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The Chaos Blade - Chapter 19

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 19

"An age is coming to a close, my young friend," The stooped figure of a bearded man said as he sat on the porch of his tower.

"Aye, I fear it is, my old friend," The other, a young warrior in plate mail, partially jested as he leaned against the tower.

"I have cast the auguries, I have communed with the spirits," The old wizard said between puffs from his pipe. "And they all say the same, this place will be no more when the dragons come at the hand of the bastard general."

"And the council will not listen to you?" The warrior asked sadly, all mirth gone.

"Aye, they listen well enough, but then they discuss and discuss and try to think their way out of the inevitable. They don't understand that they must do something now or do it never at all!"

"And what of Garrick? He is unofficially the lord of this town, if he says we must act the council will act!"

Akynson chuckled, "Aye, but he knows lad. He knows and he is unconcerned. He has battled greater things then any of us, he fears none of it."

"Then we'd best be making plans of our own," The warrior stated calmly.

The wizard looked up at him, one eye closed to block out the sun's light. "Eh, what's that? Plans of our own. Hmm, not a bad idea. I have lived for longer then any man has a right to. Sure, I'm a wizard, and sure, we live in Sanctuary, but even beyond that it is not right for me to have lived so long. I'm tired, Laryn, so damn tired."

The warrior, Laryn, turned to face the mage and said rather harshly, "Then what will you do, Akynson? Sit there on your porch and wave merrily as the evil invades and overtakes our homes!"

The mage smiled and said, "No, you can bet that I'll be fighting them. Someone will have to slow them down, after all."

"Then let us plan for Sanctuary's defense!" Laryn pleaded with him.

"How can we plan for something that we know nothing of? Aye, we know it's coming, but we don't know when. We don't know where. By the Gods lad, we don't even know who this bastard general is!" The mage said in exasperation.

Laryn nodded thoughtfully and leaned back against the wall angrily. "Can you not cast your spells and divine these things? I thought there was none more powerful then you here?"

Akynson blew out a particularly nice smoke ring and said, "I've done that already, lad, that and more. What we've been talking about is all that I know, and it's all that I'm going to know."

"So we have no idea who wishes the fall of Sanctuary. And with no idea of who it is, we have no idea how to fight them!"

The mage smiled bitterly and tapped out his pipe. "Lad, I told you, I have foreseen the fall of Sanctuary, all we can do by fighting is slow it down. You and I, we're dead men already, we just have not the sense to lay down and accept it."

Laryn turned to stare at him, an angry retort in his mind, but he stopped when he saw the blunt honesty and openness in the wizards eyes. He closed his mouth awkwardly and nodded mutely. "Then I will die defending my home, a better death I can not envision."

Akynson acknowledged his solemn statement with a nod and reached into a pouch to fill his pipe with more smokeweed. He filled it and with a simple incantation shot flames out of his finger into the pipe to light it. After a few puffs he looked up at Laryn and noticed the young warrior was staring off into the sky, watching two young bronze dragons dart about one another, playing.

"Will none of us survive the fall of Sanctuary, wizard?" A new voice asked of them.

Both figures started. They turned and saw the figure standing beside the porch, the hood of his cloak pulled up to hide his face.

"And who might you be, sneaking up on an old man trying to give me a heart attack?" Akynson asked the figure.

"I am a friend of your fathers, Akynson," The figure replied mysteriously.

Akynson squinted but could not see beneath the hood. He shrugged and said, "Must be an elf then, for my dad's been dead for so long that his bones are beyond dust."

Laryn slowly walked toward the figure, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Friend, if indeed a friend you are, remove your hood and let us look upon your face. You look to be fell, traveling hidden like that."

The figure reached up and pulled back his hood, revealing he was indeed a dark skinned elf. "Remember me now, Akynson?"

Akynson stared long and hard and said, "Yes, I think I do, but tales of your passing have been a long time in being told. What brings you back here to Sanctuary?"

