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Karyn and the Orgy of Ogres

The warrior Karyn resorts to a desperate act to rescue a woman captured by ravenous ogres.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: F-solo, FF, FM, FMM, FMM+, Ogre, Bondage, Bisexual, Lesbian, Orgy, Exhibition

This story takes place before the events of 'The Restless Gods'.

The darkness, coupled with the silence, made the hallways of the structure Karyn called home, seem dead.  It suited the warrior just fine however, for the silence was beneficial to her current exercise.  She sat cross legged on the cold stone floor, completely naked.  Wisps of burning incense wafted next to her, caressing her limbs, breasts, face, and long auburn hair.  The smell was potent. Part of this challenge was to maintain her balance and concentration despite the overpowering fumes.  As part of her training, her master told her to meditate often, to attempt to forge a bond to the gods.  Although many have tried, none have succeeded in attaining bonds such as those spoke in legend.

"Karyn." said a wise old voice, breaking the warrior from her trance.

"Yes master?" she responded, opening her eyes and looking up at the old man standing before her.  His back was respectfully turned towards her.

"I am sorry to interrupt you while you are unclothed." he apologized.

"It is alright. I was not making much progress this day." replied Karyn as grabbed the folded fine silk robe on her other side and draped it around her shoulders.

"Take heed Karyn, I know that you are destined to one day cross the great border, and attain contact with the gods as the legends have spoken of."

"Perhaps."Karyn agreed, but in a slightly dismissive tone.  "I sense troubles in your voice master. You did not come here to discuss my training."

"Your mind is as strong as your body." the old man smiled.  "We have a visitor, and he came to me for assistance in what he called an urgent matter."

Karyn joined her master as they walked down the flights of steps to the ground level of the sanctuary.  Upon entering the foyer, she saw three men waiting.  One of them was flanked by the two others, and his dress was more elaborate than his companion's matching armor.  His eyes looked up at Karyn and remained focused on her as she walked down the stairs.  Karyn could see in his eyes a fascination with her beauty, but also a sense of hope.

"This is my disciple, Karyn."  Her master introduced her and paused for a moment so she could bow her head in respectful greeting to their guests. He addressed the man in the middle, "I remember your father, he was a great man. And I am an old man now. No longer the warrior of your father's memory."

"He still lives." corrected the elaborately dressed man.  "Alas, my manners escape me.  I am Count Lerim.  And yes, I come here on the counsel of my father."

"I suspected as much. You resemble him exactly as he was at your age.  And only he had the nerve to ask a favor of me."

"You speak like you aided him reluctantly."

"Not at all, for most people feared me, and had not the courage to approach me.  Only your father did.  For that, he has my eternal respect."

"Well, my father holds you quite highly. So high that he perhaps did not consider you would eventually become too old to accept another quest from him."

"One is never too old to accept quests. But I have grown too old to fulfill them - whatever it is.  Please, let us sit down and discuss this with my disciple."

Although Karyn and her master lived a minimalist life, they had modest furnishings in a room intended for guests, however rarely they had them.  Count Lerim sat down on a worn, padded seat while the two armored men continued to stand on each side.  Karyn and her master sat on old wooden stools on the opposite side of a small stone table.

"Now, what is your plight?" asked the old master.

"It is my wife." said Lerim.  "She has been missing for almost three weeks."

"A tragedy indeed." said the old man.  "But I fail to see why you have come so far to enlist my help?  Your kingdom is large. Surely you have many capable soldiers."

"Absolutely.  But I fear she has disappeared near Kohmin Valley."

"Kohmin?  Is that not the populated by ogres?"


"Why in the name of all gods was your wife in that area? That region is perilous?"

"She was with a group of soldiers, and they had taken the road closest to the border as a shortcut  Upon reviewing the maps, a portion of that road is the border. I did not know this before they set out. I thought we had a treaty with the ogres?"

"That treaty was made generations ago.  Ogres are tribal and they have no centralized government.  A treaty is only remembered as long as there are elders who pass it to the next generation.And is enforced only if there are elders who agree with it. We must conclude that there are neither of those any longer."

