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Knight Elayne 01 - The Old Chapel

Knight Elayne vowed to fight the dark minions that defeated her brothers. Her first mission is to investigate a desolate village.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: F-solo, FM, FMM, Demon, Magic, Non-Consensual, Mind Control

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This story is posted with permission from the author Lady Adara and artist Hibbli. You can see additional stories and artwork by Lady Adara and Hibbli at their site Hibbli3D.

WARNING: This story is for readers over the age of 18, and abiding by the laws in your locality. This story is a work of fiction and all characters and locations are not meant to represent any person or place in real life or other published works, except as parody.

You can leave a comment for the author at the bottom of this story, or talk to the author in the Tavern.

Portrait of Knight Elayne:

Knight Elayne - The Old Chapel

A few days ago, Elayne received orders to patrol a remote part of the county. She arrived and found only empty villages, abandoned a long time ago. Some buildings were burnt to the ground, and she wondered why she was ordered to come here, as there isn't much of anything left at all. There were no villagers, no animals. It was all just ruins. Orders are orders, and she must obey them as they came down from a member of High Council.

There had been many rumors that dark minions were moving around the human realm and attacking small villages. The rumors were no longer rumors, as the destroyed villages evidence from what Elayne viewed. She just had to believe the High Council knew what they are doing, when they ordered her to the area, presumably to deal with any problems she may come across. The surrounding lands were a beautiful contrast, and she could imagine sitting for hours to watch the scenery.

She had been trained as a Lady of the Court, in art, and poetry, and even tried her hand at some musical instruments, and failed. As her last, and older brother was slain in the battlefields under peculiar circumstances, she was informed that her arranged marriage was void if she could not continue the work of her brothers, and maintain her family's honor. She had little choice but accept, as the alternative was ending up in jail or on the streets, and her family's property seized by Crown.

Elayne continued her journey within this remote part of the county and every home and field was abandoned or destroyed the same. No other humans or animals. It was as if everyone had been abducted or just left, and never came back. Maybe the High Council will offer the land to new settlers after she returns to give her report.

The travel had once again been long and tedious. Elayne made camp in the nearest ruins for the night. What was left of stone walls were still standing, and Elayne wondered what kind of building it was. As she studied the walls and debris and floor, she determined that it was a chapel. The road outside of the chapel, at least it was road long time ago, was broad. Elayne guessed that the chapel served the local people as well as wanderers that prayed for proctection from the gods.

As the sky darkened, she made a campfire and leaned against her backpack. She didn't understand why this region was abandoned and people had not returned. It seemed peaceful enough. She relaxed and settled against her pack, all alone.

Something moved in the shadows of the ruin as the sun was setting. Their powers grew stronger as the darkness loomed. And they were watching this knight who had made camp in the ruins of the desecrated chapel. Their powers were strongest within the walls of the chapel, as it was under the influence of dark lords.

Small creatures, hidden in the shadows, creeped slowly towards Elayne. One of them cast a spell, muttering something in a low voice.

Elayne had a strange feeling, like a voice in her head recommending to put aside the sword and remove her armour so she would feel more relaxed. She didn't understand why she would think that, given she was alone in a desolate location. But on the other hand, she didn't see anything wrong with the surroundings of the ruins, and everything was quiet, and she was alone. She removed her scabbard and set the sword aside her pack, and started to unbuckle her armours. She agreed that it really was not comfortable to sleep in the armor.

As the small creatures saw their prey succumb to the spell, they grinned evil smiles. Muttering amongst themselves, they watched how the young female knight removed her armour piece by piece, trapped in their spell.

Elayne felt the night air was warm, and the camp fire added more heat. She was alone, so why not remove the rest of her clothes and sleep more comfortably. She felt hotter than before, and moment by moment found herself aroused for no obvious reason.

The small demonic creatures smiling even wider, as they saw this poor knight peeling off her clothes and standed before the fire naked. They imagined she was waiting for them to arrive. The female knight started to stretch her arms and twist, loosening her muscles from the long ride. Her motions made her naked body look even sexier. Her smooth white skin shone golden in the camp fire. Her lovely round tits were firm and perky. Many men would have paid to see her like this, as these demons now saw her.