"I have been here more then a score of years, Akynson. I have been in hiding enjoying the company of an even older friend. That or traveling disguised, looking fell, if I heard your young friend there right," The elf responded lightly. "I can tell you who comes to destroy Sanctuary. I can tell you who it is and even give you and idea of what his forces are. But all the more importantly, I can tell you why he comes."

Laryn viewed the elf even more suspiciously now, and he leaned forward ever so slightly as he said, "Speak on, elf, tell us of these things, and then tell us how you know of them!"

Akynson chuckled without humor and said, "Watch yourself lad, you're talking to no ordinary elf there. His older friend he speaks of is Garrick, and this here elf seems to always have trouble on his heels, everywhere he goes disaster and change come about. I think that the reason Sanctuary will soon no longer live up to its namesake is probably because Kelnozz Risingmoon is talking to us."

Laryn's eyes widened slightly and his hand fell away from his hilt. "What proof do you have of who you claim to be, elf, for that is a boast not lightly filled."

The elf looked at Laryn with nothing but exhaustion in his eyes. "I don't care whether you believe him or not. I don't want to prove that I'm him. Indeed, with each passing year it appears my name takes on more of a status and it becomes harder for me to use it."

Laryn glared at him skeptically but Akynson said encouragingly, "Aye lad, it's him. Kelnozz, tell us of these things so we will at least know what will kill us and why we are fighting."

Kelnozz looked at Akynson and moved to sit on the porch beside the wizard. "Ancaruin struggles to come once again to Viconia, Akynson. My student, Darakor has made a pact with the greatest powers of darkness and they will send their forces to Sanctuary for two reasons. They want Sanctuary destroyed, for it escaped their wrath when first they came at us centuries ago. Their main reason, though, is because of what sanctuary hides. Somewhere within this city is the greatest portion of Ancaruin's spirit. Even the dragon had a soul, and to bring him back they must recover it. They will arrive on a host of dragons and demons, and nothing will be able to stop them."

Akynson nodded and said, "Aye, some many years back I felt a chill one day that would not go away. I suspected something to do with the dragon had happened, but as close as we are to Viconia, we're so far away I could not be certain."

"How soon will they attack?" Laryn asked, leaning on the railing of the porch.

Kelnozz looked up at the young warrior and said, "Soon enough, don't worry. A year, perhaps two, maybe less."

Laryn frowned and said, "What? Sometime between now and 2 years from now? I call that quite a while! That is plenty of time to build up defenses!"

Kelnozz shook his head sadly and said, "It was good to see you again, Akynson."

Akynson smiled for Kelnozz's benefit and patted the elf on the shoulder as he stood up and began to walk away.

"Wait a moment! Stay and help us plan Sanctuary's defense!" Laryn called out after a moment of amazement.

"Laryn, lad, let him go," Akynson said quietly. "He's had enough fighting to last a thousand men a thousand years. Kelnozz is tired too, like me, but he is cursed to live forever, for his prophecy is that none but that his son can strike him dead, and the elf has never fathered a child."

Laryn looked after Kelnozz then looked down at Akynson. He had a hard edge in his eyes. "Bah! This battle will be good, for if in it I will face my death, so be it! Anything so long as I do not grow old and see what it is like to be like you two, without motivation or ambition! Just sitting there waiting for death to reach out and pull you to its bosom!"

Akynson met Laryn's gaze with a steely one of his own. Finally Laryn shook his head and walked away angrily. Akynson watched him go and was glad, the boy was young full of fire still. It was a pity that it seemed the odds were high that Laryn would not live long enough to enjoy the finer things in life one learned with age.

"Woah!" Bill said, stumbling to his hands and knees. Eric joined him on the ground and Yamara teetered off balance for a moment. Only Alesha remaining upright without a problem.

"This is Sanctuary?" Yamara asked, glancing about. It looked like any town would look, with cobblestone streets and both dirt and grass aplenty in the yards of the many buildings.

"Yes," Alesha said, taking a deep breath and smiling profoundly. "Gods I never knew how much I missed it."

"What is so special about it?" Bill asked, coming to his feet and looking about. Several people down the street were looking at them in surprise. Some were gesturing towards them and talking excitedly, but after a few moments resumed their normal tasks. The only thing of interest that remained to the townsfolk was the odd clothing Eric and Bill both wore.