"We found the carriage, but it was destroyed and looted.  The soldiers that accompanied her were dead.  And she was gone."

"Then she is also dead."

"No!" Lerim snapped.  "I do not believe her to be dead."

"Ogres eat all flesh. Even human. They likely ate her."

"I have sent many spies and soldiers into the forest, and there has been evidence to support my belief."

"Then why not use those soldiers and spies to retrieve her?"

"I am afraid almost every man I sent into Kohmin has never returned.  But at least a few have returned and claim to have seen her with their own eyes. She is alive and being held prisoner. Only the gods know what they are intend to do with her."

Karyn looked at her master tentatively, wondering what he would say next as she saw him pause cautiously.  "Kohmin is a large territory and it will be difficult to find anyone and steal them away.  The ogres guard their lands very protectively."

"I will pay any price.  I just want my beloved Iada back." Lerim said, turning his head away to hide his fear.

"I will retrieve your wife." Kareyn suddenly proclaimed.

"Karyn!  This is not what I trained you for!" objected her master.

"You trained me for multiple things, one of them is to protect and save human life.  If this woman is held captive by the ogres, she does not have long.  I will depart immediately."

"Oh, thank you Karyn!" Lerim exclaimed, falling on one knee and bowing before her.  "I will give you anything you desire for her return."

"Stand Count Lerim." insisted Karyn.  "I am not a noblewoman; you need not bow to me."

Karyn fit her snug brown leather pants over her hips and tightened the drawstrings of her matching bustier. As she draped a dark cloak over her shoulders she noticed the presence of her master behind her.

"Please, I hope you do not intend to attempt to talk me out of this." she said.

"Karyn, I am not.  Despite all my love for you, you are not my daughter. And you can make your own decisions."

"Thank you master, I am glad you understand."

"I just hope that you come back safely."

"I will." insisted Karyn before embracing her master lovingly.

Karyn jumped off the horse that was provided by Count Lerim and led it by the reigns to his nearby servant.  She looked at the expansive forests of Kohmin before her, their serene appearance masked the savage tribes it contained.

"I will send a detachment of soldiers to retrieve you at this point in exactly two days." Lerim said.  "They will wait here for exactly one full day.  If you do not meet them by the following dawn, they will assume the worst.   Understood?”

“Yes.” affirmed Karyn.

“Do you understand my wife’s appearance from my description?”

“Yes, she has fair skin with long black  tresses and grey eyes.  And her name is Iada.”

“Excellent.  May the gods watch over you.” said Lerim before he and his small entourage rode off.

The sun had set below the horizon, but to Karyn it made no difference; the dark shadows of the trees overhead blotted out daylight and made the ground appear as it it was night.  The forest was crowded with trees and the forest floor covered in plants and moss, for no man had ever ventured through this territory to build a road or harvest lumber.  Karyn found herself having to grip nearby branches and boughs for support, as the thick, entangled roots threatened to trip her at every step, along with the hard stones strewn about the forest floor.  Fatigue began to overcome her, but she kept ever vigilant, despite the darkness and the accompanying silence.  She wanted to stop and rest, but there were no clearings of any size.  Falling against a nearby tree, Karyn decided she had ventured enough for one day.  She undid the clasp of her cloak and laid it across the forest floor.  It was little comfort but she would endure it.  After shuffling around for a moment to get into a position that brought her fewest bumps underneath, she exhaled a heavy sigh and fell asleep quickly.

Karyn had no idea how long she had slept before being abruptly awakened.  Her head was groggy and she was unable to see clearly in the darkness but the faint outlines of large trees a few feet away from her.  About to dismiss the reason she had awakened, she closed her eyes and heard the sound of heavy footsteps nearby. Ogres! Adrenaline forced her eyes open, and Karyn slowly and silently drew her sword and stood ready to attack, scanning the trees for any sign of movement.   There was none, but the sounds of heavy footsteps multipled. There were more than one.

