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Lirielle - The Fourth

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, Magic, Mind Control, Voyeur

The Fourth

"Well, lying here won't get us anywhere." Lirielle stood, the grass had left crinkled patterns on her, shoulders and bottom.

"Where are we going?" Aster remained on the grass.

"I don't know. Do you have any money."




"Good, then we're going to seek your fortune." She reached out a hand to help Asteraven to stand.

"What about you?"

"Unless my aging parents have another child I already know where my fortune is. Don't worry about it, you seem like an interesting person to be around."

They climbed together back to the wall where Eolf still slept. Aster went to retrieve the amulet. "I think you should wait until you're dressed before you pick that up again." She hesitated before agreeing and dressing herself. Lirielle fastened her belt and checked her flute in its case then knelt down next to the sleeping man. "Wake up now, remember the good and forget the bad," she whispered into his ear. "There's a good lad." He rose with a daft grin on his face, awkward now and embarrassed. "Thank you Eolf, for the clothes." Aster gave him a quick sharp hug.

"Yer more'n welcome." He blushed bright red.

"And thanks for the sex, it was fun." Lirielle kissed him on the cheek.

They left him dressing himself on the hill and headed off towards the main town gate.

It was a regular day in the city of Oakport and a new leather belt was easy to come by, harder to find were the powders and charms that Asteraven deemed necessary to keep them from the demon's power. When all was gathered they stopped for a late lunch at a tavern overlooking the river. A wooden deck was built out from the second floor so that patrons could observe the water as they ate and drank. They were upstream and upwind from the tanners and other industries of the city; here they enjoyed fresh air and the estate gardens of the local lord. They sipped cheap white wine in silence as they waited for their food. The amulet lay between them on the table, no one gave it a second glance, they guessed it must have chosen its brass form. Lunch was new baked bread, sharp cheese and slices of smoked venison. They ate leisurely, enjoying the warmth of the afternoon and listening to the gentle murmur of the city.

Lirielle gazed across at the verdant lawns and flowering trees that surrounded a four storey mansion directly across from the restaurant. "I can't see any guards on this side."

"Are you planning on breaking in then?"

"Not at the moment but it is strange considering how many guards are posted on the other side. You'd think he would be more concerned about an approach from the river."

"Who lives there?" Aster twisted in her seat to get a better look of the place.

"Some count, I met him once but he wasn't particularly memorable." She turned back to her wine.

"Then why are you bringing it up now?"

"Well aren't you the least bit curious why someone would put so many guards on the front gate and so few at the back entrance?" Asteraven merely shrugged.

"I've never even seen the front entrance, it's probably just for show, for his neighbours."

"You could be right." Lirielle's eyes continued to return to the mansion as they finished their meal.

Lirielle had Aster pay the tavern owner and they set out along the street.

The inhabitants were a fairly diverse bunch, mostly human with a sizable halfling population and a scattering of dwarves and elves. There was little segregation as the dwarven and elven populations were too small to form communities and the nature of halflings made them sociable.

They passed out of the crowded streets of commerce and trade into a paved avenue in which neatly dressed clerks and robed individuals ran hasty errands between larger columned buildings. The street was clean and the broad bridge that crossed the river was adorned with griffon statues whose stony gaze caught all who crossed. They tracked down a few more streets on the river's far side until they came to a reputable looking inn bearing a gold fist on a sable fist above the door. Lirielle led the way into a plush antechamber in which two footmen waited.

"Does m'lady require her usual room?" He bowed low as he spoke.

"Not today, I would prefer something less stuffy. Is the top floor suite available?"

"Of course m'lady, and will you require seperate chambers for your companion?"

"No, the servants room will suffice."

"Very good m'lady. This way, please." He led them up a broad staircase and into a bright room with tall glass doors which opened onto a balcony. A large bed sat next to another more discreet door which led to a small and neatly furnished bedroom.

"Will you have my clothes brought up, I wish to dine in company tonight. Is there anyone of interest staying this evening?" Lirielle made to inspect the room was to her standards.

"As it pleases your ladyship, the only person of name is Baron Centrius Glarour, a cousin of your mothers I believe. The wizard Transtram is pleased to grace us for the week otherwise there are but a handful of merchants and a band of adventurers."

"Adventurers? Of what sort?"

"I believe their leader calls himself Iron Black of Dwelvley Mountain, his companions are another dwarf, an elf and a young lady halfling."

"Extend an invitation to the baron and the wizard, you may inform the other guests of my presence if they inquire."

