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Tag: Magic

Stories 81 to 90 of 182

Trials of Orinn

Chapters or Parts: 3

Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction

Tags: FF, FM, Elf, Demon, Vampire, Skyrim, Bondage, Magic, Mind Control, Voyeur

Vhamnya's Tale: Rise of a Dark Queen

A young girl grows up in seclusion, unaware of her heritage.

Chapters or Parts: 9

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FF, FM, Demon, Magic, Religion

Cindi in the Nine Hells

Follow the adventures of Cindi, a witch who's trapped in Hell, with arch-demons, succubi, demon princes and even Satan himself lusting after her.

Chapters or Parts: 5

Genres: Science Fiction

Tags: FMM+, FM, F-solo, FF, FFM, Demon, Succubus, Undead, Exhibition, Magic, Bondage, Non-Consensual

Tom in the Here After

Tom died, and it was possibly the best thing that ever happened to him, as he meets Misty, who makes sure he does not rest in peace. (January 2015 Story Contest Winner)

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: MFF+, FM, Fae, Angel, Magic

Tales of Erogenia: Book 2

Zenaria's journey continues... Based on the online comic created by J.E. Draft.

Chapters or Parts: 13

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, Catfolk, Beast, Bondage, Non-Consensual, Magic

Dove's Gift

A young native girl must sacrifice herself to appease the demon spirit of her people.

Genres: Paranormal, Fairy Tale

Tags: FM, Demon, Bondage, Exhibition, Magic

The Defeat of the Silver Witch

The Silver Witch is betrayed by a companion and captured by orcs.

Chapters or Parts: 2

Genres: High Fantasy, Steampunk

Tags: FM, Half-Orc, Bondage, Exhibition, Non-Consensual, Magic

The Castle and the Spear

A tracker from a simple tribe seeks vengeance.

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FF, FM, Non-Consensual, Magic

Breaking Diamonds: Chapter 1

A woman sneaks into a masquerade to find a merchant and complete a job...

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FM, Half-Elf, Magic


Set in D&D Neverwinter Nights, is this tribute to A Dance With Rogues.

Chapters or Parts: 17

Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction

Tags: F-solo, FF, FM, FMM, FMM+, Drow, Dwarf, Orc, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic, Non-Consensual is using cookies to provide a quality browsing experience.

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