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Tanath Keep

Master Constable Kendall, or the Tanath Constabulary, rushes to deal with a high profile arrest.

Genres: Low Fantasy

Tags: FF, FM, Bisexual, Lesbian, Exhibition, Voyeur

This story contains adult themes so all you kiddies shouldn't be reading it. So have a warm glass of milk and go to bed instead! (Not that you're going to listen to advice of a grownup anyway...)

Some background: This story is based in the city of Tanath, in the Empire of the Three Kingdoms. The city is one of the larger in the Empire, is a busy mercantile centre. The city constabulary is tasked with maintaining law and order and operates out of the old city keep -- a reminder of the warlike times that held sway before the Three Kingdoms were united. That's all that's important for this story, I think. Any questions, mail me.

Intellectual property thingy: The Author asserts their moral rights to be identified as the author of this work. Anyone caught ripping me off will be placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds. So don't get caught!. You can contact the author at

This wasn't the sort of corridor the average citizen of Tanath would like to find themselves walking down. Grey stone walls, stone blocks roughly hewn a hundred years before, were intermittently illuminated by sputtering torches. The charcoal smoke only partially escaped up the narrow ceiling vents in the blackened roof of the dungeon passageway. The remainder of the smoke hung in the atmosphere, causing those walking this foreboding route to the cells deep underneath the Tanath's citadel, to squint as tears formed in their eyes.

Master Constable Morgun Kendall blinked the liquid away from his blurred vision. Despite having been down this corridor many times over his years with the Tanath constabulary, the smell and the acrid smoke never failed to sour his mood. Or perhaps it was the sight of the cells that affected him-filthy, damp little stone cubicles, generally occupied by some of the dregs of humanity. And most depressingly, he thought, sometimes by people that he knew weren't meant to be there.

Kendall walked past the first line of cells, eyes front, briefly acknowledging other members of the constabulary about their business. Any insults that emanated form behind the cell bars produced no reaction, as he continued on, stone-faced, arriving in front of the floor of one of the interrogation rooms. The interrogation rooms, it should be noted, are quite different from the torture rooms. Those lay on a lower level.

Kendall opened the heavy, rivet-studded wooden door and stepped briskly into the room. All eyes within snapped to him. All eyes except for one pair.

The four members of the constabulary stiffened, straightening in respect, regarding him with alert looks. The prisoner continued inspecting the table, scratching something into its worn surface with her manacles. After a time she looked up casually and regarded him. It seems what she saw failed to impress her and she returned to her work, inscribing a heart onto the tabletop.

Kendall acknowledged each man, quickly and in turn, before taking a long look at the seated figure. She was brunette, shoulder-length curls, and with a slim, athletic build. Her tanned face possessed high-cheek bones, a pointed nose, and full lips. She was, he thought, quite beautiful. The prisoner was also out of the ordinary for what she was wearing-a skin-tight, dark brown leather outfit that fitted her lithe body like a glove. The tunic was low-cut, laced at the front, and gave a tantalizing view of deep cleavage.

The Master Constable pursed his lips, dragged his eyes from the outline of her nipples pressed hard against the thin leather and looked down at the table. At the centre of which lay an apple. A large, green apple-its rich luster incongruous amidst the dismal grey of the dungeon. The apple in this darkness was like an oasis in the desert.

The prisoner looked up again and glanced around the room. "Oh, great. Now I got five Orc-like creatures staring at me instead of four. I might be flattered if you guys could get a handle on your drooling problem."

"Quiet," said Master Constable Kendall. Then to the guards, "What exactly is the charge?"

"Ahem, ahhh, theft, sir."

"Yes, I suspected as much. This one is, after all, a well-known member of the Thieves' Guild."

"Yes, sir. A very senior member too. Never been caught before," said one of the constables, glancing at the prisoner with a look of triumph as he said it. "The accused is charged with the theft of an apple. Specifically, that apple."

All eyes were on the green globe at the dead centre the table.

"An apple?" said Kendall, his gaze locked on the piece of fruit.

"Yes, sir. Caught red-handed, she was. Or in this case, maybe green-handed is more appropriate." He gave a little chortle, which was echoed by the other guards in the room.

The laughter died abruptly under the gaze of the Master Constable's gaze. The temperature in the room seemed to drop a couple of degrees. If that stare has been directed at one of the miserable stone blocks making up the wall, it would surely have cracked and splintered under the intense pressure.

"I would instruct you to stick to the facts of the offence, Senior Constable Emrickt."

Senior Constable Emrickt's gaze found his shoes. It took him a moment before he could look up at the Master Constable.

"Sorry, sir. Yes, the prisoner was caught taking an apple without payment. Junior Constable Brick was on the scene, and witnessed the event. We got her bang to rights, sir. So much for one of the Thieves' Guild's finest."

Emrickt glanced at the prisoner in triumph once more, and then found it hard to draw his eyes away. His eyes roamed over her leather-clad form for a moment. A quiet 'ahem' from the Master Constable snapped his attention back to duty.

"And why does it take four Senior Constables to process an apple thief?"

"She is one of their highest ranked operators, sir. I thought..."

"You thought to keep an 'eye on her'? Very thoughtful. However, I will take care of this matter now."

"A Master Constable to process an apple thief?" This came as a mutter from the back.

Kendall spoke slowly and very deliberately. "Do you have a problem with that, Frek?"

"No, sir."

"Did anyone touch the prisoner?" said Kendall. The comment was made without any particular emphasis but the constables went deathly still.

"Ummm, touch?" said Emrickt.

"You know what I mean." Kendall inspected the fingernails of one hand.

"No. No, Master Constable. She was just ... observed. Closely."

"Relax everyone," the prisoner said. She held her hands up, palms out, as wide as the manacles would allow. "None of your fine officers messed with me. But if thoughts could get you pregnant, then ... woah. I mean," at this point she leaned forward and spoke in a conspiratorial whisper, "I think some the people around here haven't been laid in..."

"Be. Quiet," said Kendall. Then to his constables, "Excellent. Now I thank you constables for your time in this matter. You efforts will be noted in my report." Kendall grasped the prisoner by her arm and hauled her from the seat without ceremony.

