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The Broken Sword - Chapter 21

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 21

The night passed seemingly without incident. In the morning, however, one of the sailors was missing. After several minutes scouring the perimeter Vanya found signs of her passage, and a brief foray into the jungle revealed her fate. A trail of blood led away from the trampled foliage and dark stains where she had been attacked. The tracks left behind by the sailor's attackers she did not recognize, save to note that they were not human. The only other part that remained was a ripped piece of her tunic, colored the royal red of the Elven Navy.

The survivors of the shipwreck were gathered together on the beach awaiting a decision from Kelnozz, who chewed the news of the murder over thoughtfully. His first instinct was to rush into the jungle to investigate, but he dared not lead what remained of his people into such unknown dangers. He feared little for himself, but rather for the others. He was even forced to discard thoughts of leaving them behind while he investigated alone, for his leadership and presence was needed.

The Elven King sighed at the heavy weight of responsibility.

His sigh was short lived, however, for they all felt more than heard a shudder. It was followed by another, as though something heavy had fallen against the ground. They continued, coming more frequently but with seemingly no pattern to them. Shortly they noticed the sand shifting with each reverberating boom as well.

"They are getting closer," Vanya said, on one knee with her hand on the ground.

Yamara shot her a brief scowl, but held her comment to herself. It went unnoticed by the ranger, who instead continued. "There are multiple creatures... more than two certainly."

"What are they?" Kelnozz asked her over his shoulder as he made gestures to the sailors to arrange themselves defensively.

"I don't know," Vanya admitted, rising to her feet and reaching for her bow. "But they're big."

From the distance came the sound of a wood cracking and breaking, accentuating her point. The sailors kept their position stoically, although more than a few glanced anxiously to one another.

A roar from behind caught them off guard. Turning to look they saw a creature emerging from the woods and on to the beach. It stood twelve feet tall at the head, and the head was mighty in and of itself. Bipedal, it possessed a mottled brownish green leathery hide and small arms that looked to serve little real purpose, at least compared to the rest of the body of the beast. It's head was reptilian in design, with a mouth easily large enough to swallow a dwarf or halfling whole.. Whatever it was, it charged up the sand towards them, though it was a long bowshot distant.

"Hold your ground, it's a trap," Kelnozz warned them, turning so that he could keep an eye on the rapidly approaching monster while still being aware of the forest on the other side where the other noises had come from.

"Trap or not, that's no simple foe," Yamara said under her breath. Kelnozz only nodded, but drew his blades in spite of it.

Vanya loosed her fist arrow, striking the creature in its open mouth. It snapped its mouth shut angrily, shattering her arrow and roaring in defiance at her. More arrows followed, deliberately stinging the soft tissue it continued to expose. When it finally lowered its head and closed its mouth, now only a few score yards distant, she took more careful aim and fired again, striking the brow above its left eye first, then impaling the right eye with the next arrow. Blinded and in agony, the creature lost its balance and crashed into the sand, digging a great trench with its bulk and speed. The ground shuddered anew as it fell and writhed upon the ground, trying to use its short arms to claw at the arrow stuck in its face.

"A fine shot, the best I've seen since I journeyed with Martin Twoblade himself," Kelnozz said, complimenting Vanya.

The archer straightened and beamed, but then yelped in surprise when a bolt of lightning struck the ground between her and Kelnozz. A glance to the sky showed only an occasional cloud above them, and none dark and foreboding enough to warrant such a storm.

Kelnozz glanced to the sky as well. "Stop that!" He snapped at the air above them. "I didn't say she was better then you!"

No further divine retorts followed, but instead the air was filled with the sound of fresh foliage being torn asunder as yet another of the behemoths burst free from the forest, this time only 30 yards from them. This one was easily fifteen feet tall, with jaws, legs, and a tail to match the increased height. A matching roar joined as another emerged up the beech a ways further, with the third easily being the largest of the enormous creatures at a staggering twenty feet tall.

"The trap is sprung," Yamara said, admiring the simple cunning of the monsters.

Had they been simple prey, they would have fled from the first of the creatures. Fleeing would have brought them into the area of the second thundering lizard. For any that survived that encounter the third, which seemed to be the pack leader, would have been waiting. Even holding their ground instead of scattering might not have done them any good, she grimly thought.

