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Tender Mercies: Book 1 - Chapter 10

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 10

Drums of War

"How longer must I wait?" Kelnozz asked his one time mentor.

Sitting on a bench overlooking a meadow with a stream flowing through it, Farathallion smiled at the other elf's impatience. "We've waited thousands of years for this, my friend, our course of action can not be decided so quickly."

Rising from the bench, Kelnozz paced back and forth in frustration. "I know that as well as any," he spat out. "Each moment we wait allows them to organize and prepare to march. Alesha won't waste the time we are. If she gains the position she seeks, then she will move quickly."

"Is this woman really so dangerous that she would be allowed to lead their armies? Or is she too dangerous? They already control most of the rulers in the cities of Belurian, through guile and deception, and none can doubt the control they hold over the Lost Lands, it was why we were driven away so long ago. That is what the council must decide."

"I know her well," Kelnozz said, stopping his pacing to stare at Farathallion. "She is everything I have said her to be, and more. For her to have accomplished what she has so easily makes her more cunning, powerful, and dangerous then any I've ever encountered. She will succeed where others have failed."

"You sound as though you admire her," Farathallion said, a faint smile upon his face.

Kelnozz smirked. "Nay, friend, I respect her."

Waving the comment away, Farathallion rose and stood next to Kelnozz. "It is much the same thing. Be careful that your heart lies in the proper place, or you shall not survive this storm."

Kelnozz scowled at the lecture. "I learned long ago that hearth, home, and love would not be for me, Farathallion. You, if no one else, should know that, for you were my teacher in lore. I was raised and forged into what I am for this reason, refuting it would do me little good."

Farathallion nodded, smiling warmly and patting Kelnozz on the shoulder reassuringly. "Yes, my friend, I know. Still I must question to be sure you question yourself. Being chosen for this is a hard task, one I do not envy you, but we have done all we could to prepare you. My own heart clouds my judgment at times though, for I consider you the son I never had."

Kelnozz opened his mouth to respond but was silenced by the large shadow that passed over head. Glancing up alarmingly, both elves saw the form of a winged drake descend rapidly towards them. The dragon landed in front of them, its blue scales shimmering in the mid day sunlight.

"Luingirth!" Kelnozz cried out happily in surprise.

The dragon snorted in derision before greeting the elf in a powerful voice. "A score of years ye hath been gone this time, yet ye hath waited two weeks without seeking me out?"

Kelnozz chuckled. "My apologies, my friend, I've been caught up in things. I think the time to test our training draws nigh."

The dragon nodded its head. "It will be good to hunt the skies again."

Kelnozz grinned, his troubles forgotten at the sight of his lifelong companion. Of all the creatures of Viconia, none were said to live as long as elves save dragons. Thus it was a stolen egg from a blue dragon's clutch that was secured and hatched to serve as the ally and steed of Kelnozz when he was first discovered. Using powerful elven magic, a bond was forged between the two as they grew and learned. Training, hunting, fighting, and learning together, they had become an unstoppable team by the time it was judged that Kelnozz should begin his search. Kelnozz remembered flying on Luingirth's back for several days and nights before they'd crossed the Endless Ocean and landed on Belurian the first time. There they had parted ways for the first time in over a century of life. Kelnozz had returned several years later, only to return to search anew for the signs that had been prophesied by the council of elves.

Now, nearly two hundred years since his first trip off of the secret island of the elves, Innowendyn, his return was as a harbinger of doom.

"Come, we must return to the council, they summon us," Farathallion said, interrupting the reunion.

His good nature vanishing, Kelnozz nodded and turned to Luingirth. "We fly together again, my friend." Luingirth gave what passed for a chuckle and opened one mighty paw to allow Kelnozz a ride up to its back. Accepting, Kelnozz was soon on the back of the dragon. Farathallion waved to them and disappeared, magically gating himself back to the council chambers.

"Have you put on some weight?" Luingirth asked after Kelnozz had seated himself.

"Silence wyrm, and get you to the sky if you've not grown to lazy to know how to fly!" Kelnozz bantered back. Luingirth snorted at being called a wyrm, but accepted the trade in insults and launched into the air.

