A dimensional traveller visiting a primitive world falls into the clutches of a cult with a decidedly misogynistic view of women's roles in life.
Chapters or Parts: 2
Genres: Science Fiction
A dimensional traveller visiting a primitive world falls into the clutches of a cult with a decidedly misogynistic view of women's roles in life.
Chapters or Parts: 2
Genres: Science Fiction
A pair of archeologists discovers that a Mayan myth isn't mythical after all.
Genres: Historical Fantasy
A cleric and a paladin of the same faith in a war-torn era find companionship.
Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction
Confessor satisfies female parishioner.
Genres: Historical Fantasy
A rogue orc takes a human girl for his pleasure.
Chapters or Parts: 21
Genres: High Fantasy
Jennifer buys a mysterious house, that people tell her is haunted. They turn out to be correct.
Chapters or Parts: 13
Genres: Paranormal
The travels and travails of a woman as she recounts her life from nobleman's daughter, to slave, to heroine, and all the varied adventures between.
Chapters or Parts: 4
Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction
According the ancient Pax Celesti between the Beings of Order and the Beings of Chaos, a contest must be waged between the chosen warriors of each faction.
Chapters or Parts: 8
Genres: Science Fiction
When Jodie is captured by two guys intending to sacrifice her, things go wrong right from the very beginning.
Chapters or Parts: 3
Genres: Horror, Paranormal
The heroine is waylaid by a pair of salacious Dwarfs who give her a sharp lesson in what it means to be taken prisoner.
Chapters or Parts: 8
Genres: High Fantasy, Fan Fiction