"Hey, easy!" She looked surprised by the speed and forcefulness of his actions. Just as Kendall began to drag her out of the room she managed to twist and reach out to grab the apple. "Almost forgot my apple."

Kendall stopped, turned and plucked the fruit from her grasp. "This," he said, "is not your apple. This is evidence."

"Succulent, juicy evidence that I can eat," she said with a smile.

The Master Constable returned to dragging his prisoner out of the interrogation room. "You will not be eating any evidence."

"Spoilsport. Oh! Bye-bye, boys! It's been fun."

"Shut up, prisoner."

Master Constable Kendall marched the detainee past the cells and toward the spiral stairwell that lead to the upper levels.

Kendall's prisoner kept looking around, examining everything in the dungeon with a curious expression. "Very classy place you have here," she said.

"Please be quiet, Makherita."

They rounded the stone steps, boots echoing through the dungeon levels, before entering into the main levels of the constables' keep. It was busier here, with constables, prisoners and various visitors bustling about the hallways and offices. The decor here was understandably more pleasant than that of the dungeons. Panelled wood walls and wooden floors, and windows (albeit barred) letting in natural light seemed like nirvana after the darkness below.

His prisoner attracted glances and stares from all those that they passed. She smiled and winked in response, and occasionally tried to strike up a conversation with one of the constables-only to be dragged on by Kendall.

Up several levels, Kendall spied another member of the constabulary. He made a noise to himself and changed course to approach.

"Senior Chief Constable Markus," said Kendall.

"Kendall, ahhh, good timing," said Markus, who indicated a pair of figures standing next to him. The gold braid at the cuff of his arm glittered as he did so.

They were both dressed in black. Of the two, the man was older (forties, maybe early fifties), with short greying hair. He was tall and solid, powerful despite his years. And when he smiled a polite, proper smile, corrugated age lines stood out around his eyes.

The other was female, a bit above average height, also with the solidity that comes from carrying lean muscle and not an ounce of excess fat. Kendall estimated she was probably in her mid-twenties. Her hair was black, tied back tight in a severe ponytail that was braided and wrapped with a leather strap; not a hair out of place.

She stood just in front of the old man, and like him was dressed in formal wear-black tailored jacket with lapels, turned back cuffs and high, stand-up collar; silver buttons on the jacket and running down the seam of her trousers; silver braid; knee length boots. She wore a small silver gorget, hung from a chain around her neck; the symbolic armour bore a rose inlaid with black. The gorget also drew Kendall's gaze, quite naturally, down to the swell of her breasts under her tight tunic.

The woman's eyes moved quickly from Kendall to his prisoner. Those dark eyes, just briefly, flicked down the length of Makherita.

"Master Constable, I'd like you to meet our guests. The Master Constable is one of our most distinguished officers."

"Good day to you, sir" said the old man. "I am Guildsergeant Terns."

"A pleasure, sir" said Kendall, extending his hand. "I am Master Constable Morgun Kendall. But please, call me Kendall. Everyone else does. Might I ask which guild are you from?"

Terns had hesitated the barest second before shaking Kendall's hand. "I think you know, Master Constable."

"You overestimate me, Guildsergeant."

Terns smiled. "The honoured guild of Assassins."

"Honoured indeed. And this is, Guildsergeant Terns?" Kendall indicated the girl.

"My second."

"Does your second have a name?"

"She does."

"And it is?"

Terns smile became more rigid now. "Katrin. Katrin Dvor."

"Lovely to make your acquaintance, Katrin Dvor." Kendall extended his hand. Katrin looked at Terns, who inclined his head. She extended her hand.

Kendall looked at the black-clad assassin and his heart beat a little bit faster. From fear. She sure was pretty enough, but when he looked into those dark eyes, made to seem darker still by her pale skin, her saw nothing. Not a gods damned thing.

He did see her ease onto the balls of her feet as he took her hand, her grip powerful. He saw her subtly shift her centre of gravity; saw her left arm hanging by her side, and starting to drift behind her back as he stood there holding her hand. Kendall stared into those dark eyes while around him was silence.

Makherita looked from Kendall to Katrin and back. Her eyes narrowed.

Then Katrin spoke. "Lovely to make your acquaintance, Master Constable Kendall."

Kendall smiled. She had repeated his greeting back to him. He wondered if the killer was capable of independent thought. Kendall suspected yes. But only in certain situations. Like when working out how to execute someone.

"Enchanted," he said, and brought Katrin's hand up, kissing the back of it, still watching her. Katrin blinked. Her eyebrows rose and her jaw slackened, her lips parting. It lasted for all of a second, then the unguarded moment was gone; the empty, blank-faced expression dropped down like the stone trapdoor to the Keep's deepest dungeon.

Kendall decided she looked quite cute when surprised.

"That's enough, Master Constable," said Markus. "Our guests have a busy schedule."

Katrin just about snatched her hand away, and retreated a step behind the Guildsergeant. She stood with her hands behind her back.

"A busy schedule indeed?" Kendall was glad of the distraction from the Katrin's chosen posture; her hands behind her back pressed the jacket harder against her breasts. And she stood like a man-meaning with legs spread. It wasn't exactly lady-like, but it was quite erotic. Don't think of her as a woman, he told himself, think of it as a killing machine.

Makherita, her lips compressed to a thin line, was looking at Katrin,

"Yes," said Terns, "relationship building. By which I mean cordial relations between the Assassin's Guild and the Tanath Constabulary."


"Really. And might I ask who this is?" Terns indicated Makherita.

"You might ask. Just a prisoner. Which reminds me that I have work to attend to. Please excuse me, Guildsergeant."

"Of course, Master Constable."

"Nice to meet you, Katrin Dvor of the Assassins' Guild."

Katrin, who had been alternately evaluating every person in the hallway, returned her attention to Kendall. She glanced at her Guildsergeant again then made a slight inclination of the head.

"I'll talk to you later, Senior Chief Constable Markus," Kendall said over his shoulder as he dragged Makherita away. Markus nodded sourly.

"Frelling bastard," said Kendall as soon as they were out of earshot. "He's going to give professional killers an understanding."

"An understanding?"

They trudged up the stairs to the fourth floor, where Kendall's office lay.

