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The Chaos Blade - Chapter 35

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 35

It had taken them what seemed like hours to reach the Isle of the Gods, though the actual passage of time escaped them. Ahead of them lay a castle made of gleaming metal. The glinting sun off of the castle made it appear as though it was on fire. Little else was on the large island save for the castle, wrought from pure adamantium.

On the shore in front of the gates awaited two beings. Dread and power emanated from them, and only Kelnozz, Luingirth, and Garrick seemed immune as they grew closer. Bill, Elvanshalee, Darakor, and Yamara all gritted their teeth with resolution and leaned forward into it subconsciously, refusing to give in to the shadowy tendrils of fear and hopelessness that assaulted them. Alesha thrashed about in Kelnozz's arms, her murmurings occasionally rising into a sharp cry.

Neither figure moved, though they seemed very intent upon one another. To the left of the gate stood Bavorish, a wavy edged and otherwise lethal looking broadsword in his hand. Ancaruin stood upon the right side of the gate, his shimmering body made up of red mist that glowed with an unholy fury.

Luingirth dove low and leveled out feet above the Everthirst. He flew in quickly, his wingtips only barely clearing the water's surface. Behind them the water swirled and eddied with the assault of the wind.

Then the sandy shore was beneath them. The dragon pulled up quickly and landed, jarring them all with the suddenness of the maneuver. Even before Luingirth had settled fully onto the ground Garrick was off, heading towards the two powerful beings. Kelnozz leapt off himself soon after, cradling Alesha to him as he landed to cushion the blow. He carefully set her down on the ground and moved off after Garrick, blades in his hands already. Darakor was only a moment behind his father, unwilling to be showed up by him.

The rest of them followed suit more slowly. When Bill finally climbed down he pulled the other up short with a gasp. "Look at Garrick!" He said, pointing towards their large companion.

Garrick appeared to be growing with every step. His size had not changed, but something about him indicated enhancement. They could feel strength, and a righteous fury emanating from him every bit as much as fear and terror oozed from Bavorish and Ancaruin. The waves of power crashed against one another and in a few moments they all felt better. They had effectively neutralized each other, leaving them none the worse for wear.

"Bad ass!" Bill commented, now heading forward again. Elvanshalee glanced at him with her head tilted, trying to figure out the odd expression. Not even shrugging she dismissed it and resumed her walk.

Kelnozz came to a stop, Darakor falling in beside him a second later. Garrick continued onward, heading to a place in the middle of the two glaring beings. In moments the rest of the companions fell in beside the two elves.

"Why aren't they fighting?" Elvanshalee asked the grim faced elf king.

"Because they knew we would come," Darakor said.

"Is this a trap?" Yamara hissed, bringing up both her mental and physical defenses.

Kelnozz turned to look a her. He studied her for a moment, his gaze piercing her in a way that few others had ever been able to. He nodded acceptance of her before looking back.

"The pantheon is full," he said. "In order for Ancaruin to ascend someone who already possesses the divine right must be destroyed."

"Right, so why isn't he trying to kill the other guy?" She said, impatient with the reiteration of what they had all been told.

"Knew my boy couldn't have all the fun of slaying you, wyrm!" Garrick called out loudly to Ancaruin, reminding the dragon of when Nordan, Kelnozz, Martin, and the metallic dragons had defeated Ancaruin centuries past. His voice reverberated with power that the watchers could all feel. Ancaruin showed no sign of having heard him, instead the dragon of mist remained glaring with glowing pools of fire at Bavorish.

"And you," Garrick said, turning to Bavorish, "Think not that I have forgotten your challenge to single combat from long ago! Pity Carson took your head before I could!"

Bavorish did show sign of recognition. He sneered and turned his gaze to Garrick. His sharply pointed red goatee and mustache twitched with the gesture. His bastard sword twitched in his hand. He raised his shield slowly to face Garrick and beckoned towards him.

"The Gods may not battle one another. They fight through their worshippers," Kelnozz responded. "To assault a God is to deny your right to live under their guidance. All of them, not just a particular one."

"So Ancaruin waits for us to kill Bavorish?" Yamara asked, grasping the situation.

Elvanshalee gasped. She had figured out what Kelnozz was slowly getting around to telling them. "They will kill Garrick!"

Bill snorted at the absurdity of the situation. At that same time Garrick let fly his hammer. It crashed into Bavorish's shield with force and volume enough to sunder a mountain. When they looked back, their ears still ringing, Bavorish remained standing. His shield was split down the middle and laying at his feet, but he seemed none the worse for wear. Garrick pushed on, summoning his hammer and lifting it to do battle. Bavorish switched to grab his blade in both hands. His sneer remained plastered to his face.

"Garrick gave up his divinity long ago," Bill said, remembering what he had been told and therefore doubting Elvanshalee.

