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The Castle and the Spear

A tracker from a simple tribe seeks vengeance.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FF, FM, Non-Consensual, Magic

A tracker from a simple tribe seeks vengeance.

© 2015 Elise Olisbos. The author has given permission for this story to be posted on Naked Blades. Find more stories from this author in the Naked Blades Archive, or at their HF site You can contact the author at eliseolisbos[e] or post comments to the story at the bottom of the page, or contact Elise in the Tavern of the Broken Axe.

The Castle and the Spear

After five days of searching, the two trackers found the lair of the creature they sought. They lay at the very edge of a rugged promontory on which had once been an imposing castle said to be built by the powers of the Witch-Sovereign out of the North, one who was called Iyenmenisi. Now, centuries had wrought the structure into pathetic, crumbling rings of stone, topped with a dusting of fine snow. Some ancient carvings were still visible, their intricate spiral shapes almost rubbed into smoothness by time.

Below the promontory was a narrow and grassy valley, and the land climbed steeply on the other side to become the harsh grey face of a cliff; a few gaunt trees clung stubbornly to the rocks with their roots. At the base of this cliff, a scattering of dark caves yawned, like hungry mouths to the cold air.

Amil glanced over at his travelling companion, Bahiya. She lay beside him dressed in clothing traditionally reserved for trackers of their clan: the long fur-lined jacket, the close-fitting trousers; tall and sturdy boots, and the multicoloured sash around the waist which had protective family spells woven into the thick material. Some of her long hair had escaped from the plaits hidden within the hood of her jacket, and the black strands whipped gently back and forth in the chilly breeze. Her close-set, hooded eyes, set in a long, narrow face, were fixed firmly ahead as she gazed at the largest cave.

"I can smell her," she murmured and her nostrils flared slightly. Amil thought that everything about her was sharp: the high angles of her cheeks, the pointed tip of her nose, even the crispness of her words. "She's down there."

"Let's go back to the camp, then," Amil said and she turned to him with her thin lips pulled into a sneer. Her skin, usually tawny like the clay pots they used back in the village, now seemed so ashen and drawn.

"Go back? Why?" Her gaze narrowed as she considered the collection of arrows strapped to his back. She glanced back to the dismayed expression on his light-brown, angular face. Amil was a tall, broad-shouldered young man, towering heads over most other persons in their village. However, his gentle, retreating nature made him seem much smaller than he actually was.

"It might be dangerous," Amil said in a bare whisper, and Bahiya huffed in annoyance.

"Of course it's dangerous, you cowardly shit," she hissed at him. "That bitch lived among us, and it took Muni from me. If you want the others to be here, then you go back half a day for them."

Amil felt his chest constrict in dismay as Bahiya got up with very little noise and hurried, hunched over, to where steps had been cut into the side of the promontory, winding down towards the valley. He hesitated; it was their tradition to hunt in pairs, and for one person to leave another was considered shameful, at worst, but understandably necessary at times. However, he was sure if he went back to the tracker's camp without her, he would have to face the terse scorn of the others for leaving Muni's wife to face the creature by herself.

He arose, and followed.

Nearly three years ago, a little after Bahiya and Muni pledged their lives together, the villagers found the woman in the forest. They had bravely ventured out in search of a particular flower which had great healing ability, in order to help their ailing chieftain. Those who had found her said that she had been lying unconscious right on top of a small, snow-covered hillock of those flowers, her long hair strewn with the pale white petals. They lifted her and carried her back with them.

Muni and Bahiya had watched as the small crowd had trooped past their home, which was just inside the low stone wall which marked the outermost boundaries of the village. Bahiya had been curious, for the woman was very beautiful, with very light brown eyes and finely made features, and her heavy clothing was of a strange design. She was carried to the chieftain, Amouf, delivered to him with the medicinal flowers. When the woman revived, she could not tell them her own name, or even where she came from. She did not remember anything about herself.

"Then you shall be named Siyar," Amouf claimed, for that was the name of the little white flower which returned him to full health. They married some time later, and Siyar was praised for her skills at weaving and healing. Nearly all in the village loved her...except Muni.