Kelnozz was filled with wonder every time he experienced riding upon Luingirth's back, for below him stretched the island of Innowendyn as far as he could see. Following the stream they streaked over some hills, Luingirth flying low and fast. They cleared a ridge where the stream plunged into a long waterfall, below was arrayed the forgotten elven city of Loralost. Luingirth slowly spiraled down towards the city, aiming for a courtyard outside of the palace where the high council of elves was gathered.

Alesha rode upon the pure black steed through the street, still not totally accustomed to riding the gift from the dragons. Fully seventeen hands high, the horse would have been considered magnificent had its eyes not shone with a feral red light and flames leapt from its hooves each time they touched the earth. It was several hours past dusk and only now had she reached her destination.

She had overcome her fears of the steed quickly, knowing by the way it acted and looked at her that it sensed her hesitation. With the five grandest and most powerful dragons in the world looking on her, she knew any sign of weakness would have sentenced her to an instant death. Inwardly she had been terrified throughout the encounter, realizing with each word she spoke and with each deal she made, she was losing a part of who she had been. Having set her course in motion, she found she was swept along, unable to stop what she had started. Every time somewhere inside of her a voice called out for her to stop, Talifernon was there to goad her on. Now, she had all but consigned herself to her chosen path.

There were no walls or towers at the outskirts of the city, and no guards to man them. The city was far too lax, and she was determined to change that shortly. She stopped at the first inn she saw and slipped off the back of her summoned steed. Whispering a few words into its ear, she made sure her cloak had fallen about her body before heading into the inn.

The door to the tavern shut behind her, causing a few people to glance her way. It was crowded inside, with all manner of inhabitants, from orcs playing bones and drinking ale to light elves throwing knives at a target on the wall. Either judging her to difficult to deal with, or two poor, the probing looks fell away from her. Alesha fought the urge to smile, had she not hidden herself within her cloak, she was sure every eye in the room would be upon her.

Moving gracefully through the crowd of drunk and nearly drunk people, she made her way to the bar and pushed a passed out orc out of the way. He fell to the floor but not before he bumped into a another orc raising a jack of ale to drink from it. Spilling some of the ale, the orc turned towards her and slammed his ale down on the counter, spilling far more. Snarling, it reached for the dagger at its belt.

Its hand never made it. Sinister looking black flames immolated the orc, making it shriek in agony. It ran outside, bouncing off of people and furniture alike on its way there. At the door a few other orcs looked outside and saw the afflicted orc rolling in the street, trying to smother the unholy fires that took its life a few seconds later. Inside the tavern, the atmosphere had instantly gone quiet. Anyone who had brushed up against the orc on his death flight shivered and tried to warm whatever portion of their body that had touched the flames, for they had sucked the heat from them.

Alesha turned back to the bartender, who now approached her cautiously. She knew that the troll bouncer moved up behind her, ready to crack her skull and toss her outside at the first sign from the bartender.

"I seek Kallendel" Alesha said loudly enough for everyone in the now silent inn to hear. "Where can I find him?"

The bartender, a light elf missing one eye, studied her a moment before responding, "Who are you?"

Alesha threw back the hood of her cloak and shook her raven colored hair free of it. "His replacement."

A few laughs came from behind her. She had expected as much, Kallendel was a powerful light elven warrior and the man in charge of the city of Mezarbolle. He'd gotten there by being the strongest and most ruthless, building a reputation around him nearly as great as he actually was. All the fools in the tavern saw was a pretty human woman. She felt anger flush her skin but she fought to keep control.

"Begone woman, this is no place for you," the bartender said when the laughter had died down.

"I leave when you tell me how to find Kallendel," Alesha said, her voice hissing dangerously.

Nodding slightly, the barman signaled the troll. The troll reached up to put a hand on her shoulder, but she'd already moved. Ducking and spinning, Alesha's cloak billowed out around her. The troll snarled at her and turned to come at her again, then realized that its arm ended in a stump. On the bar in front of a surprised bartender the trolls hand twitched a few times, then burst into flames.

"Try it again and you lose more then a hand," Alesha said calmly. The troll looked to its stump in fear, seeing the wound cauterized and sealed, preventing it from growing its hand back.

The troll looked back at her, clearly afraid. It stumbled back a few steps then turned and fled the tavern. Alesha smirked and turned back to the one eyed elf. "Who dies next?" Putting up his hands peacefully he nodded and gave her the directions.