Ere Vanya could turn her bow on the new threat it was crashing through the first ranks of the defenders, kicking elves aside with its massive legs and even swatting one sailor with its tail. Another thrust a crudely fashioned spear made while collecting firewood at it, but the beast snapped the spear in half with its mouth, taking both of the elf's arms with it.

A pistol fired, one of the few salvaged from the ship, sending its bullet into the shoulder of the beast. It showed no sign of noticing the injury, but it did turn to look at the source of the thundering sound his makeshift arm had made.

Swords and clubs scratched and bounced against the hide of the monster, some digging in a little, but none causing serious injury or concern for the beast. Instead it moved towards the sailor wielding the pistol, intent upon the elf that was drawing his sword and cursing like the sailors he was amongst.

Regnar crashed into the back of the enormous reptile then, having taken to the air enough to get the drop on it. His draconian claws and teeth found better purchase in the thick leathery hide than the elves makeshift weapons did, but with a forceful shake the beast was able to throw the dragon off to the side, where he only barely managed to avoid crushing a stunned sailor.

Vanya held her arrows, knowing she had little chance of piercing its thick hide and wanting to preserve what little ammunition she had remaining. She watched as the beast turned, its interest in the elves now shifting to that of Regnar, the only real threat it had encountered thus far. It made the mistake of ignoring the rest of them, aside from using its tail to send three more sailors to the sand as it turned.

Kelnozz sprung into the fray surrounding it, lashing out with one blade to cut a bloody gash along its thigh. It roared in pain and surprise, and turned to face the new threat. Regnar was forgotten as a target, and the young dragon used his reprieve to regain his feet and his senses.

Kelnozz dodged forward, stepping inside the snapping maw that narrowly missed him, and plunged Llarothimaril into the belly of the creature. It howled anew and tried to step on him, but the agile elven King danced away, cutting a backhanded slice into the knee with Cirithallion.

Regnar returned then, clamping onto the back and neck of the powerful beast and doing his best to claw and tear into the creature. About its head the air shimmered, distorted its vision. Its roar turned from rage to pain and confusion. Rallied, the other elves pressed in hopefully. Where once they had fought out of stubbornness, pride, and loyalty they now fought with renewed hope that their King would see them through the day.

The pack leader joined the fray, scattering elves and snatching one up whole in its mouth. The sailor's scream was short lived as the lethal teeth crunched down twice and it swallowed the gruesome snack.

With the elves no longer pressing it, the wounded creature fled as quickly as the dragon on its back and its wounded legs would allow it to. It ended up falling to the ground, Regnar agilely springing away to avoid being crushed under its weight, and then tried valiantly to fight off the dragon as it returned to worry its neck with his claws and teeth. The short arms of the creature provided little defense against the sharp claws of the dragon, however.

The largest adversary yet, the pack leader surveyed the scampering elves, eyes coming to rest only on the one that stood steady in front of it. Kelnozz raised his swords to get its attention and then ran towards it. The beast roared at him defiantly, then turned and tried to slam the elf aside with its tail in a move that surprised them all.

Kelnozz dove under the tail, rolling as he hit the sand, and came up spitting the white powder from his mouth. One blade lashed out as well, hacking into the ankle of the jungle demon. It roared in anger and whirled on him, spinning so fast that the partially severed tendons tore the rest of the way and it tripped itself.

Kelnozz had already been rolling away from it, but one of the creature's arms still managed to glance off his back as he was lurching to his feet. He was sent sprawling into the sand anew, but rose quickly in spite of having the wind knocked from him.

The beast thrashed and writhed on the ground, regaining its feet at the same time that Kelnozz did. It was hobbled though and it knew it, so it moved slowly and lowered itself as it turned to face him directly.

Kelnozz looked for an opening and tried moving sideways to see how mobile his opponent remained. It shifted to meet his approach, letting him know it had sized him up and any advantages in speed and agility had been neutralized.

Yamara had been studying it too. She had tried the same trick on the pack leader that she had used to blur the vision of the other creature, but its head was too large for her to encompass. Instead she studied it and glanced around, searching for an idea. Seeing Vanya with her bow bent and an arrow in place, waiting for an opportunity, an idea came to her.

"Jump when the time is right!" She called out to Kelnozz, then turned to Vanya and nodded.

