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The Chaos Blade - Chapter 34

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 34

The elves assembled in the marketplace courtyard, the low murmur of their voices showing their curiosity. They had worked late into the night, assembling the dead and burning them on a large pyre. Light and dark elf alike were disposed of thusly. The majority of the real work had yet to be done.

And instead of working, they were waiting. Word had been spread that Kelnozz would address them all. It was common knowledge that he was the as yet uncrowned King. Yamara and Elvanshalee moved next to Bill in the crowd and offered him a friendly smile. Bill returned it good naturedly.

"You survived your talk with Garrick?" Yamara prompted him.

Bill sighed. "I guess he's not such a bad guy," he offered.

Yamara smirked. "Sounds like there's a story there."

Before Bill could respond Kelnozz walked across the flagstones and set foot upon the mound that led to the redwood that marked the fight between Darakor and Kelnozz, or rather Darakor and the magically created clone of Kelnozz that the Queen's wizards had created to insure that the elves had an heir. The elves fell quiet as he ascended the rise.

Kelnozz beheld the tree briefly, noting in particular the dark stain upon its trunk and roots where Darakor's blood had stained it. He turned away from it and faced the elves.

"Let the differences between us be forgotten," Kelnozz called out loudly and clearly. "We were once one people, let it happen again."

"Some of us leave now for a final confrontation with our most ancient of enemies. Stay true to our course here, rebuild what was so that what we once had can be ours again. All of us."

Kelnozz paused and took a deep breath. He turned to where Garrick waited with a lit torch at the base of the hill and nodded to him. Garrick solemnly walked up the hill with his massive stride eating up the distance in no time.

"This tree, one of our mightiest redwoods that has been alive since the beginning of Loralost, has been tainted with the curse of kinslaying. It ends here. Let any elf who would slay another out of greed, lust, or avarice know only fear and denial, for they earn my wrath and the wrath of Innowendyn!"

Kelnozz turned and threw the torch at the base of the tree. The torch itself was made from a short spear coated with wrappings soaked in oil. The hurled spear stuck deeply into the trunk. The flames exploded onto the tree, leaping out and racing up it. In moments the tree was a blazing inferno, sending waves of heat into the furthest ranks of the onlookers.

"One final thing shall mark this occasion," Kelnozz said loudly, his voice carrying over the crackling tree. "Upon my return I shall accept both my coronation and a bride to show the change we elves must make to survive in this modern world. Our world."

Kelnozz was no more forthcoming with information. He turned and walked away, leaving the elves quietly pondering the meaning of his words and the significance of the tree that burned more brightly then the sun.

"Come on," Bill said, motioning towards the direction Kelnozz had gone.

They followed him, wondering what was going on. When they were out of the crowd Elvanshalee gave voice to her thoughts, "Is this it then?"

Bill grunted. "I don't know about you, but I'm in so far over my head that trying to get out now would be a waste of fucking time."

Bill had a way with words and an ability to state the obvious in a way that he could not refute. The walked on, their pace brisk. Several minutes later they neared the northern edges of Loralost. Gathered together were those who had become their companions: Garrick, Kelnozz, and Alesha.

"Where we go you stand little chance of returning," Kelnozz said, seeing them approach.

"They will come," Garrick said smugly. He eyed Bill with an appraising eye. Yamara and Elvanshalee could tell that the mountainous man seemed to have a new opinion of his friend.

"Fuckin-a right we are," Bill seconded, grinning.

"This is not your fight to be concerned with," Kelnozz said. "Your involvement has ended, you should return to your own world."

"Guess what, I lost my best friend in two worlds to this fuck-stick, if you think there's a snowball's chance in Hell that I'm not going to do everything my power to fuck him up then I'll start with you first," Bill vowed, hand on his axe handle for effect. He knew he stood no chance against Kelnozz, but it was a matter of principle he would not stand down from.

"What of you? You are not of this world, your destiny is not wrapped up in this," Kelnozz was speaking to Yamara.

