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The Chaos Blade - Chapter 9

Genres: High Fantasy

Chapter 9

"Captain, there's something off the port bow!" The lookout cried as he stared into the water.

The captain, a large swarthy man named Markus looked up from the map he was studying and walked over to the indicated rail. He looked about and could not see much of anything.

"Where be it, Kirrock?" He asked as he shielded his eyes from the bright sun.

"In the water straight ahead of you. I think it's a body, Captain," He responded.

Markus looked out again. this time he could indeed make out something in the water. He called out and ordered the ships course changed so that they came near the bloated corpse.

"What is the matter, my dear?" a female voice said behind him as he ordered his crew to bring the body aboard. In moments he had been fished out of the watery grave and laid upon the deck.

"Eh? Oh, nothing Ariana, just some poor sailor lost at sea," Markus explained to his mistress / navigator.

"Poor sailor indeed, he has a sword sticking out of his side! I think not that he is a mere sailor, my love," Ariana said as she looked on the scene.

Markus grunted as he also surveyed the drowned figure. The corpse was incredibly white, more so than a drowned and bloated figure should have any right to be. After a few more minutes of observation, Markus leaned down and pulled the sword free from the side of the victim.

At first the sword did not wish to leave its wet sheath, but it pulled out smoothly. As it lay gripped in Markus's hand, he felt a slow surge of strength and power rush up his arm and into his heart. Yet so slight and gradual was it that he thought he simply imagined it.

Markus held the sword up in the air and looked it over carefully. Those immediately near him commented upon what a beautiful and well wrought blade it was. Markus the drew his own long sword free of his scabbard and dropped it carelessly on the deck.

"What about the body, Markus?" Ariana asked, not being quite as enthralled in the blade as everyone else seemed to be.

Markus looked down on the drowned body and shrugged. "Toss it back to the sea from whence it came, it matters not to me."

His crew members, more loyal now than before for some strange reason, pushed the corpse back to the depths of that sea. Off to the side, unnoticed by all, a black skinned dark elf and an unusually pale looking human watched the scene with growing interest.

The ship was unnaturally quiet in the next few days, yet things operated more efficiently then they ever had before. Soon Markus began to notice how the crew looked at him. Most of them looked at him as though they would gladly follow him to whatever death he had chosen for them. The remaining few looked not at him, but his new weapon. And they looked with lust and greed, not with worship and admiration.

"Percius! Come in here please," Markus said one day after tiring of being constantly worried somebody was going to stick a knife in his back for his sword.

"Yes captain?" The highly disciplined first mate replied after entering the captains cabin with him. Markus was slightly troubled with how he was going to bring this up to his formerly trustworthy second in command. He hit him with some normal questions about crew performance and proficiency at first, trying to find a way to bring up his real reason for calling him in here.

"Excuse me, captain, but is this the only reason for summoning me?" Percius asked, not seeing any point to the matter at hand.

Markus sighed and leaned back in his chair. "No, Percius, it isn't."

"Then what, Sir, might I ask is the reason?" Percius said, his eyes quickly shooting the sheathed sword at Markus's side.

"That is the matter at hand, Percius," Markus said, noticing the sudden eye movement.

"Sir?" Percius said, wondering if his secret desire had been discovered.

"My sword, Percius, I have seen the look in your eyes and that same look in the eyes of a couple other people on my ship."

Percius's breath caught in his throat briefly, loud enough to make Markus notice it.

"I would like to know why some people want it so badly. Surely, it is a beautiful blade, nearly perfect, to my eye. But why do you and a few others want it so badly?" Markus came right out and asked.

"It is more then just a beautiful sword, Sir. I can feel it telling me to take it from you. It has taken every bit of willpower I have to ignore its call so far. I fear that it is cursed, captain," Percius replied, somewhat relieved to get this out.

"But why does most of the crew seem to suddenly worship me?" Markus asked again.