"But why do you dislike her so?" Bahiya asked him once, draping herself over his back near their fire one night, as he carved protective symbols into the handle of his spear and spoke words of power over it. Among their people, Muni was said to have a special sight, simply because he could find things which had been thought lost, or the hidden paths of the forest revealed themselves to him obediently. The older folks in the village said that a person like Muni had already lived many lives, and kept returning for an important reason. Bahiya laughed at their fables; if they only knew how silly her husband could be, they would not say such ridiculous things.

"She night," was all Muni had said, his hair falling loosely around his face as he bent over his work. His speech was so uncharacteristically terse, that Bahiya sought to distract him by slipping her hand into his trousers and stroking his cock until it stood stiff against her palm. She kissed his warm neck and slid her hand up and down his hot shaft, murmuring lovingly against his skin. He had closed his eyes, enjoying her touch for a few moments. With quick movements, he abandoned his work to wrestle her, laughing, onto her hands and knees. He pulled down the layers of her warm clothing, chuckling as she eagerly wriggled her bottom at him. Her cunt was already wet for him, and he thrust into her with lustful abandon, pulling out nearly all the way and ramming in again.

"Yes, more," she begged as he ground his hips into the curve of her buttocks, gripping her hips tightly, but only for a few moments. He slid his hands up her waist and grasped her by the shoulders as his rod filled her over and over again. "MM! MMM! YES!" She cried, and Muni grunted behind her as he pounded wildly. His dick pulsed and seemed to swell even more, and his seed spilled into her convulsing body.

She had fallen asleep soon after that enjoyable fuck. In the quiet hours of the early morn, just before the sun fought against the reluctant night to show its face, she had peered from where she had been safely snugged into the furs. Muni was back near the fire, muttering to himself as he continued the carving on his spear.

The largest cave was warm, Bahiya found. Warm enough for her to pull back the hood of her jacket, and pull the first loop to reveal the soft undershirt beneath. Around a corner ahead, yellow light bathed the curving walls of the cavern. She gripped the short spear which had belonged to Muni and glanced over to where Amil crept by her side, an arrow with a bone head already notched into the great curve of his bow. A faint aroma permeated the air, probably too faint for Amil to pick up on; but Bahiya, who had the keenest sense of smell, knew what it was. It was the metallic scent of blood.

They paused just at that corner, Bahiya holding out one gloved palm as a sign to 'hold'. Amil nodded, and drew back his arm a little more, ready to let the arrow fly. She clenched her fist and they rushed onwards with light steps. As they rounded the rocky bend in the cave, they spotted a figure seated on a pile of many skins, seemingly covered in silvery fur itself. Pointed ears with black tufts atop the head twitched as they rushed in. A huge fire set in the corner flared up with leaping tongues of flame.Bahiya raised her arm to throw, aiming her spear for the large amber eyes with the black, vertical pupils. Amil let fly the arrow, but it seemed to swerve away from its path and clattered helplessly into the smooth wall of the cave.

The fire roared once more and then retreated into a low burn. The amber gaze of the creature slid towards Amil, and all his strength seemed to leave his body. He staggered back against the wall and slid down it, gaze distant. Bahiya cursed and flung her spear, a grimace of triumph on her face as it sped true toward the furry face of the murderous beast.

The flames leapt yet again; waves of heat washed across Bahiya's vision, and she let out a strangled cry. How could she have made such a mistake? This was not the strange being who had worn the shape of the chief's beautiful wife... this was Muni, her beloved husband.

She moaned his name just as the spear sped within a hair's breadth of his face, and she dropped gracelessly to her knees, barely feeling the biting press of small rocks through her trousers as sobs wracked her trembling body.

The last time Bahiya had seen Muni, he had been lying just outside the stone walls of their house; his body a bloody mess, torn open from belly to neck. The snow had been crimson with his blood. His handsome brown face had been so serene, as if he had just fallen asleep right there. He had not been the first; all through that week, there had been attacks on families within the village, until people began had been wild with fear and mistrust.

Bahiya had not allowed anyone to touch his body. She alone wrapped him in the best fur from their house, and dug a very deep grave in the back of their yard; the snow would keep him until she could place him in the warm earth come springtime. She put him in it, and with him all his favourite little trinkets, his best carvings to give as payment for the lantern which lit the paths of the dead to their new home in the faraway lands.

His spear, she kept for herself. She lay in the bed night after night as sleep evaded her, and held it close to her heart. Bahiya did not cry.

