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The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 4

Genres: Science Fiction

Chapter 4 : Trinity

The Priests of the Dark God came to her door one afternoon. They looked like any other modern missionaries, the ones who go door-to-door proselytizing about this way of seeing God, or that way of Praying to God, or to not celebrate one holiday, or to celebrate another. These missionaries were different, however. Priests of the Dark God research the person they wanted to convert, discovering their secrets and desires. They show up in their suits and ties, armed with knowledge and offerings. The preaching from one of these missionaries was hard to ignore.

Balseraph knocked on the door of Jennifer Madison.

"Who is it?" The quiet voice within answered hesitantly, frightened. The voice was nervous, high pitched, afraid.

"We are Messengers from God, Miss and we wish to speak to you."

"I already go to church, Gentlemen... good day."

"But miss, we are not here to guilt you into joining our church. We merely wish to ask of a favor."

"...hmm, maybe... but if I get uncomfortable, out you go."

Jennifer opened the door. She looked at the two men who were already removing their coats. They looked over-dressed, more like a business meeting than a door-to-door presentation. She liked the look of these men. Clean cut. Young, but not boyish. Virile. They looked like they had status in the world.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kenneth Balseraph." He offered his hand, his smile simple and congenial.

Jennifer shook his hand. Touching him did something to her, something that never happened before. Her arm felt a shiver of electricity, that moved to her chest where it began to heat and suffuse her body. She smiled. She couldn't help it.

Jennifer sat down in her chair, motioning for the others to sit on the couch. She was glad to see this Kenneth fellow sit nearest to her.

"Jennifer, what do you think about Sin?"

This question took her by surprise. No 'hello', or small-talk, just immediately to the sin-talk. Jennifer was not impressed.

"I don't know what you mean?" The best answer. Keep the preacher preaching, and he won't notice when you've fallen asleep.

Balseraph replied, "I mean, what is Sin, exactly?" He was not going to let her get away with a simple smile and nod.

"Well... it's when you go against the Word of God."

He nodded, "Really? And what exactly is the Word of God?"

Jennifer answered, "Well, it's... it's like when you steal. That's against God's rules."

"So, all Sin is anything against the Ten Commandments? And anything else isn't a Sin? So if someone were to say, attack an old lady for fun, that would be okay because there is no Commandment 'Thou shalt not beateth Old Ladies?'"

Jennifer shook her head, "Well, no I mean, that's a Sin, I know that from church."

"Well then, Sin must be anything the Church says is a Sin. Is that what you mean?"

"Well, yes, I guess. you know, Wrath, Gluttony, Avarice and all that."

Balseraph added, "Lust."

"Yes, Lust too."

He asked, "Are you a Sinner, Jennifer?"

"Well, no, I mean, I'm a good person, I'll go to heaven."

Balseraph leaned in closer to her, and put his hand lightly on her bare knee, below the hem of her dress as he held her gaze. Jennifer felt that electricity again, flowing up her leg, through her hips. She inhaled a bit heavier, not wanting his hand to move, but not wanting to be a Sinner either. Jennifer was caught between her need to advance her instinct and her need to advance her esteem.

"But, Jennifer. Do you feel Lust?"

She almost whimpered, that soft voice soothing, yet accusing. She looked in his eyes. Something about those eyes demanded truth. They demanded the inner truth that even she dared not admit. She could only nod, held rapt in those eyes.

Without turning, he motioned to his partner. The other silently left, leaving Balseraph and Jennifer alone with her sinfulness. He continued to stare into Jennifer's eyes, his hand still on her knee.

He smiled. "Does your church condemn Lust?"

"...yes..." She could only whisper, her voice gone, dry with shame, and desire.

"My church does not."

Jennifer looked at him, her pupils fully dilated.

Kenneth's hand moved slowly up her thigh, feeling her flesh heat beneath his touch.

"...sir, I did not invite you in my home, to be molested by a man of God."

"But would you be pleased if I left? I know you Lust for my touch, Jennifer. I feel your Lust under the surface, even as my hand slides up further. I can feel the heat between your legs, waiting for my hand. You think you want to live a life of sinlessness, and yet even now your body cries out for release. You are begging me to touch you with my other hand, explore your body, and make you feel sensations only Lust can fulfill."

