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Tender Mercies: Book 1 - Chapter 7

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 7

The Other Side

"Orcs, looks like a score of them," Kelnozz said, returning to where his two companions where resting.

"Orcs?" Alesha asked, suddenly interested.

Nordan glanced at her briefly. "Can we avoid them?" He asked.

"Aye, come look." Kelnozz turned and headed back up the side of the ridge they rested on the side of. Nordan and Alesha followed him, moving as silently as possible.

At the top they saw a patrol of orcs moving through the pass between the ridge they were watching from and the beginning of the mountains signaling the Periphery. After two weeks of traveling from their encounter in the swamp, they had at last neared the edge of the Lost Lands within the Periphery, and they all hungered for a return to the civilization of Belurian.

"It's nearly night, they'll be setting up camp soon," Kelnozz commented. Nordan grunted in affirmation and they both continued to watch.

"If they are drunk or stupid, we can get by," Nordan said finally, seeing how open the pass was and difficult to circumvent.

"Then let us wait for nightfall and try to sneak past. If need be, I can dispatch one of their sentries."

Nordan grunted in agreement. They continued to watch, hidden in the shadow of a large rock, while the orcs reached the most defensible spot in the pass and began to set up camp. The barbarian turned his head to see what Alesha was doing and was surprised to not find her beside them.

"What in the nine hells is she doing?" Kelnozz spat out.

Whipping his head back around, Nordan spied Alesha striding boldly down a small goat path on the side of the ridge and into the pass. Her determined gait was heightened by the easy and confident grip upon her short sword. The two companions gazes flickered back and forth between Alesha and the orc camp. They were amazed at how close she got, within a hundred yards, before the orcs noticed her and the alarm went up.

They were instantly on their feet, recklessly running down the side of the ridge to come to Alesha's aid. Kelnozz seemed to fly over the rocks and broken terrain, while Nordan had to move more carefully. Neither of them made it in time to stop the first four orcs from reaching Alesha.

Their concern was unfounded, however. Slashing crudely at her with a scimitar, the first orc found his swing to high, for she had ducked under it. Before it could recover and try again, she lunged forward and sank her new weapon deeply into his chest. Alesha felt the short sword slice through the orcs hardened leather armor and then skin and ribs like warm butter.

Reacting instinctively, Alesha pulled her sword out and parried high, catching the broadsword of another orc on its descent towards her. The orc retreated a step in surprise, holding up his blade defensively. It provided little defense though, for the contact with the edge of her blade had caused it to break halfway up its length. His death was spared as another orc assaulted her.

Alesha spun in a circle to avoid the lunging longsword, batting it aside with her new left bracer to be certain. The orc was surprised at her speed, and the look of surprise is what remained on his eyes as she took him in the throat with her blade.

The final orc in the group wielded a spear, which he used to good effect by thrusting at her. Alesha smacked it down and away from its intended target, her stomach, with her left bracer. Hot and fiery lances of pain shot through her body though, for the tip found and dug into her unarmored thigh. She sensed the orc with the broken sword approaching her from behind again as well.

She grabbed the shaft of the spear just behind the steel head of it that was imbedded in her thigh and held it steady while the orc tried to tear it out of her leg. Gritting her teeth in agony and rage, she swung her shortsword. The orc staggered backwards a few steps. It held up the shortened shaft of the spear in disbelief. Alesha rotated on her strong leg and drove her shortsword into the other orc's nose.

The orc turned the spear into a quarter staff and carefully advanced on her, waiting for the rest of his troop to arrive. He glanced over his shoulder to see several of them battling a drow elf that moved to quickly for them to properly defend against. Looking back the last thing he saw was Alesha's sword swinging down and cutting through his leather helm and forehead.

Nordan bowled into a group of orcs waiting for him. Several of them managed to nick and wound him, but in short order he had lain several of them to rest with his mighty hammer. The orcs continued to assail him, but in a matter of moments it was evident who the victor would be. One orc even had the audacity to throw down its weapon and fall to its knees in a plea for quarter. Nordan's hammer was the answer.