"You know, Silverton won't be pleased with an army of barbarians at their gates," Martin said, striding beside Nordan.

Nordan shrugged, "They need not worry, we seek them no harm."

"Kelnozz said we needed a really big army, is this large enough?"

Nordan shrugged again, "Calling on my tribe is all I can do, how would you have us gain more?"

Martin was quiet for a moment, thinking. Finally he spoke up. "For several years I worked for the resistance," He began. When Nordan showed no sign of caring, he continued. "I delivered messages from one town to the next. They're all ruled independently, but many of these cities are allied. They agree not to bother each other, and instead set there sights upon taxing and oppressing the people. Not to mention how many of them practice dark rights without the commoners knowledge."

Nordan nodded. "Kelnozz and I found that in Yolarch." He grinned at the memory, "We ended it."

"I heard about that," Martin said, chuckling. "It really boosted the morale of the resistance and set the federation scurrying for cover for a little while. You should have followed up on it."

Nordan let the comment go, instead concerning himself with covering as much distance as possible. They'd left his tribe a few days before the rest of them had, in hopes of meeting up with Kelnozz back at Silverton.

"It's not to late, you know," Martin said.

"What?" Nordan grunted, missing Martin's point.

"We could overrun a few cities on the way there, it would bolster our armies strength."

Nordan chuckled. "No, it would irritate them. They want nothing to do with laying siege to cities, Yolarch was an example, nothing more. They come with me because our blood sings out for battle and because I brought them victory before. If what the elf says is true, this time it will not be so easy, and my tribe will not remember me as kindly."

Martin nodded at that and continued walking. He was lost in thought after that, trying to figure out what they could do to gain more allies. He knew he could raise at the most a hundred men from his contacts with the resistance, if he had the time. Time seemed to be their concern, from what their missing companion had impressed upon them.

The swords clashed loudly, with neither opponent gaining a clear advantage. Back and forth they dueled, the light elven warlord and the human woman. At first Kallendel had laughed when he heard that she sought him out. Then he heard of her exploits and decided to treat her more seriously. When she showed up at his office door, he grew angry. Determined to teach her a lesson, he never stopped to consider the level of prowess she must have possessed to have defeated the extra guards he had put on duty to stop her. Now he reappraised her skills again, continuously amazed at how she could continually thwart his assaults with only her shortsword when he had both a longsword and dirk to wield against her.

"I was going to kill you," He hissed at her in between a furious exchange of blows, "but now I think I'm going to rape you first!"

Alesha grinned fiercely, stepping back into his range and intercepted attack after attack on her. "Or maybe I'll kill you then rape you!" He spat out, growing frustrated at her continuous defense.

Seeing him nearly at the point where the battle would turn, Alesha let her grin show on her face again. This infuriated the light elf even more, making him rain blows down on her. She inwardly scoffed at him, knowing that he was good, but no match for the person who had trained her, and therefore no match for her. Instead of slaying him instantly, she prolonged it, feeding off of the energy he exuded. Any doubts as to what she was becoming were lost in the thrill and excitement of battle.

She sent her magic into him then, knowing he was growing tired. Soon he would lapse and she'd be forced to take him. But first, she wanted to have some fun with him.

Kallendel felt himself surging with energy, and redoubled his attacks. Twice he thought he had come close to defeating the upstart wench that attacked him, but both time he was turned away at the last moment. After a few more moments, he began to realize how uncomfortable he was. Sure enough, he was becoming aroused fighting her. Dangerously aroused.

Lunging forward in hopes of impaling her on the point of his longsword, Alesha let him think he had won. She let the blade plunge deeply into her stomach, coming out her back so deep did it go. Kallendel grinned at her triumphantly, then his grin turned to confusion when he saw her own smile mocking him. He raised his dirk to thrust it into her throat but Alesha's short sword streaked across and intercepted it, knocking it from his hand. He stumbled backwards then, letting go of his longsword.

Alesha reached down and pulled it free of her stomach, channeling the pain back into her and instead of feeling the hurt, she shuddered in excitement. When the tip at last pulled free, tossed the sword off to the side, then advanced on the elven warlord.

"What are you?" He asked, knowing his fate was soon to be sealed.

Alesha smiled again and reached out with her sword, the magical blade slicing effortlessly through the chain tunic he wore. Kallendel looked down, seeing the rent in his armor. Only a thin line of blood marked a diagonal cut on his abdomen, and he knew that she could have easily slain him had she wanted to.