"We mourn with you," Siyar had told her one day as Bahiya had trudged past with a blank expression. Her pale-brown eyes had been full of sympathy. "I hope his lantern has led him safely to his final home."

"Thank you," Bahiya had responded almost automatically, but she had stopped for a few moments, just staring at Siyar's back as the other woman had walked away. Muni's spear, strapped to Bahiya's back as she carried it these days, seemed to vibrate very gently.

That same night, thin screams shattered the night. Bahiya had been one of the first to rush out and see one small boy racing in his sleeping clothes away from his house. This was the first time anyone had raised an alarm, the first time someone had seen the murderer....the first time anyone had survived.

"Siyar," the little boy had said through his tears as his neighbours tried to console him. "Siyar," he repeated and was all he could say for many minutes. A few villagers ventured to his house and returned with the news: his entire family had been killed, their bodies torn apart as if by a massive beast.

"Tell us, child," Bahiya had commanded in a perilous tone, staring at the boy fixedly; there was a harsh light in her expression which pulled the whole tale from his fearful mind. It was Siyar, he claimed, Lady Siyar who crept into the house of the boy's family as they dozed fitfully. Only he, wide awake with fear, had seen her move through the sleeping room like a shadow crawling near to the floor, the candle-light illuminating her face as it transformed. The boy had only time to see her teeth grow into sharp points before he flung himself out of the window and rushed away, screaming breathlessly.

Bahiya felt calm descend in the core of her being. The boy burst into fresh tears, most likely wracked with guilt, terror and relief. They searched for Siyar, but she had been nowhere to be found. Their leader Amouf was stunned. He begged them not to harm his wife, that there must have been some mistake, but Bahiya had paid him no heed. She simply joined the group of trackers who gathered to pick up the trail of the creature, and they followed its trail for days, and now...and now--

"Bahiya, beloved," Muni said in his deep, soft voice, tilting his head slightly. He was nude, the thick animal skins slipping off his shoulders and revealing more of his muscular body. His long black hair still had that single braid which showed his marital state, for it had been interwoven with some of Bahiya's hair, just as some of his hair was locked into one of her braids.

She crawled towards him, tears streaming down her cheeks. She had not cried in this way, even when she had found his body and buried it by herself. In the back of her mind, a small frightened voice tried to shout that Muni's eyes had been dark, not amber, but she did not care to listen. She reached out to him, flung her arms around his neck and hauled herself close to kiss him desperately.

Muni's tongue slid deep into her mouth, licking lovingly at her own. His hands worked quickly at the clasps of her clothing, yanking the cloak and undershirt off, revealing the small mounds of her tits, then pulling down her trousers halfway down her hips. She moaned as one of his thick, long fingers slipped into the dampening folds of her pussy, moving roughly in and out. She moved her hips back and forth in eager little jerks, following the shallow thrusts of his fingers and whimpering as his thumb brushed over the hardening nub of her clit.

The flames crackled and danced in the corner, and Bahiya felt the world spin; she was on her back, her boots and trousers gone. Her legs were sprawled over Muni's shoulders and his tongue slid up and down the flared lips of her dripping cunt. She cried out and arched up, her fingers threading lovingly through his hair as her husband grasped the backs of her thighs and pushed back, forcing her legs even further apart and exposing her tightly clenched asshole to his roving mouth.

Bahiya flinched as he laved the furled skin there with his lips. "Muni!" she cried out in helpless lust, her cunny aching to be filled by his thick cock. Muni reared up; his throbbing pole thick and erect, thick dollops of cum oozing out of the slit. He grabbed the shaft and pressed the fat head of it to her slit, sinking into her welcoming heat.

"Ohhh, yes," Bahiya crooned, closing her eyes briefly. When she opened her eyes again, she stared up as her flesh ran cold with terror.

A monstrous caricature of Siyar's beautiful face hovered over her, matted hair hanging like ragged curtains around the bloated face as a long black tongue roved over rows of sharpened teeth. The bright amber eyes glowed and claws raked at Bahiya's flesh as it thrust into her over and over, her buttocks chafing against the furs on which they lay.

"No, no!" she screamed, shoving at the now furry chest of the creature, but it kept ramming into her over and over again, a malicious grin fastened onto those cruel lips. The cock within her pulsed and thick, hot liquid gushed into Bahiya; the creature snarled and snapped in greedy pleasure but did not stop its punishing thrusts. Bahiya tried to twist away, but it grabbed her by the throat, squeezing as more of the thick jizz flooded her already sopping quim.

