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Lirielle - The Second

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FFM, FF, FM, Demon, Voyeur, Magic, Mind Control

The Second

Lirielle was uncertain how she had managed to bring the girl down through the briars and back to the barn but nevertheless the act had been achieved.

The poor thing bore scratches from the thorns but Lirielle had deemed it preferable to spending the night on the mist enshrouded hill. She lay on the ground modestly covered in sacks; her clothes mostly unwearable. Lirielle examined the possessions she had gathered from the site. As well as the ruby amulet which she was unable to prise from the sleeping womans grip there were several other talismans and bits of cheap jewelry. A bird motif was a common theme, possibly a crow or a raven. A simple backpack held a pair of woolen hose an empty water flask, a slim leather bound book and the few other bits and pieces one might take if planning a trip of a few days. Of more interest was the dagger attached to a ruined belt, it was of fine quality and quite sharp enough for a number of tasks.

The woman stirred and a low moan escaped her lips. Lirielle hastily repacked the bag and moved to her side.

"Where am I?" Her eyes fluttered open.

"That's rather cliché but I'll forgive it as you've had quite a night."

The woman's eyes flashed in recognition and darted from side to side. "Where is he?" Her voice was now tinged with fear.

"In that amulet of yours as far as I can tell."

The woman raised her hand and stared at the ornament clutched within it. "It worked!"

"What worked? What were you doing with that creature?"

"I was summoning him, he's my servant now."

"It seemed rather the other way around when I came upon you."

She had the dignity to blush at this observation but her excitement was still evident in her voice. "Now I have spoken his name he cannot help but do as I command."

"Is that what you said; his name, Assar..."

The woman's free hand clamped over Lirielle's mouth with surprising speed to cut her off. "Do not speak it, the spell is still fragile and you might draw him out."

"Well what's your name then?"

"Asteraven, and you?"

"Lirielle. So you're a mage then?"

"Of sorts, I hold some power over things of other realms."

"Like demons?"

"Extra planar forces."

"Same difference. Look, your hose survived but we're going to have to find you some more clothes before you can go out and about. It's nearly dawn I'm going to find the farmhouse and see what I can get." Asteraven nodded in acknowledgment before taking up the surviving grey leggings and donning them. Lirielle gave her an encouraging smile and stepped out into the dawn light.

As she suspected there were stirrings from the farmhouse, working families always started early. A burly young man was filling a manger with dry straw. He didn't notice her until she was quite close. When he did he greeted her with a nod and a lop sided smile. Monsters were rare this close to the city and people were well used to strangers.

"Good morning sir, I suppose you might have guessed I seek some assistance."

"T'at's what I had t'ought. T' nature of t'at help I'm still puzzled on." His accent was reminiscent of the folk who lived far to the south on the shores of the ocean.

"My friend and I came to some mischief with a Morwergle over by the bridge. The dratted thing broke our camp and made off with much of our supplies. Most we can replenish in the city but my companion is in dire need of outfitting and some breakfast would certainly not go astray." The story she new would be believed, Morwergles had become quite famous in these parts since she had introduced the long extinct creatures to many a fireside audience of late. She had even been warned of them by a gate guard one time she left the city.

"What size be your friend? Me mam's got plenty what don't fit her no more if your friend is of the slender persuasion. As fer breakfast, times are good and I'm sure me da' 'ud happily spare a scrap for the company alone. Where's yer friend t'en?"

"Forgive me but we already intruded on your hospitality when we took refuge in yonder barn." She gestured to the building.

"It's no matter, milling's not been done in t'is place fer some time wit' t'e new machinery in t'e city. Bring yer friend an' I'll warn t'others."

Lirielle returned to Asteraven and was glad to find she was able to cover herself for the moment with her now buttonless shirt so long as she held it closed.

They entered the farmhouse to find a spacious kitchen. This family were obviously prosperous, all looked well fed and bright new kitchen utensils were evident around the room. Sitting at the table were the lord and lady of the house. The man was broad like his son and quite grey, his face was lined but the creases all turned cheerily upwards. The mother likewise seemed cheerful, a few years younger and not too long out of the full flush of womanly beauty, she was plumper than she once had been as was evidenced by the strain on the clothing she wore. The first man Lirielle had met smiled at them warmly from the foot of the stair and gestured to some seats.

"As you see my friend's plight is rather urgent, might we wash away the mornings grime and avail ourselves of the clothing you earlier offered."

