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The Chaos Blade - Chapter 31

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 31

Darakor stood upon a grassy mound upon which a single mighty redwood tree grew. The tree had thus far escaped the ravaging of Loralost. Darakor waited patiently, a sword in each hand. Kelnozz walked towards him, heading straight at him in spite of the crowd of light elves that had gathered at the base of the hill to face him.

Kelnozz's swords were also in hand, and his dripped blood with each step. Upon his face was a look so savage and filled with hatred that several of the light eves quaked with terror. Only fear of what Darakor would do to them should they falter kept them in place. Kelnozz's mercy would be a quick death; Darakor knew no mercy.

Kelnozz blurred into action, moving and striking so quickly that none stood a chance in his path. In moments 4 light elves were mortally wounded or already dead. Two threw down their swords and made to flee, but that merely ensured they were cut down from behind by his blades. Every time a light elf felt certain he was about to score a hit on the as yet unthroned King of the Elves, he was denied that victory by a last second parry or a nimble dodge that seemed impossible to make. Kelnozz was an instrument of vengeance and death, more in tune with his blades then ever he had been.

At last, after a battle in which he had been outnumbered a dozen to one, Kelnozz stood alone at the base of the hill. It had taken only a matter of minutes. Fresh blood dripped from his face, clothes, and weapons. None of it was his.

"You look a little different since last we met, father," Darakor said easily, taunting him. If Kelnozz's display of swordsmanship worried him, he did not show it.

Alesha gasped. Deep within her came that nagging sensation again. She wanted to cry out a warning to Kelnozz. Darakor was cheating, she knew it! He was a powerful wizard as well as a master swordsman, surely he was unconcerned because he had magic at his aid as well.

Hundreds of feet away Kelnozz knew nothing of Alesha's premonition. His entire being was focused on the undeniable urge to kill the thing before him. He put his first foot upon the hill and began the ascent up the gradual slope. Darakor took a few steps down towards him, moving with a fluidity and grace that was so natural it was clearly unnatural. Kelnozz lunged forward charging his son with a murderous intent.

The suddenness of the assault caught Darakor by surprise. The spell he had been about to invoke died upon his lips. He raised his blades and parried away Kelnozz's assaults with seeming ease. He moved more rapidly then Kelnozz and his arms were further empowered by his magic, matching his mentor's strength as well.

"Wow," Bill said, leaning against the counter as he watched out the window with his companions.

The two combatants went back and forth, Kelnozz on the offensive at first while Darakor merely sought to prevent any injury to himself. His enhanced reflexes and strength of arm served him well, preventing Kelnozz from scoring any hits upon him. Kelnozz's swordplay was a step above perfect, preventing Darakor with no opportunity to riposte or turn the tide of battle. In spite of it, Darakor seemed unworried.

Nearby fighting amongst the two forces slowed and halted as they watched the two skilled warriors do battle. They circled around the tree time and again, steel ringing against steel. No fancy wasted moves on acrobatics or gymnastics, the two warriors knew their trade better then perhaps any on all of Viconia and knew the first one to alter his technique would be the first one to offer the other one an opening.

The front door to the building they took shelter in burst in suddenly, drawing all their surprised attention towards it. The demon that had accosted them before tried to scramble up from the ground, but it seemed as though its legs would not respond to its demands. It howled angrily and tried to crawl through the room towards the back door. In walked Garrick, hands clenched into fists.

He grabbed the demons leg and yanked it back towards him with one arm. The demon, only marginally smaller then the warhorse the Queen had ridden, howled as it was pulled back. Garrick placed his hand between two of the short spines coming out of the demon's hunched back and kept it pinned to the ground. He opened his other hand just enough for his hammer to magically reappear in it. A furious look upon his face, he smashed the hammer down, crushing the demon's skull and destroying it once and for all.

Alesha had spared the events no more then a passing glance. Her attention and her heart went to the man on the hillside. Darakor finally gained an advantage, spitting out single arcane word that seemed to have no effect. It's use became apparent a moment later when Darakor's parry sent one of Kelnozz's blades into the side of the redwood they circled. The sword had only brushed the bark of the tree with the flat of the blade, but it stuck to it for a long heartbeat before Kelnozz's strength yanked it free. That heartbeat was enough for Darakor to turn the momentum, however.

Darakor lashed out, nicking Kelnozz with his lesser sword. He cut through the fine chain shirt the dark elf wore and cut a shallow furrow along the man's muscled stomach. Kelnozz ignored the sting of the injury but could not ignore the significance of the first blood being drawn. He was on the defensive now.

Darakor's blows rained down upon him, sword stroke after stroke. The light elf's wrath seemed furious, and no matter how perfectly timed and angled each parry our counter was on Kelnozz's part, the next one came in just as inhumanly fast as the one before. The battle raged on for several minutes in this fashion, with neither combatant showing signs of tiring in spite of the rigorous exercise.

"Damn that fool elf," Garrick growled, coming to stand beside the companions and staring out the window. "This isn't his fight!"

All save Alesha turned to look at him in surprise. "What do you mean?" Alesha asked, her voice hollow and distant, though not from her attention still being on the duel.