"Come to me, lover," Alesha said, slashing twice more rapidly and watching a section of his armor fall away from him. The elf stumbled backwards in terror, backing into a wall and beginning to panic.

Alesha felt her own desire burning through her, pushing everything else aside. She had used up most of her energy reaching Kallendel, and very nearly depleted it while fighting him. Ignoring her wound and then healing herself had taken the most out of her. She reached out again and took control of him in his panic.

Kallendel watched as he finished what the woman's sword had started, and tore off the rest of the clothing constraining his manhood. He couldn't seem to stop himself, he only knew that this women who was going to kill him had complete control over him, and that he had to bed her.

Alesha smiled as Kallendel staggered towards her, ignoring his own injuries. She threw back her cloak to reveal that she wore nothing underneath it save a belt for the scabbard at her side, knee high boots, and bracers on each forearm. Seeing her body unmarked by his attack drove the last of his hopes for survival from him, and he surrendered to the lust filling him.

Alesha wrestled with Kallendel when he approached her, trying to force her down so he could rape her. She easily twisted him about and forced him back upon his desk so that she could climb atop him and straddle his hips. She grinned at him as she reached down to position his shaft between her thighs, guiding the head of his cock to her pussy. She moaned lustfully as her hot pussy envoloped his stiff shafft and she drove his only remaining weapon deep inside of her. She licked her lips as she bottomed out and ground her crotch against his.

Kallendel fought to regain control and drive himself up into her, but her leverage and strength won out, keeping him at bay while she pleasured herself atop him.

Bending over, she found the urge overcame her to lick at the wound on his chest. She licked some more, finding the coppery taste of blood pleased her almost as much as fucking herself on his stiff manhood. Groaning, the elf sensed he was nearing his release when the woman atop him began to shudder and moan. She abruptly pushed herself to sit straight up and leaned back, her short sword still in one hand. With his cock fully inside her, she rotated her hipsd, grinding herself on him faster and harder than before.

She poured the last bit of magic into him that took him over the edge of climax. He grunted and clenched his jaw as his cock throbbed and burst with a stream of hot cum inside her. She waited, feeling his cock pulse within her a second time. Then her sword arced across, biting into his throat just deeply enough to sever both arteries without laying open his windpipe. The sting forced his orgasm to a higher level, knowing that his life was flowing out of his neck.

Alesha shuddered above the elf's spurting cock, finding herself on the edge of her own release but unable to achieve it. Bending over instinctively, the warm spurts of his lifeblood painted her naked breasts, stomach, neck, and face with their heat. She opened her mouth and fastened it to his neck, drinking deeply of his gushing lifeblood. Darkness overtook Kallendel with the last thought in his head that the strange woman sent to slay him was having an orgasm on his dying body.

Expecting to know no more, Kallendel was surprised to find that he was still conscious, though he had no sensations of anything about him. Considering himself in a void, he felt something dark and terrible coming up to him. He sensed more then felt something evil chuckle behind him.

My thanks, Mistress.

With no voice or way of knowing how, Kallendel's soul screamed at the image of a four-armed demon reaching out for him.

"How much longer must we wait?" Helmut asked after draining another flagon of ale.

"Until Kelnozz gets here," Nordan said, ordering another round.

"Another week of this and the tribe will start heading back no matter what I say," Helmut cautioned.

Nordan nodded, scowling. Martin looked about remembering the last time they had stayed at that inn. Alesha had been with them then. He sighed and tried to put her beautiful image out of his mind, disturbed that even after so long she haunted him.

The door to the tavern burst in then and a man stuck his head in long enough to shout, "To arms!"

Looking about, everyone seemed a bit concerned, then people began to react. Leaping out of there chairs, they rushed outside, some grabbing sheathed weapons, others heading for their pallets to get them. Martin, Nordan, and Helmut made it outside at last and looked about to see what was causing all the ruckus. Seeing several villagers looking skyward, their gazes drifted up until they saw the great winged form circling down towards them.

"If you've brought a dragon upon us…" The owner of the inn's threat trailed off when the dragon settled down gently on the ground just outside of the town between the encamped barbarians and the town.