It was the father who replied. "Of course, forgive our lack of hospitality. Eolf where are those clothes?"

The son merely smiled at his fathers congenial bluster. "It's alright da'. Dudley's fetchin' 't now." To the ladies he gestured to a door on the far side of the room, "the facilities are rude but if y'd like t' avail y'selves of t'e water trough you're welcome t' rid y'self of the grime."

Nodding her thanks Lirielle led Asteraven through the indicated door and into the rear yard. A full rain barrel stood by the door and the rising sun was already warming the irregular flags.

"Well come on, you're filthy." Lirielle scooped up some of the water to wash her face. Asteraven followed her example having to release her grip on the shirt as she did so. Lirielle gripped the grimy garment and helped her out of it. "Don't worry Dudley will be here soon with a fresh one, you just clean yourself up."

In the sunlight Asteraven suddenly appeared to grow shy, she covered her smallish breasts with her hands. Lirielle sighed and scooped up more water to clean Aster's scratched arms. Asteraven released her breasts to bring more water up to clean her chest.

At this moment Dudley appeared at the door with a fresh shirt and a burgundy vest. He was very similar to his brother, a little younger and not quite so broad of shoulder but strong none the less. He wordlessly handed Lirielle the clothes and turned back inside without seeming to notice Asteraven's embarrassment.

Lirielle grinned at the look that came across her face at the perceived indignity. Did he find her ugly, had he no soul? Aster's face spoke this and more.

With the cleanest corner of the old shirt Lirielle helped her dry herself before leaving her to dress. The shirt was a little large but the vest was laced and was easily tightened over her slender form and petite bosom. Lirielle gestured Aster back inside and sent a wink to the window from where she had seen Eolf observing all that passed by.

Breakfast was hearty and the conversation good, Lirielle recounted the attack of the Merwergles and everyone, save Asteraven, roared with laughter at the account of the tug of war over her shirt. The last hob of bread was being chewed and the men were preparing for a days work when Lirielle broke the digestive silence;

"We're very grateful for your hospitality and I would be negligent if I failed to offer our services in the completion of your daily chores."

Asteraven shot a surprised glare her way but Pa didn't notice and merely laughed. "She don't half talk like one of them play folk, but there be no need of you to put yourselves out. My boys and I've got plenty of work in us."

"Well in that case, thanky..." Asteraven began but Lirielle cut her off.

"No, no it is the least we can do for your kindness."

"T'ey could be of help repiling t'at wall in t'e Nort' paddock." Eolf suggested.

Lirielle gave him a bright smile. "Of course, we'd be glad to assist."

Pa seemed only too happy to accept the help while Asteraven fumed at her uninvited companion's gall at offering up her services to menial labour.

"I'm heading out that way to turn in the chaff, you'll barely be at it an hour I'd expect." Eolf rose and with him the rest of the household, the matter decided and the sun growing higher in the sky.

Three walked in comfortable silence Lirielle, Eolf and the plow horse, Aster continued a sullen display of resentment. Lirielle found it easy to ignore on the fresh bright morning. The day was warming but didn't look to be a scorcher and along with her ulterior motives she was quite looking forward to a taste of honest work. The wall in question was a low pile of slate, Eolf informed them a falling tree had damaged this section. The work was of no great urgency with the sheep taken to spring pasture but it was a job to be done none the less. The tree, long since salvaged for fire wood had stood at the corner of the field on a gentle rise. Beyond the wall the ground sloped down sharply on one side to a meandering stream and gently through an orchard on the other. Eolf walked the huge brown workhorse up and down the rows, the earth was soft and rich and turned easily under the blade.

Despite her bad attitude Asteraven worked quickly and with some skill, sometimes correcting Lirielle on a precariously balanced rock. They finished the work in half an hour and sat on their handy work to watch Eolf.

At each turn he would wave and Lirielle would wave theatrically back.

"I don't know if I said thank you." Asteraven stared absently across the field.

"I think you did and don't worry about it anyway."

"I might have died if you hadn't come by and then you made me come out here."

"It's good for you, hard work."

"I know enough about hard work."

"I'd guessed as much, you've too much muscle to be a lady like me."

Asteraven looked at her companion with surprise. "If you're a lady then what are you doing wandering the countryside with a sword."