Elayne felt her skin was getting hotter, and her nipples were getting rock hard. She began panting, and her hands started to move on her smooth white skin. Her fingers dacing on her skin made her shiver from pleasure, and the pleasure made her body move gyrate to the touches. She was alone, naked in the hot night, dancing by the camp fire and began fondling herself slowly.

If any priest were to see her like this, there were only two possible outcomes. An undisciplined priest might be been lured into sexual acts with Elayne, and if revealed, she would go to trial as a witch and be burned. Or a devout priest would detain her directly to trial and she would be burned as an witch. So, it was bad for Elayne in any case. Luckily, there weren't any priests around.

Elayne continued to dance to herself, and rub her naked body. The creatures slowly moved in the shadows toward her, muttering more unholy spells to distract her and intensify her pleasures. She started to moan while rubbing her clit with her right hand and squeezed her nipples with her left hand.

- Sit down girl... sit... and wait for us... want us... yes... want us...

Elayne heard whispers from the shadows and thought to grab her sword for defense, but her body had already betrayed her and she was sitting down just like she was told to do. She felt her skin was electrified and waiting to be touched. She panted slowly while her fingers moved from her knees, and up along her lovely thighs. How many men could kill others, just to feel those lovely legs wrap around his back and feel his personal sword buried deep into her waiting scabbard.

Elayne leaned back against her backpack and waited for them to come.

- Yes, girl.. we are coming... want us... serve us good girl.. and you'll enjoy it... you want more...

Dark voices whispered again and they were much closer this time. It made Elayne feel especially excited to surrender to the feelings and this entity. Her body was fully aroused, and she wanted to feel another touch on her burning hot skin. Her eyes were half closed with pleasure, and she felt a lump in her throat as a demonic little creature stepped into light of the fire. She didn't think of her sword at all, and was eager to see this strange creature come closer and touch her naked body.

The little demon saw the arousal overcoming any sense of fear, and that it was safe to touch this human's flesh. It extended a three fingered hand and touched her breast.

When Elayne felt the three fingers on her breast, she let out a moan. The sensations were like a drug that continued to give pleasure. She wanted more and arched her back, offering her breast to the creature's touch.

The demon didn't hesitate, and leaned toward Elayne's head so he could kiss this lovely human woman.

Elayne felt this creature's three fingered hand moving on her body, up to her neck, and placing it's other hand on her thigh. It was kissing her like she had never kissed before.

- Yessss... girl... our Masters told us that you'll be... nice one... indeed you are... serve us girl... serve us well and you'll enjoy it...

The dark voice muttered words into Elayne's ear and she was fully under of the spell of these unholy creatures. The demonic creature felt how aroused this human female was, and how easily she gave into the dark spells. The demon grabbed her lovely round breasts and played with her nipples that were like iron studs.

She moaned softly every time the demon's rough hand touched her skin. Her body wanted more, it wanted sex, any sex, and even with these unholy creatures. In her mind, she knew that if anyone saw her like this, it was end of her. Dealing with demons was not allowed, and possession or being under a charm was not an excuse. But that was a worry for tomorrow, for tonight she needed the sexual release.

She offered herself to this demon to be used, her lovely tits to be groped, her lips to be kissed, and her womanhood to be taken. Used or abused didn't matter, as she enjoyed the rough-skinned demonic hands on her tender skin. Elayne trembled from pleasure and she panted faster, as she imagined how this demon might take her, wanting it take her, and soon.

- Girl... on your knees... and let us to study your... lovely soft body... soon girl... you'll enjoy... enjoy like never before...

The voices whispered to her ear and she obeyed like a marionette. Another creature emerged into the light and started to inspect her tender body. Their unholy hands moved across her white smooth skin and their foul nails left scratches on her skin. She trembled and moaned softly when she felt rough touches all over her body. She had never before felt this aroused and her body was responding to the pleasures of these foul creatures. She wasn't a fully trained knight, or as strong willed to fight against charms like this. As long as one of them kept focusing on the demonic spell, she had no chance of escape.

Her body shivered from pleasure as she felt the foul demon hands touching her wherever they wanted and as roughly they wanted. Elayne felt fingers discover the womanly treasure between her legs, and the sensation made her moan louder. She wanted to feel more pleasure, more, faster and harder, but she could only wallow in sensation and allow these unholy creatures to abuse her body on their terms. On some level, deep in her mind, she wanted to grab her sword and slice these small demons into pieces. But the demonic spell had a strong hold on her and she was like a doll to these foul creatures. She moaned softly as she felt teeth biting her breasts and slimy tongues moved on her neck.

