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Lirielle - The First

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, Demon, Ghost, Non-Consensual, Tentacles, Magic

The First

The huntsman pulled his pants down to his knees and sat down again, she knelt on the floor in front of him between his legs, resting her elbows on the edge of the bench. She leaned in and gently kissed the tip of his cock.

Her soft lips were a little dry, she licked them and kissed him again lingering a little this time. She smiled up at him as she pulled back again.

The third kiss was even longer and finally she pushed on to engulf the head of his penis. He let out a deep sigh of contentment but even as the breath past his lips she was pulling away again. She smiled broadly and ran her tongue across her teeth.

Smiling back he reached behind her head and gently pulled her close again. She barely needed urging and took him in her mouth once more with obvious relish. She built a slow smooth rhythm and he stroked back her hair. He could feel her saliva building behind her lips lubricating him so that on the backstroke her lips gathered the moisture and spread it along his length on the down stroke. As yet she was using only her lips and to a small extent her tongue.

He dropped his hand to her shoulder and immediately she allowed her teeth to rasp across his foreskin, catching at it and rolling it about like a kitten with a ball of wool. She pulled back again and used the tip of her finger to trace a spiral pattern around the length of his cock. They smiled at each other once more and she gripped him gently with her right hand. She pushed his cock back against his stomach and leaned in to tease at his balls. She giggled at the pubic hair which tickled her nose but pushed on, flattening it back with her tongue so that she could take fleshy lip bites at his sack.

The saliva she released was more than ample to slick down the hair and she was able to take his testicles entirely in her mouth where she rolled them about on her tongue. He was very sensitive down there and his body tensed but he soon relaxed into it. She let go of his shaft, allowing it to spring back gently against her head. She shifted so it rubbed across her forehead as she continued softly working with her tongue. She released his balls with a sucking pop and nuzzled her face across his cock, leaving traces of pre-cum in her eyebrows.

She looked puzzled as he stood up carefully but readily accepted his cock again as it was presented. He stood over her as she took his cock deep in her mouth, her now wet lips sliding elegantly up and down its length. He brushed a trace hair from her face and she kept sucking. He closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling more, the smooth flow over his skin. He didn't want things to be over too quickly so opening his eyes he jerked back out of her mouth. She tried to catch him again but merely succeeded in spreading the juices across her cheeks, he wiped himself across her face.

With his hands behind her head he pulled her in, squashing her face into his crotch. She reached around him and pulled herself close as well, in tune with the game she mashed her face into his cock. Eventually she caught him up again and sucked with determined fervour.

He'd been a long time in the wilds and his body was aching for release. In a few powerful and juicy strokes he came. The first shot was thick and gloopy it sat like porridge in the back of her throat. She pulled back to the very tip so the second jet sprayed across her tongue, this one was a better consistency and streamed across the inside of her mouth. He was shuddering and squirming as she rolled her tongue to combine the two. The third spray coated the roof of her mouth. She released him and swirled the liquid around like a fine wine. A drip was forming on his tip so she hastily swallowed what she had to lick it up.

His smile had turned to a dopey grin and his rock hard rod to a drooping quill.

She kissed him on the cheek as she stood collecting her few belongings and the gold coins beside him on the bench. All in all a good nights work. She had entered this tavern to make a few coins with her music and to find a warm companion to pass the rest of the evening. Not only had her flute playing provided her with a pouch of silver but the man she had targeted for her amusement had decided she deserved paying for her company. She did not consider herself a prostitute, but more a happy opportunist.

Lirielle, named for a great aunt, had been an excellent daughter to her wealthy parents. She had shown great dedication to the study of a ladies pursuits. She was fascinated in her lessons and in reading she also excelled in embroidery, calligraphy, illumination but especially music. The change that led to her losing her parents favor began at sixteen when she was introduced to Derwell, the man they told her would be her husband. She had done her best at first with this pale and thin youth a few years older than herself, indeed they found themselves quite compatible in their adoration of music and poetry. There was no spark of great romance between them but she had imagined a future in which they could be quite happy together provided their estate maintained a reasonable library and music room.

