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Tender Mercies: Book 1 - Chapter 15

Genres: Science Fiction

Chapter 15

Gathering Storms

Two dragons were downed, stricken by ballista bolts, and the others desperately flying higher and faster in an attempt to avoid the withering fire from below. Kelnozz and Martin spiraled down on the back of Luingirth and Fyrentennimer, dodging ballista, catapult, and crossbow quarrels alike.

In hopes of reaching Silverton as quickly as possible, the metallic dragons had flown in a direct route from the island under which they had been imprisoned. Crossing over a rift in the ground, they had been attacked by the large kingdom of dwarves that lived there. Dwarven workmanship was the finest in the land and their catapults, ballista, and siege engines used against the good dragons proved it.

The great speed and altitude of the dragons quickly took them out of harms way, with a few injuries and minimal casualties. Nordan and Kayala led them onwards to Silverton, where they hoped to join forces with the barbarians and elves.

Kelnozz and Martin landed on the ground just outside the range of the dwarven crossbows at the gates of Rifton. They dismounted from the dragons and slowly walked towards the gates, arms held out to show they held no weapons. Both Luingirth and Fyrentennimer waited for them.

"Halt! Who be ye?" A dwarf called out from the gate when they had closed to fifty paces from the dwarven city.

"I am Kelnozz Risingmoon, champion of the lost elves of Innowendyn," Kelnozz called out in response.

"Martin Twoblade, ranger of the lands and friend to the resistance!" Martin called out, holding his mithril arm with his other in what had become a nervous habit.

"Ye can leave now, ere we kill ye and yer pets, we've nothing to do with dragons!" The dwarf called out to them.

Kelnozz bristled at the surly dwarf, but kept quiet so that he did not insult them with his sarcastic response. "Good dwarf, we wish you no harm! Indeed, we seek the aid of the dwarves of Belurian, great things happen and a war is brewing, to stand aside is to be swept away," Martin said, seeing Kelnozz on the verge of saying something that they might regret.

They faced a stony silence for several long minutes. Enough time passed that they were about to turn away, considering themselves refused, when the gates opened and a company of ten dwarves marched out.

Only standing four and a half to five and a half feet tall, dwarves were quite short. Insulting a dwarf because of that was considered a bad idea, however, for in spite of their stunted size, they more then made up for it in their stocky strength, tenacity, and ferocity in battle. Thus the company of dwarves that came out to meet them was taken very seriously by both Kelnozz and Martin.

"Follow us, ye get to meet King Throin," one of the dwarves said.

Kelnozz reached to his weapon belt and began to take it off. "What ye doing that fer, elf? If we wanted yer weapons, we'd take 'em from ye!" The dwarf said casually.

Kelnozz raised his eyebrows but shrugged and refastened them. He looked back to the dragons and nodded to them to indicate everything was okay. Then he turned and followed the dwarves into the town of Rifton.

"My lord Vallanius, we've broken through the western flank," The drow messenger said to the temporary commander of the elven army.

Vallanius acknowledged the messenger with a smile and said loudly enough for all of the messengers to hear, "Return and tell them to hold the breach. Have the eastern flank withdraw slowly, the van will stay and cover the eastern flank as they retreat."

They saluted and sped off, relaying orders quickly. Vallanius looked about, trying to see better what was happening. They had been thwarted from landing at Trillindad by a fleet of ships blockading the harbor to keep them out, as well as a full score of warships and cutters that pursued and harried them as they turned away. Sailing further west, they had landed several miles away from the city, slowly deploying the elven troops one longboat at a time.

After the first day of travel, it had been one long running fight as they tried to reach Silverton. The humans under the sway of the dragon council did indeed hold sway over the cities of Belurian, for the armies of Trillindad greeted them none to kindly as they tried to march past Trillindad. Nearly twelve thousand humans strong, the elves had fought a long and bitter battle. The elven magicians and priests had helped to tip the favor though, keeping many wounded warriors alive as well as magically striking out against the humans. Each elf was under the orders to try to wound or incapacitate the humans they fought, for by killing them they did little more then further set them against the elves.

Twenty eight ships had carried over eight thousand elves, a small force for an army, but quite large for the elves to field, considering the weight each elf carried on his shoulders. A slain elf was a terrible blow to the elven community, considering how slowly they reproduced. Now easily a tenth of that number lay dead, but four times as many humans had fallen. Taller then the average human, and naturally agile enough to use both bow and sword to great effect, the elves had proven better warriors.

Forcing the breach and keeping it held open spread through the ranks of the Trillindad army, sowing dissension. In a matter of hours, the last of the elven reserves had been deployed and the humans had begun to retreat. A new shift of wizards came into the fray, replacing the exhausted elven conjurers that had spent their energies already. With the fresh magical assault, the humans broke and ran from the elves, in spite of their commanders cries for them to rally. Soon the commanders fled as well, joining the rout.

