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The Broken Sword - Chapter 12

Genres: High Fantasy

Part 2: Old Friends

Chapter 12

"I would be better off doing this alone," Yamara said to the Elf King.

Kelnozz looked at her and shrugged. "Call it redundancy. If you fail he can take over where you left off. I have every appreciation for your abilities and talents, but there is a great deal more at stake here than you proving you can do it. Every minute that portal is open brings us a minute closer to something coming through it that we would rather not deal with."

Yamara nodded, grinding her teeth. She knew that alone she stood a much better chance of speed, stealth, and the lethal force necessary to reacquire the blade. On top of that she was concerned by the very nature of the thing that Kelnozz had chosen to go with her.

"Then let us go, the sooner we are off the better. Have you the equipment I requested?"

Kelnozz nodded, smirking. It was plainly obvious to all that Yamara was not happy about her situation, but she accepted responsibility for it and acquiesced to his demands. He pointed to two filled backpacks lying on the ground behind him, one for each of them.

Yamara sighed and went to the first one, opening it up and rifling through its contents. She took out the majority of it and began repacking the items in the various pouches she had on her person. Most were magical and allowed for a greater apparent volume then the outward size appeared capable of holding. Extra-dimensional spaces were a must for the light traveler.

"Hurry up, troll," Yamara said, the distaste evident in her voice.

The troll in question lumbered forward, seeming quite awkward and ungainly in his thick and vicious looking blackened plate mail. Spikes and hooks protruded from it, promising anything that got to close a painful encounter. Draped across his nine foot tall form were various bags, sacks, and pouches containing everything from extra water skins to rations to miscellaneous garbage only he would call treasure. Also scattered amongst his gear was an assortment of lethal looking weaponry.

"Yooz sure bowt dis, her doesn't like me very much," the troll said, looking at Kelnozz.

"Yes, Rocktooth, I am," Kelnozz said. "You are the descendent of Grabbil, the first troll to ever befriend elves, dwarves, and men. More so, he befriended Nordan, my friend."

The troll slapped his gauntleted hand against his mail covered chest reverently at the mention of his God. When the loud clang had finished echoing Kelnozz continued. "I ask you to honor that friendship and put up with her. Learn from her, if you can, and if she should fall take up her quest."

Rocktooth reached out and grabbed the backpack that came sailing through the air at him, even though at the last minute it seemed to shift to the side in mid air. He slid it over his shoulders and stretched his arms, straining the seams of the pack even though it had already been tailored to fit him.

"Okies, me do dat den," Rocktooth said, shrugging. He picked up the large battle axe that would have taken any one of them at least two hands to wield with a single fist and walked towards the well.

"You're going to roast alive in that armor, troll," Yamara said, scowling. She had no use for trolls, they were large, smelly, messy, disgusting, and hard to kill. The hard to kill part she could appreciate having him on her side for, but the rest of his faults outmatched his strengths.

"Before you go there is one thing I would give you to aid your journey. These rings, wear them and when you speak the word of activation you will be magically succored back to the closest point on the world you are in to this one." Kelnozz spoke and made them repeat a word in old elvish until they had it correct.

"Now go and may the Gods grant you speed. I will guard the well in your absence, ensuring nothing escapes it," he finished. In the time since Kalista had disappeared and Bobo had been saved his arm had recovered most of its color and strength, though it was still visibly weaker then his right one was.

"Take my hand and empty your mind," Yamara told the troll coming with her. In a quiet whisper she added, "if there is anything in it to empty."

Rocktooth glanced at Kelnozz, a worried expression on his green skinned face. Kelnozz just shook his head and smiled sadly. He hoped Yamara could overcome her prejudice, the trolls of Rocktooth's clan had proven resourceful and useful in the past, he was certain they could do so again.

Rocktooth took Yamara's hand and after she stared at him for a long moment he realized she was waiting on him. He grinned, his sharp teeth looking dangerous in spite of the silly gesture, and nodded to indicate he was ready. Yamara scowled and pulled him forward with a strength that surprised him. With her leading the way they dropped into the well.

There were explosions of color and blackness, separately and together. It distorted their vision and made their mind swim with the chaos of it all. Then there was light, nothing but brilliant light. The air exploded from their chests as they hit the ground. They scrambled to their feet, disoriented and off balance.

"Damn, itz hot!" Were the first words out of Rocktooth's mouth. Yamara smiled thinly. She had expected the heat, but even so it still came as a shock to her system.

He glanced up and did a double take. Not just one, but two suns were heating them, though one was much smaller then the other. He was suddenly wondering if Yamara had been right about his armor. He shrugged and decided to deal with it, such was the way of his people.

"Be silent, save your energy for walking, and as hot as it is now it will be just as cold tonight," Yamara snapped, already studying the terrain. She closed her eyes and sent out her senses. Somehow she could still see, though everything was very dark and her range was limited to thirty feet or so. As she turned she found what she was looking for, a glimmer of light in the distance, calling to her.

"The blade is this way," she said, pointing and opening her eyes. In the distance mountains rose high above the barren wasteland surrounding them and ahead of them. She turned and grinned wickedly. "Welcome to Acathia."

Continued in Chapter 13

The Broken Sword - Chapter 12by Phineas

Previous Story:The Broken Sword - Chapter 11

Next Story:The Broken Sword - Chapter 13

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