"He possesses much of his former might," Kelnozz confirmed Elvanshalee's suspicions.

Ancaruin let loose a roar then. Not one such as Luingirth might give, but a soulless keening that pierced all of them and chilled them to their bones. He rushed forward, intent on joining the combat and destroying Garrick.

Kelnozz moved then. Moved so quickly and suddenly that only Darakor was able to keep pace with him. The rest were stunned by his explosive action. He bolted forward, the signal he had needed to act had been given. Yamara reached out and read his thoughts that he wore clearly on the surface of his mind for any to see.

"We must help Kelnozz! Ancaruin must not be allowed to help!" She said, moving forward without thought to her actions or the consequences thereof.

"Fight that?" Bill asked, staring at the undulating mist that formed the shape of a dragon.

"Come, human, if you would love her then die for her," Elvanshalee said to him before she too ran forward.

Bill glanced back at where Luingirth towered protectively over Alesha. Protectively or, he realized with a clenching of his stomach, ready to act should she give in to Bavorish. He ran forward too, brandishing his axe and finding himself no longer afraid of what might happen.

Garrick and Bavorish traded strikes mighty enough to fell the greatest of trees in a single blow, yet neither tired of their parries and their wounds healed almost as quickly as they were received. The battle seemed one that would last until the very end of time, so dedicated and mighty were they.

Kelnozz leapt at Ancaruin, slashing into the mist that was his body with his blades extended. Llarothimaril glowed brightly with a white light when it pierced the cloud of smoke. Cirithallion, wielded by Darakor beside him, possessed an unearthly reddish light in contrast. Kelnozz held his ground, cutting deeply with each swing. The mist hissed and was destroyed with passing of Llarothimaril and it clung to Cirithallion as the once evil blade tore the magic that bound it together apart.

Ancaruin turned to behold Kelnozz and glared at him hatefully. "You can not slay me, elf king!" The dragon said in a cold voice that spoke of eternal suffering and torment.

A bolt of lightning stabbed into and through Ancaruin then, disrupting a small amount of the mist but doing little permanent damage in spite of the might of the magical spell Elvanshalee had unleashed. Yamara and Bill were there then as well, cutting through the mist as though it was only air. Bill's axe did nothing but pass through the mist with no effect to it. Yamara's, on the other hand, managed to cause tiny gouts of mist that looked reminiscent of blood with each of her thrusts. They did little damage but the distraction was enough, for now Ancaruin realized that, small and insignificant as they were, the little people that fought him had to be dealt with. Ancaruin recoiled from where he had dropped Darakor to the ground and faced the new threat.

Ancaruin reached for Kelnozz with a ghostly arm, trying to grip him as it might have once done when it was alive. Kelnozz dodged the attack and lashed out at the arm, feeling the unnerving cold of the mist as it narrowly passed him by.

"I need not slay you, only slow you," Kelnozz spat out at Ancaruin.

The undead dragon looked at him, it's fiery red eyes widening at the realization of what they were doing. It roared again it's keening cry and lashed out more furiously. Elvanshalee, who had just finished chanting her next spell that sent a stream of frost into the dragon's flank, was caught unaware by the dragon's swipe. She went down, shivering and struggling to breath as it passed through her and left her physically unharmed. She gasped for breath and tried to raise herself back up, knowing that failure for any of them meant failure for all.

Seeing his sister dropped caused Darakor no emotion whatsoever. She had been gone for too many years and he had never been close to her. To long she had taken after their mother, to long he had seen the weakness within them called compassion. Thus it was that he was not the least bit distracted by her falling, Cirithallion and his twin sword carved into the magic mist that comprised Ancaruin's body.

"And you, elf pawn, you have been my creature from the beginning! Come back to me now!" Ancaruin threw himself onto Darakor, his body to large for the light elf to evade. Darakor was crushed to the ground by the enveloping body. Ancaruin had no physical form of his own, but the magic that bound him to the world of the living struck as though he were made of stone.

Between Garrick and Bavorish, the battle continued. Garrick's strength was greater and his fury stronger. Bavorish had the edge in power, however, and no matter how quickly Garrick's wounds healed, he had given up his right to be a God long ago. Bavorish healed faster. His strength would not fail. And he could do little things like summoning up the wind to stir the sand up and around Garrick so quickly and painfully that it flayed at his flesh, leaving it angry and bleeding in spite of his rejuvenative powers.

Only 50 yards away Ancaruin swatted at each of his assailants, sending all but Kelnozz falling to the ground at one point or another, though they would all struggle to their feet against the chill of death that tried to work its way into their hearts. It would only be a matter of time, Ancaruin was too mighty an opponent to be felled with only the weapons they held.