Kelnozz moved to quickly for the orcs to do much against. He slew the last of the ones that sought to impede him and saw two more orcs running, while another went after Alesha. One final orc, some sort of shaman or witchdoctor, was finishing up a spell at that moment. Kelnozz chose to go after him.

Alesha reached down to the head of the weapon still buried in her thigh and knew how badly it would hurt to remove it. She also knew that removing it could doom her, as the loss of blood would be tremendous. Her musing had to be put aside as another orc came at her, battle axe in hand.

Nordan's thrown hammer took one of the fleeing orcs out, making him stumble and fall. Nordan was upon him then, slitting his throat with his dagger. The other orc managed to get away by the time Nordan had recovered his hammer.

The magic wielding orc grinned at Kelnozz as he stalked him. It offered no defense or plea for mercy, instead laughing hoarsely at the dark elf. Kelnozz cut him down in a single undefended blow.

Seeing her weakened and on one knee, the axe wielding orc raised his axe and prepared to bring it down upon Alesha as soon as he was in range. He was therefore caught off guard by her sudden flick of her wrist and the dagger flying at him. He twisted out of the way of the dagger, but was distracted so that Alesha could lunge at him. Her left hand she drove straight into his crotch, crushing the sensitive organs there as well as breaking his pelvic bone, so powerful was her blow. The orc stumbled backwards, collapsing from the pain, and saw no more when her sword descended upon him.

Nordan and Kelnozz came over to where Alesha was still standing over the orc, a look of rage on her face as she stared at its dead body. Kelnozz reached out for her gently, and only his unreal reactions saved him from her shortsword slashing out at him. He deflected it with his own longsword, meeting hers edge on edge and pushing it to the side. Alesha looked surprised at the block, but quickly realized what she had done and the anger drained from her face.

"I… I'm sorry!" She said, the color draining from her face. "I was just so angry… I didn't realize…"

Kelnozz just nodded and sheathed his blades. "Why did you do that? Are you trying to get us all killed?" Nordan snapped at her, just now noticing the many small nicks and scratches he had acquired.

"We seemed to do okay!" She retorted, growing angry again.

"Because we had surprise, had they been set up, it would have been far more costly."

Alesha looked to Kelnozz, feeling betrayed by hearing him say that. "After what they did to me, how can you wish anything but death for them?"

Kelnozz kicked himself mentally. He had forgotten about her being raped by orcs some time ago. He nodded to her and sent her an apologetic smile. "Come Nordan," he said, reaching out and grabbing the barbarians shoulder, "let us see what these orcs have by way of plunder!"

Nordan scowled at Alesha one more time, then turned and followed the elf to search through the bodies. Alesha watched them go, then looked down at her body. She was covered in blood, most of it the orcs, but a substantial amount her own as well. Seeing the spear head sticking in her thigh made her realize her wound. She collapsed to the ground, biting back the whimper of agony that threatened to turn to a scream.

She fell back into herself, seeking the inner calm that had been coming to her so easily. The throbbing pain threatened her concentration and caused her to take a considerable amount of time before she was able to reach within. When she finally did, she saw the wound as an ugly blemish upon her otherwise pure and clear body. She was momentarily startled by the look of her own body, seeing it in a way that she had not noticed before. Getting back to the task at hand, she studied the wound and saw the damage that the spear had inflicted upon her.

Seeing Alesha lost in her trance, Kelnozz had returned and knelt beside her, examining her wound without touching her. He was concerned, he'd seen strong men die from wounds like that, bleeding out slowly and painfully. If she had been able to stand on it, then the bone wasn't broken, but that was little consolation if they had to take her leg.

"Pull it out," Alesha whispered, coming up long enough to see Kelnozz with her.

"Lass, I don't think that's a good idea just yet," He replied gently.

Her hand reached out and grabbed onto his. With a strength he didn't know she possessed, she pulled his hand over the hewn off portion of the spear head. "Pull… it… out!"

