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The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 8

Genres: Science Fiction

Chapter 8 : Safehour

Anais ran. She didn't know what else she could do. She fled from the place she called her home, fled in fear from the unknown terror that Mathew warned her about. Tears burned her face as she flew across the darkened midnight campus, past the dorms, parkades, and annexes. Her panicked flight was like any animal's instinct.

Virgil was a brick wall of a man, tall, and wide of form and build. He looked the kind of person one would see as a bouncer in a very seedy bar, or perhaps in the military as a sergeant that everyone feared. He looked at his watch. It was time. He muttered a few words... and knew exactly the correct moment to step around the corner, to catch the panicked woman.

She ran into him, and nearly fell backwards onto the pavement had it not been for him catching her. She looked up at him.

The giant looked back down with purple, benevolent eyes. "You are not safe here... I will take you to When you will be safe."

He chanted the words to a spell, and with the Catalyst in his arms, everything turned black.

Anais watched the surroundings shredding apart before her, like pages in a colouring book being destroyed.

Then it all stopped and she was alone with him. They were surrounded by a black void, except for the sidewalk under their feet and a bench. The blackness had no stars, no moon, no sun, and yet this other place had the appearance of light, complete with shadows. She felt like she was on a stage, with the blackness that leaves only the actors for an audience's attention.

"You know of the Magii, woman?"

His words echoed, throbbed in her body. She could feel him watching her... and she feared him too much to dare misspeak.

"I.. do... Jonathan told me a bit about Magi... but he said all they could do was... I don't know.. it sounds so complex."

"Actually, the Art is the simplest of sciences. You are a Catalyst, and should have been trained years ago. To be ready for this Time."

"Trained? I am not a Mage... I couldn't... even though I've seen it work... no!"

"You are the Catalyst, the Destined One, who can learn all of the Arts and master each one. Your power calls others like a beacon, all who covet your skills and abilities. A Catalyst cannot control her own Magick. She can only act as a beacon for other Magii. However there is no spell beyond her grasp, as her power is not in Mastery of what she does... but in her slavery to other Magii."

"Slavery? I would never be a slave!"

Virgil snapped his fingers, and suddenly she was on her knees, her knees spread, chest up, mouth open. She felt a heat within her, and felt her desire building. Her breathing got heavier, as she wondered if he would be so generous as to let her suck his cock, or maybe if he was feeling giving, he'd gift her with a fuck. She began to pray, hoping that somehow he would be kind enough to let her feel him.

"I see Mathew has taught you Sensation. Good, you aren't as bad off as I suspected. You will now wear nothing but chains."

Her eyes widened as the robe she wore began to alter, ripping in pieces. What little was left were straps across her naked body. The straps changed colour and became heavier. She watched in amazement as the straps became chains, wrapping around her arms, legs, and torso. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"And Form as well... see, woman, your Magick is uncontrolled by you, but it acts at the command of Magii. Do not think you are too valuable, for you are not the only Catalyst."

He slowly walked around her. "Throughout Time there have been countless Catalysts, Mages of the Art of Slavery. Many are still alive today, but they are so well trained that they could never serve anyone but the Mage who managed to capture them. Catalysts are what fuels the War of Magii. It is because of you Slaves that we fight each other. A Mage with a Catalyst is more powerful than an entire Order of Magick. And as Magii covet such grand power, they will take steps to ensure no one else has it."

He stopped in front of her again, "However, you are the only Free Catalyst right now. Even now Magii such as myself fight each other for you. Some have even killed to get a foothold on acquiring you. You can't even sense the scope of what your Freedom means."

He was only silent a moment, before continuing. "Throw into this the Dark Goddess. The Infinitum have seen that now is the time of her resurrection, and she is active already in this world. While the Art is potent in the hands of a Mage, it is nothing compared to that of a Goddess. And her power would be amplified by your Ownership. This is why you must not fall into her possession. The world would be reformed in her image... that of violence, hatred, cynicism, and secrecy. The Magii need you to learn all the Arts, so that you can equal the Goddess in power."

"But, how can I learn all these powers?"

"Easy. You learned Form when you fucked those Shifters, and Sense when you gave your body to Mathew. It is a simple matter for you. All you must do is submit to the pleasures of a Mage...."

Anais looked up at him, wide-eyed, her mind thinking back. Jonathon, Mathew, and now this man, all wanted her body because they coveted her power. She could not believe that she was only a tool to them. She felt meaningless, raped. In light of this revelation, this moment of clear thought, she knew what she must do. To save her dignity, her soul, and her self-worth, she must fight against these cruel Mages, and force them to respect her body and wishes.

She reached out and her hands slid up his powerful leg, until her palms were on his manhood. She stroked his member through his pants, feeling it stiffen under her touch. Anais knew that what one must do, and what one desires to do, are rarely the same action.

Something in her stirred. She knew she must have this man, touch him, feel him within her. Aching terribly, her eyes begged for his pleasure. She undid the buttons on his pants, and grinned as she saw his erect shaft come forth, a powerful rod eager to probe a Catalyst.

Virgil knelt down, and his powerful arms urged her onto her back, against the sidewalk. "You will stay there, Catalyst."

The concrete was cold against her back. Anais looked up at him, and she felt energy pulled from her, and go into the sidewalk beneath her. She tried to resist him, to even say the word "No". It was useless. Anais tried to lift her arm, but it was chained fast to the sidewalk. She realized the chains had been tranformed to fasten to the concrete.

"Let me go!" She spat out at him, trying to preserve the last bit of resistance. But she could feel that she desired him, that he could have her as she lay spread wide on the ground, unable to protect herself from his ravages.

"No, Slave. You did it. You merely obeyed my command, but you did this. Deep down, you are a sexual slave, and that is what your Art responds to...."

She closed her eyes, knowing it was true - knowing she was involuntarily lifting her hips to him. She was slickened with arousal for him. She felt his hips press against her inner thighs and then his cock pushed into her, almost causing an immediate orgasm.

"Oh Gods Yes! I am a slave! Fuck me, Master!!!"

Anais thrust her hips up at him, as her body took over. He was slowly moving his shaft in and out, but her body writhed against him, doing most of the labor. Surrendering to him caused waves of ecstasy. She burned for more... and more. She felt his hands holding her bare hips now, and his rod twitched inside her. She felt the pressure of his hot seed splashing and filling her. The climax rocked her body for what seemed like an eternity before she passed out.

She was lost in a trance, unaware of anything but a buzz of pure joy that radiated from her womanhood.

Anais opened her eyes.

She was laying in a dark room, with Mathew standing over her. She was unsure how she got here. She looked at the walls, all covered in chains and bars and manacles and stone. A constant dripping of water in the background was accompanied by the sound of wails and moans. Her eyes were filled with fear, until she recognized the sounds for what they were - need and desire.

"Welcome back to the living."

Mathew wore a gray trenchcoat, tattered and torn. Fresh cuts adorned his face, and his arm moved with a pained stiffness. He looked down at the Catalyst.

"I wonder what the future holds, if this is only the present."

She looked up at him, and suddenly she knew. She knew her fate, the power of Xaofecta, and how she may be thwarted. The future came to her as memories of the past, clouded, and unreliable, but certain as though they had already happened. A name came to her, and she knew it must be spoken.

"Mathew... the Liberata. They are the future. The Liberata."

The End

The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 8by Aramus Wayvyrn

Previous Story:The Bloodlust Cycle - Chapter 7

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