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The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 6

Genres: Science Fiction

Chapter 6 : Proximity

The music in the car throbbed through Jennifer Madison's body, the deep bass pushing against her back. Jennifer ran her fingers through her hair, enjoying the breeze from the open window as it flowed around her. She held her hair to keep it from blowing all over. She still wore her gold wedding band, even though she knew her marriage to George was over. She looked to Kenneth Balseraph, who was reading a book. Religious scripture she assumed.

He turned to her, smiling. "What is the purpose of a God?"

"I wouldn't know, Kenneth. Who knows that Gods think?"

"Well then pretend you are a Goddess. Humanity has been created long ago. What next?"

"Well, I'd want to be worshipped of course. Cause that's what we do with Gods."

"How would you want to be worshipped?"

"Well, for one, I wouldn't want to be in a room full of people pretending to pray when, in actuality, they're thinking about the football game, or if their dress is on right, or if they'll get that promotion. I'd want people worshipping me in practical ways."

"Define 'practical.'"

"Well, I'd want to walk the earth. None of this ephemeral all-knowing, all-seeing, but never around crap. I'd want people at my feet. Bowing down. Kneeling before the divinity that is me."

"Our God's like that, Jennifer. He walks our earth. I've talked with him."

"No really. Gods don't walk the earth."

"They do, Jennifer. You will meet one. You will see... "

Their car drove for an hour, the setting sun casting a crimson hue over the road.

The car stopped by an old empty-looking shack. Kenneth's missionary partner and the other man that drove, both got out of the front of the car. They opened the rear doors for Kenneth and the new convert. The pair emerged from the car and Kenneth kissed Jennifer deeply, reassuringly, to quench her fears. They walked into the shack, his arm around her waist, their lips still mingling.

The door opened to one room that only contained a wooden chair and a light hanging overhead. The rear wall was split with one section recessed several feet. As they approached the rear wall, she could see around the partition where stairs decended into a basement. She smiled nervously, following him down the stairs that seemed to be twice as long as expected. At the bottom of the stairs was a room about the same size as the one above. Again, a single light hung from the ceiling, but the walls were mortared stones that glistened with wetness. The air felt damp.

The two walked straight ahead to a wooden door on the far wall. Kenneth turned the handle and pushed it inward. The door creaked open with the squeek of antiquity and Kenneth led Jennifer inside.

This room was much larger, and made with the same stonework. There were lit torches along the side walls, but their smoke seemed to be carried up and away by some kind of ventilation. A three-foot high and five-foot long polished stone block was in the middle of the room. Standing in front of it was woman. She was naked and Jennifer immediately saw that she was gorgeous. But there was something odd about her. Jennifer couldn't take her eyes off of this figure.

The woman walked forward and around Jennifer, whispering into her ear, "Your eyes fondle me like a familiar lover. I shall look forward to what your hands and tongue can do."

Jennifer's eyes widened in confusion. She had never shared sexual intimacy with a woman. She was almost appalled by the suggestion. She looked at Kenneth, trying to mask her discomfort. 

Kenneth placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It is time."

His hands began to remove Jennifer's dress. Kenneth lifted the fabric over her head. She had left her panty and bra on the couch at the house, and stood before him wearing only her heeled shoes and wedding ring. Kenneth crouched and removed her shoes, leaving her completely naked. She had nothing to protect her from the cold, or anyone's gaze. Kenneth removed his clothing as Jennifer watched him.

When they were both naked, the pair stepped forward. She walked barefoot on the cool stone floor, holding Kenneth's hand as he led her to the stone block in the middle of the room.

He gestured at the block, and she turned and sat. He continued to hold her hand as he helped her to lay down upon the cold stone. She could hear music in the background now, some primal beat... like a heartbeat... thumping.. Then a man began to sing... his voice soft... sensual... 

You let me violate you ...

The lyrics sounded melancholy, but the male voice was appealing. Jennifer looked down at Kenneth's dangling shaft as he climbed on top of her. She spread her legs to allow him between her thighs, placing her feet on the edge of the block. As he nibbled her neck, she could feel the bass thumping through the stone. Her body began to warm the altar, along with the heat from Kenneth's body pressing on her from above.

You let me desecrate you ...

Kenneth reached a hand between them and pressed his palm over her mound, inserting a finger into her. He rubbed her clit with his palm and moved his finger in and out. She moaned and lifted her hips, begging for his hand. The music thumped within her and her lust called out. Jennifer whispered, begged for him... that she needed to feel him within.

You let me penetrate you ...