"A license to operate in Tanath without being harassed by the Constabulary. I bet he's gotten heat from one of the Emperor's flunkies and caved just like that." Kendall snapped his fingers.

"Those people shouldn't be legal."

"That's how they survive, the Assassin's Guild, through doing the Emperor's dirty work. I've got to move to stop it; speak to someone at the City Council. Tanath won't give up its freedoms that easily. There may be Imperial troops garrisoned here one day-sooner or later the Emperor is going find the time to move in and install his own Council, but not on my watch."

"Nice rant," said Makherita. "I wonder what goes on in a mind like that."

"Huh? Markus' or the Emperor's?"

"Who cares what our glorious Emperor of the Three Kingdoms thinks? I meant whatsername, that Dvor girl. That was the face of a cold-hearted killer. Someone who kills for a living makes my skin crawl."

"A very dangerous lady, to be sure."

"Did I see you checking her out?"


"You heard me."

"Hey, every man dreams of melting an ice queen," Kendall deadpanned.

Makherita gasped and stopped. "What did you say?"

Kendall sighed and held up his hands. "I'd sooner thrust myself into a cactus. I wanted to know what I was going up against. I may run into her in the street one day, or night. And she was tooled up. I could've arrested her on the spot for carrying concealed arms into the Keep. She had a blade up her sleeve; that's why I kissed her hand, to check. And she probably had a blade or two at her back."

"Yeah, maybe. But there was more to it than that. A girl can tell. You thought she was hot, didn't you?"

"Could you please remember you are under arrest on suspicion of committing a felony. You are a prisoner. You are not my wife. You do not have the right to henpeck me.

"I do not henpeck!"

The Master Constable sighed and thrust his prisoner inside his office. Once inside he closed and latched the door, before stalking over to his large oak desk and sitting down behind it. His prisoner examined the room and its contents with the same lively interest that she displayed in the dungeons. Rugs lay over the stone floor; they had an exotic design that was probably from the Xian-Li kingdom (allies of the Emperor of the Three Kingdoms). Reasonably expensive then, thought Makherita. Over the fireplace hung a painting of some pastoral scene; a river running through a shaded forest glen. It was rather nice, she thought, but probably not valuable. The signature read 'M. Kendall'. Makherita tried to keep the surprise off her face.

"Nice digs," she said, looking around. "Big. So what was it? Her exciting personality? Her cold, dead eyes? The evil stare thing? Her tits maybe?"

Kendall resisted the urge to make some witty remark about the well-known superiority of assassins' breasts over thieves' breasts; there were less painful ways to commit suicide, after all. He looked up from examining the apple. "We are not discussing the assassin anymore. And if you've quite finished casing my office, Makherita, could you please tell me what you're doing here."

"Ummm, let me think. Ahhh, oh yes. First your goons arrested me and threw into the proverbial cells. Cells that I might add, have possibly the oldest locks in the world. And then, ahhh, I seem to recall being dragged here bodily by your good self, Master Constable.

"Oh," Makherita added, "and I brought you an apple. My treat. It's your favourite."

"I like the red ones. And I mean, what are you doing here? A thief of your talents does not get caught stealing an apple in broad daylight.

Makherita stared at him. "Are you sure about that?" she said. "I could have sworn you said you liked the green ones."


"Okay, okay. I thought I'd come and see you. It's been three weeks."

"I though we agreed that we were going to finish it," he said.

"Finish what?"

"Our relationship. I thought we mutually decided that, with our respective positions in society, it wasn't going to work."

"Relationship? We frelled maybe half a dozen times."

"We made love nine times. The memory of which is very special to me."

"Whatever. It was hardly a relationship," Makherita said, not making eye contact with Kendall.

"And yet here you are."

"Yup, here I am. Washed up on your shore by the tides of fate."

"Which brings me to my second question. Why does fate have you dressed up in that outfit? Low-cut, skin-tight leather numbers were never your thing before."

"I like to move with the fashions. I hear this look is the new big thing in Guilder this year."

"Right. You took a big risk. Anything could have happened to a beautiful woman dressed like that in our dungeons."

"Beautiful? Awww, you sure know how to turn a girl's head, Kendall. Are you trying to get into my pants?"

"It was dangerous, Makherita."

"Oh come on. I knew they wouldn't dare touch me. Not once they knew who I was. They wouldn't dare mess with the Master Constable's property."

"No-one knows of our relationship. No one in the force anyway," he said.

"You sure about that?" Makherita said. "Funny how word of my arrest reached you so quickly then, ain't it?"

"Constables are aware that I liked to be kept informed of high-profile arrests; I am a Master Constable after all. We were careful, and no-one knows I have any interest in you apart from arresting you for your crimes."

"What! She's in his office with him. Alone?!"

"Yes, First Constable," said Senior Chief Constable Markus, pacing up and down his office. "He was taking her in that direction when I was with the Assassins' Guild delegation."

First Constable Herkus looked out the window and sighed. "Gods alone know what's happening in there!"

"He said she was a prisoner. Records confirm it; she was arrested."

"You know the rumours about them carrying on. Him a respected Master Constable. Her, one of the most wanted thieves in the city. No-one's ever come close to catching her. And now you say she was caught by a junior constable?"

"It does seem improbable, sir."

"I say it does!"

"It might be perfectly innocent."

"And the world might be round! Preposterous! Kendall is throwing his career away. He's probably got her bent over his desk now-naked and open and willing and..."

"Yes, she is a very handsome woman, sir."

"Sure." Makherita looked around again. "Y'know, I'd be willing to bet that you've got everything in this room itemised and categorised. Little 'to do' lists everywhere. Polish your desk twice a day. Fanatically brush the floor and clean till everything is in order." Makherita raised her hands in a gesture that was stopped with a 'clink' by the manacles.

"And I'd be willing to bet that you've memorised the location of anything in this room you consider valuable." He reached into a desk drawer and withdrew a key. The key was thrown and landed in Makherita's hand after a gentle, arcing flight.

She smiled. "About time. I thought maybe you were going all kinky on me there." Makherita said as she fumbled with the manacles. They came away and were placed on the desktop with a soft thud.

"Me? Kinky? Makherita-I'm not the one dressed like ... that." Kendall said, gesturing.