"Very good m'lady, will you require anything else."

"No that will be all until this evening, thankyou." At her word he backed from the room closing the door behind him.

"Would m'lady like me to clean her boots?" Asteraven spoke when she was sure he was out of hearing. "Why are we staying here? It must cost a small fortune."

"It's quite alright, a friend of mine has an account here and he's happy for me to indulge myself if I desire it." Lirielle was opening the glass doors. Asteraven went to join her on the balcony. The view was impressive; they could look out to the hills South of the city and had a reasonably uninterrupted view of the river. It was uninterrupted save for a rather large mansion which stood across the street which ran along the back of the inn. The gate was heavily guarded and beyond the gate were more soldiers, standing at the doors and patrolling the garden.

"Good luck breaking in there." Asteraven returned inside and threw herself onto the huge bed. It was the most marvelous piece of furniture she had ever seen. Even in the most expensive rooms in her uncle's inn the beds had been at best functional and comfortable but this was the height of luxury. The mattress was soft, the sheets smooth, clean and sweet smelling, the four posts were exquisitely carved and the velvet drapes were sewn with sparkling crystals.

Lying on her back amidst the opulence, Asteraven had a sudden desire to test her new demon boosted spells, it was not much use undertaking the mental wrestling match to control it if she did not use the power. She sat up and looked about the room for inspiration. She spotted a candlestick across the room and decided to concentrate on producing a flame to light it. She stretched out her right hand and gripped the amulet with her left directing the energies to the wick and willing it to light. The wax began to soften and melt. She concentrated harder, this spell had been simple to her before she had made the compact it should be as easy as breathing now. The candle remained stubbornly unlit. She walked across the room to take a closer look, she picked it up and examined it putting it down again almost immediately. The melting of the wax had not been random, the candle had reshaped itself into a perfect sculpture such as one might find in the shop of the more discerning purveyors of leatherwork and sundries. The next object her eye alighted on was one of the soft cushions on the bed. She summoned the power to send it flying across the room, and fly it did straight towards her. She flinched as it struck her then looked down, the cushion was banging against her thigh like a confused and randy dog. She pulled it away and threw it back on the bed. Lirielle walked back in and saw the candle on the desk.

"They didn't have those last time I was here, Derwell does have interesting tastes."

"I did that," Asteraven explained, "there's something wrong with my spells." Lirielle glanced at the amulet in her hand.

"I daresay I can pick what might be the problem."

"It's supposed to make me more powerful but as it is it's distorting my most simple spells."

"From everything I've seen it's pretty clear the demon you've caught is not in a cooperative frame of being. Maybe if you try another spell I'll be able to see what's going wrong."

"It would be easier with a human target."

"Alright, come out onto the balcony." Lirielle suggested. They stepped back outside and looked down to the street below.

"There," Asteraven pointed to a man struggling to carry a large pack. "I'll use a spell which will make him too weak to lift his arm let alone that bag." She pointed her finger and spoke a few words. Down below the man continued to struggle on with his load. "Nothing, you see!"

"Just a moment look," Lirielle nodded towards the man. He had dropped his pack to the ground and was crouched down looking through it red faced. As they watched he nonchalantly pulled out a robe which he draped over his arm. He shouldered his pack and as he did so the two women could see the unmistakable bulge of his erection. As soon as his pack was on his back he brought the robe around in front of himself to cover his embarrassment. "It's just as I thought."

"If you mean that I am harbouring a sex mad demon then I could have told you that without this extra experiment." Asteraven said.

"No, did you see the guards reactions?"

"What do you mean?" Asteraven looked to the men on the gate across the street.

"The one on the street was grinning from ear to ear but those fellows through the gate and the one in the tower didn't blink."

"They probably didn't see anything."

"You're right there, they can't see anything because they're not real people. They're just an illusion, can't you see it?" Asteraven examined the men again. They were all nearly identical and their mannerisms seemed to be on a loop. One would brush away a non existent fly, another stretch his fingers. Lirielle watched realisation dawn on her face. "I'll show you again. Watch their reactions." With that she pulled her top over her head allowing her breasts to bounce free. After a few moments the real guard looked up and did a double take, he continued to just stare. Lirielle pretended she hadn't noticed the reaction from below and performed a few stretches while Asteraven watched the false guards for reactions. A cowled priest followed the guards gaze and looked away instantly sneaking furtive glances over his shoulder as he progressed along the street. The illusory guards continued their programmed charade.