Vallanius took no time for rest, instead he ordered the army to march immediately. Trailing scouts fled, certain the elves marched after them. The humans barred the gates to Trillindad when they had reached it, turning away some of their own stragglers in their xenophobic fear. Well nigh a week passed before they ventured scouts out to discover what had happened. They discovered that the elves had moved on, setting a brutal pace that left them far from Trillindad. A steady trickle of men that had been wounded, taken captive, or thought lost in battle began to return, returned to health by the priests and healers of the dark elves.

The common men of Trillindad began to wonder at their course of action, and the leaders fumed not only at their defeat, but also at how the elves had made the populace begin to doubt their leadership. A revolt was brewing, and with an army weakened both by battle and doubt, revolution would bring success.

'I had feared my powers would not work here,' Alesha mentally spoke to Talifernon as she sat on her bed in a meditative pose. 'I thought that magic would not work.'

'Magic is everywhere, Mistress,' The demon snapped back at her as a bitter teacher to a child, 'But without those to use and wield it, it serves no purpose.'

'Now what do I do?' Alesha asked, feeling angry and lost at her return to her home instead of relieved.

'You ask me what to do?' The demon snarled, outraged at the question. 'You have power on this world unlike any other!'

Alesha lapsed into silence, rebuked by the four armed monstrosity in spite of her domination over him. She thought for a moment then sighed. 'Yes, I do have power such as that. I could carve out my own nation here I suppose, but what then? This world is boring, there is nothing magical or incredible here anymore. This world is dying, Talifernon! It is polluted and dirty and without any hope of redemption!' She lashed out mentally at the demon, reminding him who was in charge.

Talifernon recoiled from her magical assault, driven to his knees by the force of her power coupled with his true name.'You are right, Mistress! I know of a way you can travel between worlds, perhaps that can take you back to Viconia.'

'Tell me!' She demanded, lashing out even further at the demon.

'It requires great power, and a great sacrifice,' The demon said, growling because of the torment she was inflicting upon him. 'Only by the sacrifice of many will you have enough power to open a gate through which you can return to Viconia, I will teach you how to do it.'

Alesha grinned and relented her assault upon him. Instead she watched and learned as the demon began to instruct her on the magic of inter-dimensional travels.

Alesha gasped, returning suddenly to full consciousness when she heard a knocking on the door. She tucked her sword under her pillow, fearing it was her brother come to try and have sex with her again. Alesha frowned and said, "Come in."

The door opened and Alesha's mother poked her head in. Seeing the naked girl sitting on her bed, her mother's mouth opened in surprise. "Oh! I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if everything is okay, I'll let you get dressed!"

She started backing out of the room but Alesha smiled and said, "No mom, it's okay, you can stay. What's up?"

"But you're not wearing any clothing!" She protested.

Alesha laughed lightly. "Mother, you gave birth to me! You brought me into this world, we're both women, what's the big deal? I even got my body from you," Alesha was enjoying her mothers discomfort. "Besides, you've seen me in my bikini before, and in my underwear. Heck, you were even the one to take me to that topless beach the first time so we could sunbathe!"

Seeing no reasonable way to get out of it, her mother hesitated a moment, then stepped inside the door and shut it behind her. "Well, okay honey. I just came up to see why you weren't ready for your date with Jeff yet, is everything okay?"

A moment of panic flashed through Alesha until she remembered. Jeff was her boyfriend, and she had been taking a bath so that she could shave and get ready for their date when everything had gone awry and she had been summoned to Viconia.

"No mom, nothing's wrong… I was just trying to figure out what I should wear is all," Alesha said, smiling to cover up her moment of confusion.

"Oh, well, do you want any help from your old mom?" Alesha's mother said, getting accustomed to her daughter's nudity by now.

"Sure!" Alesha said, trying to sound excited. She hopped off the bed and walked past her mother to the closet, looking inside it at her clothing. She possessed more outfits then most people saw in their entire life, but all of them felt too conservative and restrictive to her. Her mother would suggest one thing after another, but Alesha would shoot all of them down, finding one thing or another wrong with them. Finally they had gone through almost everything she owned without finding anything suitable.

"Honey, I thought some of these were your favorites? I mean, you have some stuff that is very flattering in there."

Alesha frowned and sat back down on the edge of her bed, spreading her legs just enough to see if her mother would look at her pussy. "Well mom, I guess I just want to feel extra sexy tonight."

Alesha's mother did stare at Alesha's pussy. She blushed when she realized what she was doing and quickly looked up to Alesha's face. "What do you mean, sexy? You're a beautiful woman, Alesha, anything you wear will be sexy on you!"