Amil stirred and tried to move, but he was still caught under the spell of the creature. He managed to turn his head towards the loud sounds of cries and rhythmic grunts, and his eyes widened at the sight: Bahiya, her lean body nude, gleaming with sweat and blood in the firelight, underneath a being which looked like a large furred beast in one blink, and like a human in the next. It growled and slavered, hips snapping back and forth as a fat dick rammed into her.

Weakly, he felt around himself and grasped a small but sharp-edged rock. He thought, Muni, guide my hand, and threw with all the might he could muster. The rock struck the beast right in the back of its head and it howled in aggravation. Pulling out of Bahiya, it stood up, thick jizz slithering off its broad shaft. Slowly, it turned towards him and Amil shook, expecting to see its dreadful teeth bared, amber eyes glaring at him.

"Oh, Amil," Siyar said in a melodious tone, smiling at him as she had never done in the village. Her face, heart-shaped and lovely, seemed to glow by the yellow light of her bright eyes. She ran her hands over the wide curve of her hips and pinched at her brown nipples, perched atop the plump breasts."Can your small minds comprehend me?"

In a moment she was upon, straddling his limp body with her naked one. Her large, soft tits pressed against his chest, and she rocked slowly against his hardening cock.

"I forgot who I was, but I have remembered," Siyar said, her eyes bright and her breath bloody. She licked Amil's cheek and smiled. "I was the Curse from the East, the Ruination of the Southern Plains, and I even defeated the great Iyenmenisi. I have slept for too long, that I awoke and thought I was human." She rubbed her small nose against Amil's. "Isn't that funny?" She reached between them and pulled at the cord of his trousers, coaxing out his prick, fondling it almost lovingly. "Fill me with your human seed! Amouf could not breed me, but I will spawn many from you."

She raised up a bit and then sank down on him, her hot, slick hole inviting his turgid flesh, gripping him tightly. Siyar bounced up and down in his lap, her head thrown back as she rode him with harsh recklessness. She arched back, hands clenched painfully on his shoulders. Her mouth fell open in malignant elation, and all of her teeth were as sharp as his arrows.

Siyar shouted, "Yes! Nggg! YES FILL MEE--"

Her words cut off with a sharply choked gurgle and Amil stared at the bloody length of spear which now erupted from Siyar's mouth. The spiral shapes carved by Muni seemed to glow in grim victory. Violent tremors seized Siyar's body; her yellow eyes rolled in her head and she slipped off him, sprawling on her side. The fire shrank away, as if now afraid to light the cave, but Amil could still see the fur-covered form, curled up on the floor. Its long claws twitched and then fell still as its blood seeped into the stony floor. Amil drew up his legs and pushed up to stand, using the wall behind him for some kind of leverage.

Bahiya stood looking down at it as well, cum dripping down the insides of her thighs. She trembled, her sharp features twisted as she looked down at the still body of the beast.

"Is it dead?" Amil whispered. Bahiya lifted her shoulders in a quick, tight shrug. Her teeth were chattering, now.

"I...think so..." Bahiya trailed off, blinking rapidly. She stared at the spear still thrust into the back of the monstrosity's head, her gaze trailing the winding symbols put there by Muni. "We burn it."

"Burn it," Amil repeated and nodded. He helped her into her clothing, and slowly, they gathered dry branches outside the caves which had fallen from the cliff-dwelling trees. They piled it on the body of the creature, and set ablaze. They left Muni's spear buried in its head. As they crossed the valley, the foul odour of the burning beast seemed to invade the narrow valley. Yet, the snow began to fall, very gently; by the time they climbed back up to the ruins a brisk wind picked up and pushed away the stench.

For a long time, Bahiya sat by one of the old rocks of Iyenmenisi's castle, and traced the convoluted carvings with one finger. Amil sat by her, and did not leave her alone.


The Castle and the Spearby Elise Olisbos

Elise Olisbos

Things I like to write: mostly futanari/dickgirls; fantasy & sci-fi themes as well. I tend to write stuff that has more plot than porn. Please like my work if you enjoyed reading them!
- Hentai Foundry: eliseolisbos
- eliseolisbos
- Literotica: elisebos or eliseolisbos.
- FutanariPalace: eliseolisbos


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