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Old Habits - Part 5

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FF, Djinn, Half-Ogre, Magic, Futanari

Part 5

Coisha laughed in my face as we sat facing each other in the brightly lit dungeon. There might have been a thousand torches blazing along the walls and fat candles arrayed on the floor. There wasn't a shadow in the room. I perched on a low stool, glowering at Coisha as her hands clutched my wrists, tightening the bronzed bracers against my skin. She chuckled as she checked her binding charms, which suppressed most of my own powers. Coisha sat back and grinned at me, then dissolved into more helpless laughter.

"I'm so glad that this all amuses you," I said, my tone stiff. I tried to yank off the bracers, even though I knew that I simply didn't have the ability to counter her charms. Coisha kept snickering, wiping amused tears from her cheeks. Coisha had the kind of face that was very old and very young at the same time. Her face was almost as narrow as mine, but the rest of her features appeared overly large for her face: big round eyes, with that vertical pupil of the Dōsjin; a large, hooked nose and very full lips.

"It's very funny. Ruzhyll Delance, Scourge of the East," she said, still chortling. "Finally caught!"

I bared my teeth. Whenever she put up a ward against me, I couldn't go within leagues of a place without feeling as if I would explode. Knowing Coisha's strength, it was possible that I would shatter to pieces if I took those kinds of chances. It was fortunate that her services were expensive, or else I'd be out of a job. Unfortunately, Coisha had more knowledge of me than I felt comfortable with.

"I know you're better than this," she said, most of the good humour now wiped away from her features. I sighed; this was a well-worn refrain, coming from her. "Lujankir--"

"Don't call me that," I snapped. My ogre-name was her key to warding me away from places; she managed to wrangle that out of my mother, many years ago. Coisha gave me what appeared to be a sympathetic look.

"My apologies, Ruzhyll," she said and then rose, putting her chair to one side. Her many layers of gold jewelry clinked against each other and I glanced at them tiredly. I didn't have the urge to steal them; that was probably a part of her damned binding spell. She placed a heavy hand on my shoulder and I forced myself not to cringe away from the weight of her power. Her magic hauled at my wound, which the Dōsjin had already cleaned and dressed to the best of their ability. I winced as the flesh knitted together.

Right after Coisha finished patching me up, she said, "Your mother once told me that she wished you could find your way home."

I frowned and tried to shrug off her hand, but she didn't move it.

"She's doing well," Coisha murmured. "The healing potions you sent for her bout of ash-pox were very helpful." She paused, waiting for me to answer but I offered none. Coisha sighed. "I've told the Jiyiō and Isthar that I've known you since you were a child. I've asked for leniency in your sentencing."

"I don't need your help," I snarled at her. "And I hope you haven't told them my ogre-name."

"Why would I share such a thing?" Coisha's tone was coy as she extinguished most of the candles with a wave of her hand and then shifted them to create a clear path to the metal door. I sensed the presence of the shadows as they settled within the corners again, but my magic was reticent behind Coisha's charmed bracers. "It is up to you to choose what you want to share."

"Coisha--" I started, but I fell silent as the door swung open. Viosthar and Isthar strode in, They both wore the same type of simple garments: a long, loose shirt over dark trousers. Viosthar held no weaponry, but Isthar still had her bow. I gave that bow the most accusing stare I could manage, then included Isthar in that glare. She stared back at me, woodenly.

"Jiyiō Viosthar," Coisha called and conjured an intricately carved seat right out of mid-air. She set it down in front of me, and smiled benignly as he sat down. "And Biriyō Isthar, you may have my chair." Coisha dropped me a very surreptitious wink. "Biriyō means 'general', Ruzhyll."

"You sit down, Coisha, I'd rather stand," Isthar told her, her gaze still locked with mine as the dragon-mage reclaimed her seat. "So. This is the infamous Ruzhyll Delance."

I didn't feel like dredging up a leer at the moment. I simply looked her right in the eye and said, "It was a pleasure making your acquaintance earlier, Biriyō."

Isthar's expression did not change, but Viosthar seemed to gain an air of delighted interest.

"You kidnapped Marchel, and then you saved her life." He tilted his head to one side. "You are an unusual thief."

Shrugging, I dropped my gaze to the bracers on my wrists. Though they were already fading from view, they were really still right there, intangible and effective. They would remain for as long as Coisha had commanded, severely restricting my abilities.

Viosthar continued to speak, but he seemed to be musing to himself. "I suppose we will visit Marchel's former village and force them to accept the bond-gift they've refused. Although, Dōsjin culture demands that they give my family a bond-gift as well." A slow grin crossed his face. "I do hope their compensation is sufficient for the Jiyiō."

I was far too tired and heartworn for any more talking. "What is my punishment, then?"

He laughed. Coisha laughed. Isthar glowered.