The warrior uttered a silent curse. She knew she was outnumbered, and literally in the dark. The footsteps began to increase in frequency, and soon it was evident the ogres were surrounding her and closing in.   Closing her eyes despite the total darkness around her, Karyn relied on her instincts, and waited for the right moment, when the footsteps grew loudest, and she could hear the first signs of breathing, before swinging out with her sword.

She felt a resistance to the swing, she had hit something.   A loud roar of agony confirmed her target, an ogre.

Karyn opened her eyes and could see the outlines of several ogres around her, their hands reaching for her.   Karyn swung again. She could feel her sword landing blows, cutting through flesh and bone repeatedly.   Roar after roar of agony echoed through the forest, startling nearby animals and turning the forest into a small battlefield.  She had the feeling none of them were armed, but it did not ease her caution, for she knew an ogre’s fist was a powerful weapon itself.   She thrust forward with her blade, and heard the wet sound of a puncture and a gurgling sound.  The dying ogre lunged toward her as it fell and connected with a fist to Karyn’s midsection.  Karyn folded immediately, and lost her grip of her blade as it fell into the darkness embedded in the dying ogre’s heart.

Karyn crumpled backward against what she believed to be a tree, but it was actually another ogre. Strong arms wrapped around her and squeezed, she kicked and flailed as best she could, managing to even connect with the ogres shins. The ogre roared, but despite the pain his grip never ceased, and soon the dim darkness of the forest turned even into complete black for the warrior and she passed out.

When Karyn awoke, she heard the sounds of many ogres grunting, arguing amongst themselves, almost fighting.  She also felt the bright beams of the sun in her face. She tried to cover her eyes defensively, when she realized her hands had been tied together with a crude rope.  She looked around and saw she was inside a small cage, where she had barely enough room to sit up, and there were many ogres around.   A large group of them were standing directly in front of her, although most of them were yelling at one ogre who stood beside her cage.  That ogre stroked the top of the cage proudly, as if it, and Karyn, were his possessions.   His finger pointed from ogre to ogre as they yelled out something in their native tongue, which Karyn could not understand.  However, she was able to determine the context of the conversation, and from the gestures the ogres used she was able to deduce her predicament.  She was being auctioned off.

She looked around, and saw that some ogres were casually bidding for her, while others stomped angrily each time they were outbid.   She noticed one group of ogres sitting to the side, all of them dressed in matching armor.  One of them, who appeared to be their leader, was bidding, but his enthusiasm was casual.  Behind them, there was a wagon, which had among its many boxes and sacks, a cage with a naked human woman inside.  Karyn’s icy blue eyes widened as she recognized the woman with fair skin that was now dirty and bruised, and long black hair that was unkempt.  It was Iada.

The bidding member of the ogres that owned the wagon had begun to lose interest. It seemed the price had gone too high for him and he grumbled without placing a higher bid. With the possibility that he would give up bidding, Karyn undid the knot of her bustier and slid it off as best she could with tied hands, exposing the tops of her breasts and displaying herself toward the ogres that held Iada. The leader's eyes widened with interest, but he still did not voice a higher bid. Karyn bent over as much as she could, and tugged at her bustier, forcing her breasts to slide completely out of the confining garment. Then she straightened and let the ogre see her naked breasts sways alluringly.  She closed her eyes and moaned, pretending to be in sexual relations. This wanton display encouraged the ogre to bid higher, and then counterbid again higher, until finally he won. Karyn grinned at the ogre leader, ensuring him the she was pleased that he purchased her.