"I never said I wasn't kinky already." Makherita clasped her hands behind her back and leaned forward. "I was concerned for the purity of your thoughts, Master Constable."

"Thanks for your concern," he said, his eyeline not quite making it as high as her face.

"So are you just gonna sit there and lecture me about how I've been a bad girl?"

"Seems so."

She straightened up; arms now crossed in front, her lips pursed. "And why's that?"

He didn't answer right away. Instead Master Constable Kendall considered for a moment. "Because I don't think I could stand up straight right now."

Makherita burst out laughing, looking at Kendall with a twinkle in her eye. "I see," she said, casually spreading her legs slightly. She grinned as his eyes flicked downwards; and stayed there. "That is a concern. The Master Constable, incapacitated, unable to, errr, perform, his duties. Won't it be too bad when I have to inform your fellow constables that you failed to perform?"

Kendall looked her in the face. "Very funny. This is your plan? To turn up here and tempt me into resuming our relationship?"

"I want you, big guy. And the three words of the thief are: Want. Take. Have. Subtlety not always required. 'Sides, this is Zoë's plan, not mine."


"A friend of mine. She's little," Makherita said, holding her thumb and forefinger close together to emphasise the point, "but she's cunning. She may look innocent enough, but she's always planning something. She said to me that men are essentially simple creature and so one has to come up with a simple plan for them."

~ ~ ~

"You see, men are essentially simple creature and so one has to come up with a simple plan to deal with them."

Makherita looked at Zoë, trying to evaluate what lay behind those big brown eyes. "Are you sure? I mean, what would a lesbian know about men?"

Zoë ran her hand up Makherita's naked body, her fingers sliding across the thin layer of sweat, ending cupping her breast. They were both naked, laying in a huge four-poster bed. In a room in one of Tanath's more popular whorehouses.

"Trust me. I know how to get what I desire. I can show you how it's done."

"You only scored me on the rebound, OK, sweetie? Make the most of it 'cause it this is a one-off."

"Oh, I intend to," Zoë said, her hand sliding back down to end between Makherita's legs.

"And it took you two years of trying."

"Persistence is the key, babe.

"What is it with you and bagging straight girls?"

"It's a hobby. But the point is-do you trust me?"

Makherita took another swallow of her drink and lay back, smiling as Zoë massaged her. She let out a long breath. "Always."

"Good, 'cause being a dyke gives a girl a different perspective on men. We can see how they think a bit better 'cause we both desire the same thing." She kept her hand working and Makherita let out a long, soft moan.

"You're a lesbian who works in a whorehouse servicing men."

"Pshaw. It's only a temporary gig. Business was bad so I picked this up. Frelling a guy is just work. Plus I'm making some really good contacts here."

"Whatever. But this plan's mad even by your standards. I mean, let myself be caught? What would that do for my reputation?"

"Oh, word will soon get out as to the real reason for you in incarceration. Never fear. You have to admit, the plan is daring in its execution and genius in its conception!"

"Ah-huh. Y'know, I could almost believe this crackpot scheme is just a giant excuse to get me dressed up like a total skank so you can ogle me."

Zoë looked shocked. "Who? Me?" she said, placing her spare hand over her chest. "You wound me with these accusations."

~ ~ ~

"Crazy little dyke," Makherita said, a smile on her face.

She stood there, hands behind her, shoulders pulled back. The soft leather flowed over every curve of her slim body, around her thighs, over hips, up and over her full breasts. The outline of her nipples showed tantalisingly through the thin, dark brown leather. It's like a second skin, thought Kendall.

Makherita's smile was still there, kinda coy and knowing, amused at how the Master Constable' eye kept flicking downward despite his obvious attempts not to.

"I'm sure all you friends are very interesting people, in their own way."

"Ah-huh. Zoë's special though. She can have this effect on people."

"I'm sure she does. But first things first. Can I have the master key back?"

"Key? But ... I gave it back to you before."

Kendall sighed and pursed his lips in minor irritation.

"No games, Makherita. You really are very good. I was waiting for it and I still didn't pick the miss-direction. You should put those talents to use entertaining children."

"I prefer to entertain constables. And much more of these accusations and I might have to go and find a new constable to entertain. I'm sure there plenty outside who'll be happy to be 'entertained' by me." She tried to look put out.

"The key." He snapped his fingers.

Makherita stuck her hand out in front of her, palms out. "For the last time-no key. You're mistaken. Sorry."

He did look irritated now, and deliberated. Then he lifted himself and stood up with a focused expression.

"Impressive," said Makherita, cocking an eyebrow. "Mind over matter, huh?"

Kendall strode over to Makherita, who stood with her hands on her hips. "You must think I came down with the last shower-do you think I was so distracted by your assets? There was another reason," he stood close to her and slipped his hands through her arms and around her waist, "that you came here wasn't there?" Their faces were very close, breath mingling as they stared into each other's eyes.

"Why, Master Constable, are you trying to feel my ass?"

"No, I am trying to feel this," Kendall said as his fingers came across something hard at the small of her back. "This outfit is not so tight that you can't fit a hidden pocket or two in it, right?"

Makherita looked sour for real now as Kendall withdrew the manacle key and stepped back. "Oh, that key. You should have been more specific."

Kendall held the key up. "Now I see the real plan. You came here pretending to seduce, yet all along planning to steal a master key to all the constabulary's cuffs. You might almost have hurt my feelings if I hadn't suspected it from the start."

"No way, Kendall. That wasn't the plan. Okay, well it was plan B, if Plan A failed. At least if I'd get something out of this humiliating situation if you didn't ... if you didn't want me." Makherita's cheeks were tinged with red, her mouth a thin line now as the muscles tensed at her jaw. "And that was also Zoë's idea."

"I'll be interested in tracking this girl down once I'm finished with you. I ought to throw you back to those constables in the dungeons for this trick. You betrayed me."

"No, Kendall, no. It's not like that-in the guild we just..."

"I don't want to hear it."

"But, Kendall."

"Shut up, prisoner," he said harshly.

Makherita's mouth moved a couple of times, but no sound came out.

"Now, "he continued, "I wonder what else you've stolen from me and my men in your time here."