A figure nimbly leapt off the back of the adult blue dragon, landing easily and striding towards the town. Recognizing his stride, both Nordan and Martin felt grins on their faces as they rushed out to greet him.

"Seems you've brought some cavalry!" Martin said, gripping Kelnozz's hand warmly.

"What took you so long, elf?" Nordan growled, unable to keep a straight face as well.

"I had some things to do," Kelnozz said. "My friends, meet Luingirth, a long time friend of mine."

Both Martin's and Nordan's grins faded slowly at this. "Kel, what is going on?" Nordan asked, staring at the incredible dragon who was peering right back at him.

"Come, let us go and have a drink, flying tends to parch your throat and I have a lot to tell you," Kelnozz said, grabbing his friends and herding them back towards the town.

"Don't worry, he won't harm anyone," Kelnozz called out to the assorted townsfolk.

"Luingirth, try not to eat anyone," Kelnozz yelled back to the dragon. Several cries of alarm went up at this, which brought a grin to Kelnozz's face. Then he let it fade and yelled to the dragon, "You're scaring them, go do whatever it is dragons do… eat a sheep or something."

The annoyed look on the face of the dragon was all Kelnozz needed to see to make him laugh again. Luingirth took off in spite of it though, winging quickly away to the south in search of a meal.

The townsfolk slowly began drifting back towards their daily activities, though for the second time in three weeks they moved a bit more uncertainly. First a small army of barbarians on their doorstep, now a raiding dragon. Life was getting to dangerous!

Back in the tavern the companions, plus Helmut, sat around their recently abandoned table. Everyone watched Kelnozz, waiting for his explanation. He glanced around the common room to see people resuming their seats, though conversation was now hushed and reserved.

"Ages ago, when life on this world was still young, there were two types of dragons," Kelnozz began. "Magic was powerful and even the most common and mundane items were enchanted. Things were unbalanced and chaos ruled the world. Man was nomadic and uncivilized.

"Of these two species of dragons, one was good, and one was evil. The good dragons, known as metallic dragons, and the evil ones, known as chromatic. Elves and the metallic dragons enjoyed peace and prosperity between themselves. But the chromatic dragons viewed all other forms of life as being beneath them, and they were jealous of the mighty works of art and peace the elves created. The chromatic dragons began to corrupt some of the elves and poison their hearts and minds against the rest of the elven peoples.

"To late, the elven council discovered this. Attempting to heal the wrongs and bring them back, some of the dissident elves were sought out and captured. Instead of being able to counsel them back to rationality, their rage and jealousy deepened. War erupted, in which kin slew kin. The dragons joined in the struggle, good versus evil. In a sign of change, the rebellious elves undertook great magical ceremonies that marked them as being different. Thus was born the first light elves."

Kelnozz paused for a moment and took a drink. Taking a deep breath he saw the look on his listener's faces. Even Nordan was paying attention, for little of the elven history was widely known other then the rumor that a great shame was in their past.

"The dark elves were more numerous, though many of our arts were not tempered towards war. Still, in a war that took hundreds of years, the light elves were defeated and driven over The Periphery. Once home to all elves, now the light elves were relegated to that part of the continent with no outside access. Jailed within the mountain range, it became known as the Lost Lands. In shame, the remaining dark elves changed there name to Drow elves, which means fallen."

"What does this have to do with your companion?" Helmut asked when Kelnozz paused to consider his next words. Kelnozz smiled sadly and waved away the question.

"I'll get to that," He said patiently.

"While the dark elves defeated the light elves on the ground and in the forests, they remained too focused on that battle, and did not aid their allies in the air. The chromatic dragons, with the aid of the light elves, scored victory after victory against the metallic dragons. Seeing them facing extinction, the dark elves intervened and struck back on their behalf. The drow were slaughtered. Gaining strength, the chromatic dragons now battled a war on two fronts, and drove into the homeland of the elves on Belurian, laying waste to the city."

"Their spirit nearly broken, the elves fled. Still too mighty to be vanquished, the metallic dragons retreated with them. Faced with the threat to their existence, a deal was made with the light elves and the chromatic dragons. The elves were banished from Belurian for a thousand years and the good dragons magically imprisoned. The warring had lasted for generations already, it was a bitter end with most of the sages of the elven peoples slain and much of their lore lost."