"Captain, may I speak freely?" Percius asked.

"Of course, you are the most trusted person I have on this ship, Percius."

"Do not trust me captain, I can barely contain myself, being so close to the sword you wear. Like all swords, it is double edged. It gives you power over most ordinary people, but it also turns your closest and most trusted against you."

Markus leaned back again and sighed. He thought about it for a minute before asking his next question. "What then, do you suggest I do with it?"

"Give it to me, Sir, I can control it and there is no one on this ship who is my peer in battle, there will be no more problems with it if you do this," Percius said, a strange light coming into his eyes.

The idea of giving the sword over to someone most definitely did not appeal to Markus. In fact, he felt so strongly against it that he immediately drew it and pointed it at Percius. "So, even my trusted first mate turns against me! You will pay with your life for this mutiny!"

So saying, he leapt up and it was all Percius could do to jump out of the arc of the first swing and draw his own short sword. With the blade unsheathed, Percius lost all control of his actions and was given over fully to his greed.

Percius lunged forward, trying to get under the swing of Markus' blade. The sword took control of Markus' actions, however, and set itself for the charging human. Percius ended up transfixed upon the blade as he tried to push himself forward. He looked down in pain as the sword ruptured his chest and then his heart.

Markus tried to let go of the sword and then when he could not do so he tried to pull it out of the mortal wound. Neither action seemed to work, however. As before, the blade turned pink then red slowly, finally it slid out of Percius's chest and Percius fell to the floor, drained and quite dead.

At first Markus looked at the blade in his hands with growing satisfaction and power, then a small part of him realized how horrible the thing he held was. The door to his cabin burst open before anything further could take place within him.

"Who are you that would dare to interrupt me!" Markus roared in rage.

The dark elf looked at him and then at the corpse on the floor. Seemingly without any movement two long swords appeared in his hands. Markus had to blink to realize that he had indeed drawn them from their sheaths and not used some sort of wizardry.

"My name is Kelnozz Risingmoon, and you do not understand the evil that you hold in your hand," The elf said, not advancing any closer.

"And I suppose you want me to just give it to you so everything will be alright and safe?!" Markus said in disbelief.

"Sheath the sword so it has less of an effect upon you, and I will not come near you while I explain it to you," Kelnozz said calmly.

"Ha!" Markus scoffed very loudly. "You are a fool, elf! To think that I should trust you is ridiculous!"

"If not me, then what, will you slay your entire crew and steer the ship by yourself? Put the blade away, for you cannot harm me with it."

Markus glowered in rage at Kelnozz's boasting. "We shall see!" He cried as he charged towards Kelnozz.

Kelnozz put his two blades into motion. The grace and skill with which he wove the two long swords around was enough to take any onlooker's breath away, but Markus was to enraged to see that. Instead he tried attack after attack, but none could get through the elf's whirring blades. Finally, seeing that it would avail him not, Markus put his blade away.

"Good, now let us talk like the rational people that we are," Kelnozz said, easily sliding his own swords back into their scabbards.

Markus sat down as far from Kelnozz as he could, and Kelnozz began to tell him the tale of Glormindel, the evil sword that he wore at his side.

"From the beginning of its creation almost three hundred years ago, elven wizards sensed that a great evil was taking form in the world. We have watched it until its creation, then the power of this blade is such that we could no longer scry on it from afar. I was sent to secure this weapon and find out how to destroy it," He began, the went on to tell him of the dwarves who forged it and fell under its curse ere it fell into the sea nearly 3 centuries before.

"What is worse, I fear, is that I came across this blade back then with my student, a light elf who cried for mercy when I slew the war party he was with. Both of us saw it at work, though I was not certain if that was the artifact or not. Uncertain of its origins, we have searched long and hard and have confirmed that it does indeed house a portion of the spirit of the greatest of evils. If it were to fall into the wrong hands, the hands of those who also seek it, led by the light elven arch-mage Narellin, Viconia will fall into a dark age unknown since the time of the Kinslaying War."