"Kendall, I didn't..."

"You could have hidden it anywhere. There's nothing for it but to conduct a strip search."

"But, Kendall, I ... a what?"

"You heard me prisoner-I said strip."

She looked at him in open mouthed surprise. Kendall leaned forward slightly, the harsh lines around his eyes softening and he spoke in a softer tone. "Please, Makherita."

"Awww," said Makherita as realisation dawned on her. "I am such a slow. You played me!" She laughed and looked from the heavens to the earth. "I can't believe I fell for it. Like a fresh-faced fingersmith."

He continued in a soft voice. "You really think I'd let you walk into my office, dressed like that, and let you call the shots? Uh-uh. You're in my world now, sugar." For the first time Kendall smiled.

A big grin split Makherita's face. "Underneath that uptight, law-abiding, protector-of-the-people exterior, beats the heart of a very wicked man."

"Maybe." Kendall straightened up. It was his turn to stand, hands behind his back at attention. When he spoke it was once again in a stern commanding voice. "Now, prisoner, strip for inspection."

Makherita looked at him, chewing her lower lip, half-smiling. She gained control of herself and her expression became serious to match his.

"Yes, Master Constable."

"And do it slowly. I don't want to miss any potential hiding places."

"Yes, Master Constable."

Makherita took a breath and loosed the binding at the front of the bodice. Her hands shook slightly and she fumbled with the cords. She worked her way down from bust to waist, looking Kendall in the eye the whole time. He betrayed no emotion, holding her gaze. She finished untying her garment and, after a moment's pause to take a deep breath, and pulled the bodice over her head.


Makherita paused, bodice halfway over her head, covering her face. She moved again, slowly easing the garment up. Kendall's eyes roamed over her flat stomach, and then the twin globes of her full pert breasts. A close inspection would have revealed a widening of his eyes that followed a sharp intake of breath. But by the time Makherita had regained sight of him he had recovered. They stared at each other in silence.

"Already," he said, breaking the still, "I see that the prisoner has been concealing a pair of perfect breasts.

She laughed; a short reflexive sound that escaped her before she could stop. A slight flush coloured her cheeks as she looked down trying to control herself. When she looked up, there was a hint of a smile that she couldn't quite get to go away.

"Now, I want the prisoner to carefully fold up her garment, and place it behind her."

Makherita did as she was told, folding her clothing precisely and had turned around when he spoke again. "It is proper procedure," he said, addressing her back, "for prisoners to bend over and place their garments on the floor. Slowly."

Makherita didn't exactly laugh-more of a stifled snort escaped her and shook her head softly. "Oh my Gods," she said through her grin. "What have I got myself into? The Master Constable is more bent that I could ever have guessed."

Kendall seemed fascinated by the sight of the sculpted muscles on her back. "Makherita-the ... the prisoner has the right of appeal. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"Kendall. You have no idea of how turned on I am right now," she said over her shoulder. "Whatever you do-don't stop what you are doing."

Their eyes met before Makherita looked away. She breathed once, then slowly leaned forward from the waist until her hands met the floor. She spent several second placing her tunic carefully upon the floor, arranging it just so.

Kendall's jaw slackened. The already tight leather stretched taught across her ass as she bent over, the material flowing over her flesh and into the crack of her butt. Each butt cheek was partitioned and highlighted-as one would do with any work of art, Kendall thought. Kendall licked his dry lips. Primal urges flashed through him; he saw himself striding over to her, ripping those pants off, plunging his cock into her, up to the hilt, hearing her cry out as he slammed into her over and over... Kendall swallowed.

"The ... the prisoner is also in possession of the tightest ass seen by man since the lost continent of Mu disappeared under the waves."

"Ha ha! Don't make me laugh in this position or I'll split these pants."

Kendall smiled in spite of himself. "Quiet, prisoner. This is very serious. You how no idea of how much trouble you are about to be in."

Makherita straightened up, fighting to keep her face straight. "I am getting some idea of how much now, Master Constable," she said to the wall.

"Now, let's have a look at those boots. Take them off."

Makherita looked down at her laced black knee-boots. Then she leaned forward again, sliding her hands slowly down her leather-clad thighs and down to those boots. Kendall was again presented with a perfect view of her perfect ass.

Makherita loosened the laces on her boots and pulled them off-first the right, then the left. They didn't come off easily and Makherita had to struggle with them. Kendall watched her, watched her butt move under the leather as she worked. He had to adjust his sitting position, discreetly moving his growing erection to a more comfortable position within his pants. He breathed a long, calming breath.

Slowly, Makherita straightened up, running her hands up her thighs and over her ass in a sensuous flow as she did so. Kendall adjusted his position again.

She turned and faced him, her face lightly flushed. Perhaps from bending over and having the blood run to her head. Perhaps from embarrassment that she was standing topless in the office of a Tanath city constable while people went about their business in the corridor outside. Or perhaps it was just from excitement. Probably it was all three.

Neither spoke. He stared. Kendall saw nipples, erect and jutting proudly. He drank in the vision of those beautiful breasts. She fidgeted slightly, a squirming movement about her hips.

"Are you nervous?" he said, noting her inability to stay completely still.

"No," she said and swallowed. "Well, yes, but that's not... I'm just ... just really, really turned on right now. Really turned on."

He broke into a smile, before he regained control and his expression turned impassive once more. "OK, prisoner. Take your pants off-slowly-and prepare for inspection."

"Yes, Master Constable. I want one thing though. I know I'm turned on. I wanna see what I'm doing to you. I wanna see what effect this is having. Let me see you."

Kendall stared into her eyes for several seconds, before reaching down to his pants and, after some ginger movements, drew his fully erect cock into sight.

"Here's what you're doing to me, Makherita. Gods, you're making me hard." His cock was rigid, hot and throbbing in his hand as he delicately stroked himself between thumb and forefinger. Makherita's eyes were wide as she stared at it, following the movement of his hand. She swallowed. "I like seeing you erect. Knowing that I did that. It makes me feel ... sexy, I guess."

"You are sexy, Makherita. You make me harder than any woman I've known. Now-take your pants off before I embarrass myself."

She laughed, a short sound accompanied by a flash of white. "Yes, Master Constable."