"Well, that is a good question! How should I punish my sister's sōheen?"

Thoroughly confused now, I glanced at Isthar for an answer, but her expression was very sour. She appeared as if she would rather be anywhere else but inside this room.

"It's just a term of endearment," I ventured. "Isn't it?"

With a huge smile, Viosthar said, "Is that what she told you? It can be that, yes. But it is also a word of great power. Generations ago, it was accepted that a couple could undertake a marriage-bond after uttering those words during intimacy."

Isthar crossed her arms over her chest and scowled. I gaped at all of them.

"It really should not apply here," Isthar muttered and her brother shook his head, still grinning.

"As Jiyiō, I accept and bless this union." He clapped his big hands once, as a priest would. "And now: your punishment, Ruzhyll Delance. You are to remain within the company of your sōheen for five seasons, and your magic will remain restrained until you prove yourself worthy of trust."

"Why am I being punished as well?" Isthar mused. Viosthar disregarded her dry comment completely.

"You will live as a Dōsjinni," he intoned, gaze skewering me. "If you die, you die as a Dōsjinni. This will be your home, and you shall cleave to it. And if you cause any harm to Marchel ever again," he continued in a dangerously conversational manner, "I will kill you."

I swallowed, hard. Without my magic, I had no way to protect myself even if I did manage to escape the Dōsjin. No matter what my mother said about me, she really did not raise a fool.

"I accept my punishment, Jiyiō," I said and clasped my hands the way Coisha had showed me when I was very small, pressing the knuckles of my thumbs to my forehead: the Dōsjin manner of showing respect and gratitude. I didn't raise my head even as I heard their seats scrape the stone floor and footsteps going towards the door. The hinges creaked, the door slammed. I sighed, raised my head and then let out an exasperated groan.

Isthar had remained, sitting on the stool her brother had left behind, one leg crossed over the other. For a long moment, we stared at each other.

"Many thanks for not killing me outright," I said, tonelessly.

"You're welcome," she replied, in the same flat manner.

I tried for a smile. It felt weak on my lips. "I don't suppose I can convince you to fuck my ass now, can I?"

Her dark eyebrows twitched upwards. I felt a warmth bloom in my stomach and cunt as a lascivious gleam lit her eyes as she murmured, "You might not need to work too hard at convincing me."

The fat head of Isthar's cock stretched past my lips, and I ran my tongue around the underside. She fucked my mouth slowly, straddling my face and pinning my hands over my head the way I asked her to. My asshole clenched around the greased wooden phallus which had been twisted up into me. Drool dribbled down my chin as her cock sank deeper, stroking the back of my throat. I choked, eyes watering and Isthar's cock pulled out of my mouth with an obscene pop.

Sliding down my body, Isthar tugged out the heavy fake prick and placed her hot cock right at my back hole. She pushed my legs wider and back, shoving her cock inside me. I gasped, mouth hanging open as her thick pole tunnelled deep. She set a frantic pace almost immediately, and I clawed at every part of her I could reach, twisting her nipples and gripping handfuls of her short hair. Isthar reached down between us and fingered my leaking quim, biting that curve where my neck and shoulder met.

"More," I begged and Isthar pounded into me, twisting the length of my hair around one fist as I cried out sōheen, over and over again. I couldn't wait for the deluge of her cum, and she didn't disappoint. With a hard, sharp thrust, she filled me with a hot rush, both of us grunting and bucking like wild animals.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't fire any more arrows at me," I said after we cleaned up and settled under the furs. "I find that I'm not really a supporter of that."

"Then don't leave home," she retorted, lining up her warm legs against mine. "And I won't have to."

So, that's the story, my friend! Not bad, eh? I told you I was the best storyteller in the East. Just so you know, 'Lujankir' is not my ogre-name. Why would I tell you my real ogre-name? That would so silly of me.

Oh and while you were listening, my sōheen has finally found this wonderful bandits' cave of yours. It annoys her so when I get myself kidnapped, but I can't help being a fantastic target, can I?

Surrendering is a wonderful idea, I agree with you. Just lie down, friend. I've seen her use that sword, and you don't want to get in the path of that blade.

Oh, and here, I picked your pockets while you kidnapped me. There's your lockbreaking set, very nice. I'd keep it, but I'm not in the business any more. Alright, here are the jewels you'd stolen as well. Isthar will make me give them back anyway.

Old habits, you know. They die real hard.

The End

Old Habits - Part 5by Elise Olisbos

Previous Story:Old Habits - Part 4

Elise Olisbos

Things I like to write: mostly futanari/dickgirls; fantasy & sci-fi themes as well. I tend to write stuff that has more plot than porn. Please like my work if you enjoyed reading them!
- Hentai Foundry: eliseolisbos
- eliseolisbos
- Literotica: elisebos or eliseolisbos.
- FutanariPalace: eliseolisbos


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