Yamara glanced around, seeming at a loss briefly for all the attention give to her. She rose to the occasion. "I'd like to see it to the end," she explained. She opened her mouth to say more but could not find the right words. Eventually she just shrugged and said, "I've got some outstanding debts to pay back too."

Kelnozz looked at each of them expressionlessly for a moment, weighing them in his mind. Finally he nodded and turned, finding their resolve and spirit strong enough to face the challenge ahead of them. Whether their flesh would echo with that same strength he did not know.

"North then, the portal to Mezarbolle remains open. Luingirth holds it so."

"Kelnozz returned with that damned fool friend of his, Garrick!" Darakor spat out, his anger at his defeat making him forget he was in the presence of Ancaruin. "I shall marshal all the elves and destroy them all! Come with me, My Lord, I beseech you! With you there none will be able to stand in our way!"

"Enough of this, fool elf," Ancaruin responded, fixing him with a baleful glare. "My time draws nigh! You're petty troubles are no matter to me, do what you will!"

Darakor's shock overrode his anger. He stumbled back a few steps from the force of the vehemence in Ancaruin's ethereal voice. "What do you mean, Great One? What time do you speak of?"

"I created this world, it will be mine again! You shall not no my rage only because it was your hatred and betrayal that made it possible for Garrick to come forth and my ascension be possible."

Ancaruin's infernal gaze held him captive for a moment longer and then he was gone, rushing up out of the chamber to the distant opening far above. Darakor, no longer held in thrall by the dragon's gaze, fell on his butt. He glanced around at the priests and soldiers that had also witnessed the display and saw shock, confusion, and fear on their faces. He knew his mirrored theirs.

Darakor regained his feet and walked out of the cave. On the way he cuffed a soldier to get his attention and sent him off at a run to marshal the garrison of Mezarbolle. Ancaruin had deserted him, but he would have his vengeance regardless!

Scattered around the magical rift in the midst of a small clearing were the remains of a small army of light elves. The bodies had been disposed of, yet ruined signs of their camp remained. A content looking Luingirth gave them all a good idea of the present location of a great many of the light elves.

Through the portal, as though looking through a film of crystal clear water, could be seen several light elves and lizardmen alike, working furiously to try and close the portal with the dark arts. Luingirth grinned when Yamara looked up at him.

"Never doubt the power of a dragon," he rumbled, winking at her. Yamara felt a chill race down her spine but she did her best to avoid shivering.

"Ready yourself, this is the first and perhaps easiest battle we face today!" Kelnozz warned them. He drew his own blades and was echoed quickly by everyone else readying themselves for the fight.

With no further words or warning, Kelnozz charged forward through the portal. Garrick was a step behind him and Alesha only a pace behind him. Bill and Yamara glanced at each other and then Bill ran forward.

"Melurian!" Kelnozz called out as one of his blades cut a light elf in two from neck to rib cage. "Basilor!" Was his next cry. For every falling of a sword that struck an opponent down he had a name to go with it for a fallen dark elf.

Bill was cranking his crossbow back and, just in time, fired it point blank into the chest of a rushing lizardman with a spiked mace. The bolt slammed home and knocked the snake man off balance so that he crashed into Bill. Bill threw the dying creature off of him and scrambled back to his feet. He had claimed three already with his crossbow, but now was time for the axe. He had felt the crossbow crack when they hit the ground and knew better then to trust his luck.

Alesha's combat routines flowed with much of the style and grace that Kelnozz's did, though she lacked the fluidity, speed, and strength of his dance. Her sword struck true regardless, cutting the untrained priests and wizards apart.

Elvanshalee fought beside her, whipping her staff about and keeping any of their adversaries from surrounding them. A few dead or unconscious light elves and lizardman attested to the strength of her staff when applied directly to the head.