Kelnozz nodded, seeing the conviction in her eyes and the strength in her voice. He braced his other hand against her leg and took a firm grip upon the hands length of wood behind the spear point. With no warning, he pulled. Hard. Alesha gasped as more of her flesh was cut and torn. The spear was free of her leg though. Blood welled up in the wound and ran down the sides of her leg to the dry ground. Kelnozz clamped his hand over the wound, trying to stem the flow of blood. It was to much, he knew, and if something wasn't done immediately, she would not survive the wound.

Kelnozz thought her passed out then, for her eyes rolled back up into her head and she went limp. He looked about for Nordan and opened his mouth to call for him when he felt the flesh beneath his hands grow even warmer than it already was. He took his hands away from the wound and saw that the blood flow had lessened. In a few moments of stunned silence, he watched it stop altogether. Her breeches and the blood that had already escaped the wound obscured his vision, but he was no certain that he saw it healing rapidly under his very eyes.

"Help me see it," Alesha whispered, her voice strained.

Kelnozz blinked away his shock and quickly helped her lift her head up to look down upon her leg. Alesha looked at it and smiled. She was very pale from the exertion and loss of blood. "I'm so tired," she said, fighting to keep her eyes open.

Kelnozz studied the wound, seeing it still pink and angry, but healed over. He judged her out of dangers way. "Then sleep," He said to her. Looking at her, he saw that she had already taken his advice before he had given it.

Nordan returned, several purses hanging from his hands and saw Kelnozz carrying Alesha towards where the orcs had began to set up a campfire. "Will she live?" Nordan asked, his voice betraying concern.

Kelnozz nodded. "Aye, I don't know how, but whatever powers the Gods have given her are enough to stem a mortal wound."

Nordan's eyes grew wide. He looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, "If it came from the God's, as she claims, then it is well. Were it witchcraft, I'd slay her here and now."

Kelnozz scowled at his barbaric friend. "We've had this talk before, Nordan, not all of those who use wizardry are fell."

Nordan spit on the ground and began finished the orcs work of lighting a fire from the wood they had gathered. "Bah, it's not natural nor right! I'll have none of it near me."

Kelnozz shook his head but didn't press it any further. Many times in the past they'd argued about mages and the very practice of sorcery. Nordan held that no good could come of it, whereas Kelnozz came from a race very deeply ingrained in the use of magic in their everyday lives. He knew that only time and experience would temper his large friend.

It had become almost commonplace to the companions over the past few weeks. Whenever Alesha needed to use her powers in some way, she quickly grew hungry for carnal pleasures. They had discussed this at great length, and although a bit worried at first, things had become more and more normal between the three of them about it. It was to the point that when she awoke a few hours later with a powerful desire deep in her loins, they thought nothing about dousing that fire for her.

Afterwards Alesha did what she could to aid Nordan in recovering his full health from the skirmish with the orcs. Only a minor inconvenience, he was nevertheless soon hearty and hale again. This naturally started off another round of sexual gratification, but Kelnozz abstained this time, instead keeping watch and pondering the nature of what it was that Alesha was becoming.

It was because of Kelnozz's concerns that they were saved. He noticed a shape in the sky blocking out the stars as it moved towards them. Not overly large, he was still concerned. He melted away into the shadows and waited.

Nordan awoke with the feeling of icy terror. He rolled to the side and came up to his knees with his hammer in hand. The being he saw before him caused the strength to leave his limbs, however. Nordan dropped his hammer and it was only through the sheer power of will that he managed to keep himself from lowering his head to the ground.

Alesha stared up at the beast and felt the same terror at first. Then a warm pulse spread out from her forehead to suffuse her being. She came to her feet quickly and found herself protected from the fey magic the creature sent her way in an attempt to induce her to feelings of helplessness and panic.

The being itself stood easily twelve feet tall. Standing upon two legs, it looked like a large human until coming to it's upper torso. Four arms, instead of two, sprouted from its sides. The bottom two ended in great pincers, while the topmost limbs had man shaped hands at the ends. For a head it again lost its resemblance to humanity, for the head of a great and powerful dog adorned its thick neck. Muscles and veins stood out clearly on the creature, marking it as being incredibly strong even without its arcane powers. It resembled a man in another way too, that of the massive organ hanging from it's hairless and nude groin.