Elvanshalee's daughter saw her out of the corner of her eye. Rather than losing her timing by replying, she calmly released her arrow. It flew true, streaking towards the face of the giant reptile. Sensing movement, it managed to jerk its head just enough to let the arrow strike in front of its eye against the tough and the bone just beneath it. The arrow stuck, interfering with its vision, but the shaft shattered from the force of the impact.

Regnar, dripping blood from both his claws and from some rents in his hide, streaked by overhead. The lizard turned and roared, crouching down further and preparing to spring into the sky to snatch Regnar from it. Kelnozz took two steps and leapt, his legs driving him upwards into a leap that even he knew was impossible for him to achieve unaided. For a moment he felt as though he was flying, and he remembered fondly some foolhardy stunts he and Nordan had attempted while battling dragons.

The flashback did not interfere with his purpose, however. He drove both swords deep into the neck of the reptile, then lifted his legs up to wrap around its neck so he could twist and saw with them. The reptile roared and spun, sending him flying from it instead. One sword, Llarothimaril, was still clutched in his hand. Cirithallion remained imbedded in the throat of the giant lizard, which clawed at it with one hand as though it were a burning splinter stuck into its hide. All thought of offense was forgotten as it strove to rid itself of the fiery agony piercing its throat.

It took three steps towards the forest before its wounded foot failed it and it crashed to the ground with force enough to tremble the legs of those standing nearby.

Kelnozz rose to his feet, albeit slightly unsteady, and approached the beast. Already it lay still, whereas even the first of the enormous lizards that had set upon them was still thrashing about. The others approached it as well, moving cautiously lest it rise suddenly. Yamara alone moved in close to it and reached for the King's sword.

She gasped in surprise when Kelnozz's hand landed on her shoulder and halted her, his grip as uncompromising as steel. "Careful," Kelnozz warned.

"It is dead," Yamara said, mistaking Kelnozz's concern.

Kelnozz nodded. "Aye, I do not doubt you. I meant 'ware the sword."

Yamara glanced down at Cirithallion and back to the King. She nodded and stepped aside. She had been told the stories; she knew of Cirithallion's history, and had even been present for some of it. She knew well enough Kelnozz's relationship with the weapon.

Kelnozz pulled the blade free, feeling no different once he had it in his possession again but at least feeling certain that no one else possessed it. It had long ago lost the evil presence that inhabited it and made it what it was, but still he sometimes wondered. If nothing else, he kept control of it to insure that no one else would ever be tempted by it. Even having lost the evil soul of Ancaruin, still there were those that would use it for evil, for it remained one of the most powerful weapons the world had ever seen since the Kinslaying Wars.

"How do we fare?" Kelnozz asked after he had finished dispatching the other two lizards.

Regnar has some wounds, but he will be okay," Vanya offered, having already inspected the dragon.

"We lost three more, and I fear a fourth will be gone shortly," one of the sailors offered.

"And you?" Kelnozz said, turning to Yamara.

She shrugged, "nothing a vacation wouldn't cure," she said.

Kelnozz smiled at her dry humor and turned to the soldier. "Make the wounded comfortable as best we can... and if there's naught to be done for them, give them the choice."

The elf nodded and turned to do his duties.

Kelnozz turned suddenly, remembering something. He moved across the sand, staring at it carefully, until he found the spot he was searching for. He knelt down and dug his figures into the fine white powder, digging until they bumped into what he sought. Satisfied he grabbed onto it and pulled carefully.

"What is that?" Vanya asked, amazed at the clear crystalline object he held in his hands. It was oddly shaped, with some jagged edges upon it, but mostly cylindrical.

"When lightning strikes sand it fuses it to glass," Kelnozz explained. "This bolt of lightning was tossed by a God, it might come in handy."

The Elf King turned to study her a moment before he handed it to her. "When we return to Thoragloorin, speak with my spellweavers, they will no doubt be anxious to relearn the ancient arts of artificing. Only they can turn this into something of great use to you."

"Let's burn the fallen... and be quick about it," Yamara suggested out of nowhere, interrupting any response Vanya may have had.

"Why?" Kelnozz asked, surprised at her suggestion.

Yamara glanced around, then decided she did not want to alarm the keen eared elven sailors. "We had one carried off in the night under our noses, I think it the most respectful we can be."

