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Yamara - Book 2 - Epilogue




Evart was sitting there, looking at me. He might have called my name out several times, I was not sure. All I know is that finally I was aware of him again. I stood up and walked towards him. He rose to meet me. Wordlessly he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. He held me for another indeterminate amount of time and I let him. I was exhausted in every possible way. I needed any support I could get, and he was there to give it to me.

"Thank you, Evart," I whispered to him at one point. "Thank you for being my friend. One of the two only true friends I have ever known."

He just gave me a little squeeze in acknowledgement. It was enough at the time.

But, as all good things must end, so must all bad things. And that was a bittersweet mix of the two extreme. I broke away from him before speaking. "I have to go, Evart. Whatever God's-forsaken world Dagrazt is going to send me too, I have to leave. For your protection as much as my own."

I wandered around the room and picked up my discarded short sword and thrown dagger, resheathing all of them then looking at Evart, who was watching me carefully.

Evart smiled sadly. "I look forward to the time when the Gods shall favor us with a meeting again."

I returned his smile. "I share that hope, Evart. I large part of me died here today, a part that I think I am glad to bury. I am a new person, born again and soon to be in a different place. A place that, if it was to happen, you could and you would be able to have me, I think."

Evart chuckled. "I shall look for that place then! And until then, go with my blessings and know that no matter how trying times are, You have a friend to the death and beyond in me."

Another one of those damned tears got away from me. I grabbed him and pulled him to me, hugging him again in a death grip that lasted roughly a thousand years to short. Then, before either of us could say or do anything else, I turned and walked up the stairs of the dais. I glanced back at him and studied him for a second, noting he was doing the same for me. My next step into the nimbus of light made everything around me fade away.

Evart grabbed up James' longsword and put it into his empty scabbard. It fit loosely, but it fit and that was enough. He had to get out of the castle as quick as he could. Being a Havrin he had a far better chance of escape alone then he had if Yamara had been permitted to come with him though.

Yamara. Now there was a story. A women the likes of which he had never met. Stronger then anyone he had ever met, in spite of what she considered to be constant moments of weakness near the end. He thought she might have been learning better though. He shook his head and made himself move on. If he played his cards right there would be plenty of time later for him to remember her fondly over a mug of ale.

But for now, he had to get back to Elendar and report on all that had happened. More importantly he had a little business to take care of first. Paul, formerly James' squire, was still at large. It just would not do to have him able to follow up in James' footsteps, now would it?

The End

Yamara - Book 2 - Epilogueby Phineas

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