Yamara fought as though she was possessed as well, her lithe form dancing easily around the attacks that came at her and striking back with the speed of a coiled snake. Her mind worked on two levels, one directing her bodies movements and the other telekinetically assisting her defense from the assaults that came at her. She was a sight to behold.

Luingirth came through then, letting the portal snap shut behind him. He walked through on two legs as a man easily a match for Garrick's height and moved off to an open area. Once there he twisted and roared as he resumed his natural shape.

"Time grows short, wyrm," Garrick yelled to Luingirth. He came jogging back from where he had chased down a lizardman and leapt upon its back to bear it to the ground. He held up his hand and there reappeared his hammer. "The hour of ascension is here."

"What's he talking about?" Bill asked. Aside from Garrick they all seemed clueless and no one was forthcoming with information.

Glancing about to the others indicated that all save Kelnozz seemed equally lost. Then Alesha gasped and fell to her knees. Bill and Kelnozz both rushed over to her.

"What's wrong with her?" Bill asked, pulling up short when Garrick's hand fell softly on his shoulder.

"He's calling her," Garrick explained. Kelnozz knelt beside her and caught her up as she collapsed into his arms. He picked her up and stared hard at Garrick.

"What do you know?" He demanded, his voice hard.

"He is calling her back to him, but she fights. So close to him and she still has the strength to deny him," Garrick said softly yet admirably. Then he grinned, "explains why I had so much fun with her back in the old days!"

Elvanshalee sent Garrick a scowl before she went and laid her hands upon Alesha's head where it was cradled against Kelnozz's chest. Her breathing was shallow and she was murmuring softly. Elvanshalee's eyes widened and she backed away.

"She speaks words of power. We must hurry, whatever it is we do, or she will either be lost or destroyed."

"Then come, to Ancaruin's lair!" Kelnozz said, turning to face the great mountain that loomed closest to Mezarbolle. It could be seen clearly over the walls of the palace the rift had deposited them in the courtyard of.

"No," Garrick stated. As one they all turned to face him. "Our path lies that way." Garrick pointed to the north.

"That's the Everthirst!" Elvanshalee snapped, seeing no point in the huge inland sea filled with so much salt that only the hardiest of fish could live in it.

"No, that's the way to the Isle of the Gods," Kelnozz said, his tone distant.

"Ancaruin seeks to become a God."

Kelnozz spun, two daggers already flying through the air. He stepped in front the rest of the group protectively. He had recognized the voice.

Darakor's swords intercepted and deflected the first dagger with ease, the second one slipped through and glanced off the side of his neck, opening a shallow wound. He cursed and stumbled backwards. His swords found their sheaths quickly and he held his hand over his wound to stop the bleeding.

"Welcome to my home, father," Darakor said darkly.

Kelnozz clenched his teeth and advanced. He moved forward slowly but steadily, intent upon overpowering the light elf quickly.

"Hold!" Garrick called out, suddenly beside Kelnozz and restraining him with his hand against his chest. "What of you?" Garrick asked him.

"Ancaruin has abandoned us," Darakor spat out bitterly. "We who brought him back to life and he has forsaken us! Without him my armies have abandoned me."

"How does it feel to be betrayed?" Bill asked, not realizing he was speaking until the words were out of his mouth. He glanced around and saw he had been ignored, thankfully. Almost ignored, that is, for both Kelnozz and Darakor's jaw muscles twitched at the comment.

Elvanshalee had forgotten to breath until that moment. To be within talking distance to her brother, after countless years, caused her no small amount of trepidation. She had rejoiced to hear he had turned their race and joined with Kelnozz, then had been distraught to learn of his second betrayal, bringing him back into the cusp of power amongst the light elves. This time she had no idea what would happen, nor how she truly felt about him.

"If you would stop him, come with us now," Garrick said, staring intently at Darakor.

Both Darakor and Kelnozz spoke at the same time, "What?!" Further comments were muffled as each tried to talk over the over.