"Curiosity. My parents gave me an education at their own peril and when chance opened my eyes to the real world there was nothing going to stop me from seeing what I'd read about. How about you, how did you escape the workhouse?"

"You can't say things like that, you don't know anything about me."

"You're definitely a city girl, your skin's too pale for outdoor work. As I said before there's too much substance of you to be a noble, and a noble would be in a respected mage's college rather than dabbling in demonology with a second rate magic circle. The biggest clue I have however is that I like your company which definitely proves you're on your way up from the streets."

"I'm from a village of barely forty souls and my magical education has been entirely of my own doing. I had to come to this city to get the supplies I needed for the ritual."

They mulled each other over in silence until Eolf came striding over.

Lirielle jumped up from the wall as he approached.

He unstoppered a flask of water and took a long swig before handing it to the ladies. "You've done a fine job of t'at wall."

"You think so? Come have a closer look." Lirielle caught up his hand and pulled him closer to inspect it properly.

He rested one boot against it and gave a solid push, nothing gave way and he nodded approvingly. Asteraven rolled her eyes at Lirielle's flirting she tensed however at a whiff of magic on the breeze. Suddenly a gust of wind came rolling up the paddock throwing up dust before lifting Lirielle's skirt almost straight up about her waist. Aster realised that Lirielle was not wearing underwear.

Eolf turned around in surprise at the sudden disturbance, he caught a glimpse of a small bed of tight mousy curls. "Now t'at aint somet'ing I see every day."

Lirielle seemed to revel in the attention directed her way. "Well if you keep up that sweet talkin' you may get to see it again."

"I were talkin' about t'e wind." He grinned. "But trut' be tol' I dit see somet'in' I liked."

Aster rolled her eyes again, what a cheap trick summoning that breeze.

Lirielle moved seductively closer until she was pressed right against Eolf's leg. She raised one hand to brush aside his hair and instantly they were kissing. Furious tongues fought a battle both inside and out of their mouths. Her hands hoicked his loose shirt over his head then gripped at his firm muscular back.

Aster was shocked to find herself stirring with desire at the primal scene. Eolf worked his mouth down Lirielle's neck as he freed her breast from her shirt. His wide mouth then began work on her nipples. She dropped her hands and fiddled with the buckle at his waist. The weight of the belt brought his pants to the dust.

Without realising Asteraven found herself kneeling behind him helping pull the trousers over his boots. She stopped, stunned at herself and watched as Lirielle gripped, with one hand, his freed cock which sprang the last little bit to full attention. It was thick and rugged like the man himself and she tugged at it furiously even as her other hand released the clasp of her kilt and sent it dropping to the ground.

In an awkward shuffle they moved themselves fully to the strip of grass that ran along the wall. Aster found herself between his legs looking up at his dangling ball sack. She began to turn away but felt herself taking them in her mouth and juggling them about while Lirielle's two hands caused his cock to draw mad patterns on her thigh.

His rough hands gripped her soft white buttocks, stretching them. Occasionally a finger would brush across a sensitive spot and set her legs a quiver.

"Enough, I'm ready," Lirielle panted. She pulled from the embrace and bending forward rested her arms on the wall. Her delicate pussy lips gleamed invitingly. Eolf placed his hands on her hips and with slow precision inserted himself into her dripping box. With firm steady strokes he pumped into her.

Left out of the immediate action, Asteraven found herself hastily removing her borrowed clothing. She took up position behind Eolf and rediscovered the balls already enslickened by her saliva. Her mind went blank and she allowed herself to move in motion with his thrusting to keep from tearing the things off, her chin became drenched with Lirielle's vaginal fluids. It was clear from her twitching and gasps that Lirielle was already enjoying an orgasmic cycle. Eolf joined her with a grunt not too long after. Aster released him as he staggered backwards, she now found herself face to face with Lirielle's sex, dripping with semen.

Sweaty dirt-made hand prints on her white skin. A thirst came over her and, desperate for a taste of the man, she plowed on into the dewy rose. The stretching of Eolf's cock had left Lirielle red but as Asteraven gently licked the labia resumed its neat hedging of the vaginal opening.

Eolf was enlivened by the sight but it was too soon to bring his cock back to service, instead he carefully washed his thick fingers in water from the flask and knelt behind Asteraven. She didn't flinch at the cool wet touch which stroked across her and she merely sighed into Lirielle's cunt as she was penetrated. Gradually she stopped her licking and Lirielle turned to watch the new proceedings with a calculating eye.

