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Yamara - Book 1 - Chapter 12


Chapter 12

My first mission for the Special Elendarian Task force was by and large a failure. Out of personal pride, I would have simply neglected to mention it at all, but I suppose some consideration must be given.

Firstly my partner. A raving idiot with no limitations as to his lunacy. Perhaps I speak to kindly of him. To this day I do not know why I rescued him. Oh wait, yes I do. Had I not rescued him, he might have be tortured into revealing some secrets to the Gneissians. The real question is, after rescuing him, why did I not kill him? Too much time with Brina I suppose, she warmed my heart a little.

Regardless, it started out with a miserable two weeks spent riding in the wagon with the buffoon, an elf wizard named Summerbloom Happytree. I still develop a nervous tic when I even think of the name, let alone the person. Incessantly talkative and equally moronic in his ability to converse, I would have been doing Malatoria a favor by dispatching him. Let me not forget to mention his incredible lackadaisical nature and happy-go-lucky attitude towards life.

Mind you, I have known a few elves in my time, and while some of them did tend towards a more care-free existence, Summerbloom (cringe) was above and beyond the call of elfdom.

So it came that when we arrived at the gates from Elendar to Gneiss, I anticipated the worst. As expected, they were border keeps with guards searching every person and wagon that passed through, at both keeps. They were separated by perhaps a mile of what could only be described as a no mans land. Little grew save some short grass and the occasional sapling or scrub brush. Though not recently, it had seen battle more then once there.

I hid myself well though, seizing the perfect opportunity to slip away when the Gneissian guards questioned my companion and drew their interest with his pathetic attempts at trickery. With their attention on him, it seemed simple for me to slip away from our wagon and conceal myself amongst the wagon in front of us that had been cleared to pass through.

Now the plan as I told him was for me to slip away thusly and set up a further diversion so that he could get through as well. In reality my plan was to slip away from him and leave him to rot.

Inside the gate, I slipped away to get lost within the maze of passages that made up the border keep. Avoiding discovery, I managed to find a servants section and found some garments that would allow me to properly make the next stage of my plan the most effective. Disguised as a simple serving wench, I did my best to mingle throughout the keep, pretending to be a busy mindless servant while I listened carefully and noted what transpired around me.

I came to find out that the news spread quickly, an evil demon had been captured at the gate, and that after right and proper torture he would be purified two days hence by pain and then his soul would be set free to be redeemed by Symbos, the only God Gneissians believed in, if he was worthy.

This actually bothered me. Yes, Summerbloom (cringe) had tortured me nonstop for the two weeks I had been forced to endure his company, but the torture the Gneissians would perform, followed by the purification of his soul by pain were more then I felt most people deserved. Perhaps not everyone, but most. Thus my plans changed, and I knew that most likely our mission was for naught.

I managed to make my way then about the keep some more, learning more of it. In time I discovered that which I sought, the keep commanders quarters. As it was growing late by that time, he was in them. Continuing my act as a serving girl, I gained access to his quarters easily enough and, with the aid of my psionic ability to enhance the attraction of those I wish to me, managed to seduce him.

He was enthusiastic in his lovemaking, I'll give him that, but little else. Unnecessarily rough and domineering, it was nothing but a turn off to me. Nonetheless, I acted as weak and polite and as honored to be ravaged by him as possible, as he clearly expected me to be. His only spout of imagination that altered the dreary incident was when he decided to finish things with me on my knees before him after nearly an hour of mundane boredom. Kneeling in front of him as he prepared to show for once and for all his obvious superiority presented me with the opening I needed. My hand had already located a dagger I had concealed earlier with a touch of minor sleight of hand. As he reached his peak of distraction I stood up quickly and slipped my dagger into his back, finding easily the area between his ribs and just under his shoulder blade.

I angled the thrust so that it would pierce his lung as well as his heart, ensuring his death in a timely manner and preventing him from calling out. See, I told you I had done this sort of thing before. The crowning touch for me though was seeing his mouth open in a painfully surprised gasp. I smiled and spat into his face. I jerked the dagger out as he coughed on my gift to him, then stepped back away from him.

