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The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 3

Genres: Science Fiction

Chapter 3 : Beastshadow

Matthew believed that everyone was either a slave or master to everyone else. He sat back in his chair, the fireplace beside him was warm on his side as he looked out into the night. Tonight was an important night, the night where all the strings of fate tightened. The path of but one string determines whether the Tapestry bundles into a chaotic knot or continues an orderly weave, or unravels. Tonight was the night, and he knew that he would control that one string.

"Matthew," a male voice said softly behind him, "You spend too much time concerned about these trifles. Just destroy the problem, and be done with it."

"Sade, my friend. We are not the mindless killers and rapists that you enjoyed so much in your day. We operate peaceably. Remember the lessons hard learned. The middle road is best."

"Weak whelp. You will learn the true power of my ways soon enough. And never forget that I am your master. If we do not get results soon with your way, then we will try my path."

Sade departed, which relieved Matthew fully. He never really trusted Sade, suspected he was up to some fiendish plot. That Sade was a sick fucker, and when I am Master here, he will be purged.

Matthew looked to the shadows formed in the fireplace. The flickering ever-changing dark chaos reflected his mind right now. He thought of the string - the woman he had visited many times and tasted her sex in her dreams and in her reality. She fantasizes about me even when I'm not the one willing it. And she doesn't even know that I exist.

He knew of the Other's interference. He had hoped that it wouldn't be as soon, but he was ready regardless. Hjilheu, the assassin. She never failed him in the past.

As if responding to his thoughts, he felt a stir in his loins. Hjilheu was a dangerous one. She killed for pleasure, but her method of killing was unique. She was a demon of sorts, and killed during the sexual act. Matthew knew of the danger of lusting after Hjilheu, yet still he imagined her milking his seed as she stole his life's breath. But he knew how to protect against the succubus. She could not kill unless the victim consented to the sex.

He imagined her hands stroking up and down his shaft, lovingly, caressingly. His eyes closed as he pictured the beautiful demon wrapping her lips around his cock, suckling so nicely on its head. His eyes opened as he pictured the demon leaving kiss after kiss on his shaft, before taking it in her mouth again. He imagined her tongue moving up and down the shaft, tasting every inch.

Matthew was not surprised when he saw Hjilheu kneeling before him, her lips sucking out his resolve. Her head moved up and down as her hand stroked his shaft. She kissed the base of his shaft where it connected to his scrotum, then licked the underside of the shaft all the way back up to the head. She slowly kissed the head, holding his shaft steady with one hand.

Hjilheu stood up, her voluptuous naked body before him. She used her free hand to push him back in the chair, and straddled him, his penis still in her other hand. She rubbed his shaft against her clitoris, her button hardening against his stiffness. Hjilheu arched her back and moaned as she pulled Matthew's face to her breasts. "Matthew, fuck me...." she moaned, hungry to feel him enter her.

"No, demoness." Matthew responded, his resolve firm, for this day. "I do wish to survive another day."

"I wouldn't kill you. If you pleased me enough, I'd even let you have me a second time. Maybe then I'd kill you." She smiled a sweet innocent smile. She always looked innocent, almost angelic, even as her hips undulated, moved her pussy against her victim's manhood, up until the last breath.

"I need you to do me a favor, Hjilheu, and not of the sexual kind. Not for me anyways."

"Well there is a cost to such things... I will need a favor from you in the future." She released Matthew's manhood, but kept it nestled between them. The smell of her arousal filled the stale room air.

"As per our usual arrangement. I need you to work your skills on a couple of Shifters."

She cooed delightedly, pressing her clitoris against Matthew's shaft. "A Shifter? I haven't had one of those in me for a month...."

"The woman must be allowed to live. But the two men, Jonathan and Walker, must be destroyed."

"It shall be done, Matthew." Her mouth moved to Matthew's, her blue eyes meeting his. Her tongue licked at Matthew's lips... and then she was gone, turned into a sweet-smelling smoke, like roses.

