugness in his grin which suggested a sense of superiority, of victory.

Karyn slowly slipped out of her shift, discarding it blindly at her feet. Her wet, naked body glistened in the light of the fire. She licked her lips as her skin became hotter. Sweat began beading on her curves, mixing with the rainwater as she slowly stepped toward Grendel, who awaited her eagerly and opened his thick, gangly long arms.

Feeling that she arrived home, Karyn closed her eyes and sighed with submission. She turned around in Grendel's embrace and leaned back against him as he closed his arms around her. Karyn raised her arms to allow Grendel more access to her body and wrapped her hands around the back of his thick, leathery neck. Grendel's right hand slid around to grope and squeeze her soft breasts while his left hand wandered between her thighs to caress her mound. Grendel's nostrils flared as he sniffed Karyn's hair, still smelling freshly washed. Her skin felt like satin against his tough hide. Karyn writhed against his hand and moaned as she spread her legs and felt Grendel move his thick fingers over her clitoris She could also feel his dangling cock slowly stiffen as its length pressed between her buttocks.

Grendel slid his hands to her hips and moved Karyn to face the nearest wall of his cave. She pressed her hands against the wall and spread her feet far apart. She turned her head to look over her shoulder and give Grendel a sensual look. Grendel used one palm to squeeze Karyn's ass cheek, spreading it as he positioned his cock underneath her and pushed his cockhead up against her womanhood. Karyn moaned and arched her back as she felt Grendel's cock slide into her. She pushed against the cave wall to thrust back against him as Grendel began humping forward. Soon the two were acting like newly wed lovers, writhing and parting. Karyn tilted her head back against his hunched chest, screaming with pleasure as Grendel's hands wandered up her body to squeeze her bouncing breasts as she continued to push off the wall and buck against him.  Karyn turned her head, allowing Grendel's dangling tongue to lick her sweaty face. His warm saliva painted her cheek and lips and drooled over her chin.

Karyn grunted deeply as she rocked desperately against Grendel, begging for the climax she desired. Then her orgasm suddenly exploded. She could only weakly pant and arch her back, her tummy convulsed and her inner muscles clenched around Grendel's cock buried deep inside her. Grendel's hips froze and he let out the familiar howl of orgasm as his cock pumped hot cum inside her. The overflow wept from her labia and multiple streams dribbled down her trembling thighs.

For a moment the two lovers remained still, breathing heavily and still joined at their loins. Karyn simply leaned against the wall, feeling sweat dripping from her sensitive skin. Her wet hair clung to her flushed, panting face. Grendel's member continued to fill her with warmth.  Suddenly Grendel stepped back and his cock slid from her womanhood. Their combined fluids streaked his leathery cock and globs of his cum hung from her labia before dropping to the floor between her spread feet. Karyn moaned weakly, Grendel had felt so good inside of her, and now she faced the familiar sensation of emptiness.

Grendel ignored her and turned to Chrissa, who awaited Grendel eagerly by reassuming her position on hands and knees, as she spread her thighs apart invitingly.

With her sweaty face turned away, Karyn could only hear Chrissa's moan of pleasure as Grendel began humping her again. Karyn took a step away from the wall, and felt more hot cum bubble from pussy and slide down her inner thigh she shifted.  She stared at the wanton display before her, Grendel the wild beast fucking the beautiful Chrissa, her sweaty hair flailing and her body pushing back to match his monstrous thrusts. Karyn felt so cold and needful as she watched them, alone while a desire bloomed within her.

Karyn knelt in front of Chrissa as Grendel moved his hands up to her breasts and pulled Chrissa to a kneeling position as he continued to hunch behind and hump his cock up and into her. Overcome with an overpowering lust, Karyn leaned forward to kiss Chrissa harshly on the mouth.  Chrissa moaned in reply, accepting Karyn's mouth and returning the kiss with equal passion, their tongues caressing. Grendel slid his hands back down to Chrissa's hips to pull her against his crotch as he continued humping. Chrissa's breasts bounced freely for a moment before she moved her hands up to cup them, pushing her soft breasts out to Karyn.

Karyn pressed her breasts against Chrissa's and tilted her face to kiss her again. Chrissa moaned into Karyn's mouth and wrapped her arms around Karyn, holding their bodies together in a sweaty embrace. Their tongues pressed feverishly into each other's mouths. Chrissa sucked at Karyn's tongue and then her lower lip and then moved her mouth to Karen's jaw and sucked at her earlobe. Chrissa's body rocked against Karyn's as Grendel humped her from behind.

Chrissa whispered into Karyn's ear, "He... called you... too?"