Bill, knowing his axe was of no use against Ancaruin, took the moment to glance over his shoulder towards where Garrick battled Bavorish. The glance cost him, for Ancaruin chose that moment to focus on him. He turned back just in time to fall to the ground in an attempt to avoid the strike. Like Elvanshalee, he felt the fiery chill steal his strength and his breath. His skin broke out in a fevered sweat and his bones felt a numbing coldness within them.

"Help Garrick, you can do no good here!" Elvanshalee hissed, still reeling from the effects of Ancaruin's glancing blow on her.

He scrambled to his feet further away from Ancaruin and cast a glance at the remaining three giving battle to the evil cloud of sentient mist. Then he moved towards where Bavorish and Garrick were doing battle. Bavorish saw him coming towards him but spared him no more then a glance, for it cost him a blow to his side from Garrick's hammer. A blow that would have crumpled a mortal man in half, yet only made him grunt at the impact. He smashed the hammer aside and slashed across with his sword, cutting deeply into the muscle of Garrick's shoulder.

Garrick recoiled, snarling at the injury. The initial burst of blood slowed to a drip and then stopped altogether quickly, but every injury lessened his strength and he knew it. Bill and Eric both hurried forward, not knowing what help they could offer the warrior, but knowing they must do something, for Bavorish doubled the fury of his attacks, apparently concerned at the thought of facing three opponents instead of one. On the shores of the Isle of Gods, little to their knowledge, all things were mortal.

Alesha found herself alone at a forgotten river-side campsite. She gasped as she remembered the locale and knew she was having a dream. Or worse.

"Come back to me, child, and I will help you."

In the same spot as before stood the same man who had made a similar offer to her so long ago. He looked different this time though. His hair remained wavy but was red instead of brown. His face sported the sharply trimmed mustache and goatee of similar color. Instead of brown robes he wore magnificent looking gleaming black plate mail.

"Bavorish!" Alesha hissed, scrambling away from him defensively. She caught a glimpse of her arm and looked down at herself. She too, looked different. She wore her gifted armor and carried her sword at her side.

"Yes, I am he," the God said to her. "And together you and I stand on the brink of a new Viconia. I came here long ago with Ancaruin and helped to bring life to this world. It was my greatest creation, an entire world with which to conduct my experiments."

"But something went wrong, you see," he continued. "Elves, orcs, humans, dwarves, trolls, ogres, even halflings. They are possessed of free will and such a desire to succeed, they rebelled against my supremacy, if only in private.

"Thus it was that when strangers from another world arrived at the request of a meddling wizard who I long ago destroyed, they were aided. They slipped through my defenses and challenged me directly. Through their treachery this brought about the freeing of Viconia. The races could choose their own destiny more freely, and all of us were ascended to Gods."

Bavorish's smile turned darker. "That fool Garrick ha denied the power he once had. I will destroy him, of that you may be certain. Think of the challenge and hardship he has given you. Join me again and feel the satisfaction of watching that fool destroyed!"

Alesha shook her head, though inside she felt her will bending. At his powerful words she felt herself remembering how Garrick, masquerading as Helmut, had denied her time and again when she had him imprisoned. How he had mocked her. She remembered her outrage and frustration at his denials. Alesha felt her nails biting into her palms as she clenched her fists at her sides tightly. She gasped and hugged her arms about herself tightly.

"Join with me and watch Garrick destroyed! Ancaruin too, if you desire it. He may ascend or be destroyed, it is no consequence to me. Though with him again aiding me we can rule this world again!"

"Either way, a vacuum is filled. One must ascend to rule this world. It can be yours, all the power you had before and more! To be Empress of Viconia, imagine the power!"

Visions swam in Alesha's mind. She saw herself on the back of her old steed, worshipped and revered wherever she went. Such was Bavorish's poison that she did not see the fear in the eyes of those who knelt at her feet. She shook her head, remembering Kelnozz and what he would want of her.

Bavorish barked out a harsh laugh. "You would cling to him, the elf king? Ha! He has denied you! He has his responsibility to his race and his people, so he claims, and none to you. Is that a consort worthy of the affections of the Queen of an entire world?"

Alesha wavered then. She knew that Bavorish spoke a twisted version of the truth. Kelnozz did have responsibilities to others, but what she felt for him... What they could have together...

"Become my champion and I will make him your consort, if you must have him still. The elves will be your servants. All of the world will be yours to command!"

Alesha gasped. More images and visions rushed through her. She saw Kelnozz sitting beside her on a throne, though his was slightly lowered to hers. His eyes were only for her though, while elves, both dark and light, brought them food and wine and entertainment. Gone was the haughty nature of the elves. In it's place was subservience. They had been taught a lesson and things were as they should be.

"You have twisted but a glimpse of what I can give you, my child, don't you yearn to feel the warmth again?"

Alesha gasped. She did remember the heat of power filling her. The heat of purpose. Lately she had only hardship and stubbornness to guide her. Her greatest assets, her magic, had been gone. She had felt alone and abandoned and cold. So very cold.