"Never mind that," Garrick said mysteriously. He glanced at Bill and saw the pale look on the man's face. He nodded briefly. "How you feeling?"

"Ready for a vacation," Bill admitted tiredly.

Garrick laughed loudly and nearly clapped the man on the back appreciatively, until he remembered his injury. Instead he lessened his intended back slap and lightly placed his hand over the injury. Bill gasped at the touch, then his eyes widened in wonder as he felt a soothing warmth spread through it.

The blades had long been a blur two both combatants. Neither really knew where one man's sword ended and the other began, only that they met each other so frequently that they seemed to be one. Kelnozz's attention was entirely focused on the swordplay, so much so that Darakor felt certain he had the upper hand.

"It's the natural order of things, father," Darakor said through quick breaths. His magic sustained him but the exhilaration of the climactic battle was telling on him. "Through natural selection the son never dies before the father. Do you really want to be known as the man who killed his own son?"

Kelnozz growled deep in his throat and launched a flurry of blows. Moving so suddenly from defensive to offensive, he let another of Darakor's blades past his guard. This one stabbed into the outside of his right thigh, providing an injury that was superficial for immediate concerns, but could prove telling in a prolonged engagement.

"Kelnozz looks different then when we last saw him," Yamara offered her opinion, studying the battling dark elf.

"What do you mean?" Alesha asked, suddenly realizing that one of the many things bothering her had just been explained.

"His armor is different, and I can not be sure from this far, but I would swear those are not the swords he wielded when he was in Sanctuary."

Garrick grunted. "The lad was captured, remember? He must have picked those up since he somehow escaped."

Winds picked up and buffeted the building around them. Luingirth landed nearby, a little closer to the building then his initial near-crash landing site, but with plenty of room for his immense wingspan if needed. He glared about at any that might have thought to come near him, then watched the battle with a keen eye.

The hooded figure finished his climb up the treacherous crevice in the cliff face and peered through the line of groomed trees that marked the boundary of Loralost. Elves milled about, light and dark fighting each other as they had been for thousands of years. The man tasted bile in his throat at the site. Loralost was burning, overrun by the hateful light elves.

Further in the distance he saw Luingirth sitting in the middle of the thoroughfare that served as the marketplace for Loralost. The dragon was alone, yet seemed intent on watching something. The man's eyes followed the dragon's and he saw Kelnozz doing battle with Darakor. The distance was great and gusts of smoke occasionally obscured the scene, but their identities were unmistakable.

The man stared at the battle for a long moment, feeling surprise and confusion growing in him. Another feeling emerged, one that had him moving forward before he even realized it. It was a compulsion, something that came from within and without. Something that could not be denied.

Darakor swept Kelnozz's swords aside with a horizontal swipe, then feigned a kick with his foot. Kelnozz dodged to the side, avoiding the kick should it fully materialize but not sacrificing his balance or posture. The defensive move allowed Darakor the chance to utter another quick spell. No more then a cantrip, a wind kicked up and sent swirling ashes and dust at Kelnozz's face.

The distraction, though minimal to the trained warrior, allowed Darakor a chance to bring one sword in to part the links of chain on Kelnozz's arm and score a moderately deep wound along the length of his forearm. Kelnozz gritted his teeth and used the strike Darakor had made as a distraction, twisting around in feigned pain then completing the turn and slashing brutally at Darakor's chest.

Surprised by the move, Darakor narrowly blocked the cut. His haste made him position his sword wrong, however, and Kelnozz's blade deflected high, glancing off of the side of Darakor's head with the flat of the blade. Darakor grunted and stumbled backwards, very briefly stunned by the unexpected hit.

All of the watchers, save Garrick, felt their breath taken away by the display of swordsmanship. With Darakor momentarily stunned his concentration slipped and the spells he was maintaining to hasten his arms and boost his strength and stamina collapsed. Kelnozz was there, ignoring the blood running down his arm and the numbness in his hand. The sword he held still moved as he directed it, that was all he needed.

His face twisted into a mask of hatred, Kelnozz advanced quickly and thrust his swords out in a double plunge towards Darakor's chest. Darakor fell back, stumbling on a root of the great tree. One sword he brought across, trying to parry aside both blades. His unexpected fall to the ground caused his sword to miss both of Kelnozz's blades. Darakor's fall also prolonged his life, for the tips of Kelnozz's swords pierced into him near his collar bone, causing him considerable discomfort but offering no life threatening injury.

Kelnozz happened to glance up, his gaze drawn by an outside influence he could not name. He saw the cloaked man striding towards him, his face concealed by the hood. Kelnozz found himself trapped staring at the man, unable to explain why he found him so interesting.

Darakor, unknowing of what was going on, seized the sudden lack of action on Kelnozz's part and brought the sword that he had missed the parry with across, hacking into Kelnozz's thigh crudely. Kelnozz gasped and stumbled back, his leg giving out on him. Darakor rolled to his feet and followed him, his back to the mysterious figure he did not know even existed.

"Help him!" Alesha screamed at Garrick. With Kelnozz on the ground and seriously wounded, her feelings of helplessness were greater then ever.

