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The Chaos Blade - Chapter 12

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 12

In the true fashion of a low budget action movie, the headquarters of the reformed Church of Bavorish was an armed camp made even more unapproachable by the teeming wildlife of the Florida Everglades. The three unlikely companions had staked it out for two days already, keeping a day and night vigil by rotating shifts. Their approach was made with a wood and canvas canoe to keep noise to a minimum.

Infiltrating the compound they had done with ease, being veterans of numerous missions requiring stealth and secrecy. Now they lay waiting within the inner sanctum of the Church of Bavorish, concealed within the robes of acolytes they had knocked unconscious on their way in. Well, one of them was knocked unconscious. Yamara had broken the neck of the one she had targeted, and Bill had pounded his victim a bit to hard on the skull with the butt of his pistol.

The mob of humanity's worst specimens grew more and more unruly as the opening ceremonies of the unholy mass began. Many times it was only the armed guards that kept some of the more adventurous worshippers from jumping onto one of the stages where minor orgies were going on.

All three of the intruders could feel something in the air slowly building. It tingled and caressed the hair on their skin seductively and made tiny shivers run up and down the backs of their neck. Eric remembered the feeling all too well. It was a hundredfold more powerful then the feelings he had felt when the intruders had stolen Alesha's sword from him. Thinking back, he realized it was nothing compared to the power he had felt around him when he had accompanied Kelnozz and Garrick to defeat Alesha so many years before. That brought a shiver to his back. Every memory of Alesha caused his skin to crawl. The woman scared him in a way nothing else ever could.

Yamara knew the power around her as well. It reminded her of her youth, growing up in Ossulmere with its dark Gods. She bit back the bile in her throat and kept her thoughts free from any of the nightmares that had plagued her youth. She caught herself wondering how Evart would have faced this challenge with her. She reprimanded herself silently and viciously almost immediately. Evart was not with her and thinking of him would only distract her. She could not afford such a weakness. More then weakness. Foolishness.

Bill only knew that there was something powerful and weird going on. He likened it to a Hell's Angel party he had been to once years past, though that had been nothing compared to this. Scary thing about the church was that the people were all wacked out without the benefit of beer or drugs. He whistled so softly he could not be heard and muttered, "There's some bad mojo risin."

The couples and groups scattered about on the various daises drew their sexual activities to an end almost simultaneously. It added to the eerie atmosphere. Bill glanced at the other two, wondering what he had let them get him in to.

Almost as if to answer his question the faithful churchgoers fell to their knees, prostrating themselves dutifully. They began a low chant, the hum and tone of it making Eric, Bill, and Yamara break out in a cold sweat. Their stomachs tightened and clenched nervously.

A man wearing a black cape emerged then, seeming to walk out of the wall. It would have seemed some parlor magicians trick had the atmosphere not been as charged. The worshippers leapt to their feet, cheering raucously. He held up his hands then, bringing them to a thundering silence.

"Brothers and sisters," He said, his voice low and ominous. "Tonight we bring back she who showed us the path to truth!"

Cheering erupted from the crowd, jostling the companions as they stood trying to fit in. The High Priest, Alesha's younger brother Brian, let it go on for a moment before he raised his arms to call down silence upon the shrine. His cloak rose up with his arms and spread, showing him to be naked underneath. It also showed how the atmosphere of the room had affected him, giving him an unnaturally engorged phallus.

"The charlatan Lazarus is not the only one able to return from the dead! He alone can not be saved from eternal damnation!"

More cheering erupted. Bill's his eyes were wide with disbelief and his head bobbed with each throbbing pulse of Brian's heart that caused his huge penis to pulse up and down.

"See something you like?" Eric whispered to him, raising his own hand in a mock cheer to try and keep their cover.

Bill shook his head and favored Eric with a scowl. "Hell no, you prick!" He grunted. "Just amazed is all, that shit ain't right!"

Eric grinned. Bill was right, it was totally unnatural. Brian appeared to be hung like a horse. Yamara glanced briefly at the two of them and rolled her eyes. From one world to another, it seemed, boys would be boys.

"Who would be the sacrifice for this blessed event? Who will go down in history as the one who was responsible for bringing our beloved queen back to us?" Brian shouted, holding his arms out to the crowd in an open embrace.