Kelnozz nodded, sensing something more in the human's intentions. He turned and called out orders to gather up wood from the forest's edge, then went to assist in the task as well.

The funeral pyre was lit for the dead and not a moment too soon, from the relief on Yamara's face.

"We must move inland tomorrow, I think," Kelnozz said softly, wondering idly if he had just seen one of the corpses twitch in the flames.

Yamara nodded, though clearly her thoughts were elsewhere.

"There is little foraging here, and we need water and shade as well," Kelnozz continued, trying to make some conversation.

"Unknown peril in the forest," Yamara offered somewhat flatly.

It was Kelnozz's turn to nod. "Aye, walk with me."

Yamara stared at the burning pyre a long moment then turned and fell in beside the dark elf as he walked away from the crowd of elves along the beach. "What is it?" She asked, knowing that Kelnozz had questions for her.

"If we stay on the beach, my people will begin to doubt. I must always act as though I have a course laid before us. They expect me to lead, I must not disappoint," Kelnozz explained.

Yamara opened her mouth then shut it. She nodded in understanding. "I see," she said softly. "Even if it gets them killed?"

Kelnozz glanced at her, but saw that she did not mean her question to be accusatory. He nodded. "Yes, even if. It's better to die thinking you do so for a cause worth it then to do so in folly."

"Is this folly then, our quest?"

Kelnozz chuckled. "I've lost count of the times in my life I've asked myself that same question," he admitted. "But in truth, never once has it been a fool's errand. Either a past journey nor our present one. You, me, or any of them may not see the right of it yet, but in the end it will be clear."

"If it is folly, why did you choose to join it?" Kelnozz said, asking her a question in turn.

Yamara looked a little surprised at the question. A smirk finally came to her face as she answered him, "I have a history of making bad decisions."

Kelnozz could not help but chuckle. Rather than pursue the topic, he chose to broach the one he had pulled her aside for. "Why did we burn the bodies?"

"Between what I've seen and what your wife and son have been saying, the dead don't seem to want to stay dead much these days," Yamara reminded him.

Kelnozz nodded, he had suspected as much but wondered if she knew something he did not.

"And in a strange new land, we've already discovered some exciting new life," she added, pointing out the additional mystery they faced.

"Exciting?" He asked her, not sure he approved of her choice of words.

"It certainly got my heart pumping."

Kelnozz raised an elven eyebrow and glanced at the forest as if trying to pierce the foliage with his gaze to discover the secrets contained within. "Very well, let's head back lest we find more excitement then we can handle."

Yamara smiled and said, "I told you, Your Highness... elves aren't my type."

Kelnozz shook his head and walked off, heading back towards the survivors. Yamara followed, a self-satisfied smile on her face.

Back at the camp Vanya approached the Elf King, her eyes never settling on him for more than a brief moment. "Um, My Lord?"

Kelnozz chuckled softly. "There's no court here, Vanya, speak plainly. We are all companions here."

She blushed and raised her eyes to his, but then had to look away again. Kelnozz was glad for she had not seen the surprise in his own face. Her eyes had sparkled, looking entirely too alien to belong to an elf.

"You said that you had some news to share with Regnar and I?"

Kelnozz nodded. "Aye, so I did-"

Kelnozz glanced away, something bothering him briefly. He looked back and saw that Vanya, too, was looking about suspiciously. The sun was beginning to set in the west, showing a fiery sunset that buoyed the heart with its beauty.

"I think it will have to wait," he added, seeing Yamara making her way over to them purposefully.

Vanya nodded, her anxiety having dropped from her manner and in its place the sureness and calm that came over her when trouble was afoot.

"We have visitors," Yamara said softly when she reached them.

"More of whatever it was that butchered one of my people?" Kelnozz wondered aloud. He knew it would not be one of the giant lizards that had already attacked them, for they did not hear nor feel the approach of something so large.

Yamara and Vanya shrugged. Word was spreading through the other elves and they began to ready themselves for yet another confrontation.

Something stepped out of the jungle, first it was alone, then another emerged nearby. In moments a dozen stood at the forest's edge, silently watching the elves. They stood taller than a man by nearly a foot, and were covered in ape-like hair. They wore rudimentary clothing, hides worn for protection more than modesty, and wielded weaponry that was likewise crude in make.