Karyn was surprised at how calmly the other ogres who had bid for her, including the most excited ones, allowed themselves to be outbid.  She guessed the armored ogres were either respected, feared, or both. Her former keeper pulled her out of her cage and pushed her into the arms of the ogre leader won the bid. His large, calloused hands roamed over Karyn’s breasts, feeling their weight. Karyn shuddered, and realized his rough fondling was arousing her body. With two sharp pulls the ogre ripped away Karyn’s clothing, leaving it in pieces at her feet.  The ogre spun Karyn’s nude body around to admire her ass, smiling with satisfaction as he touched her smooth skin, her soft auburn hair, and her firm, round buttocks.  A finger moved between her thighs and pressede Karyn’s womanhood. Her susprised yelp made the ogre grunt with satisfaction.  He lifted Karyn and directed another ogre to open the cage that Iada occupied. Iada quickly shuffled to the back, her shuolders shivering with fear as Karyn was pushed inside and the door was shut.  The ogre growled something to his men and they immediately began to tow the wagon from this camp.

“Are you okay?  Let me undo the rope.” Iada asked the auburn-haired warrior as she undid the knots and pulled the rope away.

“I am not hurt. Are you, Iada?” Karyn asked.

The raven-haired woman glanced up in surprise.“How did you know my name?”

“I was sent here to rescue you.”

“Many have tried, none have succeeded.” said Iada sadly.

“Have any of your rescuers gotten this close to you?”

“None of them ever tried selling themselves as a slave.”

“Then who is to say I will not succeed where others have failed?”

“You are a strange one…” Iada paused.

“My name is Karyn.  Even if my methods are strange, it does not mean they do not work.”

The group of ogres continued marching until close to sunset, until they stopped in a forest clearing and their leader grunted a command.

“Oh no.” shuddered Iada.

“What is it?” asked Karyn.

“When their leader grunts like that... they ravish me... all of them.  They are Monsters!”

“Stay calm, I will not let them harm you, I have a plan.” said Karyn. 

She crouched at the door of the cage while pushing Iada to the back.   The ogres had already begun to undo their heavy armor; and Karyn was surprised at the size of their cocks. But knew she had to continue with her plan.  The ogre leader opened the door, grabbed Karyn and pulled her out and onto the ground.  He reached for Iada as she cowered in the back of her cage, but Karyn tugged at the ogre’s leg.  He looked down at Karyn with confusion and then anger. On her knees, Karyn licked her lips, swayed her hips seductively, and stroked his thigh before pressing her breasts against his leg.  The ogre seemed intrigued by Karyn’s willing display of her body, and he closed Iada’s cage, crudely locking it by bending an iron bar around the door’s edge.

When the oger turned back to face her, Karyn slid her hands up the ogre’s thigh and then wrapped her fingers around his cock using both hands. She lifted his semi-ereect cock and guided the tip to her open mouth.   She stuck out her tongue to lick the underside of ths cockhead and then closed her lips over him completely. She moaned with pleasure as she slurped and began sucking on the head of the ogre's cock. Her fingers traced thick veins along his shaft. Her right hand stroked the shaft affectionately before moving down to the ogre’s testicles and massaging the wrinkled sack.  The ogre let out a hoarse groan, and combed his calloused fingers through Karyn’s auburn hair. The ogre began moving his hips back and forth, pressing his cock harder against Karyn’s bobbing head. His entire length could never fit inside Karyn’s mouth but she did her best to accommodate half the length that she could.  The deft work of her tongue, and her intense sucking more than made up for the size of her human mouth.  The ogre opened his mouth and groaned as he climaxed. His cock erupted with hot, salty cum.  Karyn swallowed quickly but his load proved too much, and she pulled the cock out of her mouth and let it continue twitching and spewing thin ogre cum over her breasts. She held his cock with both hands and used the tip to smear the cum over her mouth and her breasts, until her skin was gleaming with the ogre’s seed.

As Karyn licked the thin goo off her lips, she felt the heat of another ogre standing behind her.  She turned briefly and saw the ogre kneel behind her and grasp her hips before pushing her forward. Karyn fell forward onto her hands and knees, bracing herself for what she knew was inevitable. She out a gasp as the ogre’s cock pressed between her labia, then she squinted in pain, but groaned in pleasure as the ogre cock pushed inside her.  Karyn bit her lip as the blissful agony she felt made she shudder. The ogre clenched his large hands around Karyn’s hips and began humping the warrior in response to her arousing, sensual howls.  Karyn clawed the ground and pushed backwards against the ogre’s crotch, panting heavily as she felt the ogre deeply inside her.  Sweat and droplets of ogre cum dripped from swaying breasts as she and her ogre lover humped against each other, becoming one. 