It lashed out at Alesha with one of its fists, catching her off guard with its speed and sending her stumbling into a bush. It advanced on her and towered over her as she rolled free of the bush and tried to come to her feet. Before she could regain them it used both of its clawed arms and latched them about her naked waist. Lifting her up high in the air, Alesha could feel the sharp edges of the claws scraping and tearing at the skin of her belly. She tried to force the grip to loosen but was unable to do anything. Striking out at the best had little effect either, for she couldn't seem to find any pressure point upon him, nor did her normally powerful blows have any effect upon the thing.

It was in that moment when she was about to be torn in two that Kelnozz came to her aid. Speeding from his hidden spot he bowled into the back of the creature and bounded away. Not one or two, but six separate wounds flowed steaming black ichor freely from its back and legs. The beast did not fall, but instead threw Alesha against a rock, stunning her and knocking the breath from her lungs. It turned with a howl of rage and advanced upon Kelnozz.

The elf backed up, surprised that his strikes had not been more effective. Each would have been a crippling wound on a man, but this beast was clearly far more then that. Kelnozz dodged the powerful swings from the creature's fists, only to be nearly impaled on one of the claws as it grazed his armor and nearly tore it from his body. He leapt back from it and lashed out when he could, but the wounds he inflicted were neither deep nor serious. To his horror, he began to notice them healing before his very eye as well.

A powerful thud was accompanied by the sound of breaking bones. Kelnozz saw the dog head turn in irritation to look behind it, and he took his chance at the distraction. Lunging in, he slashed and thrust furiously at the midsection of the beast. His wounds continued to cause the foul smelling blood to drip freely, but that only served to cause it to turn back to him and with both fists drive him to his knees. Kelnozz knew he should move out of the way, but was stunned by the force and speed of the monster. Reacting a heartbeat to late, the monsters foot raised up and kicked him in the stomach, launching him several feet through the air to land on the ground. Rolling painfully, Kelnozz only managed to twist his head to the side as he retched.

Seeing Kelnozz disabled, the beast turned to Nordan, who had regained his strength and thrown his hammer to distract it. Nordan met the beast head on and dodged the pincers as they slashed out at him. A crushing blow from one of the beasts fist glanced off his head, but he ignored the pain and threw his own mighty punch at the side of the beast. His fists thudded dully into the ribs of the powerful creature, and seemed to cause no effect.

Alesha stared at the beast only half seeing it. Her vision was blurred from her impact with the rock and the ground, but that served to aid her in seeing the monster more clearly. The black and red aura that surrounded it called up a sense of familiarity within her. She felt her forehead grow warm again and nearly blacked out, but struggled to remain conscious. Ignoring the pain, she dove into herself again, struggling to reach understanding and to save herself and her friends.

Nordan dodged a kick sent his way but he was knocked senseless by the fist that slammed into the side of his head. Stumbling backwards, another fist connected with his chest, nearly dropping him. Impossibly, he stayed on his feet and stumbled a few steps further away. The only thoughts on his head were to put some room between himself and the creature so that he could clear his wits and try again. The beast had other thoughts, and instead grabbed onto him with its pincers and dragged him close. Raising it's fists in the air, it barked something from its dog-like mouth and prepared to slay him.

"Stop Glabrezu!"

The beast did indeed stop. It let go of Nordan and turned to face Alesha, who had spoken. Growling deeply, it began to advance upon her.

"I know what you are, demon, and I know who you are!" The demon stopped again, cocking its head to look at her. It growled again after a moment of thought then began to advance again on her. Kelnozz was struggling to rise but was having a difficult time of it. Nordan was fighting off his concussion and likewise trying with little success.