"What's wrong, mom? You were looking down here. Is there something wrong with my pussy?" Alesha feigned concern, spread her legs and stroked at her ussy with both hands. She looked down at her crotch as if there was something wrong, as if she were still the frightened virgin she had been the last time she was home.

"No! I mean… no honey, there's nothing wrong with it at all! I just didn't realize that you shaved your hair down there," She said in a hurry, blushing again.

"Oh, well, yeah… I like it better, it just seems cleaner and it makes me feel sexy too," Alesha said, enjoying her mothers distress at discussing a topic such as her daughter's pussy. She kept legs legs spread and her hands stayed down there, gently caressing around her pussy almost absent-mindedly.

"Well, Jeff will like it too... when you get to that point," she said, looking away and trying to remember what they were talking about before.

Alesha reached out with her powers and forced her mother to turn and look between her legs. The older woman found she couldn't help but stare at her daughter's pussy, though she knew she shouldn't. She couldn't understand why it was so hot in there either, they had central air conditioning but she was sweating and flushed.

Alesha continued to rub her mound with her hand, then slipped a finger into her slit and began sliding it in and out. Her breath took on a deeper pitch as she brushed her clitoris, and she could hear her mother's breath catch in her throat as well. Alesha laid back on her bed, legs spread futher to allow her mom to see her sliding first one, then two, then three, and finally four fingers deep inside of her cunt. Alesha groaned at the feeling, and lifted her head to look between her knees to see her mother moan and rub her hands against her hips as she watched her daughter masturbate.

Alesha released her mother's mind control, letting her do what she wanted, experimentally. Her mother did not turn away, nor did she rush out of the room or yell at Alesha. Instead she continued to stand there and watch Alesha pump her fingers in and out of her pussy. Alesha's other hand snaked around behind her and began caressing her buttock and the inside of her leg. Then it slipped down a bit and started massaging the area between her pussy and her asshole, her fingers collecting the juices seeping from her pussy.

Her mother's eyes widened and she leaned forward slightly, caught up in the exhibition of her daughter's masturbation. Her mouth opened and she licked her lips as Alesha's wet fingers circled her clit. Her mother was breathing huskily now, and Alesha could see her flushed cheeks and neck. Her mothers nipples were visible through her blouse as well.

Alesha pulled her fingers out of her pussy and smiled. She brought her hand up to her mouth and slowly let the tip of her tongue run up the palm of her hand, licking her juices off of it.

"Mommy, please help me," Alesha whimpered, pulling both her hands from her body and grabbing the sheets to either side. She lifted her feet and placed them on the edge of the bed and spread her legs wider.

Her mother rushed forward at that, sinking to her knees and clutching Alesha's thighs. Her face bent forward, licking nervously at first, but as soon as she became accustomed to her daughter's flavor, more gustily. Alesha moaned at feeling of her mother's tongue tunneling into her pussy, enjoying the incestual taboo of it almost as much as the carnal pleasure. She used her vaginal muscles to squeeze her mother's tongue much like she would a lover's penis.

"Oh mom, that feels so good!" Alesha moaned, grabbing a knee in each hand and pulling them as high and as wide as she could to provide her mother full access to her nether regions.

Her mother continued devouring her pussy for a moment longer, hot fast breath from her nose blowing on Alesha's clit. Reluctantly, she pulled away from it, giving it one more lusty kiss before she took her tongue and began tracing patterns on Alesha's pussy lips. She captured Alesha's fleshy pussy lips and sucked, and licked long strokes up and down the sides of her daughter's pussy.. Her mother licked more thoroughly now. She used the tip of her tongue to tease and probe Alesha's gaping pussy. Challenged, her mother thrust her tongue at her daughters entrance more fiercely, trying to force her way in.

Alesha groaned anew at the feeling of her mother's tongue trying to invade, and slowly relaxed and loosened her muscles. Her mother was rewarded for her hard work when she felt her tongue slip inside Alesha's pussy. Her mother began thrusting her tongue in at her, driving it into her daughter like a miniature cock. Alesha found the incestual scene with her mother was just that much more of a turn on for her.

"I need to cum, mommy! Make me cum!" Alesha whispered.

Her mother was nearly lost in her own hormone-filled haze, and moved one of her hands down to stroke her own pussy beneath her skirt. She used one, then two fingers, pumping them in and out to match the penetration of her tongue into Alesha's pussy.

Alesha's orgasm was fast approaching, and she doubted she could do anything to slow it down. Whatever her mother was doing to her had nearly blown Alesha's mind. Her mother was making her tongue reach into in Alesha's pussy in ways that she was sure was not possible. Her mother's nose was mashed against her clit, rubbing back and forth and blowing hot breath on it regularly. Alesha let go of her legs and grabbed her mothers head, pulling it into her mound as she groaned and quivered on the bed, climaxing so powerfully that she nearly blacked out.