"At the end of their banishment, the dark elves discovered that they were pleased with their new home, a large island many leagues to the east of Belurian known as Innowendyn. Now the bastion of elven knowledge and art, they were hesitant to return to Belurian. Over the years, some elves began filtering back into Belurian, and it was discovered that in spite of their success and freedom, internal strife kept the light elves competing with each other. Most remained within the Lost Lands, involved in struggles for power within their own societies. The might and grandeur of both elven peoples had been destroyed."

Kelnozz took another drink and sighed deeply. The lore he had just shared had never before been known to anyone not of the elven race.

"The elves that lived on Belurian again met with an advanced society of humanity. Man had thrived in the absence of the elves, filling the niche and rapidly advancing their technology and knowledge. Cities had already sprung up all over Belurian. The returning elves moved in amongst them, trying to teach and counsel them against the mistakes that had caused the fall of the elven races. As time passed, the elves of Belurian lost touch with their own history though, treating it more and more as tales told to children to make them mind."

"That's all well and good, but I don't see how this affects us?" Martin asked, signaling another round of ales.

"It affects us because three hundred some years ago I was born on Innowendyn. My mother died during the birthing, and I never knew who my father was because of that, for she had never told anyone in the small village who it was. I was sent to our capital, Loralost, for training, and while there I was studied and tested and apparently considered to be something special. For the next one hundred years I was trained. It was then that Luingirth and I were introduced. Using magic and training, we formed a bond and grew up together, learning together, training together, and fighting together."

"Ever since then, I have come to Belurian time and again, looking for some sign of an ancient prophecy the elves have. With Alesha, I believe that prophecy is coming to pass. She is the champion of the chromatic dragons. She will lead their forces against the rest of Belurian again, trying to drive everything out and then destroy the dark elves once and for all."

Kelnozz stopped talking and looked from one face to another, checking to make sure none of them were confused. "We need to raise an army and march on her before she is ready to bring the fight to us."

"Wait," Nordan said. "She will have dragons on her side, how are we to fight that?"

Kelnozz smiled, a hint of his usual mischief showing through. "My friends, we must go and free the good dragons from their imprisonment."

"Raise an army, rescue a bunch of dragons, and march over into the Lost Lands, all as quickly as possible," Martin summed up the tasks ahead of them. "This is no easy task you speak of."

"No," Kelnozz agreed, "it's worse then that, many of the cities in Belurian have agreements with the dragon council, so we will meet opposition at every corner. Far from easy, Martin, it's well nigh impossible."

Nordan groaned at the odds stacked against them. Martin stared blankly for a moment, then reached out and numbly drained the rest of his ale. Kelnozz smirked and looked to Helmut, who sat patiently and quietly on the far side of the table from him. He seemed nonplussed by what was going on.

"This isn't my fight, elf," Helmut said finally. "My people care not about what happens to dragons or elves."

Kelnozz nodded thoughtfully at that. "That may be," he responded, "but you must know that If they are unchecked, they will storm through all of Belurian, destroying everything that resists them. You don't strike me as a people that would thrive under the control of others."

Helmut chuckled at that. "You paint a grim picture, elf, but we are a roving people, we would easily evade them." Kelnozz opened his mouth to say more but Helmut waved him silent so he could continue. "We will do this though. Not for you, not for the elves, and not for dragons, but because Nordan is on of our own and because he has brought us great plunder and victory before. And because I think this will be a good fight, to not invite us would be an insult!"

The all laughed at that, relieved to have there support. "That will be how we get the aid of the dwarves," Martin said lightly, "tell them there's a big fight coming and they might miss it!"

They chuckled some more at that, then began speaking of how they would be able to recruit more men. Later on, talk turned to leaving on the next day with Luingirth to head for the hidden prison of the metallic dragons. At long last, they called it a night, with Helmut returning to the tribe's camp while Nordan found a comely tavern wench to help him spend his night. Kelnozz left the inn to go and see if Luingirth had returned. Martin sat at the table alone for a while longer, finishing another ale and pondering how his life had turned this way. He wondered if his grandfather would approve of his latest course of action.

Alesha sat behind her new desk, going over another report delivered to her. She could hardly wait to get out of Mezarbolle and begin marching her armies towards Belurian, but first she had to assemble that army. She had secured the acceptance of the commanders under her in Mezarbolle the day after she had slain Kallendel. Now they were summoning their troops from remote villages and tribes. Alesha chafed at the delay, nearly six weeks would pass before they would arrive, and just that morning she had learned of a group of light elves that refused to side with her.