Alesha watched as the demon advanced upon her. She marshalled her powers and sent powerful carnal urges into him. Not slowing, he continued towards her and grabbed her in his fists. Still naked from her recent coupling with Nordan, Alesha braced herself for what was to happen next. The demons organ had risen, engorged with blood. It lowered her upon itself, positioning the fat tip of his cock between her thighs. Alesha spread her legs, placing her bare feet on the demon's hips, offering herself as she had to the troll. Pulling her down, the creature penetrated her, and Alesha gasped.

Alesha fought the blackness of unconsciousness as the demon's phallus stretched her further then she had ever been stretched. Even her magically-prepared body was taxed to its limits by the intrusion. Sinking as much of its length in her as possible, Alesha was certain that had she not prepared herself, she would have been disemboweled. With the next thrust, she felt her ass against the hot skin of the demon's crotch and realized that it had all of its length within her. Alesha was certain it was impossible, but if she was magically capable of taking the troll's horse-sized cock, this wasn't much different, however the magic worked.

As the demon continued to satisfy its unholy lust upon her, Kelnozz and Nordan regained their faculties and managed to approach the scene. Seeing them coming, Alesha shook her head and waved them off to stay back. The two friends looked to one another in shock, but did as she bade and waited, weapons at the ready.

Get my sword.

Kelnozz looked around wildly, wondering at where the voice had come from. He turned to Nordan but Nordan seemed ignorant of it. Kelnozz looked to Alesha and saw her staring at him as the demon moved her up and down on its member. She nodded to him and he raised his eyes thoughtfully. Then he hurried over to her clothing and grabbed the hilt of her sword.

Alesha continued to feel the demonic beast pound away at her, intent upon ravaging her. Having gotten used to it's size, and becoming positive that she would be unharmed by this coupling, she felt her own libido quickly rise. Convinced the gods had a sick sense of humor, she nevertheless focused most of her growing energy into a pool from which she would assault the glabrezu. First she directed small amounts into its being, inciting its lust and driving it ever closer to the edge. She knew that if left to its own devices, it would be able to fuck her hours on end, perhaps even days. Regardless of how magically enhanced her body was, she knew she would be unable to handle that.

Feeling her own orgasm approaching, she funneled her arousal back into the demon, driving it closer to climax. When she finally exploded, squeezing the monster's cock within her, she just barely had the presence of mind to force the glabrezu over the edge as well. The demon's testicles retracted as it's large cock twitched within her and began spewing hot cum. The sensation caused Alesha to gasp in pleasure and urge the demon to spend more energy.

The glabrezu howled at the night sky as Alesha's pussy milked it's demonic seed. The demon's cum seeped from her pussy clamped around his cock. The liquid shone silver in the moonlight as it splattered the demon's thighs and wet the ground. After a few moments of pleasurable climax, the sensation began to get painful for the demon, and he began to grow concerned. Trying to dislodge her, he found that somehow it was unable to pull her free. It barked and howled and pulled, unmindful of the pain it caused itself.

Alesha grinned as she rode the waves of magical energy from the panicked glabrezu. She continued to suck the life out of him, until it was so drained that the demon fell to its knees. Even then she continued to squeeze the inhuman cock within, gaining a few more weak spurts of demon seed. Weakened to the point of defeat, the glabrezu fell backwards to lay upon the ground, holding Alesha atop him.

She planted her feet on the demon's hips and used her hands to pry herself from the monster's grasp, pulled herself free of it. Both Nordan and Kelnozz gaped in astonishment as the thick and long red cock was slowly extracted from between her legs. At last it fell free from her with a splash of cum and a wet plop against the demon's belly before deflating rapidly. Alesha climbed off the demon, clutching her gaping pussy with one hand as the demon's cum dribbled generously down her thighs.

She reached out her free hand to Kelnozz and smiled at him. Wordlessly he held up the sword to her. Had she not been his companion, he was certain she would have proven a more terrible foe then the demon had been simply by the unhidden power he saw in her eyes.

Alesha returned to the demon and knelt over its chest. It looked at her limply, dog tongue lolling out the side of its mouth. "Now then Talifernon, I told you I knew who you were. And now, your soul is mine!"

