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Tag: Magic

Stories 161 to 170 of 182

Dalia's Gamble

The sorceress Dalia takes a gamble to gain more power by visiting Xomach's cave.

Chapters or Parts: 2

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: F-solo, FM, Elf, Demon, Magic, Tentacles, Story Contest Entry

Succubus Quest

The sinfully beautiful succubus Kylana attempts to carry out her duties alongside her annoyingly cheerful slave Lilielle.

Chapters or Parts: 2

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: F-solo, FF, FF+, FM, Succubus, Story Contest Entry, Exhibition, Magic, Voyeur

Coming To Again

Inspired by one of the Ultima IX plot points: the 'bringing Shamino out of the Astral Plane' that Origin leaked during U9's long development period.

Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction

Tags: FM, Ultima, Magic

The Lady Paladin

A powerful theocracy seeks to commit genocide. A young paladin wishes to stop them.

Chapters or Parts: 5

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, M-solo, Beast, Ogre, Religion, Non-Consensual, Magic


Alystin, a dark elf assassin, finds herself in trouble with a local Thieves Guild when she comes to town to kill a prominent merchant.

Chapters or Parts: 8

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: F-solo, FMM+, FF+, FF, FM, FMM, Beast, Demon, Drow, Elf, Goblin, Bondage, Magic, Exhibition, Non-Consensual, Tentacles, Voyeur

Karyn and Creature's Hunger

Karyn comes to investigate a ravenous creature terrorizing a small town.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, FF, Beast, Non-Consensual, Mind Control, Magic, Exhibition

Pleasures of the Flesh

Two Vampire Slayers are ambushed by a Tzimisce vampire from another dimension. (June 2015 Story Contest Entry)

Chapters or Parts: 6

Genres: Paranormal, Fan Fiction

Tags: FF, FF+, Vampire, Story Contest Entry, Buffy Vampire Slayer, Bondage, Exhibition, Magic, Non-Consensual

Knight Elayne - Betrayal in the Priory

Elayne is summoned to meet her home region's priest, who deals with affairs of the Church. Something in the Priory seems different this time.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, FMM, Demon, Magic, Non-Consensual, Religion, Mind Control

Head Games

When playing fair doesn't get you what you want, an illusionist always has other means at her disposal. (May 2015 Story Contest Entry)

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, Story Contest Entry, Magic

Paranormal Research and Containment Society: Sisterhood

Spellcasting sisters Branwen and Regan find themselves enjoying each others' company after a series of awkward events.

Chapters or Parts: 3

Genres: Paranormal

Tags: F-solo, FF, Incest, Magic is using cookies to provide a quality browsing experience.

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