Garrick held up his hands at last and silenced them. To Kelnozz he said, "Where we go we need all the skill and strength at arms we can marshall, you both have a common cause, set aside your hatred for a moment and do what is best for this world!"

Garrick held Kelnozz's gaze until Kelnozz finally slammed his swords into his sheathes. His face held nothing less then pure animosity for Darakor, but he would bide his time and wait.

"And you," Garrick said, addressing Darakor, "if you come with us and offer no further betrayal I offer you only the chance to right the wrong you have committed. But know this, should you use treachery upon any of us there is nothing on this world or any other that you can use or do that will protect your from my wrath!"

Darakor stared at Kelnozz, then, after several long moments had passed, smiled wryly. "Let us fight side by side again, father."

Garrick nodded. "It is settled. Now we must go! Make haste, Luingirth, we tarry to long already!"

Luingirth moved over next to them and lowered himself so they could climb upon his back. He, among all of them, was privy to Garrick's confidence at last and knew what it was they had to do.

"What the fuck is going on?" Bill asked, following the exchange with his head looking as though it was following a tennis ball going back and forth across a court.

"The pantheon is full," Elvanshalee explained, putting it together faster then Bill or Yamara. "In order for Ancaruin to ascend to being a God, a spot must be emptied. He seeks to depose Bavorish."

"Sounds great to me," Bill said after he let it sink in and felt he understood it. "I say let 'em fight. Why should it bother us? One evil God either way, right?"

"Because of her," Yamara whispered. She had experience with these sorts of things now. She knew what could happen to those who made pacts with dark powers. "We are here for her now. If we leave, Alesha's soul is lost."

Bill locked gazes with Yamara and felt the sadness there. Sadness so deep and on so many different levels it nearly overwhelmed him. Bill felt his eyes tearing up and finally looked away. "Right, then let's get the fucker," he growled, blinking away the unaccustomed moisture.

Yamara gasped suddenly, prompting everyone to turn in time to see her throw one hand up in the air and glare with a murderously focused intent upon her face. Following her gaze they saw several arrows that were whistling through the air towards them rapidly slow down and then fall to the ground several feet shy of them. Off in the distance orc archers could be seen putting fresh arrow to bow and taking aim again.

Elvanshalee spat out a curse in her native tongue and turned towards the group of 4 orcs. Another wave of arrows came at them and again Yamara stopped them, though they came closer this time and she seemed taxed by the effort. By the time the orcs were ready to fire again Elvanshalee had finished her spell.

A sparkling ball of fire flew from her outstretched palm towards the orcs. They saw it clearly and stood transfixed by it. One turned to run but it was upon them so quickly he had nowhere to go. It detonated in their midst, sending parts of their smoldering bodies hurtling through the air in different directions.

"Let us hurry, more come," Kelnozz hissed, easily carrying Alesha while he nimbly danced up Luingirth's side to the great dragon's back.

"You, worried about orcs and elves?" Garrick scoffed. "Just have the light elf call them off."

"They no longer obey me," Darakor answered sullenly.

Kelnozz smirked in spite of himself. "No, I am worried about her and the delay fighting this rabble would cost us!"

Garrick glanced at the streets around them. In every direction orcs, light elves, lizardmen, ogres, trolls, and other evil humanoids and worse could be seen slowly coming closer. He nodded his head. "Right! You got it in you, old dragon?" Garrick leapt up into the air higher then was possible and with another spring off Luingirth's massive forelimb was upon his back.

"Unlike humans, dragons gain power and strength with age," Luingirth retorted dryly while the rest of them climbed and clambered onto his back as quickly as they could.

A deafening roar from Luingirth kept the now charging humanoids away long enough for the blue to leap into the air and unfold his mighty wings. With three beats of them he sent their would-be attackers to the ground from the force of his winds. When next they could look up Luingirth was just a distant figure in the sky rapidly receding away to the north.

Continued in Chapter 35

The Chaos Blade - Chapter 34by Phineas

Previous Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 33

Next Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 35

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