Luingirth stared down at Alesha, one mighty hand raised above her in preparation should she lose her fight. His vigilance served him well, for her eyelids snapped open suddenly. Her eyes showed only the whites, the rest had rolled back into her head. Luingirth snorted and drove his palm down, preparing to end her life in order to save them all.

Alesha through up one arm, palm open and shimmering with power. In spite of his size and in spite of his weight, Luingirth flew up into the air, yanked away by her magic. Her other hand twisted around in a loop and then made a pulling notion. Luingirth's mouth, which had just began to open so he could spit out a bolt of electricity at her, clamped shut, bound by mystical ropes. Alesha rose up from the ground then, turning to face Garrick and Bavorish. "Shit," Bill said, trailing off as he saw Alesha coming towards him walking swiftly and deliberately. Her hand raised up and gestured towards Garrick. A beam of black energy shot out from her hand. It caught Garrick in the side just as he raised his hand and propelled him forcefully all the way into the side of the castle, 20 yards away.

Garrick grunted when he hit the castle and slumped to the ground. He glanced down at his side and saw the wound where the beam of destructive energy had hit him. The flesh and muscle was torn and shredded where it was not missing altogether. His ribs shone brightly in the scant daylight that remained. He spat on the ground and stumbled to his feet.

"That's going to cost you," he said through clenched teeth. The muscle began to reform, knitting itself anew over his side. It progressed slowly at first, then more rapidly as it closed itself.

Alesha turned towards Bill. Bavorish grinned triumphantly, his champion had returned. Alesha made a gesture and a line in the sand shot forth towards Bill. Sand erupted up from it, exploding with great force. Trailing behind it flames burst from the ground. Reaching Bill so quickly that he had no time to react, it divided in half and circled him, showering him with hot particles of sand and then trapping him within a ring of fire that rose 8 feet into the air and burned more fiercely then any he had ever felt.

Kelnozz glimpsed the events behind them and cursed. His near distraction nearly cost him dearly. He had to execute a leap of epic proportions to clear Ancaruin's swing fist. He landed behind it, knowing he had a scant few seconds to act before the dragon would be on him again.

"Go!" The elf called out. "Help them against Alesha, Luingirth failed!"

"And so shall you all fail, elf!" Ancaruin's chilling voice grated. Kelnozz ground his teeth together and ignored the dragon's words, focusing instead of lunging back in and attacking more fiercely.

Darakor, his body and mind aching from the attack Ancaruin had leveled him with earlier, laughed weakly as he fought beside Kelnozz. Kelnozz spared him no glance, but did ask in a harsh voice, "About to betray us again?"

Darakor spat out some blood before replying, "not this time, Kelnozz. This time I laugh at the irony of my life. We fight again, side by side."

"Worry not, Darakor, I will have enough left for you when we are done here!" Kelnozz vowed.

Yamara glanced back and saw the ring of flames surrounding Bill. She glanced back and saw that Ancaruin had taken note of her distraction. Yamara remembered Sandala in the last moment before Ancaruin's open maw would snap shut on her. She remembered how the sand elf had created a bubble in the dust of the great basin they had gone through to find the magical portal that had taken her and Brina away to Malatoria. Clinging to that hope she crossed her arms above her and ducked her head. Ancaruin's mighty jaws came crashing shut on her. Instead of being wrapped in the red mist that would have burned her life away her psionic bubble kept the mist at bay. She could feel and here Ancaruin's aggravation. He reared back and away from her just in time, for maintaining the force field with her mind drained her of the ability to focus and concentrate.

Elvanshalee had refused to turn from the dragon. She figured that Yamara would help the human, and that might buy them enough time. If Alesha had regained her power they would be hard pressed to defeat her alone, let alone with Ancaruin and Bavorish as well to contend with. Kelnozz had defeated Alesha on his own before, but if any of the rumors she had heard were true, she suspected this time it would be a different story. Elvanshalee growled in frustration and evoked another spell that sent streams of air so chilled it turned to frost into the great dragon's side.

Yamara stumbled back and away from Ancaruin, careful not to turn her back to him. When far enough away she turned fully and started running towards the wall of flames that separated her from Bill.

Alesha passed through the ring of flames as though they were only an illusion. The fingers of fire caressed her body as she stepped through, leaving no sign or feeling in their wake. Within two steps she was through them and looking at Bill as in the middle of the flames circling slowly looking for an opening.

Alesha, her eyes still rolled back into her head, raised her hand up, her fingers twisting into a pained claw from which a dark smoke reached out. The tendrils of smoke went straight to him and wrapped around his body, pinning his arm to his side. Bill felt the constricting pressure and struggled against it. Alesha wrapped her hand around the smoke like a rope and, with a flick of her arm, she sent Bill crashing to the ground.