As she recovered from the lusty dark haze, she let go of her mother's head and let her legs slowly close. Her mother's shoulders shook as she clutched at her own pussy in orgasm. She sat back on the floor, licking her lips and lazily stroked herself with one hand. She stared at her daughter with unrestrained lust on her face. As her mother slowly recovered and got control of herself, the look on her face changed to one of shock. She realized what she had done and her hands flew to her face.

"Thank you, mommy, I needed that," Alesha sat up, a satisfied smile on her face.

Her mother tried to stand up but stumbled and fell to the floor instead. She scooted back on the floor until she was was against the wall. Her eyes were fastened on Alesha and glazed over in shock at what had happened.

"What's wrong, mommy?" Alesha slid off the bed and stepped forward. Her mother's eyes were at crotch level and staring at her daughter's pussy. "I know you've done that before, mother," she admonished, "Nobody could have been that good at it without some practice."

Her mother continued to stare in silence, so Alesha knelt down her and gave her mother a gentle kiss on the lips. That caused her to jerk in surprise. "Alesha, what are you doing? We can't do this, this is… this is… it's… it's not right!"

Alesha laughed, bitter and scornful this time. "Oh mother, you're so wrong. This IS right. Right is what we make of it. I needed that very much, and you certainly seemed to enjoy doing it. Besides, after fucking Brian I needed relief. He climaxed so quickly that I didn't get off!"

"You did what?" Her mother was stunned and angry at the latest revelation.

"I sucked Brian's cock in the bathroom, and let him cum in my mouth. Then he fucked me doggy-style, and deposited a load of his sperm in my cunt. That was only a couple hours ago. You probably tasted his cum when your tongue was so far up my pussy," Alesha said, enjoying the visible effect her harsh words had on her mother.

In response, her mother's hand shot out, aiming to slap Alesha hard across the face. It never got there. Instead her mother found herself with her face pressed against the floor and her arm twisted up behind her back painfully.

"Listen once and listen closely, Alice," Alesha hissed in her ear. "Never try to strike me again, with your hand or your words. I'm not who you think I am, remember it and remember it well mother!"

Alesha let go of her arm and stood up to allow her mother to regain some composure. After a moment, her mother stood and stared fearfully at Alesha, tracks of tears ran down her cheeks. "Who are you?" She said, her voice barely a whisper.

"I was your daughter, and I still can be, if you want. But things are different now. I am not the same girl you raised. You did a good job, and I thank you for that. But I've learned a lot more from people you could only dream about."

The tears continued to flow as Alesha spoke to her, her tone commanding and unyielding but no longer harsh. "What do you mean? Where did you meet these people? Who are they?" Her mother asked.

"Magic, mother," Alesha explained. "I have magic. How else do you think my pussy tasted good? I've made my body perfect, so I can enjoy and excel at whatever I'm doing, be that sex with my mother, sex with a horse, sex with an ogre, fighting a patrol of men, or riding a dragon."

Her mother's tears stopped flowing, but her confusion was plainly evident on her face. "Ogre? Dragon? What are you talking about Alesha? Are you feeling okay?" Alice was concerned that her daughter had gone insane, speaking of magic and fairy tale monsters.

Alesha laughed, "Oh yes, I'm feeling quite well. I'm not where I want to be, but I can get there with my pet's help."

"Your pet?" her mother asked, glancing at the door to see how far it was in case she had to run.

Alesha turned and reached under her pillow. Pulling out her short sword, she showed it to her mother, who's face had gone white at the site of the weapon.

"That's your pet?" She asked, her voice weak.

Alesha chuckled again. "No, this is my sword. My pet is named… Well, I'm the only one that should know his name. You can call him Master."

Her mother took a chance to run. She made it one step before she felt a fog blanket her mind and take control of her body. She stopped and turned around to face Alesha.

"Mother, that really was a bad choice. Didn't you enjoy eating me out? We could have had so much fun together. Perhaps we still can, after all, I can't imagine that I became the way I did without learning something from you. But, you must be punished for trying to run," Alesha said in a disappointed tone.

She took a step closer to her mother, and without so much as blinking, drove the short sword deep into her belly. Her mother looked at her in shock and pain. She had no control over her body, but her eyes still obeyed her. She opened her mouth soundlessly, and everything went dark for her as she felt her consciousness sucked into a vacuum.

Alesha shook her head in disappointment, she had hoped to be able to use her mother for more. Perhaps after Talifernon had a chance to teach her to be properly submissive she'd be more useful. Alesha wondered how many souls she could capture in her sword.