Matthew muttered some profanities. Some wizards get cats, he thought, some get imps, I have to get the Whore of Babylon. He smiled. He did love his life.

He rose from the chair and wrapped his robe around him. He did have a job to do, and he took to it with great pleasure and relish. He opened the door of his study and walked down the long corridor to the Infirmary. It was the area reserved in this place for the bouts of mental sickness that so often plague the practitioners of the True Arts.

He looked at his charge list and noted a name he'd never seen before. A stranger. An outsider. "Who the hell is this... Elizabeth?"

The guard on staff replied, "The Northern Reach Library sent her here. She came in contact with an incubus, they say. But her circle destroyed the demon before her life was taken. Her mind has been locked in a psycho-sexual mindscape ever since. Considering that's your specialty, they decided to refer her to you, the Library of Pleasure's best mindmender."

"Well, they will owe me some small favor then. But I'll do it."

Matthew was still flushed after his contract negotiation with the succubus. He walked down the stone corridor until he reached Elizabeth's cell. He looked in the room.

The woman was chained to the cold wall, her naked body pressed against it. She was writhing in some form of agony, which Matthew recognized immediately as desire. Matthew nearly cried a tear for the poor woman. She was stuck in a mindscape where all she could think of was sexual release. Any other thought was impossible to one in that state. Matthew had seen this many times before.

Matthew opened the cell door, and walk up to Elizabeth. He stood behind her, out of her view.

"Elizabeth? My name is Matthew."

"Math-yew?" Her breathing was heavy, charged. She was trying to rub her crotch against the cold stone, hoping to get some small satisfaction from it.

"Yes, Matthew. I am here to help you." He sniffed at the air. It was filled with her pheromones. He smiled. This one will be easy.

She looked back at Matthew. He wore the black robes of his station, with red mystic symbols stitched around the arms. All she could see was a possible deliverance from her sweet suffering.

"Help... me... pleeeeeease..." Elizabeth flattened her palms on the wall and took two steps backwards. She pushed her hands against the wall and spread her legs. Arching her back, she raised her naked ass and offered herself to the magus.

Matthew smiled, and opened his robes, still erect from before. He stepped forward until his erection nestled between her ass cheeks. His hands moved around Elizabeth, feeling her breasts under his fingers. He worked his best spells during sex, and needed the rush of energies to power vast alterations of reality and mind. Such magics were necessary for Elizabeth, reasoned Matthew, and the cure is as sweet for the patient as for the healer.

Elizabeth pushed against him, wanted to feel him enter her. She needed the feel of him inside her. He complied, repositioning his cock and gently moving it into his patient's pussy. She moaned in ecstasy, immediately pushing back against him.

Her motions were violent, hungry, bestial. He started channeling the energies flowing through him. The growing heat at his loins flowed from his mind, then into her, righting the wrongness, sanctifying the holy sex act, removing the desecration from her soul. The energies grew as his shaft moved ritualistically steady, in and out of the undulating woman. He felt the energies grow until they demanded release. Connecting his energy with his cock, he pushed pure healing power through their union and up her spine, into her mind. As his climax filled her with his seed, he filled her with his psychic medicine.

She screamed, her orgasm echoing back into him. He attuned his mind to her orgasm, feeling her body's sensation as he felt his own. He felt her energy diminishing, and held her hips as he remained inside her for another minute while his erection softened. Then he helped her to kneel and lay on the ground.

His healing act complete, he stepped away from the woman, willing her into unconsciousness. He retied his robes, opened the cell door, and walked to the guard on staff.

"Send her back to Northern Reach. She will be fine. If she suffers any relapses, send her to me."

"Aye sir."

He went back up to his study, looking out the window into the night. His mind turned to another woman, the one who would be the hub of all...

Continued in Chapter 4

The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 3by Aramus Wayvyrn

Previous Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 2

Next Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 4

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