"Come on sweetheart, I thought we had something?" Bill grunted, struggling against the ethereal bonds. Alesha showed no sign of recognition at his words. Instead she stepped closer and put her hand on the hilt of her sword.

Bill held his axe in his hands, knowing it would do him no good and preparing for the worst. Inside he felt torn. He had admitted it to himself if no one else, he loved this woman. She was dangerous and unpredictable, but that only made it more exciting. That she loved someone else instead of him did not matter. Or at least, it did not dull his own desire for her. Bill cursed and looked down at the fey bands of smoke surrounding him. He suspected he knew then how Eric had felt at the end. He was going to die but he was going to do it on his terms.

Alesha raised an arm slowly towards Bill. Bill looked her in the eyes, hoping at the last minute she might come free of her possession. He saw nothing. A tentacle of black non-light came out of each finger, spearing into Bill's chest. He gasped felt a numbing coldness spreading through him, starting at his heart. He struggled against his bonds again, but they would not release. His strength faded quickly, leaving him to topple to the sand.

Bill lay on the sand, his breath coming in shallow gasps and his body to weak to obey him. Alesha made a gesture with both arms outstretched and the ring of fire leapt from the ground into the sky. It arced several feet above them and joined together into a great pillar of fire. The column of flame struck downwards, driving into Bill mercilessly.. She turned and walked away, Bill no longer a concern to her. Bill groaned at the inferno that burned with the unholy ferocity of Hell unleashed. Then he was gone, his consciousness and his life swept away on the winds that rose above the flames.

Yamara stopped, seeing the column of flames disappearing, leaving behind only a black spot on the beech. Yamara ground her teeth and frowned. It appeared that Bill had failed. Now it was her turn.

"Help me, Brina," Yamara whispered, reaching out with her mind to light the spark within the amulet against her chest. It flared brightly beneath her shirt, warming her with it's presence. Yamara walked forward boldly, unafraid of what lay before her.

"Keep him busy!" Kelnozz ordered, taking a last wing with Llarothimaril before he darted away from Ancaruin.

The undead dragon started after him before a small cloud generated above him and unleashed a deluge of hailstone onto and into him. The dragon roared and turned on Elvanshalee, who had incanted the magical hail. Then Darakor was there hacking into him and distracting him further. The bee stings of their assaults were not overly harmful, but they were irritating.

Kelnozz ran towards where Yamara faced Alesha, hoping he would make it in time. He did not know much of anything about Yamara but suspected very strongly that the woman stood no chance against her adversary.

Alesha reached out with her hand towards Yamara, a lance of flame erupting from her palm to strike out at the woman. Yamara held her short sword and dagger up in front of her, bracing herself with the muscles in her back and erected a shield with her mind. The fiery bolt crashed into her crossed weapons and dissipated harmlessly after the initial force of the impact. Yamara grunted and stepped forward, returning her weapons to an attack stance.

Alesha, showing no emotion whatsoever, twisted her arm around and made her hand into a clawing motion as it came up. The ground under Yamara burst upwards, showering her with sand hot from the days sun and sending her flying up into the air. Yamara twisted around with the agility of a cat, softening her landing both by flexing her knees and by lightening her weight with her powers. The ruby amulet began to glow so brightly and so warmly that it began to burn away the leather of her shirt, yet it did no harm to her skin.

Yamara rolled to the side to dodge another bolt of fire. It hit the ground behind her and exploded violently, melting the sand into a crater of glass. She sprang to her feet and rushed forward, strikinging out at Alesha now that she had finally closed to melee range.

Alesha's short sword sent Yamara's strike wide, easily parrying her blow. Yamara plunged in with her dagger, knowing that any lapse in her attack would bring more magic against her. Alesha caught the dagger on her bracer and blocked it high and away from her. Yamara grunted at the woman's strength. She scrambled to recover and launch another attack but before she could Alesha had kicked her foot almost straight up between them, connecting with her chin and lifting her off the ground from the force of the magically enhance blow.

Yamara had barely managed to protect herself in time, softening the force of the strike by changing her momentum and toughening her chin and throat. In spite of that it still hurt like the blazes and she wondered whether she would keep her teeth. She rolled away from Alesha and came back to her feet, crouched low and panting like a wounded animal. Unnoticed by her, Yamara's leather shirt had burned away to reveal her ruby hanging on its chain around her neck, nestled into the beginning of the valley of her breasts. It now glowed so brightly that it could barely be looked at directly.

"You're going to pay for that one," Yamara spat out, testing her teeth with her tongue. She started to spring forward when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Let me handle this," Kelnozz said to her, walking forward before she had a chance to respond. Yamara clenched her hands and spat out some blood from where she had bitten her lip.

Kelnozz walked forward, his swords in their sheaths and his hands open in front of her. "Alesha," he said calmly. "I'm not going to fight you anymore. If you are lost to us, to me, then you win. You and Bavorish can have the world, for it is not worth it to me to lose you again, I would rather be stricken down myself."