"It lies in a hidden part of Viconia. It can be reached by anyone who knows how to get here easily enough, but apart from that the wizards that first fathered this city put up wards about it that kept it largely unaffected by the rest of the world," she explained.

"No being that wishes ill to the city has ever been able to come upon it. People, sure, but the city as a whole remains protected," she finished, looking up and down the street and trying to remember the town.

About that time a teenage girl walked past them, balancing a basket filled with breads on against her hip. She eyed Eric and Bill with a curious expression. Almost as curious as their own expressions at her outfit, which consisted solely of a short skirt and a wide brimmed straw hat. No words were exchanged and in a moment she was past.

Yamara smacked Bill on the back of the head, bringing his attention back from her bouncing breasts. He grinned, causing Eric to chuckle. "Everybody dress like that here?" Bill asked hopefully.

Alesha smirked. "You will find that Viconia is a warm place. Or at least the majority of it is. Far to the north there is occasional snow in the death cycle, and of course the higher up in mountains. Other then that it is like the tropics, with a few deserts tossed in. Because of that, and because the average person has little money, clothing is usually the first thing to be sacrificed."

"Death cycle?" Eric asked, looking at her in concern.

"Time in Viconia is based around the second," Alesha began. "There are sixty seconds in a minute, and sixty minutes in an hour. A day consists of not twenty-four hours, but thirty. There are six days in a week, and twelve weeks in a cycle. A cycle is like a season on Earth, you know, spring, summer, fall, winter? A cycle here has seventy-three days, with the final day of each cycle being spent in rest and celebration at the ending of the cycle and the beginning of a new one. There are four cycles in a year, making the year two-hundred ninety-two days long. The year begins with the Birth Cycle, or spring, continues into the Growth, or summer, and then the Life, or autumn, Cycles, and ends in the Death Cycle, which would be winter on Earth. Local holidays vary throughout the world, depending upon the location."

Alesha shook her head as Bill continued to ogle some of the closer commoners. "I am not certain, but it feels like we are early into the Growth cycle, which is the hottest and causes people to wear the least."

"Cool," Bill said, looking around him hoping to find more displays of nudity.

"Behave yourself, Bill," Alesha warned lightly, "while people may have no taboos about nudity, it is not an open invitation for you. You will find, I think, that people are far more competent here then they are on Earth."

"What do you mean by that?" Eric asked, not quite as caught up in the novelty of flesh on display as his friend.

"I mean that life here is often a struggle, and it means less then it does on Earth. People are stronger and more talented because to not be that way would mean they might not survive. This place is like Earth in the dark ages, violence does solve things."

Eric and Bill looked at each other and smirked. "I think we'll fit in just fine," Bill said.

Yamara snorted quietly, doubting their braggadocio but not wanting to rub their noses in it. "How do you feel?" she asked Alesha, changing the subject.

"Mmm, wonderful," Alesha said, closing her eyes and taking in the scents and sounds around her. Seeing the beatific expression on her face caused Bill to turn away and casually adjust the hardness in his pants. He swore under his breath.

"So far I sense nothing. I smell only the air, so much cleaner and richer then anything on Earth. It makes me feel alive. That and the magic of this world and in particular, this city," Alesha continued, looking at all of them with eyes filled with joy. "This town was the first one I ever came to in Viconia, did I ever tell you that?"

Eric held up his hand. "Later, Alesha, and we'd love to hear all about it. For now though, let's move off this street, people are going to think we are odd just standing here. Not to mention you are right, it is awfully warm here and Bill and I are not exactly dressed for it."

"Of course, my apologies!" Alesha said, still grinning happily. "Follow me, please."

They let her lead them down a few streets until she seemed to realize where she was, then with more confidence she took them to a tavern. "What kind of money do they take here?" Eric asked, suddenly concerned that he had not had anything converted to hard currency.

Alesha laughed and touched him lightly on the arm. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure I have enough to pay for anything we need with what Rizzo gave me."