One of the demons moved behind her and rubbed it's belly against Elayne's back. The creature's skin was rough and dirty, but it felt good against her skin. It reached around to play with the human's lovely breasts. Nicely rounded, firm tits were it's favorite toy.

As those three fingered hands were mauling Elayne's tits, she moaned softly. Panting a bit, she rubbing her ass against demon behind her. Her body trembled from the pleasure as the creature's hands moved over her body, and she allowed it to touch her freely. Elayne felt how wet she was, and she wanted to be taken already.

She was no virgin, but she wasn't that experienced in sexual relations either. She had gived her virginity a few years ago to one handsome young man and he had promised to come back, but he had yet to return. Regardless of her suitor, everything could be lost after this night. She'll be ruined by these demons and when the priests find out, she'll be hanged, and burned if she was lucky.

Elayne felt a hard lump under the loincloth of the smaller demon behind her, and it felt promising. She placed her hand over the coarse skin of the demon's hand on her breast and moved it down between her legs. She pressed it's fingers to the right spot, urging the creature behind her to rub there.

The small demon agreed to her wish, and a soft moan escaped her lips as the demon's fingers rubbed the human female's clit. The creature licked her neck and enjoyed her salty sweat. Elayne pressed her ass against the demon's hard lump beneath it's loincloth. The creature groaned with it's deep voice.

The demons knew that this human female was ready to be taken, and it was willingly giving herself to them. They didn't care if she gave herself willingly or not, as they would have taken what they wanted anyway. These creatures hadn't seen a lovely human female in their foul hands in quite a while, and took their time to enjoy playing with her body. They continued whispering their charms to make sure that her body stayed fully aroused and ready for them.

Suddenly Elayne felt the demon behind, force her to lean forward. Those rough hands inspected her buttocks and inner thighs. One clawed finger pressed inside her wet pussy and she gasped. She was held in that position as she was inspected by the creature. She felt the coarse finger move in and out of her pussy, as if it wanted to see how she reacted. Elayne moaned again and pressed her hips back against the hand, revealing that she was enjoying the finger.

Elayne was certain that this smaller demon would rid it's loincloth and take her from behind. She imagined herself on her hands and knees, taking it's demonic cock into her waiting pussy. The vision made her to tremble and her body ached for more contact and deeper penetration. She was more than ready to be taken right now, right there. She wanted to feel it's unholy rod sliding inside her body and make her moan, and make her sweat. She wanted to feel this foul creature own her body and shoot it's hot slimy load deep inside her pussy.

The demon continued to tease her, and whisper it's charms. It kept her waiting and wanting to get fucked. The creature's three fingered hands moved over her hot skin and she shivered from the lustful cravings.

- Turn around...girl... and open your lovely legs...

The deep voice whispered and she obeyed like she had nothing in her mind to fight with. She turned and sat on a log in the wood pile and leaned back to await the next command. The demon pressed her thighs apart and began licked her pussy. She gasped and closed her eyes. The fast tongue made her tremble and her hand moved to clutch the back of it's head, while creature tasted her. She had never experienced this, and enjoyed the pleasure this small demonic creature gave her.

Opening her eyes again, she could see the second demon was a different kind of creature, but still of the same demonic origin as the other. It's hands moved to Elayne's aroused body, and began squeezing her breasts and touching her hard nipples.

She felt something building up deep within herself and she couldn't push the feeling away. The pressure was so intense that it wiped everything else from focus. Elayne exploded with a strong orgasm while seated on the log, while the two smaller creatures abused her as they wanted to. She trembled, and her hand pushed the demonic head away from her sensitive pussy. Her firm and perky tits bounced while her body shook, and the sight made the demonic creatures even hornier. She felt tingling everywhere, from finger tips and toes. Her soft skin was extremely sensitive and the rough hands moving on her body, increased the pleasure.

Her legs were held open, as the demonic creature licked it's lips, and seemed to love the taste of her sweet nectar. The second demon began licking her tits, neck and chin with it's long, slimy tongue.

She no longer cared if anyone saw her with these foul beasts. She felt the strong pleasure from the touch of these dark minions and wanted more. The demonic charms had originally made her passive and aroused, allowing the creatures to have fun with her, but now she was beyond horny and just wanted more sex.