They spent a week together before his family returned to their own lands on the far side of the city and they both returned to their schooling. A spark of curiosity had been struck in Lirielle however, when it was explained to her the function of marriage and those body parts up to which point had seemed superfluous.

When Derwell returned on another courting visit the following summer it was not music she wished to discuss with him. He seemed reluctant to take her virginity before their wedding and convinced her it would be better to experience another form of love. Thus Lirielle lost her anal virginity before her hymen was ever pierced. Derwell seemed only to happy to penetrate her rearward entry as oft as was possible and the good hearted and long suffering Lirielle did not find the experience entirely unpleasant.

Derwell's thoughtfulness for her maidenhood however had done nothing to assuage her curiosity and thus it was she turned to a young stableman to discover a womans true joy. Things were proceeding admirably until the day Lirielle paid an unannounced visit to her rough and rugged lover in the hay only to find Derwell there ahead of her, or should I say behind him. With blushing face and reddened cock Derwell explained his true love for men to a somewhat surprised young lady and they agreed then and there a marriage would be ill advised.

Their parents were not happy to say the least and Lirielle was given the princess treatment, that is to say her parents locked her in the highest tower without access to proper hair dressing facilities. The furor with Derwell's parents ended with the convenient yet tragic death of his parents. Their coach mistaken for a couch by a rogue giant. The wrath of Lirielle's parents eventually diminished and her first act upon leaving the tower was to have her pale brown hair cut into a bob. From that point on her parents views held no sway over her. Other suitors came, some after her family's fortunes others intrigued by her strength and beauty but she met no man she desired and nothing her parents could say would change her mind. Matters were not improved when her elder brother returned from his schooling in foreign lands. He had absorbed modern thought and he thoroughly backed Lirielle's desire to satisfy her still smoldering curiosity with all the worlds wonders. On her eighteenth birthday she set out into the world with an open mind and the kit of a wanderer. She had traveled for nearly a year when she came upon this particular tavern.

She re-entered the common room and bowed low as the crowd cheered, perhaps remembering her earlier performance with the flute but more likely guessing at the private concert she had just given.

The tavern keeper offered her a bed for the night with lust in his eye but she thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and went out into the night. The streets were well lit thanks to the mage's need for gold, it was an expensive business to be in and while magic swords and fireballs were the gems of the craft the money spinners were the spells that made peoples lives that little bit easier from day to day.

She had toyed with the idea of studying magic but when she had entered their library it was a dead place or rather the life it held was alien to the life she found in legends and histories. Her relationship with the city as a whole was of both love and loathing. She delighted in the pleasures on offer but recoiled from the filth and the corruption. The colour and life of the people fed her soul but too often she was confronted with life's realities which were so at odds with her own romantic view. She needed clear air and a wholesome change so she set off through the open South gate to find a barn in which to sleep.

Plains stretched out for some distance from the city, good fertile farming land with a constant water supply from the mighty Oleman river. During the day the fields were crowded with farmers and the road held down by a steady if not mighty flow of traffic.

She padded along the now empty road in her long soft leather boots and cut down kilt. The crisp air was refreshing and she threw back her cloak to appreciate it. Half a mile from the city she came to a likely looking building beside an irrigation channel. The first level of the building was constructed sturdily from grey stone while the second floor was a wooden affair. A water wheel was set down the side waiting for a floodgate to be opened to start it grinding. The main door was unbarred and she pulled it open a crack to sneak inside. She glanced about and soon saw a pile of empty grain sacks she bedded down and quickly fell asleep.

She awoke a few hours later with an uneasy start, she was used to sleeping in the common room where one's neighbour might accidentally cop a feel in their sleep, the feeling that awoke her was akin to that. Her eyes darted about the room but saw no-one. She would have turned over to return to sleep but even as she moved to do so she felt a cold wetness against her thigh. Raising her skirt she discovered the thin cloth of her underwear was mysteriously dampened. She stared about again in astonishment and this time something caught her eye. Peering through the crack of the door like an inquisitive animal was a glowing white phallus. She rubbed her eyes to be sure and as her vision cleared she realised it was merely a tendril of mist in the moonlight.

She stood to close the door. Like a living snake, the mist recoiled at her movement darting outside. She gathered her rapier wary of some perverted unseely foe and edged towards the door.