Karyn could barely focus on the words as the lust in her body clouded her mind. She was able to whisper a simple reply, "Yes." replied Karyn, her voice equally breathless.

Grendel suddenly froze and  groaned with a familiar howl. Chrissa gasped against Karyn's cheek as she felt Grendel's cock throb and spew another load of hot cum inside her. Her own climax followed as her hips shuddered and she felt herself squeeze the cock filling her. She clutched Karyn tighter and moaned, "Goddddssss... feelsssogoood." 

After a moment of stillness, Grendel pushed against Chrissa and pulled his cock from within her. Several globs of his cum dripped from between her spread legs and splattered on the ground. Grendel blinked with large yellow eyes and noticed the firelight was much dimmer. He looked at the fire with a conscious understanding and began trotting down the cave tunnel toward the entrance to fetch more wood.

Karyn felt the mental fog lessen. She looked into Chrissa's eyes. "Yes... I could not hear it, but..." She licked her lips and continued. " I could feel his desire, and my own."

Chrissa squeezed Karyn tightly,and panted, whispering between breaths, "I do not know... why I surrendered... so easily. ... He is a monster. But he feels so good inside of me... I know this is wrong... but I cannot help myself," moaned Chrissa before giving Karyn another voracious kiss, this time almost knocking the warrior to the ground.

Upon Chrissa's admission, an idea suddenly formed in Karyn's mind.  She discretely pushed Chrissa aside, winking at her as a signal to keep out of her way. Then, Karyn quickly grabbed a splintered bone from the floor, one of many that were strewn about. Footsteps became louder and Grendel appeared from around the corner. He opened his arms and let three logs roll into the fire. Then he turned and blinked with his large yellow eyes and saw Karyn leaning back against the stone wall. Her feet were spread apart and one hands was stroking her wet clitoris and she was fingering her pussy. She licked her lips and moaned to tempt him to take her again. Grendel turned and stepped closer as his dangling cock started to stiffen again.

She knew Grendel's skin was impervious from their previous encounter, but she knew of one spot on the monster that was just as soft and vulnerable as any man.  Grendel had no idea what attack was coming as he hunched before Karyn and lifted his cock between her legs to indulge in her sensual flesh once again.

Grand Dane - Bowe's manor the next morning

"The monster was slain?!" Lord Bowe gasped as he held Chrissa in his arms. Her naked body was covered in a blanket.

"Yes, he died of massive blood loss," explained Karyn as she clung to her dirty white shift.  Two of Bowe's servants quickly rushed to Karyn's side to drape her body in a fleece blanket to protect her from the morning cold.

"How?  I thought you said the creature's hide was impervious?" asked Bowe.

Karyn handed Bowe a large sack that she had brought from Grendel's cave.  Bowe took it warily, for the sack was clearly bloodstained.  He took a quick glimpse inside and almost dropped it. Sitting inside was Grendel's severed cock.

"Grendel was clearly a male," explained Karyn.  "And men all have the same vulnerable spot."

"Yes, well...," Bowe stuttered as he handed the sack to a nearby aide, who accepted it hesitantly.  "Karyn, I, as well as my kingdom thanks you for your deed, you have..."

"I have done what I promised to do. I accept your thanks and do not desire any sort of favours or debts," interrupted Karyn.

"At the very least Karyn, let me share my thanks with you," said Chrissa.  "May I speak with her privately husband?"

"Yes, absolutely," said Bowe as he waved his aides to leave the room.  He kissed his wife gently on the lips and left the room.

Once everyone had left, Chrissa turned to Karyn and whispered.  "Do you think he knows?"

"No, and he never will," replied Karyn.

"I feel so horrible Karyn, I do not want him to think I would think of the monster the next time we couple. Because I will not, I assure you," insisted Chrissa.

"I need no convincing," said Karyn.  "Your word is good enough."

"I, I do not understand. What happened to us?"

"Perhaps Grendel was once a man, transformed by magician or by the gods themselves. Maybe he had some sort of mental abilities, or magic, or perhaps he emitted some sort of attractant. Or perhaps it was something else.  As far as anyone else is concerned, we are both victims of Grendel's rape. However, between just us, we became willing victims."

"Karyn, I know what you felt when Grendel ravaged you, just as I felt the same way.  But I must know Karyn, a woman of your integrity and strength. How could you allow it to happen and let it continue?  Why did you wait so long before killing him?"

"Because," Karyn began, casting her eyes downward as if confessing a secret sin, "I enjoyed it."

The End

Karyn and Creature's Hungerby Bernie

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