"That is ridiculous!" Markus said, his ire rising again. "To think that it fell off a cliff three hundred years ago and the body that it was imbedded in was still floating?!"

"Cirithallion sensed that a ship was coming nearby and that it could be discovered and loosed upon the world again, so it rose and was found by you," Kelnozz said patiently.

"But a sword possessing intelligence? Again, not possible!"

Kelnozz sighed at the limited imagination of such lesser lived races and explained this to the human. "We are not sure, but we suspect that a long ago banished evil sensed the skill of the dwarven craftsman and fed him this vision. With the perfect vessel created, the evil then entered into it and began to loose its doom upon the forger."

"And what 'ancient evil' is this you speak of?" Markus burst out, interrupting the elf.

"Have you listened to nothing that I have told you? I am Kelnozz Risingmoon, I adventured with Nordan Hammerthane and Martin Twoblade! With the help of an army of men, dwarves, dark elves, and even dragons we slew Ancaruin, a red dragon of such age and immense power that... words fail me to describe him! He frequently journeyed to such places as you would know as Hell and other even darker places of existence. He made bargains with them to conquer all that existed and rule the world, but we somehow defeated him. Such was his power that he could not simply be slain, however, and his spirit fled and has been hiding for eons. Much of his power and intellect was lost, but we believe that which was left to have collected within that weapon you claim to own. There are reported to be other shards of his existence and power hidden throughout this world, since this is where his mortal form was slain. If the sword finds them and reunites, then the world could very well be over for you and I."

"You are right, it does sound like all the fairy tales I was told as a child!" Markus said, coming quickly to the conclusion that the elf was simply trying to talk him into giving him the sword.

"Ah but think, all fairy tales must have some basis in truth!" Kelnozz said, beginning to realize how futile it all was.

"That was over five hundred years ago! I knew elves were long lived, but not that long! How is it that you have survived the years?"

"Elves do not age as humans do. You call us immortal, save that we can be claimed by wound, sickness, or any other injury. But even at that many elves grow weary of life and move on to other realms. This then is my secret," Kelnozz explained, holding up a pulsing white amulet from under his fine chain shirt. "It is called the Pendant of Power, and so long as I wear it, I can go where I will and leave no sign in the passing. It helps me find the various portions of Ancaruin's essence that I seek. I took it from Ancaruin's general when I defeated her."

"By the Gods, I can not believe I am speaking to you! You have fought beside Gods! But, in truth, what proof do you have that you are who you say you are?" Markus asked as his amazement began to slightly subside.

"How would you have me prove myself?" Kelnozz asked, not surprised that Markus would have trouble believing him.

Markus paused, unsure of what to request and how to request it. "Well, I am not sure, it has been long since reports have gone abroad of your existence, after all."

"Yes, that is true," Kelnozz admitted. "Look at my swords, my armor, all of these things are not as you would know them. The materials and purity of them alone must tell you that they come of divine origins. You saw my blades in action, what does your eyes tell you of my skills?"

Markus thought it over briefly before responding, "Aye, I believe that you are who you claim to be, how could I not?"

Kelnozz smiled mischievously and then went on. "Good, now then on to the heart of the matter, the sword. Which we elves call Cirithallion, the Chaos Blade."

"Why that?" Markus asked, curiosity and his amazement completely overriding the swords constant urgings.

"It houses the spirit of Ancaruin, the mightiest red dragon to ever exist. Its sole purpose was to corrupt and spread chaos and evil. The sword may not possess as much power as Ancaruin did, but it still serves that purpose, to promote evil and chaos wherever it goes."

Markus nodded and was about to say something when they heard a noise from the lookout above.

"Starboard! Dragon! Oh Gods, a dragon!" Came the frantic voice of Kirrock.