Makherita fumbled with the drawstring of her leather pants. "Oh, man. Now I'm twice as hot." She laughed again and shook her head. The string came loose and she began to peel the tight trousers down over the toned muscles of her thighs. She slid them down slowly, but Kendall drew in a sharp breath of wonder as soon she had begun. Makherita was wearing only a tiniest pair of panties her had ever seen; just a scrap of leather and straps.

"Omigods, what are you wearing? That's so hot."

"You like?"

Kendall let out a little squeak, which he had intended to be a yes.

Makherita laughed as she slid the tight leather pants down and stepped out of them. Kendall thought she had the greatest pair of legs in the Three Kingdoms. Easily. Makherita looked at him, face serious, and hooked a thumb into one of the thin straps that ran over her waist. She said, "I fantasised about you ripping them off my body."

Kendall was up and moving, advancing upon her. His arms went around her waist and she ran her hands over his upper arms, feeling the muscle there. "So did I."

Makherita smiled, then grew serious again. "But first," she said, "you're going to do something for me. But before you get to rip the clothes from my poor, defenceless body. I want you in my mouth, while I'm on my knees. I ... uhhh ... this is embarrassing."

"Tell me."

"I want you to make me go down and do it to you."

"You sure?"

"Quite sure. It's a ... ummm ... another fantasy."

Kendall pulled his tunic off over his head and tossed it to lie next to the discarded leather pants. "I would be very, very happy to carry out you request, Mak. Then, I'm finished with you, I'm want to carry you over to my desk, lay you on it. I'm going to position your body exactly how I want you. Then I'm going to lick your pussy, 'till you come."

"If you insist, Master Constable. I don't think I have the strength to stop you."

"You could put up a good fight, Mak. You're trained."

"I meant strength of will."

"Ah." Kendall laughed.

"Then, I want to sit you on your chair, behind your desk, and I'm going manacle your hands to the chair. That's so you can't stop me climbing onto you and pleasuring you until there's some sort of explosion."

"I'll struggle."

"You know you can't resist me."

"You know me too well." Kendall leaned forward to kiss her, and their hands roamed over each other's bodies. They pressed against each other, two bodies locked together as they kissed long and hard. Kendall's lips found Makherita's neck and she arched, looking upward. A sharp intake of breath came from her as he moved to her breast, sucking and nibbling. She gave a quiet moan as his tongue began flicking over a nipple, feeling herself harden. He kissed the underside of her breast, then down to run his lips and tongue over her flat stomach.

"Hey," she gasped, "I supposed to be going down on you. No fair."

"Sorry," he said as he rose, finding her lips again. "I want you in the mood for it." His voice was muffled by his fevered kissing.

"Oh, baby, I'm in the mood." Her hands were fumbling at Kendall's trousers 'till they came loose; she slid them down his thighs. "And it seems," she said, hearing Kendall's sharp intake of breath as her hand ran over his cock, "so are you." She stroked his hardness slowly as they kissed.

Kendall broke away, his hands on Makherita's upper arms. He took a deep breath. He said, "OK, prisoner, I order you to get on your knees. Prepare for part one of your interrogation." One hand went to the back of her head, entwined in her hair, controlling her. He applied a gentle downward pressure.

A thrill of guilty excitement ran through Makherita's body as her hair went tight against her scalp, the sensation running down her body to end at her groin. "Tell me what you're going to do to me."

"I'm going to frell you in the mouth, prisoner. And I'm going to make you enjoy it.

"Oh, goody."

She resisted him and Kendall increased the pressure until she sank down onto her knees before him.

"You'll never make me talk, copper," Makherita said, looking up at him and struggling to suppress an excited grin.

"We'll see about that." He took himself in his hand and moved close to her lips, but stopped short. Makherita tried to lean forward but he held her tight at the back of her head. She kept her arms at her sides, fists balled, and let Kendall do as he wished.

Kendall slowly pressed himself against her lips, watched them part, her mouth open, then pulled back. He played with her, teasing, rubbing himself against her lips, slipping just into her mouth the pulling out. Makherita made little murmurs of frustration, her mouth seeking him. Kendall held himself close and she began licking him like a child with ice-cream. Then he tightened his grip on her, and pushed forward; Malherita's mouth parted from him and he entered her as far as she could take.

Kendall held himself there, paralyzed by the sensation, before he withdrew and entered Makherita's mouth again. He began to slowly pump in an out of her. He felt himself tighten immediately at the velvet sensation of her warm, wet mouth.

Makherita worked her tongue under him as he moved, an electric sensation running through her at her self-imposed submission. She sucked hard and felt him grow stiffer. Makherita let Kendall have complete control, sensing the excitement build in him as he moved faster, pushing her onto him as he thrust.

But she needed to give him more. Makherita took him in her hand and Kendall released her, allowing her to work on him. She lifted him up and ran her tongue down him, onto his balls and took one in her mouth, sucking very gently, hearing the groan escape him. She teased him, kissing and licking along his shaft until groans became those of frustration. Then she took him into her mouth, her hand stroking his length. A long hiss of breath left Kendall.

Makherita moved up and down on him, slowly at first, then building in speed. She ran her tongue over the sensitive tip, feeling the muscles in Kendall's thigh tense, and then pressed down again. She pumped him mouth over the slick length of his cock, feeling him coming closer, a guilty rush of excitement at the thought of him coming in her mouth. Over and over again she slid her mouth of his thick length.

Kendall could take no more, and pulled her away. He squeezed his eyes shut as cold replaced the sensation of silky, wet warmth on his cock. He drew Makherita to her feet and lifted her into his arms in one motion. She wiped her mouth and smiled.

"Is there a problem, Master Constable?"

"Problem-no. Nooooo. That was ... absolutely fantastic," he said, trying to calm his breathing. "But the prisoner isn't getting of the charge that easily."

Kendall, scooped her up before Makherita could protest, and carried her to his desk, laying her gently upon the broad expanse of oak. He ran his hands up and down her body as she reclined and arched like a cat melting into the afternoon sun. A low murmur of pleasure escaped her, excited at a job well done and knowing it was her turn now. Her hands went over Kendall's as he massaged her breasts, squeezing with a softness that sent waves of pleasure and anticipation through her body.