With a sudden movement Lirielle was off the wall and wrapping her lips on Eolf's reviving cock.

Aster was too caught up in her pleasure to notice anything but Lirielle could feel her mind fighting for control of her body. She hadn't been conscious of the movement she had simply found herself engulfing the salty member. From the corner of her eye she saw a flash of red from amongst Aster's clothes. She found herself gagging and fighting, she was all for sex but not if it was demonic inspired rape. Smoking red coils begin to unravel themselves, she looked up at Eolf to see if he had noticed but there was just a strange look in his eyes. Muscles throughout her body were clenching of their own accord, preventing her from pulling away.

She scrabbled around with her hand, trying to reach her belt unsuccessfully. She was beginning to realise there was only going to be one way to get his cock out of her mouth.

She gripped the base of his shaft in her hand and bent her mind to extracting his sperm as quickly as she could. One of the tendrils brushed against her thigh so she just sucked harder. Loud slurping noises emanated from her mouth as she ran her hand and lips along the full length of his cock. She twisted her tongue around so it held him in a half grip as she continued to take him across her pallet.

With a professional and calculating eye she judged him ready to explode and pulled back with a final squeeze. Jets of thick creamy liquid poured forth into her face, she closed her eyes as it splashed off her cheek. She wiped clear her eyes and opened them hesitatingly. Her plan seemed to have worked, her body ached for another orgasm but she was not locked into the sexual pose.

She edged back, fighting a desire to grab his hand and force it between her legs. Even as she moved however that hand shot out and gripped her shoulder, she saw with awe and horror that he was raging hard again. The erection was enshrouded in a boiling cloud of red mist. She rolled with the hand that was pulling her in, her shoulder caught his thigh and redirected his hips to Asteraven's pussy which was oozing from the fingering she had received. The demon power drove Eolf forward where his finger had been moments before.

Asteraven let out a scream of mixed pain, surprise and ecstasy, Eolf and the demon seemed to have their full attention on her now.

Somewhere beneath the red fog of her mind Aster could sense something wrong. Undoubtedly the pleasure was incredible but something kept her mind detached from the moment, as if her body was being used as a siphon for someone else's satisfaction.

She caught a glimpse of Lirielle retrieving her flute and bringing it to cum drenched lips. The music cut through and suddenly she could see exactly what was going on. The demon had seduced them into this orgy and as their brains gave way to the pleasure it had taken over. Now Lirielle's melody acted like a lighthouse, a point to focus on to bring them back to themselves.

Lirielle began playing with a sharp trill which caused the red coils to immediately freeze, she continued with a lilting tune, a pleasant country dance. She watched Eolf carefully as gradually he turned from his hard rough thrusts to a more playful roll of the hips. She could see Aster fighting for and gaining control of herself and when the tune ended she knew they were in control of themselves once more.

She immediately took up a slower piece for the end of the evening before the fire. The red in Eolf's eyes was completely gone and he withdrew himself from Aster slowly, a sticky thread hung between them then snapped.

Asteraven turned and layed herself back in the grass, she glanced to Lirielle who was still playing, and nodded to Eolf. He gently knelt before her. She parted her legs and accepted him inside her tenderly and with her own will. They shared tender kisses as they pressed to each other until Eolf suddenly tensed his back and a gentle moan escaped Asteraven's lips and they came together.

Lirielle sat down next to them and leaned back against the wall. She set down the flute and wiped her sticky face with the back of her hand.

Eolf rolled from atop Aster and lay still, soon a gentle snore broke the silence.

Aster looked across to her clothes and then to Lirielle.

"It's supposed to obey me."

"I dare say it would if you gave it a direct command but it is a demon spirit, it has a will of it's own and it's always going to try and seek to have it's own way. You're going to have to teach it who's the master if you don't want to end up sleeping with any man or worse who comes by."

Aster sat in silence staring at the amulet peeking out of her shirt.

"Don't worry about it I'm sure these things take time and look on the bright side at least you didn't get a demon of death and destruction."

Aster smiled at that.

"What was that last tune you played? What kind of magic was it?"

"The last one? That was no spell, just some ambiance. The magic was all you baby."

"Come on lets go get cleaned up."

Continued in Chapter 3

Lirielle - The Secondby The White Elephant

Previous Story:Lirielle - The First

Next Story:Lirielle - The Third

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