The doorbell to the house rang next, pulling Alesha from her reverie. Cursing, she left her sword hidden under her pillow again and donned her armor as quickly as possible. A timid knock on her door was answered with a curt, "What?" from her as she was pulling her boots on.

"Ma'am, your date is here for you," The maid called out. Alesha thanked her and waited a few more moments as she tried to figure out what she should do next.

"Brian, come with me!" Alesha said, opening his door quickly and finding him laying naked in bed and stroking his cock feverishly. "Oh... Wait. How many times have you came today?"

Scared at her sudden intrusion, he tried to cover himself but gave up after remembering that his sister gave him a blowjob earlier. Thinking that maybe Alesha wanted him again, he grinned and said, "Including with you, I was getting close to my fourth... wanna help?"

Alesha chuckled, "Nice try, but I think I know somebody else that might be willing to. Come with me, and leave your clothes off." Brian found himself obeying her without protest. He was surprised by this, but after the fantasies of his she had fulfilled earlier, he was not about to doubt her!

Heading down the stairs, they walked into the living room and stood before a handsome looking young man. Jeff was twenty-six years old and ruggedly built. Six feet tall and over two hundred pounds, he had little if any fat on his frame. His sandy brown hair and muscular build reminded Alesha a little bit of Nordan, but Jeff was half a foot to short and at least sixty pounds thinner.

"Hello honey," Alesha said, walking up seductively towards her boyfriend.

"Um, hi there," Jeff said, looking at her strange outfit with a questioning look. "It's not Halloween, what's the deal?" he asked. Then Jeff saw her naked younger brother behind her, blushing with embarrassment but unable to hide or at least cover himself. "And what the hell is he doing?"

Alesha smiled at him wickedly. "Jeff, you've been dating me for one thing, haven't you?" She ignored his questioning look and instead lashed out at him with her power, forcing him to answer truthfully.

"Yes," he said, clearly surprised to hear himself admit it.

"What are you after, Jeff?" She asked, looking innocent as she walked around him and ran her finger along his powerful shoulders.

"Sex," He said, again shocked at himself.

Alesha nodded as she stood back in front of him. "Well, just so you know, there's nothing wrong with that, I'm quite the sex fiend myself."

"However, I'm in a bit of an odd mood myself. You see, my mother just finished eating me out and I had a great orgasm from that, so I figured I'd try something different."

Jeff's eyes nearly bugged out of his head at hearing that. Brian was quite shocked himself, but considering how he could not control his body and that his sister had sucked and fucked him earlier, he believed it.

"What are you going to do?" Jeff asked, sounding scared.

"Well, first you are going to strip naked in front of me," Alesha walked to the couch and sat down to watch.

"Sure, but not in front of Brian," Jeff said, a little relieved at thinking he was finally going to be able to bang Alesha after several months of waiting.

"Check again," Alesha said, laughing in amusement.

Jeff looked down at himself and realized that he was already standing naked in front of them, his clothing laying in a pile at his feet. "What the fuck?" He stammered, confused.

Alesha grinned at him again. "Now, I want you to go over to Brian, drop to your knees, and suck his cock."

Jeff shook his head emphatically, but he found himself walking towards her brother in spite of himself. Brian had a look of amazement on his face, as well as nervousness. Jeff sank to his knees in front of the teenager and said, "There's no way in hell I'm going to mmmph-" He was cut off by Brian's cock that he sucked into his mouth.

Alesha watched, fascinated, as her boyfriend gave her little brother a blowjob. Brian was uncertain as to whether he should like what was happening or not, but he found if he closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling, it was nice. So nice that his cock swelled to a full erection quickly, causing Jeff to gag.

The part of Jeff's mind that remained in control was disgusted by what he was doing, and his disgust only got worse when he felt his own cock growing and leaking precum. In spite of the disgust he felt, the growing fire in his loins was taking control. If the simple fact that he was going down on another guy was not proof enough of some unnatural power at work, then the incredible lust he felt was.

That unnatural power was affecting Brian as well, and in spite of his repeated release already that day, he found his balls tightening up and boiling over. Then he grunted aand his hips jerked forward as his sperm gushed through his cock to fill Jeff's mouth.

Jeff tried desperately to not swallow. He fought valiantly, trying to let it spill out of his mouth, but it was to no avail. He gave up and felt himself swallowing a load of Brian's cum. Feeling the hot cum on his tongue had the added effect of setting his own orgasm off. His hips bucked forward and his cock spurted a few days of unspent cum, landing on Brian's foot and the hardwood floor.

"Did you enjoy that, Brian?" Alesha asked, smiling warmly at her brother.

He nodded enthusiastically to her. Two blow jobs in one day, he was beside himself. He looked down and scowled at the site of Jeff's cum on his foot.