He tried to reach behind his back, but only succeeded in falling to his knees. I could hear a faint wet gurgling noise every time he tried to breath, which was becoming more and more rapid with every passing moment as he tried to catch the wind that I had stolen from him forever. Finally realizing he was doomed, he remembered his duty and tried to come after me and take me with him into death. I stepped out of his reach though, and before he had taken more then two steps from what had been his kneeling position, he fell again to the floor, succumbing finally to the blackness of unconsciousness. I waited a few more minutes to make sure he was done, and knew it was over when his body jerked three times then lay still. Blood no longer bubbled out of the thin gash on his back.

Contrary to popular belief, people do not die quickly. It is a gruesome thing and only the most dedicated and hardened person can watch a person die. More then merely watch it happen, it must be studied to be certain. Add to that someone willing to cause such a condition to come about in the first place and you have someone well trained and dangerous. I am a professional.

I took a few swallows of wine to further clear my palate, murder is thirsty work, especially when it involves a prolonged bit of invasive discomfort as this one had. That accomplished, I moved the commander into his bed and posed him as though he was asleep. Spare clothes of his I used to mop up the bloody mess that he had spilled both on the floor and on me, and hid them in one of his chests.

Then I went through his belongings as quickly as I could, rummaging for things that I thought might be of interest to James. My chief concern, however, was in finding the commanders keys. It was easy to find, a ring filled with iron keys lay upon his desk in plain sight. What documents I could find that seemed of interest I rolled up and placed in a scroll case carved out of the bone of some large creature. I also found some gold, and that slipped away into my purse. Sure, service to the King paid well, but that was no reason not to supplement my income.

From there I made my way to the dungeon. I had to move far more carefully down there, for servants were, I presumed, not readily allowed into such a secured area. I came to the guardroom before to long and saw two soldiers sitting at a table. One was sopping up some stew with a chunk of bread while another was leaning back and sharpening his dagger.

I knocked timidly on the door, adopting a similar personality to the one I had used on the keeps commander. The guards were surprised and suspicious to see me, but I explained at first a strong interest in seeing the 'demon' that had been captured. That was to be denied to me, of course, for they were good soldiers and wanted no trouble. However, a comely young lass with a loosely tied bodice alone with them? Suffice to say they were in no hurry to be rid of me. What they did not know was my ace in the hole, my psionic talent that allowed me to make myself all the more alluring in their minds.

So it was that before long I was pining away about my lost love, a soldier who was slain cruelly by Elendarians, and how I missed him so dearly and how long it had been since I had been with him. Being men, they took my meaning correctly and that merely set the stage further. It was a fairly short order before I had them eating of my hand, though at a similar cost to me as what I had paid to the commander.

These soldiers were a bit more creative, thankfully, and though they did not at first want to share me, I helped them overcome their inhibitions. Not only that, but I convinced them that I would be fulfilled best only if they shared me at the same time, instead of one after another. I do my best work at the spur of the moment.

One of them, an older guard by the name of Jasgar, was the first to be done with me. I was entertaining his younger companion, Therrin, with my mouth when Jasgar emptied himself into me from behind. He staggered back, a smile on his face, and sat down heavily at the table. His eyes were glazed with the release, but he watched with interest while I continued to pleasure Therrin.

Therrin was young and virile. With Jasgar finished he decided to follow in his comrades footsteps. He repositioned me then and took the same stance that Jasgar had occupied earlier, plowing into me from behind. I was more then a little surprised when he changed tactics though. He suddenly pulled himself free of me and relocated. Caught off guard as I was, I hissed in pain at the sudden intrusion. I was quite angry, to be honest, but I caught hold of myself and focused on my training, forcing myself to relax and to welcome the pressure.

Therrin was spent quickly, as most men are when it comes to engaging in that particular act. It makes me wonder how men who love other men can have long or satisfying sex if they finish within two or three minutes of starting.

Therrin slunk away then, thoroughly sated and equally exhausted. He collapsed on the bench next to Jasgar at the table and fought the inevitable drowsiness that was overcoming him. I smiled, knowing that my job was nearly ready to be performed. They mistook my smile to be appreciation at the favors they had granted me. I let them, their time was about to end.

Men have no sense of things. First of all, never invade a woman's more sensitive holes unless invited - or at the very least, warn her first. And second, could a man breathe if he had a six inch link of sausage caught in their throat? I think not, so do not expect a woman to either.