Kelnozz immediately sprung up and was out the door of the cabin before Markus had even stood up. When Markus joined him and the near albino that always seemed to be with him on the deck, they looked to the right and saw a dragon indeed swooping in at them.

"Just one?" Kelnozz asked in a grim but humorous tone.

Markus looked at him incredulously. "Just ONE!? What, you would have us fight a dozen or a score of them?"

Kelnozz looked at him and smiled mischievously. "Why not? I have!" He turned to his companion and said, "Ready for your first dragon, Darakor?"

The man grinned, excitement showing in his eyes. He glanced briefly to the sword Markus wore, noting that Markus' hand was on its way down to it. "Looking forward to it!" He said.

Markus shook his head and reached down to free his sword. Kelnozz's hand stopped him before he began to unsheathe it, however.

"No! Do not pull it free unless you absolutely must do so!" Kelnozz said, the tone of his voice convincing Markus to do as he asked.

As the dragon neared them they could see that it was a black dragon and that a figure rode upon its back. Kelnozz quickly dropped his amulet back under his tunic and drew his long swords.

He then turned and leapt on top of the captain's cabin. Kelnozz raised both his swords in the air and let loose a battle cry, in an attempt to bring their attackers at him. It worked, for the dragon opened its mouth and let loose a stream of corrosive spittle that only narrowly missed the dodging form of the nimble elf. The fumes from it still brought tears to the dark elf's eyes.

Kelnozz blinked the tears free from his eyes and looked at his assailants again. He noticed that the dragon no longer had its rider on it. He heard some low chanting coming from behind him and whirled around in time to get his blasted off the captain's cabin by a lightning bolt from the rider who was now positioned on the stern deck.

Kelnozz picked himself up from the deck after several long jerking moments. He looked to the aft and saw that Darakor had already closed with his assailant. Darakor's six strokes took less than a heartbeat to fall, cutting the figure down almost effortlessly. Kelnozz turned back around to see what had become of the dragon then.

To late to act, he saw that the black dragon had grabbed hold of Markus and Markus was drawing Cirithallion. He swung it at the flying reptile, but the drake's other claw grabbed his arm and stopped its movement prematurely. With its superior strength, the black dragon actually ripped Markus' arm off at the shoulder and dropped him to the deck. It then turned around and flew back to the direction from whence it came, it's rider forgotten.

Kelnozz hurried over to Darakor and looked down at the slain wizard. He noticed that the wizard seemed emaciated. He pulled the robe back so he could look down at its face and saw that the wizard Darakor had slain was indeed no more than an undead wizard. Concern and worry took hold of Kelnozz then and he spun about quickly.

"A lich," Darakor said, spitting on the deck. Kelnozz nodded, then remembered the captain's plight.

Kelnozz sprinted over to where Markus lay crumpled on the deck, bleeding from his mortal wound while Darakor overcame his distaste for the undead being and started searching his body. Liches were known to possess many magical items, from trinkets to items of great power. Meanwhile, a crowd quickly grew around them, and Ariana knelt beside Kelnozz.

"Kelnozz," Markus whispered through is pain clenched teeth.

"Thank you, I am here," Kelnozz responded to the human.

"Get that sword and destroy it! Now that I am free of it, I realize how evil it is!" He said fiercely.

"I will do so," Kelnozz vowed to him.

"Ariana, please, know that I love you," He whispered, turning to her.

"I love you too," Ariana said, wiping away tears.

Markus lay still for a moment and Kelnozz thought that he had expired, but he drew in a deep breath and said loudly, "I hereby pass my ship and everything on it I own over to Kelnozz here. Serve him better then you served me, although I could not have asked for a better crew."

"Trust him, Ariana," He whispered to her in a moment with his dying breath.

Ariana looked up at Kelnozz and wiped away her tears. "Let us talk, please."

Kelnozz sighed and nodded towards his new cabin. They went in there and Ariana turned to him.

