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The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 5

Genres: Science Fiction

Chapter 5 : Sabledream

Jonathon poured a cup of coffee and walked back to the bed where his two companions lay awake, still sleepy eyes after the last night's rut. He sat at the foot of the bed, sipping his coffee. Female arms wrapped around his shoulders as a beautiful voice whispered in his ear, "Was that the weirdest sex I've ever had, or did I only dream that you turned into a woman?"

"Anais, first let me formally introduce you to Walker."

Anais turned around to look at the other man laying against the headboard. His face was tan, eyes and hair sable. She recognized him as the dark stalker from yesterday. Something about him radiated calm and trust, however. She saw him now through the intimate eyes of a lover.

Jonathon continued, "He and I aren't like you, or most others for that matter."

"I am beginning to think so, if the things you two did were real?" She smiled with the pleasant memories of sweet couplings and hands wandering.

Jonathon added, "I mean... we are Magii, Anais."

"Magi? Like the Three Wise Men? Where's Balthazar then?"

"Shhhh, listen, please. Magii are those who use the power of magick. We, of course, call it something else, but magick is a good term for it."

Anais smiled and nodded, pretending to understand. But her mind was not willing to grasp the things that reality tells her should not be.

"Each Magus has a focus of his power, called an Art. Walker and I practice the Art of Form. There are other Arts, of course, ranging from the dark necromantic Art of Flesh to the serene Art of Nature. As well, there is the Arts of Sense, Balance and Time. We do not know much of the other Arts, after all no man has ever been able to grasp more then one Art. One Art, however, is powerful on its own. Through Form, we can alter any physical object, from a chair, to our bodies. As well, we can perceive the True Forms of things, and thus peek into their inner natures."

Anais nodded again. The concept of magick seemed impossible, she thought. But she knew that they had done something last night. She couldn't have imagined that woman. It all certainly felt real enough.

Anais's watch beeped for attention. She pressed the button, and looked at Johnathon. "We have class soon!"

Jonathon smiled. He was already dressed, and books packed in his bag. He looked at Anais. The blanket she huddled under, transformed into a cloak. It wrapped around her, altering it's shape and texture. Jonathon crafted the material into a summer dress, hugging her naked body with the sensual caress of silk.

"What... this is amazing, Jonathon! Can I keep it?"

"It was yours to begin with." Jonathon chuckled and offered his hand to help her from the bed.

Walker watched the pair leave through the front door, his face was sullen and introspective. Perhaps it is best she doesn't know the truth, he thought, the truth of what she truly is.

He stood, now dressed in a black long coat, white shirt, and black jeans. He was meeting with Jill, from the Sensual's Guild. She had an idea that would end the silent battle between the Guilds. Walker tired of the bickering that always exploded into bloodshed.

There was a knock at the front door.

Walker opened the door and was immediately greeted by a pair of lips and arms, embracing him in sweet kisses. He stepped back, looking into blue eyes that began to melt his defenses. His heart quickened, and images formed in his mind of fucking this woman, their naked writhing bodies against each other, searching for pleasure and sweet release of wanton abandon.

Walker knew the Sensual's tricks, knew of the Aura that all exuded. The Aura disarmed the unwary, and caused the fall of more then a few of the Sensual's enemies. He muttered a power word, and held the woman at arms length, before retreating to the hard oaken table in the dining room

"Have you found the Catalyst, Walker?" The woman's voice was a whisper, spoken softly in Walker's ear.

Even though Walker was several feet away from her, he could swear that he felt the woman's lips brush against his ear.

"I continue to search, Jill, my dearest. But it seems she has eluded us."

"If the Guild of Blood finds her, we'll have another war on our hands. You know that. And if you are lying to me to keep her away from the other Guilds, then we can't stop her from joining with the Dark Ones." Jill ran her fingers along the neckline of her dress, against the fabric, her knuckles against her breast. She bit her lips, her eyes still serious.

Walker could swear he saw her nipples harden under her dress. He could tell that she had no undergarments. He tried not to think about it, not to use his magic. But Walker began to subconsciously alter her dress. It began to tighten around her body, and became gauzy and sheer. Walker could clearly see through her dress now.

Jill's hand played with one nipple, the other hand touching the sheer fabric on her thigh. She stood in front of him, the loose straps of her dress falling off her shoulders. She took a deep breath, looking at him. Her blue eyes penetrated his soul. "Walker, while I more than appreciate your fashion sense, I must condemn your lack of professionalism."