As both Karyn and the ogre groaned louder they writhed against each other as they climaxed together. Karyn whined with blissful agony as her pussy cleanched and her cum greased the ogre's shaft. The head of the ogre's cock pressed against her cervix as it pulsed and spit hot ogre seed into her womb. The ogre slowly pulled his wet shaft out and his thin cum seeped out and dripped from her clitoris to create a dark patch on the ground.  Karyn hung her head and clenched her vaginal muscles around emptiness as her dribbling labia slowly closed.

Karyn swa two ogre feet step close to her hands. She looked up to find a ogre cock hanging in front of her face. Her jaw was a little sore and her mouth was still sticky with ogre seed. So Karyn sat up on her knees and used both hands to hold her breasts and she captured the dangling cock between them and pressed her pliant mounds of flesh around it. The ogre groaned with pleasure as Karyn’s soft flesh caressed his shaft. He crouched with each thrust so his entire length could moe down between her soft breasts.  As he felt himself approaching climax, the ogre straighten and clutched his stiff shaft.  The ogre pushed his cock against her lips, but begaen spewing hot cum before she opened her mouth. Three streams of thin cum splattered her mouth and cheeks. Karyn was gasping for breath as the ogre cum ran down her face and neck and dribbling on her breasts. She closed her lips over the head of his cock and coyly licked the bulbous tip clean.

When the orge stumbled away, Karyn looked around hungrily and gulped air, “More, more.” she panted and crawled toward the next ogre, stroking his leg with her cheek.

An hour had passed since Karyn had begun coupling with the ogres. She allowed and encouraged her body to be used to satisfy their desires, despite how painful, and how addictively pleasurable it soon became.   She rode an ogre, straddling his thighs with hers and forcing his cock deep inside her belly while she sucked another ogre’s cock in front of her face. After that coupling, she sat on an ogre’s lap as he hugged her  exhausted body against himself, pumping his hips and driving his cock into her as was held limp and whined with pain. After that, she laid on the ground with her knees pushed up and spread apart as one ogre after another lined up to ravaging her human pussy. Each of them cumming inside her or stripping her belly and breasts with streaks of cum. The orgy seemed endless, but her plan remained outlined in her mind.

Karyn found herself on her knees, sucking on an ogre cockhead in her mouth, and straddling another ogre's thighs while his hands held her hips and he thrust up into her sore womanhood from below.  Both her hands were busy stroking two other cocks that were wet with saliva or cum, not that it mattered.  As she felt the cock in her mouth twitch, Karyn released him and let go of the other cocks and fell to the to the ground, rolling onto her back and stroking her wet breasts. She gestured for them to spray her body with their seed.

“Let me bathe in your cum.” Karyn begged, an aching need in her voice, face and undulating posture.

The ogres that were unable to decipher her request, were given a demonstration. The ogre that was about to cum in her mouth, grunted and pointed his cock down at Karyn. A stream of thin, white cum squirted forth and striped her torso from hip to shuolder. Karyn squeeled and rubbed the cum into her skin and the other ogres grinned lustfully. They all stroked their erect cocks and pointed them at the auburn beauty. They were already aroused and it did not take but a few strokes as they began to grunt with release.  Karyn squealed with delight and writhed on the ground as the ogre cocks alternated with squirts of hot cum. Karyn opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to catch the raining cum, while her hands rubbed more of the sticky liquid over her chin, down her neck, over her breasts and stomach and hips and thighs. She wiped cum from her belly and fingered her sore pussy as if the cum was a soothing ointment. As the crowd of ogres dispersed, stumbling backwards, Karyn rolled over to her hands and knees. One last ogre grunted and a stream of cum flew from his cock to splatter her back.