Elayne moaned and enjoyed the rough-skinned hands moving on her hot skin. They muttered something and then Elayne felt her body rising. The small creatures surprised Elayne as they physically hoisted her into the air with ease. They were quite strong for their size and she wondered what else these demons could reveal to her in this night. She was carried from her camp fire, and deeper into the ruined chapel.

Into a room, she was placed on the stone pavement with old runes and emitting dark red light. Elaybe didn't even notice how the walls of the ruins disappeared into dark mist, and something was coming forward from the shadows. Elayne lay there fully naked, and saw a bigger demon approach, and it seemed to have only one thing on it's mind. To take her body with it's demonic pole. Elayne's arousal bloomed as she watched the bigger demon, and spread her legs. She licked her lips and moved her hand to her pussy, pressing a finger into herself and wanted to be taken by this new demon.

- Girl... on your kneesss... and serve me with your pretty mouth...

The demon's voice was deep and dark, but Elayne didn't felt any fear. She was so deeply within the demonic charms that she obeyed it's command like a mindless toy. She rolled and rose onto her knees and greeted the demon with her mouth as best she could. She opened her mouth and took the head of the demon's cock between her lips. She began sucking and pressing her tongue against the underside of the demon's cock, as she had heard other girls explain how to give oral pleasure.

The dark skinned Demon Lord watched the human female pleasure him with her mouth. He enjoyed the sight of the soft skinned human girl in front of him on her knees, with her lips around the knob of his cock. He noticed her slim hand had moved between her legs just for one reason.

Elayne rubbed her own clit while licking the demon's thick rod with her tongue. It smelled a bit like sulphur and tasted sour, but as she was deeply under the demonic charms, she didn't flinch. In fact she took pride in feeling the demon's cock harden against her lips.

The Demon Lord groaned with a dark voice and looked at this fragile human female with hungry eyes. It would be lovely to tear her apart, drink her warm blood right from her throat. He would love to hear her screams as he tore her body into pieces, limb by limb. Still it would be also as enjoyable to ravish this human female and fill her womb with it's dark seed. Elayne looked even more ravishing moment by moment, as she served Demon Lord eagerly with her mouth. His minions had charmed this female well.

The two smaller demons moved away from the action, as their Lord had right to use this human female, or to kill her. To them, it was the same in the end. She was just one fragile human female of many. And they died so easily while playing their games.

- Now... Girl... turn on your handss and kneess...

The Demon Lord ordered Elayne to the new position in front of him, and she obeyed. The Demon Lord was pleased to see how eagerly she obeyed it's commands. He knelt behind the eager human, and a big hand took a firm grab of her blond hair to assure her that she couldn't escape from him.

Elayne felt this bigger demonic creature rub it's hard member against her pussy. She trembled, from the long wait and wanted this cock to fill her. She didn't have to wait, as the demon was as eager to take her. Elayne gasped as that thick gnarled pole pushed in and opened her bit by bit. She had been sent there to fight and kill demonic creatures just like these. But now Elayne was on her hands and knees, allowing a Demon Lord to penetrate her - and she wanted it. She moaned and felt her pussy filled by this demonic bull.

The demon behind her groaned with it's deep and dark voice. It surely enjoyed feeling this human female's tightness around it's hard cock, and was a little surprised to see Elayne push herself back against the demon. The charms worked wonders, but her added sexual longing urged it's mighty tool deeper into her pussy and she moaned crazily.

Elayne trembled from pleasure and lowered her belly, to arch her back as much she could, and make it easier for the Demon Lord to penetrate deeper. The blond woman moaned with pleasure as she felt the thick pole stretch her fully. Her whole body shook and the demon groaned behind her with it's deep demonic voice.

The ruins were filled with her cries of pleasure and pain and the deep and chilling demonic growls. The young human female was just a toy to these demons and the Demon Lord was pleased, as it felt much pleasure from this woman. Maybe it had planned to kill her after this, or she would be spared, and they could enjoy her lovely body in the future.

The Demon Lord heard this young female cry out in pleasure, when she had yet another orgasm from this unholy mating. The woman's body shook and long high pitched scream escaped from her lips, while strong waves of pleasure rippled inside her. She panted heavily as the Demon Lord pulled it's hard cock from her. The two smaller demons watched from the shadows, and continued to whisper their demonic charm spell.