Kelnozz moved quickly to stand in front of the assembled elves, making it clear that he was to be their representative. Another ape-man emerged from the forest, this one half a head taller then the rest, and also possessing a necklace strung with the fur covered ears of whatever particular race of creature had apparently fallen before it.

It stood in front of its fellows and thumped its chest with one hand, then grunted. Kelnozz held out his arms, palms open indicating he was concealing no weapon.. He made no noise or sudden movement, however, certain there would be a barrier to communication.

The simian stepped closer and thumped his chest again, then pointed at Kelnozz and shared a few additional grunts and chirps that it clearly used as a language. Kelnozz remained at a loss, and held up his hands to indicate as much.

"I do not understand you, much as I am certain you will not understand me," Kelnozz said, at a loss for how to proceed.

Contrary to Kelnozz's suspicions, the ape man seemed excited to hear him talk. He made many more grunts and turned to his fellows, gesticulating wildly and calling out to them as well. Some responded and four of them even melted back into the forest. The ape man leader turned back to Kelnozz and gestured at him, a universal motion that none could deny meant that he wanted Kelnozz and the others to follow him.

Kelnozz's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but then he shrugged and turned back to the others. "Gather up what we have, and bring the wounded as well, perhaps we can get some help for them."

"You're just going to let them lead us to wherever they want?" Yamara asked, her voice sharp but very quiet.

Kelnozz nodded, then turned so that the others saw the finality of his decision and began working.

It took the remaining elves, two of them men and four women, very little time to ready themselves. The wounded female needed to be assisted in order to walk, and with each passing step she seemed that much closer to passing out and never waking. Nevertheless, they moved inland and followed the apish humanoids, everyone keeping an eye on them as they glided through the forest around them. They blended with the forest easily, making it obvious to them all that they were natives of the land and were accustomed to the dangers it represented.

The sun set and the moon rose, casting the travelers into darkness beneath the thick canopy of tropical jungle. The elves moved easily still, their night vision more than making up for the lack of daylight. Yamara alone had some trouble, but she managed well enough reaching out around her with her senses to feel the terrain as it passed them by, even though she had trouble seeing it at times.

A few hours later, perhaps half an hour after the wounded woman had lapsed into unconsciousness, the apes led them up a trail and through a ravine to a series of caves and depressions along the side of a set of hills. Behind the hills rose great and majestic mountains, mountains that they had seen from the Folly of the Seas and had used as a landmark.

More of the ape-men appeared, escorting them along. Some also moved quickly ahead, bringing news to where their destination was. It was in a great hollow formed in the side of a hill that they were brought to rest. Carved gourds were already placed, filled with sweetened water and elsewhere nuts, berries, and even some roasted meats lay in wait. Nobody moved towards them until Kelnozz surveyed the scene and gave the okay. At that point, the elves fell to the refreshments and devoured them, with only Kelnozz and Regnar abstaining.

"You turn up in the strangest places."

Kelnozz spun at the sound of the gruff voice, recognizing it at once. A grin spread slowly across his face.

"Yet I'm seldom the first to find them," Kelnozz said, striding over to the massive man and taking his offered hand.

Garrick laughed deeply and clapped the elf on the shoulder, staggering him. "It is good you are here, we have much to discuss."

"Aye," Kelnozz agreed.

The others by then had turned and watched the meeting with open fascination. Garrick looked at them and smiled, his open expression even drawing a bit of warmth from Yamara. When Garrick saw Vanya and Regnar his look changed to one of surprise. He chuckled a bit and muttered to Kelnozz, "Wait till Loo see them."

"That's why I brought them, Elvanshalee is no more and they've no idea what is to become of them."

Garrick grunted, his smile sobered by the news. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Well enough, we have many dark things to discuss... things best discussed in private."

Kelnozz nodded and turned to the others, letting them know they were to be on their own amongst the ape-men until he and Garrick returned from counsel. Yamara tried to approach but he just shook his head, letting her know that, special though she may be, a line yet remained she was not to cross. She nodded, her expression guarded, and let them ascend a trail up the hill and out of their sight.

Continued in Chapter 22

The Broken Sword - Chapter 21by Phineas

Previous Story:The Broken Sword - Chapter 20

Next Story:The Broken Sword - Chapter 22

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