A young black girl, no more then sixteen, was led up onto the stage. She was dressed in a simple white cotton robe. The woman who held her hand looked enough like her to convince anyone they were related. She was naked and displaying her still young but nubile body with pride as she walked.

"I give you my sister, Brother Brian," the older girl said. The younger girl began to sob quietly then, but held her ground and looked up at the immense penis standing at attention in front of her for a long moment. Then, bravely, she raised her eyes to look at Brian's face. The crowd had gone quiet, watching with rapt attention.

"Y... You'll let Kelly go if I do this, right?" The girl asked, a tremor in her voice.

Brian smiled angelically down to her. "Of course I will, sweetheart. Kelly will go back to your mommy and daddy when this is over and you'll never be worried again."

Eric and Bill felt the wrongness of the situation. It crawled over their skin and made them fight to keep from itching at themselves. Yamara bit down a shudder deep inside of her, it reminded her all to much of her own childhood. She had never been a part of such things, but she had seen others go to a bloody altar and never return.

The girl turned to her sister, who smiled adoringly down at her. She took a deep breath and pulled her cotton robe up and off her shoulders. She wore nothing underneath, displaying her young body to the crowd. Her breasts had only begun to swell, but on their way to joining her sister's heavy breasts with age that she would never reach. Her sparse growth of pubic hair below told of her youth as well.

The girl hopped up on the alter, and laid upon it with her chest rising and falling rapidly. Brian moved to the foot of the altar and Kelly, her older sister, moved to the head of it.

A low vibration had started in the room then. It was so subtle that it took a moment for Eric and Bill to realize it was the noise of everybody in the room humming. Yamara had already noted and ignored it. She itched to take action but knew that moving to quickly would only get them killed. She ground her teeth and cursed silently at the things that were going to take place. The things that had to take place in order for them to accomplish what they had set out to do.

Brian placed the tip of his huge cock against the virgin opening of the girl. She stared straight up into the flickering shadows that concealed the ceiling. Instead of standard electricity the temple used torches for light, which cast the room into a nightmarish mixture of dancing lights and shadows. Kelly reached down and placed her hands on her sisters shoulders, keeping her in place.

With a thrust totally unrelated to anything gentle, Brian pushed his member into the girl. She screamed as he spread her wider then her young body could handle. He thrust into her roughly and rapidly, sawing in and out and coating himself with her blood to aid his raping of her. She cried and thrashed, but her sister held her down, grinning maniacally all the while.

After several minutes she began to relax. Her will to fight had been broken. Even her sobs lessened. She looked down once at the blood that was between her legs, watching for a spirit crushing moment as Brian hammered as much of his equine-sized cock into her over and over again. Then her head fell back and she stared catatonically at the ceiling. What happened to her then no longer mattered, her mind had already died.

Brian looked to Kelly and nodded. She picked up Alesha's sword from a cart behind the altar and handed it to him reverently. He held the sword high in the air, point down, and picked up the pace of his thrusting. In a matter of second it was evident from his spasms and the look upon his face that he was filling the girl's pussy with his cum.

Bill felt something hit the back of his arm then. He turned around, the surprise of the contact breaking the sickening helplessness with which he watched the events unfold. What he saw made his eyes widen in first surprise then outrage. All around them the members of the congregation were masturbating and cumming as well. Raising his arm, he saw a strand of thick cum dripping down his forearm. A woman on his side saw it and grabbed his arm quickly to suck it off of him ravenously.

Eric saw what was happening to Bill and others around him and he was faint with shock. It was unlike anything he had ever imagined. A giant orgy centered around the raping of a helpless girl who had been brought here because of her selfless love for her sister. He wanted to puke. First he wanted to kill every sick son of a bitch in the room - then he wanted to puke. Inside of his cloak his hand tightened on the M-4 he carried. The safety flicked off and he prepared to use it - to hell with their mission.

Yamara's hand rested on his arm then. She looked at him with an empty and cold mask clearly in her features. She shook her head and told him in a dead voice, "Wait, it's almost time."