Once Karyn had been completely coated in their seed, most of the ogres laid down slowly and fell asleep. Two ogres wandered to Iada’s cage, their cocks erect and bobbing before them. Karyn cried out an unintelligible groan, which diverted their attention from Iada.

Breasts heaving, hair wet and plastered agaisnt the sides of her face, and her body glistening with sweat and cum, Karyn licked her lips and her hips swayed seductively as she stepped to them, “I have not finished with you yet.”

Karyn drove her body to the brink of exhaustion to satisfy the remaining ogres. Despite her earlier efforts, the remaining ogres were fresh and energetic. They ravished Karyn's mouth and pussy. Every time they glanced at Iada, Karyn squeezed their cocks with her hands or mouth or pussy, to turn their focus towards herself.  Karyn finally managed to exhaust them, although after several orgasms they still had enough energy to rub their still dripping, soft cocks against her splattered face, and force her to clean off their cocks with her tongue. 

When the last ogre was finally asleep, her body told Karyn to join them in slumber.  She was sticky and weak and sore, but she knew she had to adhere to her plan, or the hours of copulations she had just endured would have been in vain.

Forcing herself up on shaky knees, Karyn staggered to the nearby wagon that seemed like it was a mile away.  Her steps were careful and deliberate, she was afraid her next step would awaken one of the sleeping ogres. Finally, upon reaching the wagon, she quietly shook the bars of Iada’s cage.  Iada was already awake, havig watched the orgy. She grabbed Karyn’s hand affectionately, her eyes glittering with tears in the moonlight.

“Oh Karyn,” she sobbed gently, “why…”

“No,” panted Karyn, interrupting Iada.  “Let me, get you, out of here.”

Karyn grabbed the ends of the twisted metal bar that acted as a crude lock for the cage.   For an ogre, bending it was easy, but for a human, the task was extremely difficult.   Karyn closed her eyes and took several, rhythmic breaths.  Calling upon her vast training and the very last of her body’s energy, she gritted her teeth and pulled at the bars.   They slowly began to open, until Karyn’s strength gave out and she fell to the ground.

Iada peered through the bars and saw Karyn was practically unconscious, but she noticed the auburn warrior had managed to open the bar a fair bit.   Iada leaned in the back of the small cage and pushed with her legs, forcing the door through the incomplete metal loop, until the cage door swung open.  She quickly jumped out and draped Karyn’s right arm over her shoulder, guiding her into the dark forest without a second thought.

Despite her lack of direction, Iada walked Karyn non-stop through the darkness.  She knew the ogres could awaken at any moment, and she wanted as much distance between them as possible.   But the brutal forest was harsh on the naked women, the soles of their bare feet were almost bleeding from walking on rough tree roots and rocks, and their bodies were adorned with cuts and scrapes from trees and small branches.   Iada was losing hope, and she feared that the sounds of her own footsteps were ogres closing in on them.   But a faint sound in the distance caused her to stop and listen, it was running water.

With a new destination in mind, Iada walked towards the source.  After tripping and bumping into more trees, her spirit was not dampened.   In her imagination the running water was a beautiful oasis, a sanctuary after experiencing such a horrible ordeal.   She had finally cleared the trees and found the sound of water was a small river feeding a small lake.  To her, this was the oasis she was seeking.   She was so relieved and joyful that she collapsed with Karyn into the soft grass of the riverbank and fell asleep, a smile on her face as she dreamed of the possibilities for tomorrow.

Iada opened her eyes and groaned, she saw the blue sky above, she heard the running water, and the warmth of the sun.  She thought she was dreaming of no longer being a captive, as she often did. And recalling an ogre’s violent touch brought her back to the real world, as it always did.  But several moments passed, and nothing happened.  Iada laughed suddenly for just a moment, she found it hard to believe that she was experiencing peace, and freedom.  She turned to speak to Karyn but the warrior was missing.  Iada immediately froze, dreading that once again Karyn was captured or had again selflessly traded herself for the dark haired beauty.

“Karyn!” cried Iada .