Elayne was lifted up and she had no idea what might happen next. She was turned and her back was pushed against the stone wall of the ruined chapel. The Demon Lord stepped in front of her. Elayne felt it's rough hands grab her waist and lift her up as if she weighed nothing. She purred when she felt the Demon Lord lowering her onto it's cock to take her again, against the stone wall. Elayne lifted her arms and placed her hands on the demon's broad shoulders and allowed him to take her in any way it wanted. She cried from pleasure, when the Demon Lord's cock slid into her again and made her to feel it's power. The Demon Lord held her against the stone wall and her feet could not touch the ground.

She moaned and felt it's demonic pole sliding as deep it could and how intense a feeling it gave her. Every thrust was firm and it kept her moaning with pleasure. She hadn't felt as strong pleasure when she fucked before, and it didn't matter that the person giving this pleasure was a demonic being. Of course she should fight against demons and kill all unholy creatures, but she had fallen into a trap and charmed with dark spells. Elayne was their sex toy and maybe that would save her life.

Elayne's breasts bounced with the strong thrusts, and she felt the Demon Lord's tongue on her hard nipples. The mighty Demon used her for it's own pleasure, but under the charms or not, she realized how much she loved the sex and attention they gave her. She wrapped her legs around the Demon Lord's waist and moved her mouth to kiss the demon's forehead.

The Demon Lord lifted his face from her breasts and their mouths met as she kissed the unholy creature passionately. The Demon Lord kept every thrust as strong and firm as it kissed the human woman. This female felt so tiny and fragile against the demon's lap, yet it enjoyed showing the female it's power in many ways.

The blond woman's moans became more rapid, as her body shuddered with orgasms one after another. The Demon Lord wanted to take her in another position before unloading it's hot unholy seed. It lusted for this human female, and wanted to feel it's own orgasm inside her. He lowered her and allowed her feet to touch the ground again.

- Bend over girl... Now!

The Demon Lord groaned with it's horny voice. Elayne's mind was clouded with pleasure and sparked with sensation. She did what she was told and turned to press her hands against the stonewall and bend over. Her lovely breasts hung down and she moved her feet apart, anticipating the demon might continue to pleasure her hot pussy.

Demon Lord grabbed her naked hips and slid it's staff into her again. She screamed sharply, as the thrust was strong. Her continuous moans returned, as the Demon's pace increased and it grunted heavily behind of the female knight. The Demon Lord felt it was about to burst and it gripped Elayne's sweaty soft hips tightly.

Her breasts bounced along with the fierce pace and she felt her insides numbed by the thick demonic pole. Her body started to twitch, signaling that she was about to have another orgasm. The Demon Lord felt the walls of her pussy contract around it's hard shaft. Soon both of them were groaning from the pleasure and the Demon Lord roared. It bit at Elayne's neck and it's knobby shaft erupted, filling her with it's slimy unholy seed. Then the Demon Lord released Elayne's neck, before pulling it's cock from her. She slumped onto her knees and hung her head in exhaustion and watched thick globs of demon seed drip onto the ground between her knees.

The Demon Lord was pleased and left the young woman on her knees, while it moved back into the shadows. As the Demon Lord left the ruined chapel, the two smaller demons were waiting patiently in the shadows. They had made her ready for their leader and watched the Demon Lord take this female knight on the grounds of ruined chapel. Their Master had used her and filled her with his unholy seed.

Elayne was kneeling on the ground and had a few moments rest before the smaller demons approached. They removed their loincloths and turned the human female to a sitting position. They meant for her to serve them with her lovely mouth. Elayne was still deep under the charm spells and wanted to serve them as eagerly as she had the Demon Lord. She noticed the two creatures had smaller cocks than their master, but they could definitely use them to defile a poor maiden's honor.

The first creature pointed it's cock at Elayne and she wasted no time covering it's crooked head with her lips. She could feel the ridges on the underside of the cock with her tongue. The second demon thrust his hips and pushed the head of his cock against Elayne's cheek. She sucked and then pulled her mouth from the first demon's cock and turned slightly and took the second demon in her mouth. This cock was slightly fatter, and she could feel it's looser skin on her tongue. She served both of them eagerly, and felt their rough hands moving on her sweaty body. Demonic hands played with her firm breasts and nipples and caused her to squirm and moan with sensation. She was susprised that her body continued to be so aroused, and urged them to touch her.