Kendall's hand slid down her, over her stomach and thighs. One hand entwined around the leather strap at her waist. Makherita's mouth opened as she felt the leather band tighten. Kendall ripped her panties off her body. She gave a short, sharp cry as the flimsy material was ripped sideways across her hips, tearing and leaving her naked and exposed.

Her breath came in short gasps from her as Kendall sank to his knees between her spread legs. His hands grasped her thighs, fingers on top, pulling her legs further apart. The tightness of her chest made it hard to breathe. Makherita hooked her feet over Kendall's shoulders as she felt an exquisite rush of anticipation course through her from the warm heat of Kendall's breath upon her pussy.

Hips lips played across her, nibbling and teasing, before he ran his tongue over her, slipping inside the soft velvet of her body. Kendall ran long, slow strokes along her, ending flicking over the nub of her clitoris. Makherita writhed under his touch, hands gripping the edges of the desk. Kendall found her clit now, and worked on it directly, pressing the flat of his tongue upon it, hearing her moans grow more urgent. Her hips rose and fell in a rhythmic motion, and all Kendall had to do now was hold his tongue pressed hard against as she worked herself over it. Makherita breathing grew shorter, sharper, and desperate animal sound of desperation as the tightness in her groin grew and grew. Her hands massaged her breasts, squeezing and kneading and she twisted her head from side to side, eyes squeezed shut, lips locked into a little circle shape.

Then her body stopped moving, became rigid and locked tight like a statue. Her mouth moved and now sound came out and the orgasm ripped through her, repeating over and over as she jerked against Kendall's tongue. Her mind was a blank void of pure pleasure for long seconds before she collapsed back down on to the desk, a long hiss of breath escaping her.

"Gods," she croaked.

Kendall looked up, gazing down the length of her sweat-sheened body. He wiped a hand over his mouth. "Ready to confess yet, prisoner?" he said with a grin.

Makherita shook her head with a weak, slow motion. "Can't ... make," she gasped, "proper ... sentence."

Kendall gave a short laugh. He held her hips and rolled Makherita over onto her stomach. He ran his hands down her back and onto her buttocks.

"Oh, no, you wicked man. Are you taking advantage of the prisoner when she doesn't have the strength to defend herself?"

"Gods forbid," said Kendall as he positioned himself and began sliding slowly inside her. He eased himself into her gently; her body tight around his cock. Makherita's arched her back, eyes closed, mouth open as he stretched her. She moaned a long sigh of pleasure as he began to slide back and forth within her, gently and carefully.

"Oooooh," said Makherita. "Evil Master Constable. It's almost like you think you can just use the prisoner's defenceless body for your own sick pleasure." She lay down flat on the desk, a contented smile on her face, feeling his thick, hard warmth fill her. "Which is not far from the truth."

Kendall smiled and felt an excited thrill run through him as he saw his cock sliding in and out of her. "Gods, you feel so good." He kept up the long, slow motions, and soon Makherita's hips began to move in sympathy, pushing back as he pushed forward. He kept up the steady motion and Makherita scraped her fingernails into the desk as she began to clench her hands into fists, then relaxed, over and over.

Makherita propped herself up on her elbows and sighed. "I wish you could just keep doing that to me for a week," she said. "But it's my turn now, big boy." She pushed herself upright, till she was standing with Kendall still inside of her, his arms wrapped around her body. He nibbled on her neck and she reached back and ran her fingers through his hair.

"I want you to get on the chair, so I can frell you good and hard," she said.

"You feel so perfect," said Kendall, pulling his hips back and easing forward again.

Makherita closed her eyes at the sensation as he moved in her again, and smiled. "So do you," she said, and her hands found his waist, pushing him back and out of her.

Kendall withdrew and she led him to the chair, positioned him and pushed him back into it. She turned and reached across the table, Kendall's eyes running over her naked form as she did. When Makherita turned back around she held the manacles in her hand. "Put your hands behind you please, Master Constable."

Kendall did as he was told and felt the cold iron bands around his wrists as Makherita chained him to the chair. Makherita returned and kneeled in front of him. "Seems you've gone of the boil a tad. Let me help you with that." She leaned forward, and ran her hand down his cock, her tongue flicking over the tip until he returned to full hardness.

"Tell me,' she said, then plunged his cock into her mouth, sucked hard, then pulled out. "Have you ever fantasised about coming in my face?"

"No, only over your chest...

"Always the gentleman."

"...and then I massage my seed into your breasts and watch you writhe in pleasure as I do it."

"Wow, that's a fantasy we'll remember for next time." She took him in her mouth again and he groaned as the silky wetness of her mouth held him hard. She sucked hard before withdrawing.

"You seemed to have regained your impressive stature. Now, I'm going to frell you, and you're going take what I give you, like a good little law enforcement official."

Kendall smiled. "Yes, Ma'am."

Makherita straddled him, positioning him with her hand, and eased down onto his cock, breathing out. Her thigh muscles tensed as she held herself up over him, just insider her; she rose as Kendall struggled to push himself further in, riding him. When he gave up trying, Makherita kissed him deeply, and thrust his cock into herself. Both of them cried out as she did.

Kendall felt the exquisite warmth of her depths and his head rolled back, but Makherita held the back of his head found his lips again, her hips rocking over his cock. She began to move faster, nail digging into his shoulder, Kendall pushing back as she moved; she felt so tight it was like a hand around his cock.

Makherita gasped as electric shocks of pleasure flickered from her groin up her body. Kendall sought her neck, kissing and nibbling as she moved on him, her hard nipples running over his chest and she began to move with greater vigour, rising and letting herself drop onto his thick, hard length.

Kendall felt the tightness build down below as her muscles worked over his cock, milking him. He tried to think of his monthly reports he had yet to complete, but was distracted when Makherita sat up straight and pulled his head forward onto her breasts. She slowed enough to allow him to suck a nipple into his mouth, his tongue rolling over the rigid button until Makherita began to make tiny cries of pleasure. His teeth bit down and she cried out his name.

They continued their frenzied rutting as their gasps and cries of pleasure grew louder than the creaking protests of the chair as Makherita drove him into her as hard and as fast as she could. Kendall felt the manacles pull against his wrists as he tried to reach for her; the frustration at being unable to do so driving him to a frenzy of excitement.

