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Tag: FM

Stories 21 to 30 of 310

Skalding Hot

Journey back with me to the land of Vikings...

Genres: Science Fiction, Historical Fantasy

Tags: FM, Female Domination

The Priestess and The Paladin

A cleric and a paladin of the same faith in a war-torn era find companionship.

Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction

Tags: FM, F-solo, Exhibition, Religion, World of Warcraft

Lord Vergne’s Gift

Petra and Delia deliver the Baron’s Solstice gift to a neigboring Lord, but find there is more to their mission.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, Magic, Mind Control

Knight Elayne - The Old Chapel

Knight Elayne vowed to fight the dark minions that defeated her brothers. Her first mission is to investigate a desolate village.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: F-solo, FM, FMM, Demon, Magic, Non-Consensual, Mind Control


A nobleman and a servant with a unique disposition are brought together by violence, loss, and intrigue. War threatens on the horizon as sinister forces gather in the shadows.

Chapters or Parts: 29

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: F-solo, FM, FMM, FMM+, Catfolk, Exhibition, Magic


A tale of lust, magic and treachery as we learn the real truth about what happened on the night Arthur Pendragon, the famous King Arthur of legend, was conceived!

Chapters or Parts: 3

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, Magic

Tarissa and Zoluk

Meet drug runner Tarissa and the Earth's alien invaders!

Chapters or Parts: 1

Genres: Science Fiction

Tags: FM, Extraterrestrial, Exhibition, Non-Consensual, Bondage

The Divine Gift

Confessor satisfies female parishioner.

Genres: Historical Fantasy

Tags: FM, Religion, Breeding

From Gods and Monsters

A young man's anger and pain over his girlfriend's betrayal festers and grows until in leads to a startling and exciting encounter.

Genres: Science Fiction, Paranormal

Tags: FM, FF, Demon, Voyeur, Exhibition, Magic, Mind Control

The Troop

A troop's cavorting creates endless voyeuristic pleasure for one soldier, who has more than one secret.

Genres: Low Fantasy

Tags: FM, F-solo, FF, Voyeur, Story Contest Winner is using cookies to provide a quality browsing experience.

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