I crawled towards them, still properly craven and wanton and unsatisfied. I had removed my clothing earlier at the foot of where Jasgar now lounged at the guard table. He could not have positioned himself better. I kissed his naked legs and let my mouth slowly rise up them. My hand, unseen, pulled my dagger free from my loose pile of clothing.

At the moment when Jasgar expected me to engulf him and arouse him anew, I drove my dagger in to the hilt directly between his legs and impaling those male organs that he had been using to think with. His mouth fell open in a soundless gasp at the same time his body spasmed and then collapsed, falling directly on top of me.

I had shielded my actions with my body and Jasgar's legs, so Therrin thought Jasgar simply overcome with renewed vigor. But still concern roused him from his letharsis. To keep the stunned Jasgar from crying out, I yanked my dagger free and plunged it into his throat, now that he had crumpled on top of me and was within reach.

I whimpered and slunk away quickly, hiding my dagger beneath me and out of sight from Therrin. My eyes had the look of a young girl crazed in fear at the sight of the blood. Therrin was caught off guard, looking from me to Jasgar, who was bleeding profusely now from both wounds. Therrin crouched beside the older guard, who was grabbing at his throat. He looked up at me with fear and pain in his eyes and reached out towards me. I rose up quickly behind Therrin and acted just as the young guard figured out what happened.

A few minutes later I had my clothes back on and both guards lay dead on the floor, one with his throat slit from ear to ear, the other from two mortal wounds. I grabbed up the cell keys and made my way down the passage. All of the cells were empty save for one, and in that one was Summerbloom (cringe). He was quite pleased to see me, of course.

No time for any nonsense, especially considering the elf's demonstrated nature. I directed him out, stopping only long enough as we slipped unseen through the halls to pick up my shortsword that I had hidden after first arriving. Say what you will about elves - leave it to me to say most of it - but they can be quiet when they want to. Out of professional interest, I prefer to think I am more adept at stealth when need be, but my companion was no slouch himself. Skulking about carefully, moving only when we were certain it was safe to do so, we finally made it out of the building of the keep and had only the gates or the walls to choose from for our egress.

Fate was kind to us then, for a cry went up. Either the dead guards or the dead commander had been discovered, I never learned which. Nor, for that matter, did I care. For the distraction allowed us to take the wooden stairs up to the thirty foot high stone wall of the keep without anyone noticing us, for all eyes were drawn to the front of the building. Peering over the edge, I made the decision then and there that our mission was a failure. We were on the Elendarian side of the keep, and more then that, even should we attempt a further penetration of Gneiss Summerbloom's description would race ahead of us and make us thoroughly hunted.

With that decision made, I glanced down and saw that the wall was very nearly a straight drop to the ground, though a very slight incline favored us. I prepared myself for a painful landing and prepared to jump. It was then that the elf made himself useful for the first, last, and only time. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back ere I could jump. Smiling at me, he held up a feather that had somehow gotten caught in my stolen bodice from my bedding the commander. I had not noticed it, and I chided myself for my lack of attention. It was in our favor though, for the elf muttered a few words quietly in the arcane language of magic. I felt a tingle pass over me briefly, then it was gone.

Without another word, he hopped over the crenellations and was gone. I glanced down and saw him floating slowly to the ground. Grinning, I followed his lead (also the first, last, and only time). We settled onto the ground gently a few moments later, and like a fully drawn arrow released, we were off.

My stamina is not what I would like it to be, but I do not think I had ever run so fast in my life. We made the Elendarian keep in under five minutes. Glancing back I noticed that the elf mage's spell had allowed us to run so lightly that we left no tracks on the ground. A moment of use amidst two weeks of irritation and antagonism, I still wish I would have killed him.

The Elendarian guards gave us a bit of trouble, but once I showed the Special Elendarian Task force badge to the watch commander, they let us through. Just in time too, for riders from the Gneissian fort came within hailing distance shortly thereafter. A brief and unfriendly, if not politically correct, shouting match ensued. They riders rode off, and we were safe. My only remaining complaint was the following two weeks, in which I had to deal with that annoying elf on the ride back to the capital.

I paused, letting James absorb all of it. He had nodded thoughtfully at several times, and now he seemed lost in thought. "You really do let nothing stop you from accomplishing your goals, do you?" He finally said.