The demon's eyes grew wide in terror.

Alesha plunged her sword deep into it's chest, impaling the heart of the demon.

"Nooooooo!" It howled, speaking common in spite of its dog-shaped head.

The howl grew in strength then began to lessen. In moments, it had faded to all but a whisper. Alesha concentrated on the slaying of the demon, focusing all her attention on the process at hand. A few more moments and the demon's body flashed brightly enough to blind all of them for a second.

When they could see again, they saw Alesha standing naked, sweaty and wet, sword held at her side. Of the demon, there was no sign.

The hunter, a ranger by the name of Martin, had never seen anyone come out of the mountains before, save orcs, light elves, and even more evil creatures. A few times he had even spied dragons flying overhead on their way to raid some shepherds flock. But never humans or dark elves. Studying them carefully for some time, he kept his distance and watched them. The drow was the scout for the group, and perhaps the leader as well. The large man was clearly a powerful warrior. The woman was dressed as a warrior or rogue herself, and she moved with a confidence and fluidity that he found captivating, as well as her beauty. Yet there was something about her that seemed a bit off; however, and even from the distance he watched them he could tell she had a strange power about her.

Martin had made up his mind about them on the third day when they stumbled across a small group of orcs that Martin himself had missed the signs of. Outnumbered nearly three to one, the three slew the orcs in short order. Martin soon approached and introduced himself to them.

"Hail travelers, what business do you have in these parts?" He called out to them. All three of them looked about for him, the elf and the woman finding him in spite of his concealment quickly. Seeing his hiding spot useless, he stepped out from it, but kept his longbow trained on them.

The woman locked gazes with him and he found himself unable to look away. As he continued to stare at her, he felt himself growing flushed and aroused. He wasn't sure how long he was entranced by her, but before he knew it, he felt a cold edge of steel pressing lightly against his throat, wrenching him out of his reverie.

"Drop your bow," The dark elf said calmly. Martin glanced about, realizing the woman had kept his attention somehow while the drow ran up to him right in front of his eyes. Having little choice, Martin relaxed his arms and let the bow fall without loosing the arrow.

"Who are you?" Kelnozz asked him, not letting his longsword waver.

"Martin Twoblade," He responded quickly.

"Where are we at?"

Martin looked at Kelnozz for a moment, puzzled by the question. Then he responded as best he could, "We are four days to the north of the Silverton."

"We made it!" Nordan said, overhearing the ranger as he got closer.

Martin studied the three of them now that they were closer to him. All of them seemed relieved, yet he could tell they were also weary and exhausted. The woman alone seemed at ease and comfortable. "Who are you?" Martin asked.

Kelnozz thought for a moment then pulled his sword away from the man and sheathed it. He smiled and held out his hand to him. "We've spent the past several weeks in the Lost Lands, and only now managed to cross the Periphery. My apologies for our concern, but it has been a while since we have seen a friendly face. I am Kelnozz Risingmoon."

"Nordan Helmsmasher," Offered Nordan, securing his hammer back in the loop at his side.

"We made it back?" The woman said, hardly able to believe it. Martin snapped his gaze back to her, the lust she had inspired in him returning as he gazed upon her.

"Sorry, I'm Alesha Koronski." She smiled apologetically and Martin felt any suspicion he had towards her vanish instantly. She looked at him a moment, studying his eyes, then he felt the unnatural feelings that had built within him dissipate as if blown away by a fresh breeze.

"Wait a minute, you said your last name is Twoblade?" Alesha suddenly connected the name to the being they thought had given her the magical powers she had.

"I am grandson of the God Carson," Martin acknowledged without boasting. "He visited my grandmother years ago and laid with her, begetting my father."

"That's quite a claim," Kelnozz said, eyeing him carefully.

"Aye it is, but no one in my family has ever received any divine purpose or powers because of it, simply the name. But my boast is no grander then your own."

Martin was silent for a moment, studying them before he said, "You've been in the Lost Lands? For several weeks? I've never heard that claim before, and I scarcely believe it, had I not seen the looks of you and had I not seen you walking out of the Periphery with my own eyes."