Both demons were groaning from pleasure and started to muttering between them on how they would take this human woman. A few moments later, the second demon with four fingered paws removed his cock from her lips and lay down on it's back, holding his stiff cock in the air. The first demon whispered, commanding Elayne to climb on top and put that cock inside her

Seduced by the demonic charm and her own body's desire, she didn't hesitate. The young woman leaned forward and crawled over the second demon's lap and sat up. She spread her thighs and lowered her hips, and felt his thick member slide up into her quite nicely. It wasn't as big as Demon Lord, but felt equally pleasurable. Elayne started to roll her hips on the small demon and moaned softly. Her hips moved back and forth as she pressed her clit against it's belly. The demon's rough skinned hands covered her breasts and rubbed its palms over her hard nipples. She moaned louder and covered the scaly hands with her own, squeezing her breasts.

The first demon whispered for her to move faster, and she obeyed without question. She started to pant again and felt another set of rough skinned hands on her back. The three fingered demon was behind her and Elayne was wondering what it was going to do. The creature behind told her to stop and lean forward against the demon she was mounted upon. The blond haired woman placed her hands to either side of the demon below and pressed her breasts against it's chest. She didn't know why, but she wanted to feel that snakelike tongue in her mouth and she started to kiss the smaller demon. It responded and they kissed passionately as the demon held her to its chest.

The creature behind took a firm grip on her hips, and began forcing it's dark green cock into Elayne's other hole. The pain made her cry out and she arched her back. Both demons held her in place, so she couldn't escape. Elayne felt both demon cocks working inside her. It felt wrong and dirty, but at the same time it felt so intense and hot.

She had mixed feelings. She had her own thoughts at the edge of her mind. The demons were distracted by their pleasure and the demonic charm was wearing off.

The pain in her ass faded away when they started to move deep in her again. Both demons varied the pace and she moaned in pleasure. Her body trembled, and she could feel their rough hands on her sweaty skin. Both demons were groaning as much as she was moaning from pleasure. Elayne loved the new sensation of been taken by both demonic creatures at the same time. Their cocks were giving her more pleasure than that one young man, who robbed her virginity years ago.

Her body began to tremble even harder, as the demon cocks continued to fuck her. She panted heavily, moaned loudly and felt the bodies of the two demons against her smooth skin. She was naked, alone, and being fucked, and fucking these unholy creatures. And she was enjoying it. Time seemed to stand still as she reached another climax. She cried out with the power of orgasm, and her body jerked violently. Both demons felt her squeeze their cocks inside her. They imagined this is what the Demon Lord himself had enjoyed in this human.

The young female knight moaned in ecstasy and gave her body to the two demons in that ruined chapel. The creatures were groaning like animals and clawed at her white skin. Her firm breasts were bouncing and the demon under was licking at her hard nipples. Their claws made scratches on her tender skin as the demons enjoyed marking the human female as their property. Their pace quickened and Elayne felt the small demons fucking her harder. She had't experienced sex like this, with multiple partners, but only heard dirty stories about this kind of enjoyment. Even then, she could never tell anyone of her unholy union with these beasts. Elayne felt dirty claws on her breasts, and sharp teeth on the side of her neck. These cursed creatures held her tightly between them.

A moment later, and the demon hands released her. She felt the emptiness as their cocks were removed. They quickly rolled the human female onto her back on the dirty ground. The two demons switched positions and now the three fingered dark green skinned creature knelt between Elayne's thighs. It moved swiftly and shoved it's hard member deep inside her swollen sex and made the woman cry out loud. The second demon crouched next to Elayne's head and grabbed her chin to turn her face towards it. It was clear what it wanted her to do, and she opened her mouth as she closed her eyes. She could taste herself on the fat cock of the demon.

Both demons panted and grinned at each other as they used the human female for their pleasure. They seemed to know what to do and how to do it. Elayne thought she wasn't first human female ravished by these two. Her thoughts were returning. The dark charm was getting weaker as the two demons lost focus. Elayne started to realize what was happening. The charm dissolved as both demons lost their mental and bodily control and climaxed. The demon between her legs shot it's slimy load deep inside her, and the other demon pulled his cock from her mouth and splattered it's foul seed on Elayne's lips and cheek.