Brian pulled himself out of the girl, his cock still shooting strands of cum. Kelly climbed upon her sister, and began slurping at the bloody cum that lay between her sister's legs. Brian's arms fell then, bringing the blade down upon both sisters and impaling them together. The final spurts of his cum landed upon Kelly's hair and shoulderblades. Their bodies spasmed around the impaling blade. Kelly actually had an orgasm as she died.

"Now!" Yamara said, rushing forward through the distracted crowd.

Brian raised his hands away from the blade and fell to his knees worshipfully. On top of the altar, with the sword resting in the middle of it, a glowing nimbus of light appeared. It grew rapidly, becoming elliptical in shape. Yamara knew it instantly to be a portal to another world; she had seen far to many of them in her young life already.

Eric opened up then with his M-4, squeezing the trigger and not letting go. He fought the recoil with a two handed grip and was able to rake it back and forth into the crowd, sending bodies crashing to the ground as the bullets knifed through them. Bill opened up a moment later, starting first by firing a burst into the man that had painted his arm with cum, then clearing a wide arc behind them.

Both men clicked empty and hurried to reload. Brian was in shock at the first reports of gunfire, looking about amazed at any who would dare to interrupt his most unholy of ceremonies.

Standing up and glaring at Eric and Bill, he shouted, "Kill them!". Instantly all attention was on them. So much so that Yamara had no trouble getting through the crowd and leaping up onto the stage.

Back to back, Eric and Bill fired as quickly as they could, using burst and single fire to keep the mob of humanity away from them. Too little, it seemed, versus so many people in a close space. They were seconds away from being overrun.

Brian again screamed out. "Nooooo! I will not be denied!"

Everyone's attention shifted to the stage. Yamara stood behind him, her most vicious looking dagger piercing into him from behind to the hilt. He shuddered for a moment as he stood there, then slowly collapsed to his knees.

Momentarily forgotten, Eric grabbed Bill and pulled him toward the altar. They rushed forward, stepping over the bodies before the worshippers could recover and come at them.

Yamara pulled her dagger free and drew her short sword. She swung it across and decapitated the High Priest. His body crashed off the stage and into the front row of stunned worshippers. His head bounced once dully then lay still on the stage. His eyes blinked several times, furiously at first, then piteously as tears began streaming from his eyes. By the time he had passed out and then died, Yamara had leapt onto the altar and stood on the verge of the portal.

Eric watched and cursed. If she left them now they were as good as dead. Already people were coming around and giving chase to them. Then again, if she did not leave them they were not much better off. He did not like their chances. Bill fired the last rounds from his magazine ahead of them to clear a path and they plunged on. Someone grabbed Eric's gun. Rather then fight against them, he let it go, knowing that speed was his only defensive weapon left.

Yamara teetered on the edge of the portal. She could step in and grab the sword on her way and she knew it. She suspected it would close the magical rift and that would be that. Her mission accomplished, no baggage in the form of Eric or Bill to worry about. She lifted her foot and then cursed.

Eric was scrambling onto the stage then, with Bill a heartbeat behind him. Hands clutched at them, tearing their cloaks and showing their body armor beneath, not to mention slowing them down and digging bloody furrows in their skin whenever possible. Then the loud report of a pistol went off. Once first, then several more shots after a brief pause. Eric looked up and saw Yamara aiming, rather poorly he thought, at the people grabbing at him and Bill. He grunted when he felt one of the poorly aimed bullets hit him in the Kevlar plate in the back of his vest as he scrambled over the lip of the stage. Then he turned around to give Bill a hand. They were running again then, only a few feet but with a horde of bloodthirsty zealots on their heels, it felt like a 1000 yards.

"Into the portal!" Yamara snapped at them, fumbling a fresh clip into her pistol and firing it somewhat randomly and wildly into the crowd of bodies that were pushing up onto the stage.

Bill looked at Eric, confused, then let his friend pull him onto the altar and into the glowing light. Yamara waited a second longer, emptying her clip before throwing the gun at the closest pursuer. She stepped into the portal and grabbed the sword at the same time, pulling it out of the dead sisters' bodies.

Continued in Chapter 13

The Chaos Blade - Chapter 12by Phineas

Previous Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 11

Next Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 13

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