"Oh my, that just won't do!" Alesha said, seeing what was Brian was looking at. Jeff was still suckling on Brian's cock, which had started to deflate and was incredibly sensitive to Jeff's flicking tongue. "Jeff, stop that at once and clean up the mess you made on Brian's foot and the floor… with your tongue."

Groaning, Jeff found himself on his hands and knees a second later and licking the cum off of Brian's foot and then the hardwood floor. He was humiliated as he licked the cum off the floor, and fought desperately for control of his body again. To no avail, however, for as soon as he'd finished cleaning the mess, he found himself still on his hands and knees, staring away from both Alesha and Brian.

"Come here Brian, I have one more treat for you," Alesha said, motioning for Brian to come to her.

To his surprise, he had full control of his body. He grinned and walked quickly to her. His cock was wet and softening.

Alesha reached out and cupped her brother's testicles in her palm, gently rolling them in her hand. He felt a tingling sensation in his testicles, tickling him slightly, but then quickly fading away. Then she leaned over and sucked him into her mouth again. No matter how good Jeff's mouth felt, his sister's was easily a few thousand times better. Soft and skilled, her tongue and lips were amazing. He knew that however Alesha was making things happen, she was responsible again for making him get hard again in her mouth. As soon as he was becoming erect, she sucked the head of his cock deeper, and used the muscles in her throat to squeeze his shaft until he grew to his full length. She leaned back and extracted his cock from her mouth. She pointed to Jeff with a conspiratorial wink.

Brian grinned and stepped back to where Jeff was on his hands and knees with his ass stuck up in the air. Brian's cock was covered in his sister's saliva, making it well lubricated. He dropped to his knees behind his sister's boyfriend and pressed the head of his cock at Jeff's anus. Then, without any warning, he pressed forward. Brian's cock speared Jeff's sphincter, and plowed a couple of inches in. Jeff's mouth opened and he screamed in pain and surprise.

The scream brought Rosa, the servant, out from the kitchen. She saw what was happening and dropped the glass she had been washing in open-mouthed shock. She turned to leave when Alesha's powers reached out and grabbed onto her mind. Rosa stood paralyzed, forced to watch the proceedings.

Brian continued to push into Jeff's ass, his cock getting deeper and deeper until he finally bottomed out against his cheeks. Brian then just began thrusting in and out, enjoying the feeling of his first anal sex. Jeff, on the other hand, was not enjoying his first anal sex quite as much. At least, not until Alesha sent wave after wave of arousal into him. Jeff's cock blossomed quickly, expanding to full size and filling him with hormones that turned his grunts of pain to moans of pleasure.

Alesha pulled her chain mail skirt up and then moved her loin cloth to the side with one hand and spread her legs. She used the other hand to play with herself while she watched. She stroked her fingers over her pussy and then pushed two fingers inside. She began breathing heavier as her fingers pumped in and out of her pussy. She soon had her arousal stoked so high that she needed something else inside of her, her fingers were not enough. She thought of forcing Rosa, but decided against it. Short and plump, the spanish maid did not attract Alesha at all. Her other options were Jeff or Brian. Of the two, she knew what she preferred.

"Brian, come here," She ordered her brother.

Brian thrust one more time, then pulled his cock out of Jeff's gaping ass. He turned and walked to Alesha, his face flushed with arousal and his hard cock bouncing before him. Alesha saw his shit-streaked dick and scowled. With a wave of her hand his cock was clean again. Brian's mouth opened in awe of the trick she had just done. Behind them, Jeff whimpered, deprived of what had been pleasuring him.

"Fuck me, Brian," Alesha said, spreading her legs for him at the edge of the couch.

Brian sank to his knees with a grin and guided his shaft between his sister's fingers holding open her pussy. Alesha looked over to Jeff while her brother was pushing his cock into her cunt.

She thought for a moment before she decided on a course of action. She made Jeff move over to a wall for support and then had him roll forward so that his ass was against the wall and his legs were over his head. It took some work, but with her magic helping him, he soon was flexible enough to suck on his own cock. She moaned happily as her brother's cock filled her, bringing her close to the edge an orgasm. Jeff was sucking and licking at his own cock as well as he could, which was apparently well enough, for he began moaaning and his cheeks bulged with the flood of cum filling his mouth. He swallowed it, this time without Alesha making him do it.

Brian made up for skill with enthusiasm, holding Alesha's thighs open as he fucked his sister fast and hard. She ground her pussy against him when he slammed his hips into her crotch, stimulating her clit and causing her to gasp in pleasure. Having already fucked his sister and climaxed several times in the past few hours, Brian's seld esteem and endurance had grown considerably. It was at least five more minutes of incestual bliss before Brian felt the now familiar tightening in his balls.