Kelnozz crossed his arms and laid his palms upon his chest with his elbows at his side. It was a gesture of peace. He dropped to his knees then and looked at her, his gaze never leaving hers, though her eyes still were rolled back in her head.

Alesha reached forward slowly with her hand, pointing towards Kelnozz with pent up energy. Then she hesitated. Something within Alesha remembered. Deep inside the tiny part of her that had not been twisted, corrupted, and coerced by her dark pact rebelled. She rose up out of her core, fighting the entire way against the dark queen she had become. She took control of herself just long enough to investigate the possibility of what had happened. The powerful empress that she represented was confused by Kelnozz's actions. They were unfathomable to her. Yet the human woman buried deep within knew a possibility existed.

Mystical bonds of energy wove themselves into a net and settled around Kelnozz, immobilizing him completely. He remained kneeling, staring up at her with a pained look on his face. Alesha approached him, reaching out when she stood next to him and placing her palm on his forehead.

What she saw shocked her so thoroughly that the Dark Queen was left reeling. The girl who had dreamed of finding a knight in shining armor deep inside Alesha remembered her dreams. She rejoiced at the confirmation of her deepest childhood fantasies. The girl had been a woman for the better part of a century now, yet only now did she realize it. And on top of that, she was a woman who was simultaneously very happy and very angry. She rose up within herself and vented her fury on the corruption that had poisoned her mind. She lashed out at it from within, burning at it and purging herself from it. She destroyed it all except for that tiny bit that kept her link with Bavorish. To destroy that would inform him of what had occurred.

Alesha glanced up at Yamara, who had moved to stand behind Kelnozz with her blades in her hands and a look of extreme irritation on her face. Her ruby pendant still cast a blood red light from it. The whites of Alesha's eyes were no longer showing. She smiled at her. Yamara stood uncertain, confused at the sudden events. She started forward then stopped when she saw Alesha kneel down beside Kelnozz.

Alesha knelt down beside the dark elf on the ground, her eyes filled with moisture. "Thank you," she whispered to him, meeting his surprised but happy gaze. Her arms went around him and she kissed him tenderly. She rose back to her feet and smiled again at him both fondly and thankfully.

"I have to go and finish something now."

Kelnozz nodded, though he was not quite sure what she was going to do. He turned to Yamara.

"I could have handled her," Yamara said, talking to herself as much as him.

Kelnozz chuckled. Yamara had done remarkably well against Alesha, but he knew that in a prolonged combat she would stand no chance against the raven haired beauty. "Perhaps, but the fight would have been long and I prefer her alive."

Alesha walked up beside Bavorish, sword in her hand. He looked at her and smiled darkly. Her eyes were rolled back in her head once again making him none the wiser or her regaining control of herself. The evil God turned back to face Garrick then.

Garrick, for his part, had regained his feet and was slowly walking toward them. He summoned his hammer back to his hand and swung it experimentally. His side was mostly healed, but he looked haggard. He glared at Alesha with murderous intent.

Alesha came to stand beside Bavorish and cast her eyes down penitently. He chuckled. "You see this, fool? My champion has returned! She will know power unlike any mortal will ever have wielded as a reward for bringing me you to slay. Ancaruin will ascend and our alliance shall once again leave us the supreme beings upon this world!"

"If you are so anxious to kill me, then come and try it!" Garrick spat out, his rage overriding his growing fatigue.

Bavorish nodded, "Very well. Watch what happens when a God dies, Dark Queen."

He walked forward confidently, not paying as much attention to Garrick as he might have had Alesha not been at his back. Garrick saw the distraction and hurled his hammer with all his might, following closely behind it by running. He let out a inhuman roar of rage as he leapt through the air, claiming height and distance impossible for a mere human to attain.

Garrick's hammer slammed into Bavorish's chest, driving the God of Death back several steps and indenting his armor deeply. Bavorish was stunned by the force of the blow. He looked up from his chest and took in a deep breath after a few seconds to replace the air driven out of his lungs forcefully. He looked up just in time to see Garrick landing on top of him, knocking both of them to the ground in an epic wrestling match.

Such was their strength and power that neither was able to hold the other for more then a few seconds. They scrambled for position, fists, elbows, and any other imaginable body part that could be used as a weapon striking out at every opportunity. Alesha watched impassively from the side the entire time as they rolled about on the sand.

The fight seemed ended when Garrick drove his fist into Bavorish's back with such strength that Alesha could hear and nearly feel the snapping noise Bavorish's backbone made. Bavorish's legs flailed about and he gasped in pain at the injury. Garrick stood up and grabbed Bavorish by the ankles, picking him up and preparing to fling him into the same wall he had slammed into earlier.