Garrick offered no response. He watched the battle impassively. Alesha saw his lack of action and turned back to the window. Her panic overtook her. She could accept making a mistake herself and losing any chance at Kelnozz, but she could not handle the idea of something taking Kelnozz from her.

Alesha reached inside of herself, seeking that hidden thing that she had sensed before. The consequences of her actions eluded her, she knew only that unless somebody did something, Kelnozz would die. That somebody happened to be her.

It was only Garrick's hand upon her shoulder that kept Alesha from reaching the point of no return. She was on the verge of finding the hidden thing within her that she sought. It felt to her like a name or a memory on the tip of her tongue but just out of her reach. She needed to stumble across only one memory to remind her of what she needed to do.

Alesha spun back to face Garrick, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. He spoke to her softly and warmly, a tone which seemed strange to come from him. "This is his fight, lass, it is not for us to interfere."

"Bullshit," Bill said, watching the exchange. He turned the window and raised his reloaded crossbow. He started to take aim when he felt Garrick grab him around the neck with a single massive hand.

"I have had enough of your foolishness!" The former God said. He easily picked Bill up by the neck with one hand and twisted him away from the window. Bill gasped for breath and let the crossbow hang limply from his right hand. Garrick held him up so that his head was less then a foot from the ceiling. Bill remembered his crossbow and brought it over. Blindly he pulled the release on it, sending the bolt thudding into Garrick's muscled abdomen at point blank range.

Garrick cursed at him and, still using only the one arm, threw him across the room. Bill hit the far wall squarely with his back, knocking not only the wind from him but also his wits for a long moment. He looked back to see Garrick grab onto the half buried quarrel in his belly and yank it straight out. He grit his teeth and glared at where Bill lay crumpled against the wall. He threw the bolt aside and turned back to the window, the wound already closing and the blood flow ceasing. Bill lay dazed, the pain in his back all but healed but the rest of him aching now.

Cirithallion, in Darakor's other hand, thrust forward, sinking without hesitation into Kelnozz's chest. Armor, muscle, and bone did little to slow the passage of the magical blade. Kelnozz gasped, knowing the fight was lost. He weakly swatted one of his swords at Darakor, but the blade ineffectually slapped against the bracer on Darakor's arm. The wound, already mortal simply by the nature of several inches of steel being imbedded in his most vital of areas, drained the strength and life from him even faster thanks to Cirithallion's power. Darakor's sneer turned to a condescending smile as the energy flowed into him and repaired the wounds Kelnozz's swords had dealt him.

Nearly spent, Kelnozz looked past Darakor to the mysterious stranger that walked unmolested through the war zone. He was on the edge of the hill at that point and ascending it with long strides concealed by the cloak. Darakor saw Kelnozz's attention was not directed at him. He pulled Cirithallion free and spun about, anticipating anything but that which he saw.

The stranger stopped and beheld the spectacle before them. His compulsion had lessened, now that Kelnozz lay dying upon the roots of the tree. The hooded man reached up, his hand indicating by its long slender dark skinned fingers that he was a dark elf. He undid the clasp on the cloak at his neck and with a twist and a shrug of his shoulders the cloak flew through the air and landed on the ground.

Alesha beheld the scene through blurry vision from tears in her eyes. She was helpless. She had been on the verge of losing herself and Garrick had pulled her back. Now that she had returned, she numbly wondered if it might have been better had she lost herself. When the extra person arrived on the hill she blinked rapidly, a familiar feeling coming over her. With his cloak floating through the air in a timeless moment to reveal gleaming mithril chain mail, everyone gasped in amazement. Everyone except Garrick, of course.

Darakor spun around to where Kelnozz lay on the ground, the glazed look in his eyes showing he had scant moments of consciousness remaining. The blood had already stopped pumping from his wound, now it flowed only weakly. Darakor turned back and saw Kelnozz standing in front of him in full magnificent battle garb befitting a king. Not just a king, but the King of the Dark Elves.

"How is this possible?" Darakor spat out, furious. The satisfaction he had felt at killing his father had left him. In its place was anger at the denial of his victory. Even now his mind struggled through the greatest of magics he knew of and could come up with no explanation for what was happening.

"One last time, let us fight together," Kelnozz said, leaving Darakor's question unanswered. In truth, he had no idea of how it was possible either. The now dead body laying behind Darakor was him, as far as he could tell. Kelnozz hoped it was not an omen of how he would fair against Darakor.

Darakor snarled. Faint memories stirred in his head, memories of things Narellin had once known. Darakor backed away, swords held defensively in front of him. A quick glance around showed him that his soldiers were evenly matched against the dark elves of Loralost. His power was weakened from fighting the first Kelnozz, and sure that damned interfering Garrick would be here as well. Darakor spat out an oath in outrage.

"Soon enough, father. I have killed you once now, I will let you decide when I kill you again!" He slammed his swords into their scabbards and incanted a quick spell. Kelnozz rushed forward, but Darakor disappeared before he could close the final distance.

Continued in Chapter 32

The Chaos Blade - Chapter 31by Phineas

Previous Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 30

Next Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 32

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