...Previously, when Alesha had come down from her rush of excitement and realized what she had done to Kallendel, she had shrunk back in horror. Staring numbly at the mutilated and partially naked corpse, Alesha's mind reeled as she tried to justify and understand what had happened. As the minutes passed, she realized at one point that if anyone were to come upon her, she'd be easy prey for them. Off balance, she had gained her feet and looked about to see what it was that she should do next. At a loss, she realized that she was no longer feeling tired and weak. Searching inside herself, she found that her powers were refreshed fully.

Somewhat comforted to know that she was no longer vulnerable, she pondered what she had done. She stared at her sword which still hung limply from her hand. Trapped within it was the soul of Talifernon and now, the soul of Kallendel as well. Raising the blade up before her, she considered how sharp the edge and point were. Looking again at the corpse, she wondered if what she was becoming was worth the price she was paying. Gazing nervously at the point of the sword, she realized she could end it quickly.

Alesha felt a soothing warmth spreading from her forehead throughout her body, calming her. She saw again the sword in front of her, angled closer and closer to the valley between her breasts. Realizing what she had been contemplating, she angrily slammed it back into its scabbard. Alesha chastised herself for being weak momentarily. Never one to quit or give up, she vowed that she would not allow herself to suffer any personal setbacks. She had done what was necessary, she told herself. By capturing the soul and life of Kallendel, she increased her own power as well as keeping Kallendel's knowledge around so that she could more easily slip into her new role of a general....

Alesha rose from behind her desk, pushing her memories aside and striding forward purposefully. Retrieving her symbol of station that she had received from the chromatic dragon council, she quickly donned the set of magical armor. Supple boots rode high on her legs to protect her knees, made of magically enhanced griffin hide that protected and comforted her feet. Above them she wore greaves magically grafted together out of the hide and scales of what she had learned to be a silver dragon. Her breasts seemed on the verge of falling out of the an aesthetically designed silver dragon scale shirt that ended in an enchanted fine mithril skirt that fell just long enough to cover the naked flesh above her greaves. Under the skirt she wore a loin cloth made from the same material, with cloth sewn on the inside of it to protect her skin. Her neck was adorned with a necklace that ended in a small amulet carved out of mithril. In the middle of it was a diamond that glowed with an inner light. Underneath Alesha's bracers she wore long length black leather gloves that fell a few inches short of her shoulders.

Moving out the door, she headed towards where she knew her captains to be. Leaving her cloak thrown behind her, she knew that her captains were all consumed with lust at the site of her, tempered only by the fear and respect her powers demanded of them. Bursting into the office where several of them were gathered, she glanced about at the instant silence.

"Grajjik," An orc captain stiffened as she called upon him. "Take your company to Caradrin, the light elven fortress to the west. Confront Merikith, their leader, and kill him. Then inform the rest of them I demand their obedience. Should the falter, burn it to the ground."

The orc nodded his understanding and hurried out of the room. Alesha looked to the other men in the room and smiled. "Things are moving well, if a bit slowly. Do what you must to speed things up. We will march before the growth cycle is over, for the rains of the death cycle will slow us and cause us to lose momentum. That gives us fourteen weeks."

The gathered officers nodded and agreed to her plans, which made her pleased with their obedience. She turned and returned to her own chambers then, leaving the assembled officers a chance to sigh in relief. Beautiful, yes, but deadly as well. After having seen the lifeless and bloodless corpse of their former commander, then a few more "demonstrations" of Alesha's powers, they had agreed to a man to serve her. As time progressed, they became impressed with her abilities and had begun to follow her out of respect. Always there was the fear of failure and a painful death however, for while she was proving to be an able commander, she had already proven her complete lack of mercy. Ordering the rebellious elven commanders death was yet another reminder to them of the price of failure.

Continued in Chapter 11

Authors Note : Like it? Hate it? Wish I'd just go away and let you read in peace? Well then let me know… To date I've gotten 1 character suggestion (and 1 horse suggestion). Is that the best you guys can do? Anybody wonder what Alesha looks like? I certainly do! Any talented artists out there willing to help out?

Tender Mercies: Book 1 - Chapter 10by Phineas

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