The fight was not out of Bavorish yet, however. Already his back had healed, though he feigned injury. He doubled over at the waist, raising himself up and slamming his open palms into Garrick's ears, bursting the man's ear drums and sending him stumbling back. Bavorish crashed heavily to the ground. He was on his feet in an instant, walking after where Garrick stumbled backwards away from him, both his hands cradling his bleeding ears.

"Come Alesha, and witness this historic moment firsthand," Bavorish bade her. His hand pointed towards where his bastard sword lay half buried in the sand and it flew to him. He turned back and sliced across Garrick's thighs, cutting through the muscles on them and dropping him to his knees. Garrick spat out an oath and tried to regain his feet, his slowly healing ears forgotten as he faced extinction. His legs would not obey him until they were healed, however.

Alesha stood behind Bavorish and saw her moment to strike was then. Unseen, she pulled back her sword drove it up and into his back with every bit of strength her body and her magic could muster. The magical nature of her blade was such that it cut easily through even the God's armor, flesh, and bone, not stopping until it found it's target, his black heart.

Bavorish gasped at the sudden intrusion of icy pain. He tried to turn around but Alesha held fast, refusing to let him move and refusing to unsheathe her sword. Her eyes glowed with infernal power as she worked the magic that Bavorish had given her. He struggled against her but with every passing moment his strength was siphoned away.

Garrick at last was able to regain his feet. He glared at Bavorish, staring into the God's eyes. Bavorish did not return the stare, instead his eyes were focused on something far more distant then any of them could see. His mouth worked as he tried to fashion words, yet none came out. Another timeless moment passed for them, alone on the beach in spite of the thunderous battle happening nearby. Then Bavorish's eyes rolled into his head much like Alesha's had done earlier. He looked suddenly wan and emaciated, then he was gone. In the blink of an eye he had disappeared.

Alesha gasped and stumbled back, barely maintaining her balance. She looked at her sword and felt the heat and power radiating from it. She gasped and let it fall to the ground, instantly glad to be rid of it. She felt, for the first time in her life that she could remember, clean. Wholesome and untainted, she was free of Bavorish's curse at last.

Kelnozz and Yamara came running over to them, anxious to learn of the fate of Bavorish.

"Where is he?" Yamara asked, looking about anxiously.

Garrick was covered in blood, as well as a weary look upon his face and in his posture. Yet for all of that he seemed whole and well. "In there," Garrick said, pointing at Alesha's sword on the ground. "He has been defeated, his position is open. A God has fallen this day."

"Alesha, brace yourself and hold that sword firmly in hand," Garrick commanded her. Alesha knelt down nervously and picked up the sword again. The hilt was warm and she could feel the power trapped within it writhing and seeking release. It was evil through and through, the power trapped within.

She held it in both hands, calling upon her own restored magic that was more powerful then ever to brace her. Garrick raised his hammer above his head then, taking careful aim. Seeing what was about to happen, Yamara lent her own will to the task of supporting Alesha's hold on the blade. Garrick's hammer fell then, striking the blade just above the hilt and causing it to break. A soundless explosion of thunder swept over all them, stunning them briefly and causing them all to flinch from it.

Ancaruin let out a keening roar that left them all reeling again, save for Garrick. Even Kelnozz stumbled back and away from the dragon. Elvanshalee was driven to her knees by the shriek as the power of it overrode her already battered mind. She was defenseless on the sandy beach in front of the great beast, she knew it but there was nothing she could do to defend herself. Darakor lay on the ground where a final swipe from the dragon had driven him to it.

Instead of leaping upon her or striking after the off balance elf, Ancaruin leapt to the air, his ethereal wings beating out of psychological. His flight was short lived, more of a hop really. He landed in front of the mighty castle gates and roared again.

"Hold!" Garrick bellowed, turning to face Ancaruin. The dragon stopped and swung it's cloudy face towards him.

"She has slain a God!" Ancaruin spat out, hissing in fury. "She has no part of the Pantheon of this world!"

Garrick looked to Alesha. Alesha nodded slowly. She could feel it deep within her, a separation of more then just herself from Bavorish. A separation of more then just her and her powers. She was sundered forever from the theology of Viconia.

"Any here are eligible, save for her," Garrick stated, striding towards Ancaruin. "Open those gates ere the choice is made and I will destroy you forever, wyrm!"

Luingirth landed behind Ancaruin then, his mighty wings whipping up a short last sandstorm that made them all shield their faces. He kept his steely blue eyes on Ancaruin, his form poised to strike though Ancaruin was greater then he.

"Kelnozz, Lord of the Elves," Garrick said, his voice sounding uncharacteristically official. "I grant you the first choice. Will you ascend to fill the role of the God of Darkness?"

Kelnozz chuckled. "Nay, old friend, I think not. Besides, I have a marriage to get going," he said the last while looking directly at Alesha. Alesha returned his gaze and felt a sadness within her at remembering their talk the night before.