He obliged, shifting his hips and directing his holy shaft into her. Tears of heavenly ecstasy dripped from the corner of her eyes, and her liquid sex melted around him. She gripped his shoulders and closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of their union. Jennifer felt hands on hers, moving them from Kenneth's shoulders and placing them above her head. She did not resist, surrendering to him. Then something metal closed around her wrists and ankles. Jennifer quickly opened her eyes to look at Kenneth. Her body moved back and forth on the alter as he continued thrusting into her. She could see his two men, one behind her head and one at her feet. They had shackled her to the stone altar.

You let me complicate you ...

Kenneth kissed Jennifer's lips, and looked into her eyes. He ground his pelvis against her clit each time he was completely within her. He whispered simple deadly words, "Trust Me." Then he pushed himself up a bit and both his hands closed over her breasts, holding her as he continued thrusting.

Help Me! I broke apart my insides!

Jennifer laid back, enjoying the feel of his hands loving her breasts, the feel of his thrusting. She clutched her fingers over the edge of the altar above her head and squeezed his hips with her knees. She felt the stone of the altar against her back was warmer now, and slick with her sweat. Kenneth moved faster and harder into her. She loved it all.

Help Me! I've got no soul to tell!

His minions placing a blindfold over her eyes. Jennifer could hear them remove their belts and clothing. Kenneth slipped out of her, and climbed up to straddle her chest. He placed his wet cock on her lips. She could smell and taste her own juices on him as she took him into her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked hard. She felt a pair of hands pulling on her thighs and wasn't sure if Kenneth was reaching back, or... then she felt the pleasant invasion of another man's erection push into her. The new cock thrust deeply and she could feel his hairy legs on her inner thighs. Jennifer moaned against Kenneth's member, licking and sucking on his stiff shaft. Her body was full of ecstasy.

Help Me! The only thing that works for me!

The man between her legs fucked her hard and deep, her body moving back and forth on the stone altar. His cock was coated in her honey, and her crotch was wet with her secretions, matting his pubic hair. The smell of sex filled the room with the scent of her sins The third man placed his erection in her hands at the edge of the altar. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and stroked him as his hips moved back and forth. She felt herself a slut then, taking three men at once. She may be their slut, but they served her desire, and she loved avery second of it.

I want to fuck you like an animal!!
I want to feel you from the inside!

Jennifer moved her hips against the thrusts of the man between her legs. Jennifer could not see past the blindfold, but it heightened her other senses. She smelled sweat and sex... She moaned louder, her screams resonating through Kenneth's shaft...

I want to fuck you like an animal!!

The man within her grunted and his hips lurched as he flooded her vessel with his hot seed. Then he slid out and left a vacancy between her legs. The man humping her hands stepped back, leaving her palms empty. Then she felt another man, probably the one who was just in her hands, climb between her legs. He pushed the head of his cock inside her, coating it with the mingled juices of the prior man and herself. He slid his cock up and down, painting her labia and clit. Then he pressed his shaft into her, liquefied by her desire and the other's seed. His hands grabbed her hips, using them to pull her as he thrust deep within her. The pearly fluids seeped out around his shaft, and puddled on the stone beneath her ass.

My whole existence is flawed!!

Jennifer felt something change within her as the man fucking her shuddered and filled her with his seed. She felt a presence inside her as Kenneth pulled out of her mouth. The man between her legs departed and Kenneth climbed backward and settled between her thighs again. He plunged into her molten depths, causing some of the recent deposit to seep out. The presence inside became closer and the music louder.

Kenneth thrust harder, pushing her against the slick stone altar. He held his cock fully inside her and bit the side of her neck,  "And with my seed delivered, the Goddess will be reawakened."

You get me closer to God!

Jennifer felt her awareness leave her as another presence within her began to take control. She screamed in orgasmic and final release as Kenneth's cock throbbed and spewed his hot seed deep within her. Her body arched up, lifting Kenneth from the stone, then settling back down as he continued to hold onto her legs and quivered from the pleasure of his own release.

The Presence opened its new eyes for the first time in a millennium. It was greeted by the sight of the Priest, face flushed from recent sex. The music in the background faded as the Presence's chains were released.

It's body was female... Balseraph had chosen well. The Elder Goddess looked at her faithful minions, the three of them tired and sweaty from copulation and orgasm.

Her name was Xaofecta, Dark Goddess of the Flesh.

She heard the music... and it became her anthem.

The two lesser minions wrapped a robe around her body to keep the cold away.

She looked at her three servitors and smiled ferally. "So who do I get to fuck first?"

Continued in Chapter 7

The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 6by Aramus Wayvyrn

Previous Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 5

Next Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 7

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