"Believe it, friend, and it's a long and glorious tale I'll share with you in return for guiding us back to Silverton," Nordan said, grinning and clapping Martin on the back.

Martin picked up his bow and returned his arrow to his quiver. He looked to the sky to judge the time, then told them to follow him. Seeing how weary Kelnozz and Nordan looked, he stopped a few hours short of dusk to set up camp. Returning to the camp with a brace of coneys, they ate well that night and drank from a swift flowing stream.

In a few days they reached Silverton. It was a small town, consisting primarily of trappers and miners. Two taverns thrived in the town, with but a single general store. A blacksmith worked from dawn to dusk to tend to the town needs, from shoeing horses to repairing mining tools, he grumbled loudly when Kelnozz asked him to mend his chain shirt.

Eating a plain but filling meal at one of the inns, Martin heard the last of their tale. They had told him most of it, leaving out Alesha's craving for nighttime companionship. Both Nordan and Kelnozz were surprised, in fact, for ever since the defeat of the demon, Alesha had not claimed any desire or need to lay with them, even after she used her powers to heal them from the injuries they had received in the battle.

They talked and joked late into the night, drinking and eating their fill. At long last, Nordan managed to find the attentions of a whore in the tavern, and let her lead him off to his room. Kelnozz chuckled at this, and soon retired himself to his own room. Left alone, Alesha and Martin endured a few moments of silence before it grew uncomfortable. Martin found he felt ill at ease under Alesha's strange gaze, and excused himself to go to his room as well.

Alesha looked around the taverns common room. It was in full swing and rather rowdy. The trappers and miners lived hard and played hard, not knowing from one day to the next what the Gods had in store for them. Alesha smiled somewhat cynically at that thought. She had no idea what the Gods had in store for her either. Feeling the sword at her side thrumming with power, she decided she could do with some privacy herself.

In her room, Alesha stripped out of her clothing and had a chance to examine herself for the first time since she had defeated the glabrezu. She sat on her bed and crossed her legs. Closing her eyes, she slipped into a meditative state and sent her awareness inwards. She studied herself again, seeing the power trapped inside of her from the life force of the demon. She had used a portion of it, but still held much of it inside of her, waiting for a time when she would need it.

Alesha opened her eyes and studied herself. Her wounded leg had been healed and was whole again. Still seeing things she would have been unable to notice before her transformation, she noticed again how flawless and perfect her body looked. Aesthetically, she knew she was a beautiful woman, but the near perfection she noticed had nothing to do with that. Her body seemed to contain few, if any, impurities. She had looked on others and noticed their bodies seemed rife with corruption and foulness. Nordan and Martin seemed to share some of the same purity that she did, though she could not understand why. Kelnozz appeared "cleaner" then most people, but something about it was different then the others.

Her senses picking up a disturbance, Alesha leaned over and picked up her shortsword. Staring into the depths of the blade, she had begun to understand its nature. Trapped within it was the soul of the glabrezu she had defeated. It thrashed and howled within the blade, if a soul can be said to thrash and howl. She smiled wickedly at the torment of the demon and wasted a small amount of her stored up power to mentally prod the soul within the blade. Chuckling softly to herself, she sheathed her blade and was straightening up from placing it on the floor when her door opened silently.

"What's going on?" Kelnozz asked her, shutting the door behind him. If he noticed her strange position on the bed, he gave no notice of it.

"What do you mean?" Alesha asked, looking confused.

"How did you know the demons true name?"

Alesha opened her mouth to respond, then shut it again as she considered more carefully what to say. Finally she sighed and decided that Kelnozz had been honest with her all along, she should treat him the same. "I'm not sure," she began. "While he was in me, I saw things. I glimpsed into its mind and saw images that should have scared me or driven me insane. I still wake up from nightmares of them, but I forget them so quickly I can never be sure of it. It was in one of those visions I saw that I learned the name, it was given to him when he earned his form by an even greater demon."