Outside the entire landscape was laced with squirming tendrils, she stood amazed, her breath puffing it's own foggy clouds. The full moon slid from behind a thin vapor trail and in it's sharp light she witnessed an incredible sight, the insubstantial tentacles all emanated from one point barely a hundred yards from where she stood.

Curious and more than a little frightened she set out towards the epicentre. She strode forward in a straight line. Each time she passed through a strand of mist she felt a shiver through her entire body and a fresh dampening in her knickers.

She came to the base of a low hill, the farmers had allowed the natural briar to grow free here. She stalked the perimeter until she found a path between the thorns. As she stepped up she felt a chill against her thigh more powerful than what she had felt before. With a squeal she slipped forward. As she hit the ground she rolled onto her back to see a substantial white pseudopod disappear under her kilted skirt. With a gasp she felt it nudging against her mound through the sodden material. While the feeling was not unpleasant the idea of some unknown creature taking her was.

She grasped beside her for her rapier and plunged the point into the writhing thing. The thin metal blade had no effect on it's insubstantial form she could feel it scooping at the edge of her pants trying to find entry. She wished she had some find of axe to sever the thing, instead she brought her knees up and planted her feet firmly. Kicking off from the ground she stood suddenly, surprising the creature. She brought one foot down across what she decided might be its back (she didn't like to think of it as a shaft). The creature bulged on either side of the impact.

She brought the foot up again and dropped it with as much force as she could. She continued to stamp until the wriggling thing was completely severed. The phallic comparison was only furthered when from the head of the beast, a stream of mist spurted forth. The pathetic member wilted away to nothing.

She was unmolested for the rest of the climb. When she crested the last rise and peered out of the bushes she saw a slim, naked figure kneeling before some kind of magic circle drawn out with yellow powder. Beside the woman were various alchemical and magical objects along with her discarded clothes. She had long dark red hair and her gaze was fixed on a red mass within the circle which boiled like steam.

As she watched, it coalesced into a humanoid torso. The being's face was smooth and strangely alluring. The naked woman seemed to stare straight through it in a trance her hands hung limply by her sides and she didn't react as the being grew more and more substantial. The demon in the steam was now fully formed and Lirielle hoped the woman's circle would hold it.

Why wasn't the woman doing anything and why was she naked? Lirielle glanced around at the scattered clothes and noticed with horror they had not been removed in the conventional fashion but torn from her body. The woman was beginning to sweat in that same staring unconscious pose. Without warning the demon leapt there was a flash of yellow light as it passed out of the circle pouncing on the defenceless woman. It's groping hands took her breasts and it's snaking cock plunged between her legs. The woman seemed to be trying to fight the demons mental control but with little success.

Lirielle gathered herself and plunged her sword directly into the side of the beings head, but like the mist-creature before, the metal simply passed through leaving it uninjured. She dropped her sword and pulled her flute from her belt instead she put it to her lips and blasted a sharp trill.

The demon paused in it's ravishing turning it's face to her. Emboldened, she continued with short sharp reprimanding tones. Like a cowed dog the demon withdrew from the music and released the helpless woman. Each phrase seemed to affect it like a slap across the face. It backed into the circle and bowed it's head.

Lirielle paused but as she did a wicked grin returned to the monsters face. She brought the flute to her lips again and played the first thing that came to her head, a cheerful dance reel. The demons demeanor changed instantly from sinister to almost cheery. Over her playing Lirielle saw the thing begin a clumsy and shuffling dance. She'd always been able to exercise influence through her playing but this was something else entirely. The swirling mists began to withdraw as well. She continued to play and she saw with hope the girl was recovering. She had collapsed to the ground when the demon released her but now she was reaching out towards something that glinted on the ground nearby. She gripped it in her hand, a ruby amulet. With what appeared to be the last of her strength she raised the amulet and uttered some guttural words.

"Assarah Garalach."

The capering demon continued to follow the tune even as it was drawn into the ruby the woman held outstretched. Only when the last tendril vanished did the woman slump and Lirielle stop playing.

Continued in Chapter 2

Lirielle - The Firstby The White Elephant

Next Story:Lirielle - The Second

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