"Makherita..." said Kendall in warning.

"Gimme a minute, babe." Makherita's voice muffled as her face was buried in Kendall's shoulder, her arms tight around him. She used his body as leverage to continue working over his cock, pounding it into her. Her groin was so tight, she knew she was close.

"Ahhh ... OK," said Kendall in a squeaky gasp. He tried to think of the lovely brickwork facade on the house next to his mother's, but the beautiful naked women on top of him was 'kinda distracting. Hold on, damn you, he thought, hold on.

Makherita continued to push herself on to him; she was lost now in her own world as the orgasm built and built. Her skin felt like it was on fire, perspiration making strands of hair stick to her forehead. Her chest was so tight. She let out a little squeak, head going back.

Then it hit.

She cried and then bit into Kendall's shoulder, her muscles along body bulging as she spasmed around the thick cock stretching her out inside. Kendall relaxed as he felt her go, felt her teeth at his should and her nail on his flesh. The sensation broke the last of his control and he erupted, pushing his hips up with all his strength, wishing he wasn't bound to the chair so he could slam into her over and over as the muscles at his groin contracted so hard it almost hurt.

Makherita felt her lover emptying himself inside of her, and the sensation sent another orgasm ripping through her body, a cascade of sensation that sent her muscles rigid, her limbs locked around Kendall

They sank together, exhausted, both shuddering as the last of their orgasms faded away, setting each other off again as they did so.

Makherita let out a long stream of air and pushed away strands of hair that had stuck to her face. "I do believe,' she said, pausing for another breath, "that I just made you my bitch."

Kendall would have laughed if he'd had the strength, instead settling for a slow happy grin. Makherita grinned back. They grinned stupidly at each other for a time, while Kendall gradually softened inside her.

Kendall broke the silence. "I love you, Makherita."

Makherita sat up straight and looked at him with furrowed brow. "Hmmm," she said, running a finger down his cheek. "Well, you know, Master Constable, I do believe I love you too."

They went back to some more post-coital grinning, broken by kissing, cuddling and giggling.

"It seems to have gone quiet," said Senior Chief Constable Markus.

"Thank the Gods. I'm not coming back in ten minutes again."

"Better than arriving too soon. Which I suspect the Master Constable didn't."

"Quiet, man, this is no time for jokes," said First Constable Herkus.

"Sorry, sir."

"This is a disaster. I word of this gets out the reputation of the Constabulary will be ruined."

"Yes, sir."

"There's only one thing for it-we will have to force them to make a decision."

"What decision is that, sir?"

"They must break off their illicit liaison, or Kendall will be released from the Constabulary."

"He is one of our best, sir. And he is well liked by the City Council. He could make life difficult for you, if forced."

"I am aware of that. But it seems the only way."

First Constable Herkus raised his hand to knock on Kendall's office door.

Kendall opened the door as the insistent knocking started up again. He stepped back as the highest ranking constable in Tanath entered the room, followed by Senior Constable Markus.

"First Constable Herkus, what an honour it is to see you," said Kendall, stepping back to where Makherita stood. She was dressed in her skin-tight leather tunic and pants, and painfully aware that she'd put her boots on the wrong feet in the mad scramble to dress. She tried to discreetly slip the back of Kendall's tunic into his pants; he hadn't had time to tuck himself in properly when the unexpected knock had first sounded.

"Kendall," Herkus said. "My lady. What an unusual pleasure it is seeing you within these walls."

Makherita smiled and greeted him back.

Kendall said, "To what do we owe this visit, First Constable? I know your schedule is very busy."

"Markus-close the door. We have to talk, Kendall."

Herkus explained the situation to the pair of them as they stood there. Makherita smiling and hoping they didn't notice the scrap of material in the corner of the room that had once been her underwear. Herkus finished his speech and his pacing up and down, and delivered his ultimatum.

"You two must finish this, or your career here is over. This cannot go on."

"Hmmm," said Kendall, looking serious. "While we consider your offer, can we give you our news?"

"Your news?"

Kendall looked at Makherita and said, "Do you want to tell them or shall I?"

"You can, dear."

Kendall looked at Herkus and paused. "We're getting married."

Herkus staggered one step back, his face ashen.

Makherita put her arm around Kendall's waist and ran her other hand over his chest. "My man," she said in a purring voice.

"You ... you can't do this."

"Why not," said Makherita. "Has marriage been made illegal?"

"No, of course not, but ... but..."


"He's a highly respected member of the constabulary, and you're a thief."

"I'd be careful with those accusations, sir," said Kendall. "Makherita has no criminal convictions that I'm aware of and unless you have some hard evidence I don't, I suggest you apologise."

"I ... I ...,' Herkus said, stammering as his mind tried to catch up with the turn of events. "You can't ..."

"Again, why not?"

Herkus stopped and was silent as he tried to control the red flush growing over his face. After a time he said, "I wish you all the best."

"Thank you," Makherita and Kendall said at the same time as Herkus spun and stalked out of the room. Markus gave them one baffled glance and followed his commander.

"What an excitable little man," said Makherita.

"An excitable man that's going to make my life as tough as he can around here."

"Guess you're not likely to be promoted much in future. It's not too late to back out, babe."

Kendall looked down at her. "What's the thief expression?" he said as he leaned in close to kiss her. "Don't be a slow."

She laughed and said, "Yup, that is the correct expression. And if you're career is stalled, I'm not going to be doing much either. I don't want to get you into trouble."

"No thieving at all, I hope."

"We'll see."

"Ohhh, wait, I see you've done it again. You just can't stop thieving can you? Can you?"

"What," Makherita said, her expression twisting in confusion. "What have I done now?"

"You've gone and stolen my heart."

Makherita couldn't stop laughing.

The End

Tanath Keepby Wolfe


I like to write in the fantasy genres, be that medieval, contemporary or science-fiction fantasy. My longer stories are just that -- stories. That is, I am a writer of erotic stories, or plot-driven tales with sex in them (as opposed to a loosely affiliated series of sex scenes). If you find unfortunate pauses for character development and such the like irritating, you might want to go elsewhere.

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