She tried to tell him no, to leave and never come back... but she couldn't. He was right, and she knew it. She pleaded with her eyes for more. But she couldn't let go completely. She couldn't... but she already had.

Jennifer whispered, "What do you want with me?"

Balseraph stood, and bent over her legs. His hand on her thigh slid up underneath her dress. He began pushing the fabric up to her hips as his other hand cupped her breast, squeezing it lightly. She gave a small, inaudible moan, but did not flinch away.

"I want your flesh, Jennifer. I want to feel your Lust writhing under me, serving my whim. I want your flesh in service to my God, where you can Lust and sin in his name, and enjoy what you've always wanted, but were afraid to admit."

Balseraph's hand on her leg moved to her inner thigh, and then his palm cupped her womanhood, feeling her wetness beneath his touch. He felt her fleshy lips through her moist underwear. Jennifer writhed and moaned under his touch, running her hands over his hand on her breast, wanting more, needing more of his sinful touch.

She crossed her arms and removed the shoulder straps of her dress, as her hips rolled to meet his touch. She moved her hands back to her chest and pulled the top of the dress to her waist, exposing her bra. His free hand reached around her and unfastened the bra quickly. She pulled the bra free and tossed it on the couch, baring her breasts to him. He moved the crotch of her underwear aside and slipped a finger into her. Her body shook, and she pushed her hips against his finger, hungrily accepting him within her. He bent forward to suck on her nipple, his tongue pressing against the hard nub in his mouth. She moaned and convulsed, and lifted her hips to pull the bottom of her dress up to her waist. His palm cupped her mound as his finger moved in and out.

She pushed him off of her. Balseraph straightened and looking down at Jennifer. Her dress was pulled down and up, bunching the cloth around her waist. She slid from her chair and knelt before him. Quickly unzipping his dress pants, she pulled them down to his ankles. Jennifer cooed in joy as she held his manhood in her hands, feeling it pulse from the blood, feeling it hot against her palm. She wrapped her fingers around him and lightly kissed the tip, feeling in lurch against her lips and stiffen. She stroked his shaft with her hand, and then directed his manhood into her mouth. She took as much of him as she could, and then pulled him out. Her tongue wrapped around his shaft, teasing and exploring his every inch. Her head moved forward and back over him, trying to please him, entice him into pleasing her.

Balseraph pulled Jennifer to her feet, and nipped at her neck. He caressed her breasts as she moaned and swayed. He turned her around and pressed against her. She felt him behind her, his erection against her ass. She bent forward, grasping the arms of her chair and pushed her hips back to offer herself to this missionary, begging for him, pleading with him, needing his unholy sacrament. Balseraph took his erect shaft and rubbed it against her womanhood, before lifting the head of his cock to her entrance and slowly pushed into her.

Jennifer felt him within her, moving slowly, filling her. She squeezed her muscles around him. Then Balseraph pulled out, only briefly. She moaned in joy as the heavenly sensation of his shaft pushed into her again and again, filling her. She pushed back against him, wanted to feel more. He felt so exquisite inside her. She needed release from worries and guilt, to feel nothing but this sex - him within her, her around him, fucking each other passionately. She cried out as she felt the orgasmic tremors quake through her, each thrust from him was a divine addition.

He felt the pressure build within him, seed boiling in his loins, ready to burst forth. Balseraph grunted quietly as he felt the rush of molten liquid coursing through his shaft. His hips jerked as the fluid shot into her, sending shivers through his entire body. After the third twitch and third delivery of his seed, he nibbled at the back of Jennifer's neck. She bent her back to offer her neck to him, happy to feel more of his touch.

She was sweaty, hot, happy. "Where is your church, Kenneth?"

He withdrew himself from her and pulled his pants up. "Come with us, Jennifer. We meet tonight to initiate our newest member."

She stood up and adjusted her dress, pushing the hem down and pulling the shoulder straps up. She did not bother with her underwear, leaving it on the couch.

When George Madison come home that night, he was tired after work. He set down his briefcase. The only sound in the house was a television, tuned to some religious station. He turned it off. Then he looked at the couch, which was immaculate except for a panty and a bra left there. George closed his eyes, a tear ran down his face. Somehow he knew he'd never see his wife again.

Continued in Chapter 5

The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 4by Aramus Wayvyrn

Previous Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 3

Next Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 5

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