Feeling her brother's cock swell and his hips stop moving, Alesha quickly reached up with one hand to the back of Brian's neck and pulled her brother's face to hers and kissed him passionately. She thrust her tongue into his mouth while he mashed his pelvis against her pussy to drive his cock deep inside her. Her tongue wrestled with his, driving her brother over the edge to make him climax, and spew his incestuous seed deep into his sister. Normally Brian was used to there being less and less cum the more he masturbated in a day, but he found himself pumping strand after strand of sperm into her, as though he had not masturbated for a month.

At the same time, Alesha moaned into his mouth and her pussy clamped around his cock as she climaxed as well. She set up a circuit between them, taking the lustful sexual energy she was absorbing from her brother's cock in her pussy and funneling it up through her body and back into Brian. Once in him via the kiss, the sexual energy looped down through him and completed the circuit with each pulse of his cock. Alesha felt herself growing stronger at first, then weaker as she transferred her power to Brian, then stronger when it came back into her. This continued for nearly a minute until Brian could take no more and he broke the kiss and collapsed against her, exhausted. Alesha felt similarly tired, but exhilarated at the same time.

Pushing Brian away from her to fall on the couch at her side, she felt a void in her pussy as his cock pulled out. Alesha clamped a hand over her pussy to keep her brother's cum inside her, and also to not make a mess on the floor as she stood. Rosa looked at her, terror hidden behind her paralyzed face. Alesha released Rosa from her control to see what she would do. The woman screamed and turned to run. Alesha smiled and let her go, watching her as she rushed into the kitchen. Alesha knew she could do no harm, as she was an illegal immigrant and if she told anyone what she had seen, she would be fired and face deportation.

Brian looked at Alesha, his own strength returning rapidly. Jeff was still nursing on his cock, it was soft and spent, and he had tried to piss on himself. The smell and sight of it was gross, and Alesha realized the man had probably been driven insane. She looked back to her brother in time to see his eyes grow wide and his mouth open to shout a warning.

To late, Alesha tried to turn around. Rosa had returned, kitchen knife in hand. She slammed it into Alesha's back, just below her left shoulder blade. It plunge in deeply, glancing off a rib and into Alesha's left lung.

Brian lunged to his feet, his fatigue forgotten. He watched his sister fall to the ground and screamed in outrage. Even before the strange events that day, he had loved his sister dearly. To see her stricken down before his very eyes evoked a murderous rage in him. He charged into Rosa and tackled her to the ground. He punched at her time and again, beating her senseless. Then when she no longer responded to his fists, he picked the two hundred pound woman up as though she weighed no more then a pillow and threw her as the brick fireplace. She bounced off the wall and fell to the ground, catching the fire poker on the way so that it impaled her neck and caused the already unconscious women to drown in her own blood.

He stared at her for a moment, breathing deeply until his rage had cooled enough to realize what he had done. Shaking his head in mute horror, he turned around to check on Alesha. She was sitting on the ground and smiling at him, with the knife laying in front of her, but otherwise seemed no longer hurt.

"Well done, brother." Alesha said, truly pleased with his protective actions. "Come, Brian, we have much to do!"

A month had passed and the elven army, or the five thousand that remained of it, were finally getting close to Silverton. It had been the same story every city along the way, battle after battle trying to stop the drow from reaching their destination. Finally at Evermoor, they had been forced to a halt by the army of six thousand humans. Fighting poor odds all the way, it was not the size of the attackers that stalled the elves, but rather the treacherous footing of the swamp and the limited venue of attack they had. Then the lizardmen that inhabited the swamp had fallen upon their left flank, and all seemed lost. On the verge of a retreat, more a rout really, a miracle had then appeared on the horizon. Scores of metallic dragons had arrived, seeking out the army of the elves to aid them in their search.

Sweeping through the attackers, the dragons reduced the human army to a screaming and fleeing rabble in minutes. Free to deal with other threats, the drow turned on the lizardmen then, driving the small force of attackers back into the swamp easily.

They moved quickly then, with no city threatening them as they moved onwards. By sunset of day thirty since setting foot on Belurian for the first time in thousands of years, the elves saw the campfires of the armies of the resistance gathered around Silverton. Cheering at the seemingly impossible victory of reaching the place, they ran forward happily, forgetting their exhaustion and fatigue.

Vallanius met with Kayala happily, hugging her in relief to see her alive. He looked around, more then willing to hand command of the drow elven army back to Marthollin. A shake of her head from Kayala told Vallanius all he needed to know. He nodded understanding and sighed deeply.

"Who commands the elves then?" He asked, dreading the answer.

"Marthollin named you as commander in his absence," Kayala said, surprised that he would ask.

"He did, but I lost over two thousand of our brothers and sisters on the way here, I am clearly not fit for so great a command," He argued.