Garrick nodded. "Elvanshalee, would you rise up?"

The light elf's eyes widened as she realized what she was being offered. She had regained enough strength to walk over and join them, but she still felt a heavy burden on her soul from her contact with Ancaruin.

"I left the light elven way of life behind long ago," she said after a moment. "I will not return to any part of it's darkness and hatred."

Garrick nodded approvingly towards her, then turned to Yamara. "You stand next. You do not come from this world nor have you been here long, yet by your willingness to risk your very life, you too may make a choice," Garrick said, turning to Yamara. "After all," he added with a smirk, "I did not come from Viconia either!"

They could all see the thrill of excitement that coursed through Yamara. Here was her chance to gain more power then ever she could dream. She could rise so far above her station that even her greatest childhood dreams would pale in comparison.

The moment was a long and breathless one as everyone awaited Yamara's answer. The length it took her to decide whether she would stand for the position or not seemed answer enough. Then, at last, she looked up from the sand before her and stared at the adamantium gates. The light within the ruby faded away then, returning once more to the simple, though nearly priceless, bauble it resembled.

"It's funny," she said, looking at each of them, even Ancaruin and Luingirth, "all my life I have struggled to find some sort of skill or power or talent great enough to be certain no one could take what is important away from me. I began life a thief and rose to the position of murderer and thug. Now, the more I achieve the goals I dreamed of, the more I realize that at any time in my life I could have had what I wanted. It was within me all along."

She drew a deep breath and turned to face Garrick squarely. "I grew up working for evil men that worshipped an evil God. I will have nothing to do with their likes ever again!"

Garrick accepted her answer with a nod. He looked at Luingirth and opened his mouth to ask the question. Luingirth merely snorted derisively at him, which Garrick took for his answer.

"Does he yet live?" Garrick asked, pointing to where Darakor lay. Kelnozz jerked his head around with a curse. Somehow in the face of all that had happened he had forgotten about his wayward son.

In a matter of moments Kelnozz was at his side. Alesha joined him a few moments later. Garrick and Yamara walked more slowly. Kelnozz stared down at him and then knelt beside the light elf. His lesser sword lay several feet away, but Cirithallion remained in his hand. His face was pale and he seemed deathly still.

"Not a very fitting end," Darakor whispered, opening his eyes and glancing up at the sky. His gaze fixed on Kelnozz, his expression unreadable. Trails of fresh blood ran from his nostrils and the corners of his mouth.

"I can save him," Alesha said softly, afraid to not offer to help and afraid to offer to help.

Kelnozz looked at Darakor, his face unreadable. "Your crimes can never be forgiven, Darakor, for that alone you have earned death."

Darakor closed his eyes and swallowed weakly. His breath rasped and gurgled in his throat. He nodded his head weakly and opened his eyes again. "Fair enough," he whispered, "I'd never be like you."

"I will remember you as my friend and my student, that is all I can give you," Kelnozz said, his voice tightly controlled.

Darakor smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't forget the rest, it might happen again."

Kelnozz nodded as Darakor closed his eyes. He thought him gone and was about to get up when Darakor whispered his final words, "Kalista Risingmoon yet lives."

Kelnozz's eyes widened. He bent over Darakor to try and force him to speak more but the light elf had died. Kelnozz turned away from him bitterly and rose up.

"No, Garrick, he does not," Kelnozz answered, tightly shoving away the anger, the frustration, and the feelings of loss within him.

"None stands against you, Ancaruin. No decision must be made. If you would ascend to the shackles of Godhood, open those doors and pass beyond them to the realm where none may ever harm you," Garrick said, though the clenching of the muscles in his arms and leg spoke of the irritation it caused him to proclaim it.

Ancaruin glared at them all a final time then reached out for the gates. As soon as a wisp of magical mist he called a body touched the gate the twin doors opened smoothly. Pure blinding light shown through the opening between the gates, forcing them to squint and look away. Kelnozz blinked away the tears as long enough to see the shimmering bodies of the Gods standing royally within the brilliantly lit courtyard. Amongst them all Nordan and Martin each raised a hand in greeting and regarded him with warm smiles. Kelnozz felt himself nearly overcome before the spots in his vision were so great that he had to turn away or risk permanent blindness. Garrick alone could stand it's brilliance, though he too was forced to squint. He knew all of those who stood in procession awaiting the next God of Death to assume his throne.

Thus it was that Garrick alone saw Ancaruin step through the portal. With every inch of his massive body that made it through the gates more of him rematerialized into a solid form. In a few minutes he resembled once again the ancient and all powerful dragon that had long ago terrorized the skies of Viconia. As the last of his tail cleared the portcullis the gates swung smoothly shut with a reverberating boom.

Continued in Epilogue

The Chaos Blade - Chapter 35by Phineas

Previous Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 34

Next Story:The Chaos Blade - Epilogue

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