I smiled thinly, I knew what he was referring to. "When something needs to be done, there are several ways to do it. Being a woman in a world dominated by men, I take the one that works the best. I suspect you would do the same if the roles were reversed."

James smiled faintly, he knew I had him there. "Summerbloom won't work with you again, I can promise you. He's busy doing other things now, so don't worry about him."

I nodded, grateful for that at least.

"As for the mission, you made it a little further then some of the other groups did, but not as far as I would have liked," James admitted.

"You sent more then one of us out on this?" I asked, remembering my betrayal at the hands of the Ornithrym long ago poignantly.

James saw the tightening around my eyes and held up his hands. "Don't worry, none of you were to be considered sacrificial. I was simply hedging my bets and hoping that at least one of you would make it."

I nodded, realizing I would have done the same thing. I let my building anger go then. "Did any of them make it?"

James shrugged, smiling ambiguously. "Maybe. I haven't heard from a couple yet, I'm hoping for the best."

"Get out of here and go relax. I've got something else in mind for you, but I don't have all the details I need yet," James said, motioning towards the door. "Oh, and by the way, good job."

I caught the pouch of gold he tossed at me as I rose. It was a decent amount, enough to keep me fed and clothed and rested well for at least a month. I turned and left, heading towards where he had told me Brina's quarters had be reassigned to.

Sure enough, she had missed me. She flew into my arms with an excited yelp of joy when she answered my knock at her door. I hated to admit it, but I had missed her too. Not so much when I was busy, but during the four weeks of travel time with the elf, I'd have given anything to be in Brina's arms instead. Weakness on my part, I realized, but I had developed a definite soft spot for the girl.

She pulled me in and I sat down with her, listening to her tell me all about life at the castle. She had been training as a servant to the royal family, but James kept assuring her that she was far, far more then that. He took a personal role in her training, teaching her extra things whenever possible that had little to do with being a servant and everything to do with being observant and intelligent. I approved. Soon though it began to get tiring. After all, I had lived in cities like the one we were in for most of my life, and I knew very well the etiquette and procedures of court, I had been trained to know them. Thus I found myself growing distracted.

Brina noticed finally, and asked me about it. I waved it off, saying I was merely tired from my journey. Inside I felt a small hollowness in my stomach, her infatuation with her position and even more so with her instructor, James, had me concerned. I shrugged it off mentally and assured myself it was nothing though.

Brina asked me then about my own adventures, which I had to shrug off as well as I could. "You know I'm not supposed to talk about them, especially if James has been training you in anything regarding intelligence."

Brina blushed. "Yeah, you're right. Still, I'm curious. I won't ask again, sorry."

She took it better then I expected. But my real surprise was at her next statement. "James had rooms set up next door to mine, if you're tired you can go rest there and we can catch up some more tomorrow. It is getting late, after all."

I nodded mutely, the hollow spot growing again. I smiled at her though, for there was no way I was going to betray my feelings in such a silly matter. She walked me to my room and there was an uncomfortable moment at my door before she leaned in and gave me a chaste peck on the lips. I smiled at her in spite of her odd behavior and let myself get acquainted to the room. For the time being, I put my thoughts of Brina out of my mind and focused instead on relaxing by doing some exercises I had learned from her earlier that focused the senses and helped in the mental discipline necessary to perform the fighting style she had begun to teach me before I left.

That finished, I still was not willing to focus on Brina's behavior. I knew that she had been spending a lot of time with James, and he was an attractive enough fellow, in a roguish sort of way. But... bah, I would deal with it later. For now I had more important things to do.

Using my nearly forgotten talents I had learned on Acathia in the Gneissian keep had sharpened in me my desire to learn more about them. I calmed myself and sat naked in the middle of my bed, legs drawn up and crossed over one another in a meditative pose. I let myself slip into a meditative trance and focused on exploring them as thoroughly as possible, as well as trying to recall more of what I had learned from the destructive mind meld.

It was several hours before I came out of my trance and realized that night had settled in. My candles had burned down and I was alone in the dark room. I did what came naturally then. I went to sleep.

Continued in Chapter 13

Yamara - Book 1 - Chapter 12by Phineas

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