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Author: OP3999

My name is Op3999, it doesn't stand for Over Powered (3999), I think it stands for Operations (3999), but that's besides the point.

My main prerogative is to co-write the series of short stories, Barbarian Legends with my friend, Ladydefiant (  I like to think I'm something of a workhorse for that series, writing a fair chunk of stuff, but it's at her expert tutelage.  I write when she's too busy and wait for her to come back and let me know what she thinks and I can tell you that without her, those stories wouldn't be half as good (let alone the fact that Valda was created by her, anyways).

I have to say, though, even staying up into the wee hours of the morning finishing a chapter and getting it ready for her edits, rewrites, cuts and so on, I love doing it.  Valda's a great character (if a little bit OP in the sack) and Ladydefiant has been a pleasure to work with (most of the time ;D) and I can't see stopping any time soon.  I hope anybody reading this has read those stories and I hope they liked them because we worked hard and enjoyed writing them.

More to come on that front as Valda develops and conquers the world with her sexy, amazon curves!

Stories 1 to 1 of 1

Barbarian Legends

Episodic adventures of a sexy barbarian woman in a fantasy world full of sex, peril, and more, hotter sex.

Chapters or Parts: 8

Genres: High Fantasy

Tags: FF, FM, FFM, F-solo, FFMM, Orc, Merfolk, Lizardfolk, Dragonfolk, Drow, Undead, Tiefling, Wolfkin, Magic, Female Domination, Tentacles, Non-Consensual, Voyeur, Orgy, Exhibition is using cookies to provide a quality browsing experience.

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