"One thing you would do well to watch out for is thieves," Yamara warned, catching site of a few unsavory characters she marked immediately as cutpurses and thugs. Not knowing the local customs she did little more then nod slightly at them to let them know she had made them. They stared back at her but made no sign of recognition.

"Feels like we're back in the middle east," Bill said, looking around him in an obvious attempt to try and spot anyone out to do him harm.

"We need to get you two some weapons too," Alesha said after they had taken a seat at a table.

"I'm fine, thanks," Bill answered, leaning his M-4 against his chair let and putting his boot on the outside of it to keep it in constant contact.

"We'll run out of bullets quick enough," Eric pointed out, seeing the logic of what she said. "Then what Cowboy?"

Bill grunted. They had no equipment to make gunpowder or firing caps, let alone a source of lead to turn into bullets. "What do they have here, swords and lances and bows and stuff like that?"

Alesha nodded. "Crossbows, maces, hammers, axes, and much, much more. No guns or explosives, instead we have magic here." Alesha got more excited as she spoke, feeling back in a place where she had some power and sway once again.

Bill raised his eyebrows at her obvious delight at the martial weapons. He just shook his head and grinned. "We'll check on that as soon as we can," Eric agreed. "Bill and I are both good with knives and hand to hand combat, don't worry about us."

Alesha nodded, quickly distracted by the very fact that she was back in Viconia. Yamara smirked but otherwise made no comment. In a few moments a comely serving girl made her way to their table, drawing a blatantly appreciative stare from Bill. Eric kicked him under table, earning him a glare.

After drinks had been ordered Eric spoke up. "If you feel nothing yet, what plans do you have now?"

"Maybe it has been long enough that he just gave up and forgot about you?" Bill offered.

Alesha looked thoughtful. "Perhaps," she said doubtfully. She flagged down their serving girl and asked her what year it was. The girl looked at her strangely but told her anyhow, then left as quickly as she could.

"Well?" Bill asked hopefully.

"It has been well almost 400 years since I was banished," Alesha said.

"400 years? Wow, I don't think anyone could hold a grudge that long!" Bill replied.

"You think of Him as a person," Alesha said, sounding upset. "He is not, he is a God. Gods do not forget, and this particular God does not forgive."

"But if you feel no influence here, do you then wish to try leaving Sanctuary?" Yamara said. Eric remained quiet, studying her carefully and judging her as best he knew how.

Alesha thought for a moment, wondering at the safety of the idea. At length she nodded. "Perhaps we should. But let us spend a few days here first, His influence may not spread to here but he has agents and assassins scattered throughout this world."

After finishing their drinks and further establishing what their immediate plans were, They moved on to find lodging and a weaponsmith. The entire time Eric though silently of how best to be ready to act should Alesha fall into her old habits. He watched her carefully, knowing that with each passing minute it was more and more likely she would begin to change. Alesha, for her part, was to caught up in her experience to notice, though Yamara took careful note of it. She noted his interest on many levels, for it both impressed her and irritated her, and her irritation was two-fold. She was irritated that he took more concern and care for Alesha's welfare then she did, and was also irritated that Alesha should warrant so much of his attention.

Yamara had known herself many times to be caught in strange situations between people, and though she found herself powerless to avoid it, she found herself on the verge of becoming more bitchy then normal because of her childish jealousy. Jealousy had gotten her in trouble before. Trouble and worse. She vowed to distance herself from him and cling more tightly to the memory of Evart and Brina. After all, Eric reminded her of a replacement for Evart. A replacement was something she would never accept, for he was - is - irreplaceable.

Several hot hours later, with several new weapons in tow, they found lodging in an inn and all shared a single room for the night. Eric refused to allow Alesha to be by herself, no matter what level of privacy she might require. Alesha, though somewhat embarrassed at the necessity, agreed with him. Bill was more then willing to shack up in close quarters with them, and Yamara... well, Yamara remained quiet and watchful throughout, seemingly caught up in her own thoughts.

Continued in Chapter 20

The Chaos Blade - Chapter 19by Phineas

Previous Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 18

Next Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 20

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