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The Broken Sword - Chapter 5

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 5

In ages past the light elves had defeated the dark elves and forced them to exile far from the shores of Belurian. To deny the forsaken elves, later to become light elves, any of Thoragloorin's treasures the five most powerful wizards of the dark elven nation gave their lives fashioning the shield that would deny exit to anyone from within the city. Likewise no elf would be able to enter the city from without.

But the seal could be broken. The council of elders that ran the Academy of Magic kept the secret. And they were subject to the whims of their king. The secret to the seal was a jeweled crown atop a mystical fountain in the great courtyard of the palace. The crown needed to be destroyed, but such was it's magic that it could only be unwrought in the greatest of flames within Thoragloorin. What could create those flames was unknown to the elders, as it had never been passed on to them. And of course the crown was protected as well, though by what was a secret the wizards took to the grave with them.

All of that information was passed on to Gregory and Nathaniel ere they met the prince. Their meeting with the prince was even more informal as their meeting with Kelnozz and Alesha had been. It was set in another tavern, this one heavily populated by off duty guards. Just how "off duty" they were was highly suspect, in Gregory's and Nathanial's minds.

A lone man sat at a table, drinking a mug of ale with his left hand. His right hand was unseen, hidden below the table. The two companions sized him up as they approached, knowing who he was without needing to be told. White skinned he nevertheless possessed the fair and delicate features of the elves without being quite as tall and scrawny in appearance. His thick black hair also set him apart from the elven race, though the sparkling intensity of his brown eyes would never be mistaken for a humans.

"I am Gregory, My Lord, the enchanter. My companion is Nathanial a monk of Alto," Gregory said when they both stood across the table from him.

Bobo looked up at them and nodded, hiding his distaste from his face. "Be seated then, and let us discuss the way of things to be."

The two companions glanced at each other and sat down, signaling the barmaid for ales. Bobo looked them over as they did so and nodded. "You'll do. Of course with my father and mother having already spoken with you I am sure they already knew that. But tell me, what would make two free men readily sign on for such an adventure?"

"Alto works in mysterious ways, My Lord," Gregory said. "He has given me many visions in my life, showing me the things I must strive for and accomplish. While this is not one of them, it is along the same line of seeking to do a good thing."

Bobo chuckled. "Yes, well, if it is a good thing, as you say, then it is good to have the Gods with us I suppose. I find it never hurts to have some divine favor on your side." His strange smile left both companions mystified as to the hidden joke, but they chose to press on rather then dwell on it.

"On top of that I must confess a strong desire to witness and study the magics of Thor... the place we go to. Your father has offered us whatever treasure we find within that we may keep." Gregory stumbled over the name of the ancient elven homeland, remembering only just in time that the nature of their mission was to remain a secret.

The Prince smirked. "Say what you will here, these are all men loyal to the King and pretending so very hard to pay no interest in what goes on at our table that clearly every word said is being memorized by a score of ears."

"And you, Prince? Why do you wish to do this? From the look on the King's face he would rather not have you facing such perils." Nathanial asked boldly, making Gregory glance to him wide eyed at his audacity.

Bobo blinked in surprise at the question. He was unused to being challenged, yet this priest had just done so. He smiled and nodded, "I think I'm going to get along with you two quite well. I do it to get out and to live. Always I am surrounded by bodyguards and those who would protect me from experiencing life. My father means well but only my mother truly understands me, I suspect."

Nathanial nodded and leaned forward, extending his right hand in an offer of friendship. Bobo smirked again and raised his own right arm above the top of the table and let it land on the table. His arm ended in a stump perhaps four inches below his elbow. Nathanial's face paled then flooded red in embarrassment.

Bobo chuckled and extended his left hand, "Perhaps this one instead?" He asked good naturedly. Nathanial laughed away his awkwardness and met him, each gripping the other's forearm.

"Doesn't that make wielding a sword difficult?" Gregory asked. "I suppose you must be left handed because of it, but still, you fight backwards against most of your opponents, don't you?"

Bobo nodded, still smiling. "Puts them off balance. I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well. You will see them soon enough. Meet me at the docks in four days, look for the Dolphinchaser. She's the finest ship in the Elven Navy and I'll have words with any man who says otherwise."

Gregory and Nathanial both nodded, standing up and bidding him a good day. They left the tavern scant moments before the barmaid approached the table with two jacks of ale in her hands. She looked around then looked at Bobo, who shrugged indifferently. "Will your friends be returning, Your Highness?" She asked.

Bobo looked at her for a minute before responding. "Friends? Well, perhaps they might just be. Time will tell."

The barmaid looked at him strangely, wondering what he was talking about. She was about to ask again when he seemed to come to his senses. "My apologies, Katarin, I was lost in thought. No, they will not be returning to this table tonight. Leave the ale though, I find myself thirsty."

Katarin smiled and put the two jacks in front of him, taking his empty one from him and disappearing back into the kitchen. Bobo raised the first tankard to his lips and pondered again that which was in store for him, as well as the two humans his parents had found to accompany him. It looked to be an adventure, and a damned sight more exciting then hunting pirates! Or whatever the buccaneers the Freewater Society secretly employed to harass shipping in ports not sanctioned by them called themselves.

Continued in Chapter 6

The Broken Sword - Chapter 5by Phineas

Previous Story:The Broken Sword - Chapter 4

Next Story:The Broken Sword - Chapter 6

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