Kelnozz nodded, realizing she was going to deal with him straightly. He moved over and sat on the bed next to her. "What about when you spoke to me in my head?"

Alesha smiled a bit at that. Considering things briefly, she decided it was worth it. She focused on him and channeled some of her energy towards him.

Like this?

Kelnozz looked about in surprise. "Yes, like that! Can you read my thoughts as well?"

Alesha raised her eyebrows in surprise, she hadn't considered that. Experimenting, she focused on him but was unable to learn anything from him. Taking a deep breath, she sighed and said, "No, I can't."

His eyes narrowed thoughtfully and Alesha mistook his expression. "Really, I can't! I just tried but I can't hear anything. I can sense emotions if I work hard at it, but that's all."

Kelnozz smiled reassuringly. "Aye, I was just thinking, I believe you.

"Did the demon hurt you? You seem to be okay, but you haven't asked for Nordan or myself to lay with you since then."

"I thought you didn't like doing that with a companion?" She asked teasingly.

Kelnozz scowled. "I prefer not to. My concern is in the sudden change in behavior, not in the lack of sex."

Seeing she nearly overstepped herself, Alesha dropped her gaze and admitted the truth of what had happened. "Overpowering that demon filled me with so much power that I can feel it inside of me. Just under my skin and behind my eyes, the feeling is incredible. Healing you two and ever since then when I've used it I had to dip into that power, but there is so much still there that I haven't felt any need to have sex."

"Nordan hates magic, you should be careful around him, or one day he may change his mind about you," Kelnozz said while studying her eyes carefully. He could see the power within them, and it flashed dangerously, though he knew he was in no danger himself.

Alesha nodded her understanding and that sent her thoughts back to the nature of her companions. "Nordan is special," she said softly after a moment.

Kelnozz smiled enigmatically and stood up as if to go. "He cares a great deal about you as well, that was why I warned you."

Alesha laughed as soon as she realized what Kelnozz was saying. "No, that wasn't what I meant! I mean there's something special about him. Martin has it too. They're different."

Kelnozz sat back down at this. "What do you mean, different?"

"I… I can't describe it, they're just somehow different then you are. Different than everyone else around us. It's like their bodies are made differently or something."

"You've studied us then… what of me?" He asked her next.

She smiled at him then. "I don't know, you're something altogether different. I have a very difficult time reading you, Kel. And on top of that, what little I can figure out is different then anything else."

The elf could see she was grasping at trying to explain something she didn't understand herself. He patted her on the hand and stood up again. Alesha grabbed his hand to keep him from leaving. "Please," she whispered. "Stay with me."

"I thought you said you didn't feel the need to do this?" Kelnozz asked her, growing suspicious.

"I don't need to, I want to. This has nothing to do with what happened to me, this is because I want to be with you. This is different, it means different things," She explained, allowing him to see her vulnerable.

Kelnozz nodded after a moment of though. "I understand, and I'm sorry but I can't."

She fought back tears at his rejection, she nodded and faked a smile. Kelnozz knew he had hurt her, but he also knew there was more at stake then he was willing to risk. He turned and left her room quietly, shutting the door behind him. Alesha let the tears flow then.

Her grief turned to anger as the minutes flowed past. She was angry at him for refusing her, and angry at herself for giving him a chance to see her vulnerable. She vowed she would prove herself then. Prove that she was better then him, and better then anyone else. Alesha grabbed up her equipment and quickly donned it. She drew her sword and sent her thoughts into the trapped Talifernon, making the demons soul thrash and howl in torment anew. Feeding off the energy it released, she turned to the window of her room and with a gesture of her mind, sent the shutters flying free of the hinges to land in the middle of the road.

She leaned out the window and glanced about. Seeing no one in the road, for it was past the middle of the night by then, she leaned further out the window and fell towards the ground. Midway there she slowed her descent and gracefully descended. Sending another dark look at the tavern, she turned and fled the town, stopping only long enough to steal a horse and ride it out of Silverton.

Continued in Chapter 8

Tender Mercies: Book 1 - Chapter 7by Phineas

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