She groaned heavily and a surge of memories and emotions exploded in her mind. She felt violated, disgusted, and anger jolted her muscles. The two demons must have thought she was twitching in orgasm, as they didn't take notice of her startled motions. Elayne reached for anything to use as a weapon and her hand closed around a large rock. Swinging hard, she hit the first dark green skinned demon against the temple and caused him to crumple sideways and fall from between her legs. With a backhand motion, she caught the second demon in the chest, knocking him backwards onto the ground.

While the demons were stunned and just realizing what was happening, Elayne rolled over and scrambled for her sword that lay next to the backpack. She was going to make damned sure that these creatures won't be bothering anyone else. This time it was the demon's turn to cry out in pain, as Elayne chopped one in the neck and nearly severing its head, and then cleaved the second from collarbone to sternum. Both smaller demons lay twitching on the ground, bleeding foul black blood on the dirty floor of the chapel.

She knew the enemy was defeated, and lowered her sword. The adrenaline was slowing, and then she remembered the pleasures what these creatures made her to feel and the Demon Lord who took her first. She might never find that bigger demon again, but at least she had revenge on these two. She cringed at the foul demonic stench and she wanted to wash all the unholy slimy seed from her. She definitely didn't wanted to carry a halfbreed demon child. Now all she wanted was to wash the filth from her and she remembered seeing a clear watered pond beyond the hill nefore arriving at the chapel.

She had to admit that she loved the pleasures that she experienced while in their grasp, but knew it was wrong. She headed to the pond to cleanse herself before the demonic seed might settle and cost more than she was willing to pay.

Knight Elayne's adventures continue in Dark Eyes in the Forest.

Knight Elayne 01 - The Old Chapelby Lady Adaraandhibbli3d

Lady Adara

I'm a writer... My favorite genre is high fantasy, with a strong horror flavor, so not so much fairies in the middle of the flower field on the nice and warm day-stories.
But I also write modern era stories from time to time. Have done some commissions too, stories and picsets.

I also started to render 3D pics for my own stories and sell them mainly in gumroad or via BMT links. I have tried to collect all public links to my products into one journal page in DeviantArt. From that list you can see things that are currently offered for those who like naughty and rough things. My stories are growing and they say that I'm getting better with 3DX pics. 

Anyway, I will be grateful if you decide to support my work.

I'm still a hobby writer, and maybe I won't get my daily bread from this, but girl must try to have some fun.

Gumroad address:
Deviantart page:


Adara - Dark Night
Adara - Tome of Lust
Adara - Traps
Adara - Message Runner
Adara – Knight Elayne – False Promises
Adara – Knight Elayne – False Promises – Unholy deeds
Adara – Demon Kingdom, ch4, ch5
Adara – Gifts from the Gods
Adara – Screwed
Adara – Snatched
Adara – Soiled Doves
Adara – Soiled Doves: Untold Stories I
Adara – Soiled Doves: Untold Stories II
Adara – Soiled Doves: Untold Stories III
Adara – Meeting of The Sisters
Adara - Council
Adara - Alchemy - Amy's Ordeal
Adara - Prison Ship
Knight Elayne - Sanctuary of the Lost
Sanctuary of the Lost - Untold Stories
Knight Elayne - Priestess in the Forest
Knight Elayne - Ancient Grudge



nice to meet you and welcome. i'm not a pro with 3D programs and still learning new nice tricks every day. atm i am fighting with daz studio, zbrush and octane renderer. at least now, after a couple of years using it i am able to handle photoshop well :)

i create 3D pictures and comics... at the moment and hopefully in time, after i have learned to use these programs better this could be my day job. feel free to check on my own small website (just google for my nickname) there you can find all the stuff and information you are interested in :) every buck i can get helps me to get all the equipment and programs i need to raise the quality of my pictures and comics

my biggest problem is to pay my monthly bills with this small business, its getting hard sometimes because my stuff always gets pirated really fast and that takes away lots of the money i could earn with it (and even worse, it takes away motivation). so i have to take commissions from time to time to fill this gap as good as possible, its not always working out so i thought i could try this patreon thingie here :)

at the moment i am fine because i live in a small flat and dont have fancy extra wishes in my life but who knows what extra costs future brings... :) stay tuned and thanks for all the support :D

with loooooove,

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