Her plea was immediately answered as Karyn quickly emerged from the small lake before her.  With a flick of her head, Karyn tossed back her long, soaked auburn tresses.  Her naked body dripping wet, Karyn turned to Iada and panted, “I awoke before you, and I wanted to wash last night off my body.”

Karyn waded to the edge of the lake near Iada and wrung out her hair before leaning back against a tree beside Iada.   “I am sorry to have worried you Iada .”

“You are sorry? Karyn I would be willing to put up with a lifetime of worry after what you have done for me.  I thank you, more than words could even begin to express. I still cannot believe what you went through for me!” Iada’s voice broke down into sobs.

“I did what was necessary.  I saw how beaten you already were, the ogres would have likely killed you.  I myself have never come closer to dying. Passing out maybe, but not dying. Let us not dwell on the past. Your husband will meet us within a few hours.”


“Yes, Count Lerim?”

Iada was silent, and her eyes were cast down.  Karyn instinctively followed with her eyes to where Iada was staring, and noticed a small marking on Iada’s left leg.

Karyn gasped. “The ogres branded you!  No, wait...” Karyn stared more carefully at the branding. “That mark is Lerim’s family crest!”

Iada nodded gently in acknowledgement.

“You are a slave!”

“I was just a maid, when Lerim forced himself on me one night.  He threatened to kill me and all the other maids if I spoke of it.   He became obsessed with me. So when it was time for him to move back to his father’s manor and rule over his father’s land, he sent for me.  He only intended to continue to use me for my body.  He knew I had to travel separately from him, for it would be unusual for him to insist on having a maid in his entourage.  The ogres kidnapped me during the trip, and I have been their prisoner since.”


“Karyn, what continues to bother me is how you offered yourself to them in exchange for my safety.   Because I know exactly how it felt for you to do that, for I have endured such torture many times!”

“And I have simply helped guide you to another form of confinement. I have made a mistake.”

“No, do not think that for a second!” snapped Iada .  Her sudden outburst frightened even herself.  “I would far prefer being with Lerim than with the ogres.”

“You should have another choice.” insisted Karyn .

“Iada is dead?” asked Count Lerim in disbelief, his voice solemn yet clearly shaken.  The soldiers that flanked him on each side were disturbed; they had never seen the Count so fragile.

“I am afraid so.” replied Karyn, her eyes cast slightly down.  She once again faced the Count in her home, as she sat in the wooden chair and watched her guest from the other side of the table.   It seemed like an exact replica of their first meeting, despite all that has transpired in the days since.

“Where is her body?” Lerim finally managed to ask.

“I am afraid the ogres had consumed much of it.   I recognized her because I found her head discarded in a field.   And she had the exact same features you described.”

“Oh gods.” gasped Lerim.

“I am truly, truly sorry.”

“And why did my soldiers find you naked?”

“I was attacked and ravaged by an ogre but escaped while he slept.”

Lerim paused, and let out a silent, but clearly heartfelt cry.  Karyn, her master, and Lerim’s guards all were silently still, their eyes fixated on the Count as his lip trembled and he quickly wiped away all his tears before they ran down his cheeks.  Finally, he managed to muster enough composure to speak.   “I will give you some compensation for your effort, and for your suffering.”

“It is not necessary Count…”

“No, I must insist.  I never wanted you to suffer such a horrible ordeal.  I had no idea the ogres were so vicious.   I will be certain to build a new road far from that cursed place, so no man will ever suffer the same cruel fate as I.”

“Very good, Count Lerim.” Karyn said, hiding any hint of sarcasm in her voice.

The lake behind Karyn’s home was beautiful at night.  The stars came out and the moon reflected off the water’s serene surface.   As well, the night was further illuminated by the small, bright lights of sun flies, which flew about in swarms high above like another layer of stars.

Karyn loved to watch the night sky and gaze towards the heavens, as well as to breathe the fresh, night air over the lake.  She laid back in a gale of short grass and awaited the sounds of her expected visitor.

“Karyn?” called out Iada , her voice quiet, as if attempting to remain secret.