She took a step closer, and pressed her body against his. Her eyes closed, and her arms entwining around his. She lifted her lips deliciously near his own, head inclined a little to the right. "Now I demand satisfaction for your insult..." her hot, sweet breath whispered against his lips.

Walker couldn't take the tension any longer. His mouth pressed against Jill's, and her lips parted to greet him, her tongue teasing his. He moaned as her hands began to work at his pants, undoing his belt and buttons. She reacted with surpise, however, when her own dress turned into water and splashed to the floor. She slipped a hand into his pants and pulled out his growing member. She stroked his length, her hand nibble and talented, skilled in the art of persuasion. He moaned at her touch, and tasted her lips with his tongue.

Her eyes turned the darkest sable. "Walker... would you like... me taking you into my mouth... licking and sucking on you until you explode on my hungry tongue?" She pressed her naked body against him, moaning against his ear. She punctuated her words by running her tongue along his jaw.

"Oh yesssss..."

"Perhaps you would enjoy it... if my mouth left kisses up and down your shaft, and I serviced you like the little whore I am?"

"Yes... I want that..."

"Then, I suggest you kneel before me and beg my forgiveness. I am not your little whore... You should be the one servicing me, with your tongue."

Jill pulled Walker to the floor. He did not resist, not even as she pushed him back onto his back. She used her legs to pin down his arms, and straddled his neck. Her crotch hovered over his face, the red folds glistening with sweet necter.

She looked down at Walker, her voice cold and commanding. "Now pray before my alter, and beg my forgiveness!"

Walker obeyed, pushing his tongue hungrily against her clitoris, moaning as he feasted. His tongue moved to her entrance, to penetrate her fleshy petals. She cried out in pleasure, and held his head, pulling him against her. She writhed in pleasure as he devoured her eagerly, his nose against her clit, tongue within slipping so deep and so sweet. Her hips spasmed, as the first wave of climax crashed through her.

JIll looked down at Walker's face, all shiny from his hungry meal. She smiled, scooting back over his torso until her legs straddled his hips. Holding his shaft in her hand, she used her damp flower to kiss the head of his cock, once, twice, three times. She rubbed her clitoris along its length, while gazing at Walker's face. His eyes were closed as he savoured the sensations.

"Walker, do you want me to feel the your manhood plunging into me?"

"Yes, Jill. Let me please you!"

"Do you want to feel the pleasure of my pussy around your tool, squeezing it within, as I scream out in blessed release." She pressed her clit against his shaft and her hips quivered as she climaxed a second time, the feel of his sex against her exhilarating

"Fuck me Jill... I want to fuck you..."

"As you wish." She leaned forward, dangling her breasts against Walker's face as she positioned his shaft. She sat back, impaling herself on him. Walker began to thrust upward into her... his mind clouded by sex. She began to grind her hips on him, his cock sliding in and out of her. Each deep penetration sent a shock wave of sensation through her body.

Walker looked up at Jill with mystic sight. Walker knew what she was, but didn't or couldn't care, his mind was poisoned by her power. All he wanted now was to fuck her, and feel his member thrusting into her again and again. The only sound he could hear were the screams of ecstasy, as she climaxed. She writhed on him in a wicked primal dance... a dance of death. He felt the pressure bursting from within, as his seed spilt forth, filling her with his liquid heat. His eyes closed in pure bliss.

Hjilheu looked down at her victim, as his hot cum and lifeforce flowed into her. She cooed at his face as his muscled slackened and his life diminished. She smiled and lifted her hips, letting his soft, wet flesh slip out and flop against his hip. She stood up, straddling Walker's body and reached a hand between her legs to plunge two her fingers within. She swirled her fingers in his pearly seed and humped her hand, thinking of how wonderful he tasted as he died for her pleasure.

She would want to do this again... Mathew... I wonder how your orgasm tastes.

Hjilheu disappeared into a dark mist that quickly dissipated. She was traveling back to her master, to please him with this news.

Walker opened his eyes, looking up. The world seemed different. Everything was grey, dark, almost gothic. Instead of Jill, another woman was on top of him. Her skin was jet black, her eyes without irises or pupils, just pure white. She wore a tight-fitting robe, accentuating her form. But she was not a sexual being. She stood, offering a hand to help him up. He grabbed her hand and she lifted him.

He felt a strength her thin body could not naturally accomplish. "Who are you?"

She led Walker to a nearby wall and grabbed a dark staff with a long crescent blade adorning its end. She held her scythe silently and led Walker by the hand to her pale white horse.

Continued in Chapter 6

The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 5by Aramus Wayvyrn

Previous Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 4

Next Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 6

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