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The Portal

Genres: Science Fiction

Tags: FM, Extraterrestrial, Mind Control

It almost seemed like a B-grade science fiction movie, except that it was horribly real. Five minutes earlier there had been an explosion in the basement lab and now these things were everywhere. Amidst the frantic shouting, Corinna had overheard someone say that a passage had been opened up into another world. Whatever the truth was, the panic and terror she saw in those around her was very real.

Corinna glanced around the crowded room. It was hard to imagine that she was in any danger with so many people around her. Almost everyone on this level of the building had now taken refuge here. All doors had been barricaded with all the furniture they could gather. Most of the men stood guard, brandishing makeshift weapons such as pipes and heavy lengths of wood. There was much shouting and running about as they tried to organise some plan of defence. Around the walls were many people like herself, too scared to move, waiting for the onslaught.

They didn't have to wait long. The first loud crash hit the doors with a frightening force. They held, though only barely. The second crash splintered them into hundreds of fragments that flew across the room. Many of the men were thrown back by the force. Those left standing braced themselves for the attack.

They had no chance at all. Four of the creatures stormed in immediately, easily scattering the first line of defence with wild blows of their powerful arms. They then stood motionless, briefly surveying the remaining defences.

Corinna gaped in horror at the creatures, her mind and body frozen with fear. At first she had trouble making out many of their features. They stood and moved on two limbs, much like a human, and they had two upper limbs, somewhat like arms, but that was where the resemblance ended. The creatures' heads were vaguely insect like, but even that description did not suffice. Their bodies were partly covered in a shimmering green and purple substance that seemed almost to swirl and flow like oil on water. How much of it was clothing or armour, and how much of it was their own skin, she had no way of telling.

Suddenly they advanced again and the room immediately boiled with activity. Men were thrown across the room, furniture was smashed, some of it on the creatures, but with no obvious effect. Corinna remained motionless, waiting for a possible gap through which she might escape. Around a corner of the room, out of sight from her, the sounds of struggling had died down. Apparently no one was left to fight. Her blood turned to ice as she heard a woman begin to scream with fear, followed quickly by a terrifying silence.

Corinna returned her attention to the scene before her. Keeping completely still in the hope she would remain unnoticed, she waited for her chance to escape. Finally her chance came. There was only one creature between her and the door and it was advancing on three men over to her right. "This is it," she thought. "Just a little farther and I can make a break for it."

Just then, to her total dismay, the men rushed the creature, apparently hoping to take it by surprise. Their ploy failed miserably. The creature tossed them aside as easily as if they were matchsticks, leaving them motionless on the floor like all the others.

Suddenly she realised that she alone was left standing in this corner of the room. The creature quickly scanned the room, its sight finally locking onto her. It regarded her for many long torturous moments, then slowly it began to move towards her.

Fear paralysed her. Even had she been able to move there was no where to run. She knew that very soon she too would be scattered broken on the floor, and yet she couldn't think clearly about escape. Her mind was too filled with terror as the hideous creature advanced towards her. All she could do was back herself further into the corner. Her heart pounded in her chest as the thing came close enough to touch... and then it stopped.

With a mindless desperation fuelled by adrenalin, she decided to throw herself at the creature and do whatever damage she could before it smashed her to the ground. When the moment came, however, she could not move. She was paralysed but not from fear. It was as if the creature was controlling her in some way. Her mind was totally alert and she was still able to stand but her body would not react. She wanted to scream but even that ability had been taken from her. The cement wall was cold against her back; cold and unyielding.

The creature raised an arm but did not strike her. Instead, it reached toward her slowly, almost cautiously. The hand had six digits, rather like fingers, but they appeared totally flexible without joints. They ended in flat pads that could curl and close like small suction caps.

Corinna stared in disbelief as the creature reached for her throat, then moved down instead to the top button of her blouse. With amazing dexterity it grasped the button and pushed it through the hole. Slowly, it moved down to the next one. With agonising patience, it undid her buttons one by one, opening her blouse as a lover might.

She felt chilled to the bone as her mind grappled with reality, but neither unconsciousness nor madness would come to her. She had no choice but to stare in horror as it continued.

Once unbuttoned, her blouse was pulled over her unresisting shoulders and cast aside. The creature reached to the side of her skirt, unfastening it with ease. Drawing it over her hips, it let the garment fall to the floor, leaving her clad only in her underwear. This too was quickly removed with the same uncanny skill, leaving her standing totally naked with only an arm's length between them.

Smooth tendrils moved out from its body, reaching out to her. They encircled her waist, her arms, and her legs, pulling her forward into its hideous embrace. As soon as the tendrils had immobilised her, the creature released its control over her. Suddenly able to control her limbs again, she immediately began to struggle only to find herself securely held. She was completely helpless in its grip.

Corinna looked away, appalled, as it pressed her body against its own. Something that felt like a warm soapy chamois slid between her legs and pressed up against her, insinuating itself between the folds of her sex. She prayed that someone would kill her but there was no one left alive to do it.

She struggled violently as the appendage between her legs changed shape and began to work its way inside her. Her twisting and thrashing had little effect as the creature continued relentlessly, working in small rhythmic movements. Amidst her terror, a distant rational part of her mind became aware of a strange effect. Wherever the creature's lower appendage touched her, a strange warmth began to build. It was as though it were exuding a soothing balm. The sensation grew stronger, bathing her loins with a glowing heat as it moved deeper still to fill her completely.

A odd feeling began to stir within her, vaguely familiar yet out of place. Her head felt light, making it difficult to think clearly. Thinking she must be dying, she gave herself into it, accepting the weakness that spread through her body and the strange accompanying warmth. She waited for consciousness to fade but instead her perceptions grew more acute. A hauntingly familiar tension was building inside her but she was too dazed to understand its significance.

Minutes later, completely delirious and beyond rational thought, her body grew suddenly tense and flowered into orgasm. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before and it obliterated the last remnant of horror from her mind.

No longer aware of her actions she moaned and called out in her shock of pleasure, grinding herself against the creature that pulsed and throbbed deep inside her.

When the military finally arrived there was no sign of the aliens. Corinna was found naked and unconscious on the floor but otherwise unhurt, as were all the other women in the building. Not a single one of them could remember what had happened and no one else was left alive to tell.

The End

The Portalby Julian Renard

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