"I do not know who you are, but I do know that sword is evil. I possessed it briefly, but had it taken from me by a warrior named Mithac. I felt it within my side and that pain left me free from feeling all other pain and free from the effects of the sword," She said.

"How is this possible, it has been under the water for almost 3 centuries!" Kelnozz said, doubting her words.

"I used to be known as Zesstra, and shortly after I got away from Mithac and that weapon, I stumbled across a treasure trove of age halting magical items. Some wizard who is long since dead apparently feared the aging process. I have been hoping and praying to never come into contact with that weapon again, but apparently my fate has been otherwise indicated. I once swore to have it back, but with the passing of time and now that I have been near it again, I pray to the Gods to never see it again!" She explained quickly.

Kelnozz nodded, he could see her point. He had only encountered it twice in his life himself thus far, but he wished he had the luxury of never seeing it again. "Rest assured that I will do everything in my power to destroy it, you need not fear it any longer I think."

She nodded sadly. "I escaped it once, I suppose it was only a matter of time before it found a way to take something from me I valued more then my own life."

Kelnozz sighed emphatically and nodded. Wherever Cirithallion went grief and hardship was sure to follow. He laid his hand briefly on Zesstra's shoulder and then walked out the door.

Darakor was waiting outside for him. "Got yourself a ship I see," he commented dryly. Kelnozz scowled slightly at him and nodded for him to follow.

Zesstra followed him back out onto the deck and watched him address the crew. "Ok, as my first and final order as acting captain, I appoint Ariana as your new captain. Darakor and I are leaving here and will not be returning."

"Kel, they have seen the blade," Darakor whispered meaningfully. Kelnozz turned to regard him, uncertain of what he meant.

"You saw their eyes, they lusted for it as well. They will come after it, such a thing must not be allowed to happen!" Darakor paused for effect. "You told me as much yourself when you first explained these items to me."

"What would you have us do, my friend? The dragon will take it far from here, none will ever find it," Kelnozz said, turning his back on the crew to address him more privately. The ship's crew, knowing something important was being discussed but unable to hear it, grumbled and went back to their work.

"We must destroy this boat and these people," Darakor stated flatly. Kelnozz's eyes widened and the color drained from his face for a moment at the suggestion.

"You would create an evil to maybe stop another evil from taking place?" The dark elf asked.

Darakor nodded. "I would. They are but humans, their lives a blink in the span of our existence and nothing more, what matter are they to the greater things this world must deal with?"

Kelnozz shook his head. "I know Gods who were once human as well, my friend. Doubt not the strength of men, it served as a portion of the undoing that Ancaruin faced centuries ago when he first marched his armies on Viconia."

Darakor snorted but otherwise bit back his retort. Kelnozz's opinion meant much to him, but in this case they differed. Besides Ancaruin was defeated in the air by dragons and heroes unknown in their time, the one who had truly been defeated had been Darakor's father, Narellin. He held no love for his father, but he did hold respect. Had it not been for the meddling woman, Alesha, leaving the army in a state of disarray things would have surely been different.

"As you wish, Master," Darakor said at last. "I am here to learn, after all. If you say this lesser evil can not be committed to protect from a greater evil I shall think on it and understand it."

Kelnozz chuckled softly and lay his hand upon Darakor's shoulder. "Evil is evil, Darakor. There are no shades of it. We must ever be careful not to fool ourselves into justifying an act from which there is no return."

Darakor nodded and Kelnozz gave him a friendly smile, their debate finished and a lesson learned. Kelnozz cast a last glance over the ship let his eyes rest on Zesstra until she returned his gaze. He gave her a smile and pulled the glowing amulet out from under his chain shirt. In a flash of light caused by the magical pendant they vanished from the ship so thoroughly it was as though they had never been there.

Continued in Chapter 10

The Chaos Blade - Chapter 9by Phineas

Previous Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 8

Next Story:The Chaos Blade - Chapter 10

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