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The Chaos Blade - Chapter 13

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 13

The group of orcs moved through the gully noisily with only the full moonlight to guide them. Twenty strong, the band followed their leader unhappily. The knew that nearby was a settlement of humans that had almost no defenses. It was ripe for the taking, and no doubt filled with food and riches, as all human cities were. Nonetheless, the orc leader refused to let them go to it. When one orc had tried, a warrior named Gogruk, the leader had knocked him senseless with his club for several minutes. Now Gogruk nursed his injury and stayed in the rear of the band, thinking dark thoughts and eyeing the leaders back venomously.

A cry of surprise from one of the orcs in the front of the band drew the leaders attention. He rushed forward to see what was happening. The scout had found a human corpse, dead for some time but remarkably preserved. Kashim, the orc leader flipped the human's body over and grunted in surprise at how desiccated the man looked. His grunt died away when he saw the weapon that had slain the man, it lay underneath of the body and shone clearly in the moonlight. Exposed to the elements with only the corpse for protection it nonetheless was untouched by the weather.

Kashim bent over and picked it up, knowing only that he had to possess it. Not even fully straightened, Gogruk was on him. Gogruk beat his hands against Kashim's back and snarled loudly at him. Kashim crashed to the ground under the force of the blow, rolling away as best he could but not dropped the sword. Gogruk followed, trying to kick him.

Gogruk's attack was shortened when he followed to closely and too quickly. The tip of the sword poked into his belly and up into his chest, the handle gripped strongly by Kashim. Gogruk stood there for a moment, swaying back and forth as the telltale signs of drinking stained the sword's blade. Kashim grinned fiercely at the site. In moments Gogruk collapsed to the ground, as dead and bloodless as Kromlin's body was nearby.

Kashim stood then and surveyed his remaining 18 orcs. They were messengers sent from The Lost Lands beyond the Periphery. Their mission was to find word of the very sword that Kashim now held in his hand by reaching the tribe of orcs underneath of Trillindad in the long abandoned dwarven ruins.

The ruins served no purpose anymore save for a haven for thieves, smugglers, monsters, and worse. Multiple levels deep, the dwarves had long since mined the last of the precious metals out of it while Trillindad was still young. Long since abandoned, they filled up with every imaginable creature right under the noses of the largest single city of men. Not merely men lived in Trillindad, but many others as well, Halflings, Dark Elves, and still some Dwarves.

Now that Kashim had the sword though, his sense of urgency changed. He studied his patrol, wondering if any of the others would attack him as well. He welcomed the chance to prove his might, sensing the blade in his hand would be more then willing to feed again. None showed any desire for conflict. Instead they seemed meeker; more willing to follow his lead. Kashim grinned, another idea came to him.

"To Trillindad!" He cried out, turning in the direction they had been heading. Full of energy, Kashim set a hard pace and led them onward to the city. His plan was to meet up with the tribe of orcs under the city, and then to take them over and instill himself as their chieftain!

Continued in Chapter 14

The Chaos Blade - Chapter 13by Phineas

Previous Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 12

Next Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 14

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