"I think you would have quite an argument there," Kayala said, smiling at him. "But your fears can be set aside, Marthollin fell while Kelnozz survived. While it is sad to see him slain, at long last the proof the elven people needed to see that Kelnozz was the greater of the two is given to us."

Vallanius felt relief flood over him. He was a soldier and an officer, he would do whatever duty was required of him, but he felt his abilities were lacking, and command of the entire elven forces was clearly more then he felt he could handle.

"Where is Kelnozz?" Vallanius said, looking about but seeing only the barbarians and humans greeting the elves as friends and brothers. A welcome relief from the greeting that the other humans of Belurian had thus far given the drow army.

"He and Martin stopped to try and talk the dwarves of Rifton into joining us," Kayala said, worry showing on her face. It had been several weeks with no word from them yet.

"What of the Stone Isle Dwarves? We sent emissaries there months ago," Vallanius said.

"Who are they?" Nordan said, coming up behind them and clapping Vallanius on the shoulder in a celebratory manner.

"Well met, Nordan," Vallanius said, recognizing the man from his time spent on Innowendyn with Martin and Kelnozz. "The Stone Isle Dwarves are a dwarven kingdom encompassing a few large islands far to the east of Belurian, yet north and west of Innowendyn."

"Hey, we might have flown over them when Luingirth brought us back from Innowendyn to fight that white dragon bitch!" Nordan said, remembering the many islands they had flown over that he had never heard of before.

"Aye, indeed you may have, a great many civilizations are out there, with those living on Belurian being to concerned with their own lives to explore outward," Kayala said, walking beside Nordan and laying her hand on his arm in a familiar fashion. "Come Nordan, let Vallanius get his men settled in, I am certain they are weary."

Vallanius raised an eyebrow at the intimate gesture and said, "Aye, that we are, I will seek you out on the morrow for a more official meeting."

Kayala blushed slightly and Nordan grinned. As Vallanius departed, Nordan turned to the drow sorceress and said, "In need of some more unarmed combat training?"

Kayala grinned and slipped her hand in Nordan's, "Perhaps, but be careful, I might just have to cast a spell on you…"

"Bah, keep your magic to yourself, witch, and I'll show you how to be a proper woman!"

The two laughed and teased each other on their way to the room they shared at the inn in Silverton.

It had been a week since Kelnozz had argued on behalf of the elves for the aid of the dwarves, but now he knew his time was growing short. Summoned to their council chambers again, he stood before King Throin, expecting to be turned aside yet again.

"Kelnozz Risingmoon, Champion of Innowendyn," Throin said, rising to his feet and walking forward from his throne. Kelnozz noticed some additional dwarves in the room, ones he had not seen before.

"King Throin," Kelnozz bowed, uncertain as to what would make the king approach him.

His confusion doubled when the king stopped in front of him and pulled a hand axe from the belt at his side. Pulling the blade across his palm, he opened a wound from which blood flowed freely. Blood dripping slowly to the floor, he extended the hand to Kelnozz.

Somewhat confused at what was happening, Kelnozz pulled a dagger from his belt and did likewise to his own hand, then took Throin's in his hand and shook it firmly. "I will send 3,000 of me stoutest warriors with ye."

Kelnozz brightened up at the news. It was not as much as he had hoped, but any help was better then none. "My thanks, King Throin, with Martin out securing the help of the resistance and the elves of Innowendyn already there, I hope we have enough to stop the forces arrayed against us."

"I wasn't finished, treehugger!" Throin roared, scowling. "Ye'd think an elf would have the patience not to cut me off! I was saying, I will send three thousand of me stoutest warriors with ye, and another seven thousand have come from the dwarven Kingdom of the Stone Isles."

Kelnozz grinned, rebuffed by the king but accepting it gladly to hear that their army had grown by ten thousand. "With me leading the dwarves, of course," Throin said, puffing out his chest proudly.

"I am but one man, but should the dwarves of Rifton or the Stone Isles ever need anything, they need but call on me," Kelnozz vowed, grinning happily. "When will the Stone Isle dwarves arrive?"

"They be already here," Throin said, waving to the handful of dwarves that Kelnozz had not recognized.

"How?" Kelnozz asked, stunned.

"We're dwarves, elf! Ye think we wouldn't have a tunnel between here and there?" Throin laughed at the thought.

"That's hundreds of miles! Under the Swiftwater Sea as well!" Kelnozz was incredulous.

"Ye calling me a liar, elf?" Throin said, scowling.

Kelnozz laughed. "Far from it, King Throin, I'm just amazed at the resourcefulness of your people. You are doubly welcome to join us, and we are doubly grateful! So when do you we leave?"

Continued in Chapter 16

Tender Mercies: Book 1 - Chapter 15by Phineas

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