"I can see it, now that you've told me it seems obvious, but that's the way illusions work isn't it." Asteraven turned back to her. Lirielle looked down, she bent over the railing and gave the real guardsman a small wave.

"You're not the only one who can cause spontaneous erections in men," she laughed as they both turned and went inside.

There was a knock at the door. Asteraven tensed but Lirielle merely indicated that she should answer. Aster reluctantly trudged across the room and opened the door. The footman had returned with a square travelling chest.

"Your lady's gowns. Shall I bring them in?" He offered.

"I can manage thank you." Aster replied curtly and dragged the chest through the door before closing it again. "Your ladyship's gowns, will you wear the cloth of gold or the griffon's feather boa this evening?" She asked mockingly.

"The white silk with the bronze embroidered bodice will be fine." Lirielle pushed Asteraven aside to open the chest and pull out the garment she had described. "A gift from Derwell."

"He's paying for the room too, he must like you a lot." Aster raised her eyebrows.

"Perhaps, but it is a most chaste liking." She removed the gown and lay it on the bed as she undressed. Aster reacted unconsciously, regressing to her servant ways as she helped her into the exquisite dress.

That evening Asteraven made claim of the main bed and Lirielle went down stairs to meet her dining companions. She waited until ten past the hour to ensure her entrance would be most grand. She pushed open the door theatrically and stepped in to the elegant private dining room. Her shoulders slumped at the empty chairs and the wasted effort of styling her hair. The footman stepped out from behind the door. "I am most terribly sorry but your uncle and the wizard extend their sincere apologies, they were both taken ill this evening and have retired to their rooms."

"Drop the act Henry and tell me what's really going on. Pull up a chair." Lirielle sat down at the table and indicated for the footman to do the same.

"They both came to me separately and asked for a ladies service this evening. They seemed pretty agitated about it." Henry took the proffered chair.

"I can imagine," she gave him a sharp look. "How many others wanted company tonight?"

"Well the adventurers called for three but that was to be expected, one of the merchants brought his wife, another asked a particular serving girl to bring his meal to his room but the others all wanted company." Lirielle pondered over what he said, she was certain it was the demon's influence but unsure how serious a concern that was.

"Oh well, you might as well join me for dinner. It sounds like your guests will be otherwise engaged in their rooms."

Henry went into the kitchens and returned a moment later with a sumptuous feast. They ate together talking amicably of the goings on in the inn in recent weeks. As the wine emptied and the talk wained, Lirielle found herself regarding her dinner guest with a calculating eye. He was in his late thirties and not unhandsome, he seemed to be returning her gaze in a mood in which she had not seen him before.

"Thank you Henry, for the delicious meal and the pleasure of your company which was I am sure far better than that of the randy baron or wizard." She stood, somewhat unsteadily thanks to the volumes of wine she had consumed, as she spoke.

"You are most welcome, and might I say that gown is most becoming on you." He stood too and they watched each other across the table.

"Thank you." Lirielle reached behind herself to undo her binding. Henry watched, motionless, as she loosed the bodice and with difficulty (owing only partly to the wine) extracted herself from the skirts. She kicked off the dainty shoes she wore and navigated around to his side. "You may fuck me tonight Henry."

"Very good m'lady." He was able to extricate himself from his own clothing with somewhat less difficulty.

They stood facing each other with cold formality. With a sudden sweep of his arm, Henry brushed aside the dinner scraps and lifted her onto the edge of the table. She propped her legs on the backs of two seats while he dived between them to take his desert. Lirielle reveled in the sensation her hands clenching the air as the pleasure rolled through her. Her eye and then her hand caught the flagon of wine on the table. She poured it out over her stomach and the red liquid ran down between her legs. She used her hand to assist Henry in the pleasuring of her nether regions and soon her own musky vintage intermingled with the ferment on his chin. Sensing her readiness he stood and pointed his member to her cunt. He plunged into her and pushed on until a thick white stream filled her. Lirielle fell back into the soup tureen satisfied but something was wrong. Despite the warm ooze he had left inside her he continued to ram into her. She looked up into his eyes and saw the blank stare of possession. From her position amongst the dishes she pulled her knees up to her chest. Henry used his fingers to pull her wider open, stretching her labia. She raised her heels and braced her feet against his shoulders, she silently counted out his rhythm and straightened her legs on the backswing. He flew back with some force and fell tumbling amongst the chairs. He hit his head as he fell and lay still on the floor, his erection still throbbing.

The End

Lirielle - The Fourthby The White Elephant

Previous Story:Lirielle - The Third

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