“Lerim is no longer here.” assured Karyn.  “You need not worry about him finding out you are alive.”

“Oh, he believes me to be dead?  It was successful?”

“Yes.” said Karyn. The warrior leaned on one elbow and threw a pouch of coins to Iada, who caught it.   “And he gave me a reward by his insistence.  I give you almost all of it.”

“Karyn, I can’t accept this.”

“I insist, my master and I live by a code of having almost no worldly possessions.   We have no want or need of extravagance.   Take this money, and find a new life, far away with a new name.”

“Karyn, I…”

“Just go.” urged Karyn, waving her hand dismissively.

“Karyn,” Iada said in disagreement.  “I can not walk out of your life without at least attempting to reward you personally for what you have done.  All I have to offer is what Lerim saw in me.”   Iada then quietly took off all her clothes.  She walked up to Karyn and straddled her as she laid.   “If you would have me Karyn, I would pleasure you,” she whispered, leaning down so her breasts dangled invitingly before the auburn warrior.

Karyn stared up at Iada with a hint of arousal evident in her eyes.   She tentatively reached up and caressed her soft left breast, stroking the nipple.

“I admit, I have felt lust for other women, but I have never slept with a woman before,” said Karyn.

“Just relax, set free your inhibitions, and let your desires guide you.   For just one night,” whispered Iada in a sultry manner.

Iada undid the cords that held Karyn’s bustier and opened the garment to feast upon Karyn’s breasts.   Karyn moaned with pleasure, her skin feeling hot despite the cool night air as she felt Iada suckle on her nipple and reach inside her pants and caress her mound.  The auburn warrior combed her fingers through Iada’s dark hair as the former maid licked Karyn’s stomach, rolling her tongue around her bellybutton.   Iada moved up Karyn’s body with her tongue, licking the valley between her heaving breasts, to her graceful neck, and then her panting lips.  Consumed by lust, the two women kissed voraciously, their tongues joining between their open mouths as they squeezed and fondled each other’s naked breasts.

The sweet kiss seemed to last an eternity, but after it finally ended, Iada stood up and straddled her lover’s head. Panting heavily, she pressed her naked womanhood against Karyn’s mouth; Karyn kissed Iada’s warm vulva, sucking it lightly before slowly licking the gap between her vaginal petals.  Savouring in the taste of her lover’s womanhood, Karyn gently pushed forward and forced her tongue inside.   Iada moaned, leaned forward and dug her hands into the grass.  She began humping Karyn’s face, tilting her head upward as she gasped with every push.   Karyn’s tongue was driven deeper and deeper by the combined efforts of both women.   Karyn cupped Iada’s bobbing buttocks and kneaded her smooth cheeks as Iada orgasmed. A trickle of honey poured down Karyn’s chin as she worked to suck from her lover’s honey pot.

The night had grown darker as the sun flies departed, but the fires of the two women’s lust continued to blaze.   Karyn and Iada’s husky moans came in unison as they thrusted against each other, their legs were wrapped together and their labia ground against each other in a sensual union.   The perspiration on their nude bodies shimmered in the dim moonlight; they sat up to embrace, desperation for each other’s touch.   They kissed wildly, their tongues caressing blindly and licking each other’s neck, shoulders and bouncing breasts.

Iada’s lustful endurance proved to be comparable to the ogres, as Karyn found out over the course of the night.  Their coupling ended with a long, slow swim in the lake, to wash off the sweat and sex. They touched, fondled, kissed and licked each other as they swam before finally returning to the shore.   They shared one more passionate kiss under the moonlight and fell asleep in each other’s arms on the short grass.

The sun rose over the horizon, causing the lake to shimmer brilliantly.   Karyn awoke at the first sensation of a warm sunbeam, and rolled her nude body to the side to see that Iada was not there, as if she was nothing more than a delicious dream.  She sighed to herself, thinking for just a moment, that she would emerge from the lake at any moment, but the lake’s surface remained still.

The End

Karyn and the Orgy of Ogresby Bernie

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